henshinforpie · 1 month
I can't believe some German theme park engineers asked "What if Nikola Tesla made a roller coaster?" And the result was Voltron!
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henshinforpie · 1 month
Hey Big Finish! Give me a story where Bernice Summerfield, River Song, and Iris Wildthyme get stuck in a prison cell together. I just want to see what kind of unhinged chaos ensues!
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henshinforpie · 2 months
Trying to teach myself 3D modeling in Unreal Engine is like trying to climb a butter covered mountain in flip flops. Three faceplants for every one step in progress.
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henshinforpie · 2 months
Why can't Grace Halloway from the Doctor Who TV movie come back to the show or a Big Finish audio? I heard it was because of "rights issues," but Disney owns Fox and distrubutes DW now. Are there other legal issues I'm missing?
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henshinforpie · 2 months
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henshinforpie · 2 months
Just wondering what Highway Space is anyway. Is it some kind of transdimensional portal network? Is that what Boondorio used to come to Earth? Also, do the Hashiliens have a Gyaghsoline storage tank connected to it somewhere?
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henshinforpie · 3 months
I've been wondering, do we get any information on Jeremie's facial markings/tattoos and what they represent? I'm not sure if they are related to either the Idamonok (sp) tribe, Jeremie's father, or if Jeremie just put them on for the aesthetic and to make him look cooler.
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henshinforpie · 4 months
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"I carried you here on my back. I'll go get you some medicine now."
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henshinforpie · 4 months
I'm lowkey embarrassed that I thought the "Stanley Cup" involved in the lead scandal was shaped like the US Hockey championship trophy but with a handle.
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henshinforpie · 5 months
Having completed Inazuma Archon Quest and the Chasm exploration with Dainsleif, I'm wondering if the "Unknown God" is the one who nuked Khanreia and killed its inhabitants. If the Unknown God is also the heavenly principles, why go so far as the doom an entire nation to a fate worse than death? What if the Seven tried to stop her and that triggered the Archon War? Was she the old Archon of Khanreia who was forgotten/not needed and then threw a tantrum? So many questions...
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henshinforpie · 5 months
Garo is back baby! Featuring Ryuga, Zaruba, and this season's new Makai Knight with amassive chip on his shoulder because he didn't get an SR armor and is stuck with the basic one.
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henshinforpie · 5 months
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it’s really important that everyone read mallory ortberg’s sir gawain and the green knight parody
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henshinforpie · 5 months
More Joy Day 2024 is next week!
And I finally put together a real post about it. Progress!
What is More Joy Day? An explanation cribbed from my original post:
Years ago, I was reading the American Idol recaps over on Televisionwithoutpity.com and I came to this paragraph, written by the recapper Jacob:
Some dick cuts you off on the highway, and you give yourself the pass to be a dick to the next five customers, and your bad mood fades by lunchtime, and you forget the dick on the highway, you forget the color of his car, you forget how he was on the phone with his ex-wife, yelling about custody of their kids, and how he never meant to cut you off in the first place, he was just distracted. Your day continues as planned, and at lunch you check your websites and read a funny recap, and you maybe laugh out loud, and you go home and watch TV. But those five guys give themselves the pass to be dicks to the next five -- they're having a bad day, so it's okay just this once, and they're happy again by lunch -- and those twenty-five become six hundred twenty-five, and those six twenty-five become a million, and you've added to the sum total of anger in the world. But it works with love, too, and kindness. ... Your donation is something tangible, but what it means is something altogether more powerful, and it's that you continue to stand, and you continue to remember that you're not alone, and with reverence for this fact, you can't help but add to joy. Which is your entire job, from the day you're born until the day you die: more joy.
These times are desperately in need of joy, and it is incumbent on us to do our small part if we can, to send the ripples out into the world.
So every year since 2008, in the interest of spreading more joy, I’ve proposed that on a designated day in early January we each engage in one act, either online or physical space (or both!), which brings joy to another person, in the hopes that that person will spread that joy further, and exponentially onward.
This year's More Joy Day will be on Friday, January 12!
EVERYONE is welcome and encouraged to participate in even the smallest way! Some ideas of things we can do, fannish and otherwise:
Write a fic, make a podcast, make a vid, or make a fanart for someone.
Buy someone paid discord or tumblr or Dreamwidth time.
Leave someone a nice comment on their work.
Say something nice about someone.
Say something nice about something fannish you love and encourage squee.
Donate five dollars to the charity of someone's choice.
Send flowers to an online friend in a different city.
Buy someone you know a present.
Plant a tree or a flower in someone's honor and take a picture of it and post it.
When somebody cuts you off on the road, wish them well and hope they get where they’re going safely.
Make somebody a friendship bracelet. Or a construction paper heart.
Call someone you love and tell them so.
Buy someone lunch.
Give a stranger a compliment.
Put up a Zoom background celebrating the person you're talking to.
Or anything else you can think of! The sky's the limit.
Then on Friday, make a tumblr or DW post or tweet or skeet or snapchat or WHATEVER, saying what you've done (and/or a note that it's More Joy day), and that will hopefully help spread things further.
I look forward to sharing the joy with all of you!
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henshinforpie · 5 months
Online """Doctors""": Take my essential oil/pill to detoxify your body!
My Liver: What am I, chopped myself?!
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henshinforpie · 6 months
Everyone else is enjoying late game Lies of P content. Meanwhile I'm getting my ass handed to me by the Puppet Master over and over agin.
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henshinforpie · 6 months
Christmas in Tokusatsu: Either wacky shenanigans ensue, or all your favorite characters suffer horribly!
Christmas in Anime: A fun party/date night or the Literal Apocalypse. Sometimes both!
Christmas in Doctor Who: Either a wacky romp, a sad but uplifting story, or a universe threatening catastrophe that kills off the Doctor. Again.
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henshinforpie · 7 months
So do people "sifted out" by the Storm vanish from existence, or do they just go crazy and start thinking money is food?
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