Looking back on my old posts I sounded crazy asf I'm so sorry Jesus 😭😭😭
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Okay hey guys I know it's be awhile but here's the update I did not go and that "trickster" spirit was actually hades,I was going crazy mostly from anxiety because I was literally stuck between four walls for two years but the rest is true and I might actually go this year but imma stay cool about it until it actually happens.I still go to tarot readings and am soon getting cards of my own,the exorcism thing is honestly too hard to explain but it is also true I have no idea why I was there though everyone that was there had a spiritual purpose which I do not have goddamn hades couldn't tell me nor could an angel (I'm talking about the purpose as to why I was there) but it's kinda suspicious if you ask me because they're still trying to use me in "the seven" (the group that had to do with the exorcism) even though I have no experience nor am I a witch (so putting my life in danger 🙄) I told my friend about this and she said that they must need me for something and that I may be more powerful than I think which is also what a tarot reader told me.What do you guys think? YER A WIZARD HARRY!!!
-im not sorry 😔
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Y'all I don't even know how to word this but ilvermorny is real but not in the fairytale way we all think it is...
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Update for the "hades" thing: So guys in reality it was actually a trickster spirit and I DON'T HAVE TO DO ITTTT IM FREEE.
Yay me ☺️😌
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So like I almost f*cked up bad and uhm almost lost my chance of going to ilvermorny because of uhm ignorance and being a nosy b*tch ☺️ so now I'm trying to fix it and it looks like it's working but you never know fingers crossed 🙏🕊️.
Until next time 😚
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Y'all hades trying to force me into something I don't want and don't need in my life and I'm standing my ground and saying no so like keep y'all updated (obviously me).
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So uhm I'm going 😶
EDITED-(you didn't at least not that year.)
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So like I've been getting A BUNCH of tarot readings and asking them if I'm going to ilvermorny and most of them and when I say most I mean MOST and they're very accurate because it's realistic and it really merges with my real life and I really think I might be going 😏🥳.
-Until next peoples ✌️☮️🕊️ (aka me)
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And again at this point I'm going to end up in the ICU ahhhhh 😂😂😂
When you ride broomsticks for too long doesn't your bum start to get sore,like I know if I was flying on a stick for hours I'd be so sore that I'd rather just ride it like a surfboard.😂
Sometimes, that's one of the reasons I don't love riding. Broomsticks do have Cushioning Charms on them, though, which helps a bit with that.
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Ilvermorny just responded to one of my questions I'm gonna faint 😩
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do you think no-maj would be encouraged to get non-owl post birds? As owning an owl in a no-mag neighborhood would seem odd?(Im not sure if it would even be possible in some countries without some kind of permit.)
This is a great question! I know of many wizards that live in bigger cities that use crows/ravens instead of owls, because they are a little bit less suspicious. However, many wizards still use owls, even in the city, and that's even more common in the country.
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Yo the past few days have been....an experience I mean went from tarot card reading to straight up exorcisms to a whole season of too hot to handle to now being chosen to be a witch by HADES I need therapy 😊 somebody anybody help.
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Also it said someones going to die SOMEONES LITERALLY GOING TO DIEEEE 😊✌️.
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Hey y'all I've gotten SEVERAL tarot readings and its the same shit that I'm going to SUFFER 😊 *in my head* (AHHHHHHHH) I'm dying inside 🤗 and like it is exactly like my visions 😭 like I'm deadass done.
Until next time ☮️🕊️
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So like my so called "visions" are like getting worse 🤠 and like getting to like an emotional level too like wtf 😃 I'm not ready to go crazy this young man like this is some depressing shit so in other words I'm screwed 😊.
Until next time peace-
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So like I had a dream I can't go into much detail but yeah my future isn't looking so bright for the next few years.
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I can't be the only one seeing helicopters everywhere.sus
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A few days ago I saw this thing in the sky and it was clearly moving it wasn't a flying saucer or anything it was like this bright light like a star and last night I kept having this dream about this person but I couldn't see their face and just couldn't stop thinking about them it was super weird I feel like my senses have heightened in some ways idk how to explain it but yea this is the post.
-until next time 👋
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