herbergrustiek · 4 years
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Nieuw logo, nieuw type, nieuw times
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All info is up to date, we’ll be announcing a nieuw event when that will be possible.
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herbergrustiek · 5 years
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BRUEGELING is a group show of pieces in different media: painting, drawing, sculpture & performance, referencing the work of the Flemish primitive artist Pieter Bruegel. Show : Thursday, 19 December 2019, 18 - 22 hours. - - - - - Verb: present participle of BRUEGEL Noun: BRUEGELING ‎(usually uncountable, plural BRUEGELS) An action in which something is BRUEGELED: "I'm going to do some BRUEGELING this afternoon." The way in which something is BRUEGELED. - - - - - We want to uncomplicate our lives, we want to unmodernise our lives, we want something more simple, more rustic: we want to Bruegel. Forerunners to surrealism, the works of BRUEGEL creep up on us, they depict supposedly simpler times, allegories, or pure fantasies. They haunt our collective consciousness as residents of the very place where he lived & worked. This is our homage to the artist... Welcome to BRUEGELING.
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herbergrustiek · 5 years
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After 10 years of hosting friends, organising events, creating zines, letterpress printing & releasing objects under the name of Hôtel Rustique, we have decided to mark the occasion by digging our roots deeper into the soil of the land that we call our home.
The idea of "HERBERG" is closer to the idea of a "harbour" where ideas, art & celebration are given space to evolve, it reflects what we do: expositions both by us & guests invited to expose here, parties, creation of artisanal letterpress & ceramic pieces, a casual place to stay for friends & soon to be friends : a word that is clearly more RUSTIEK than a hôtel.
The logo has not changed, so you can be assured that the tradition continues, renewed and reinforced by ourselves and you, our community that kindly supports our creations & participates in our events (for instance the BREUGELING exposition the 19th of December 2019!).
The future is RUSTIEK !
Bij ons is uw herberg.
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herbergrustiek · 5 years
Jeux à boire
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Sometimes I make cups with the idea of friendship & sharing inherent in the design.  They are difficult to describe so I would like to invite you over to drink in these creations, make some films to document how they are used, maybe eat something, maybe hear some music. It is not one of our normal expos, but a demonstration. Please bring a bottle of something from 14-50° to share. Curry by Miku & Sachiyo 3€ Music by Naoto Kawate (solo guitar) Cups for sale. Drinking games.
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herbergrustiek · 5 years
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(EN) The wet and the early night come again to Brussels, we dive into the deep darkness & see before us a faint light which becomes flickering images, projected on a wall, in a room where a group of people gathered to watch or interact. Nina de Vroome & Rébecca Fruitman share with us visions of their worlds, captured moments and hints of warmth in the winter.  Hôtel Rustique is very happy, after a break of two seasons, to introduce you to   H I V E R . There will be special grog prepared & light snacks
(FR) La pluie et la nuit arrivent plus souvent durant cette partie de l'année. Une lumière étrange est aperçue quand on entre dans la pièce et les formes des gens posés comme les ombres au crépuscule du temps. Nous voilà parmi eux, mesmérisés par les histoires et les images. Nina de Vroome et Rébecca Fruitman nous emmènent sur le chemin de l'HIVER. Hôtel Rustique est très content de pouvoir ouvrir ces portes pour vous après une pause de deux saisons. Grog maison & apèro
22 décembre 2018 19h-22h
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herbergrustiek · 6 years
Printemps : Tori KUDO
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Enigma, a word used to discribe a number of things, comes into mind for Spring at Hôtel Rustique. Originating from the hills outside of Matsuyama, Japan, Tori is primarily known for his work as a musician and and as a potter. For this event Tori is given a "carte blanche" to imagine an evening, which may be performance, which may be musical. Imagine 10 musicians with no music, imagine a beat box orchestra, imagine what you will, but be prepared for anything. We exceptionally ask for donations (5€ suggested) for this evening. Lambic & wine available. De temps en temps on a la chance à accueillir les artistes qui viennent de loin,  cette fois ci c'est Tori Kudo, musicien, potier, poète, un homme sans frontières. le phrase clé pour cette soirée est "carte blanche". Peut être vous aller assister à une répétition globale pour une tournée, peut-être un séance de film, peut être un monologue sur le système d'accordage utilisé par les anciens grecs. En tout cas, soyez confiante ! Une soirée inoubliable vous attend. Exceptionnellement, on fait une entre prix libre (5€ suggéré)   Lambic et vin disponible sur place.
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herbergrustiek · 7 years
Conte d’automne : Léo GOBIN
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Une première, une deuxième, une troisième... Pour automne on propose quelque chose entre spectacle, conference et cabinet de curiousités, une vignette, une piece, un moment. Le tout géré par Léo Gobin. Léo fait les dessins avec les lignes, la musique avec les cordes, le mouvement avec son corps et... attends... ça commence a sonner trop poetique. Regardons les photos de cet evenement et imaginons donc, un espace, une soirée d'automne, des sons, un conte. Léo GOBIN (born maybe in the '90s, not sure of the year exactly, in a town, whose name has been forgotten) will come to Hôtel Rustique to share a creation, that for all purposes will be referred to as a "Tale of Fall". This event is something to look at, muse upon & perhaps participate with. Due to our work with Léo on a few performances in Normandy & the fact that he can be seen occasionally playing the recorder with Le Ton Mité, imagine that he is no stranger to our home & hearts. We'll change this text at a later date as it fails to give the scope of what could be called a "multi media performance" or "smorgasbord of spactacles" or "manufacture of the ordinary". See, it's not easy. So, look at the photos in this event & come enjoy the evening with us.
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herbergrustiek · 7 years
Expo d’été : Coline ROSOUX
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Summer arrives with sun and light, and in the midst of it all another evening of Hôtel Rustique. Working primarily with earth and clay, Coline Rosoux creates fansastic worlds of ritual symbolism, full of humanity & humor. Her compositions touch the realm of loss, salvation and curiousity. http://colinerosoux.net/ L'été 2017 va être connue comme l'année ou la terre arrive à l'Hôtel Rustique. Notre invitée pour cette soirée est Coline Rosoux, créatrice du terre et autres matières plastiques. Nous attendons des objets inédits, les moments éphémères, et les contes en formes ludiques. voilà un aperçu de son travail personnelle et collective : http://colinerosoux.net/
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herbergrustiek · 7 years
De temps en temps au printemps : TOKIDOKI
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How do you describe desire? TOKIDOKI is the culinary project of Loïc Sturani, artist and videographer who, while working on a film about traditional cuisines in Japan, was blown away by the tastes and dedicated his life to cooking. For Hôtel Rustique he proposes creations which link together aesthetics & tastes into a new form of synesthesia. The snacks at the "opening" have been elevated to the statue of being the exposition. The display will be on view until tasting time begins... Le buffet de vernissage devient le vernissage (sans trop mâcher les mots). TOKIDOKI est le rêve de Loïc Sturani, un endroit ou il peut partager son passion pour la cuisine. Après un formation comme artiste il se trouve au Japon en train de faire un film au sujet des plats traditionnels et il est bouleversé, il met le caméra à côté et commence son apprentissage de cuisiner. Les saveurs et les goûts lui inspire, et il partage avec nous des mets esthétiques, et savoureux. Red wine & lambic will be available for a very modest donation. Please be prepared to take shoes off before entering ! Bring thick socks or slippers.
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herbergrustiek · 8 years
Observatoire d’hiver : Oona LIBENS
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Les objets du ciel viennent nous visiter à L'Hôtel Rustique le jeudi 22 décembre avec "Observatoire d'hiver", une performance/théâtre des objets/dispositif scientifique qui nous explique les cieux et les corps célestes dedans. On a eu le plaisir de voir le spectacle "Nausée" en version poche à Aalst et depuis on a décidé que ça cerait chouetteos d'avoir Oona et son "Teatro Dondolo" à l'hôtel. https://teatro-dondolo.com/ Objects moving through space will move through the rooms at Hôtel Rustique. We will be priviledged to see a transmission from space, captured by instruments made by Oona Libens specially for this night. The Observatory of Winter will be open from 19h to 22h https://teatro-dondolo.com/
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herbergrustiek · 8 years
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Verb: present participle of Bruegel Noun: Bruegeling ‎(usually uncountable, plural Bruegels) An action in which something is Bruegeled: I'm going to do some Bruegeling this afternoon. The way in which something is Bruegeled. First showing at Fabriksgatan 48 in Göteborg
We wanted to uncomplicate our lives, we wanted to unmodernise our lives, we wanted something more simple, more rustic: We wanted to Bruegel. Forerunners to surrealism, the works of Bruegel creep up on us, they depict supposedly simpler times, allegories, or pure fantasies. They haunt our collective consiousness as residents of the very place where he lived & worked. This is our hommage to the artist in our home/hotel colors. Welcome to Bruegeling. - - - - - BRUEGLING is a collection of pieces in different media: painting, drawing, sculputre & performance, referencing the work of the Flemish primitive artist Pieter Bruegel. Public participation is encouraged on the "Breugeling the Bruegeling" bloc-note & the “coloring the Bruegeled” to test their own Bruegeling skills and post the result on the wall or take home with them.
Here are some photos from the first exposition
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herbergrustiek · 8 years
Résidence d’automne : Koen BERGHMANS
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Une première : KOEN BERGHMANS arrive le 15 septembre pour faire une résidence de deux semaines ici à l'Hôtel Rustique. À la fin de la résidence, il presentra le résultat de ses recherches. Koen travail dans les géométries différents. Son pratique est pluridisciplinaire. Haren's finest, KOEN BERGHMANS will be spending a couple of weeks with us, making observations of daily life here at the Hôtel & will present the results of his research friday the 30th of September. Koen is a multifaceted artist, attracted to concept & form.
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herbergrustiek · 8 years
Expo d’été : Sukrii KURAL
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On fête l'été un peu tôt cette année avec les expériences artistiques imprévues de Sukrii Kural. Sorcier de sorts de feu et de flamme. Une exposition inaugurale de la nouvelle adresse de Hôtel Rustique. Une exposition sympatique. Un rappel : on vous demande gentiment d'enlever vos chaussures avant d'entrer dans l'espace. il y a un placard sur le palier dédié à cette utilité.. - - - - - We're pleased to announce an installation of mind bending wizardry from Sukrii Kural to be viewed in the new gallery space of Hôtel Rustique. Please be aware that we kindly ask you to take your shoes off before entering. There is a shoe closet in the hall for this purpose.
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herbergrustiek · 8 years
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We were invited by PointCulture Charleroi, to do a “greatest hits” installation & exposition, the 18 March through the 9 April 2016. Click the link for photos !
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herbergrustiek · 8 years
TOMBOLA : moving party
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We decided to throw one last party before moving to a new place. So we had a tombola party (raffle).
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We sold tickets and people won prizes.
It was fun.
Looking forward to the first party in the new place.
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herbergrustiek · 9 years
Expo de printemps : Baptiste BRUNELLO
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De sa ville de départ de St Claude, BAPTISTE BRUNELLO a fait un parcours a travers la France pour arriver enfin ici à Bruxelles. Charmés par sa personnalité, un autre univers se dévoile, celui d'un artiste, même disons, d'un personnage, et donc, on l'invite en lui donnant carte blanche. At the hôtel we have pipes, smoked infrequently, only on special occasions and when the folly strikes, these pipes come from the childhood home of BAPTISTE BRUNELLO, that being the town of St-Claude in the rolling and wild Jura. While his life has taken him from place to place, he finally arrived here in Brussels, where now his art flourishes. While unsertain of exactly what he proposes, we know that you will enjoy the unique experience.
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herbergrustiek · 10 years
Expo d’hiver : My ATLEGRIM
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The cold breath of winter approaches and with it comes the warm news of a new exposition on the walls of the hall and hôtel. Our guest for winter is My ATLEGRIM, illustratrice and fabric artist. Originally from Umeå, outpost of the Swedish kingdom, My has been practicing her art here in the Kingdom of Belgium for a few years, and thus to celebrate the unity between these two geographic entities, we invite you to come by the hôtel the 19th of December between 19h and 22h.
Comme le couleur de la laine suggère, le givre d'hiver approche, et avec une nouvelle exposition ! My ATLEGRIM, va mettre les belles choses dans et autour des cadres à Hôtel Rustique. Illustratrice par métier, et artiste. On attends des nouvelles de son site pour te donner un avant goût des formes et couleurs avoir ici, entre temps le lien est vers une chouette article sur son travaille et son atelier. Donc, viens tous à l'hôtel, pour voir les murs, boire du lambic, et parler avec les gens.
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