herewecomeitsjekki · 3 years
a Soft™ fic prompt meme
a bunch of things that make me feel warm and fuzzy! chuck a number and a pairing in my inbox if you want, coz im feeling SOFT™ and I wanna write about it:
1. slow dancing
2. sleeping in
3. forehead kisses
4. neck kisses
5. hand kisses
6. coffee in bed
7. late nights
8. sweater weather
9. shoulder kisses
10. movie night
11. toothpaste kisses
12. ‘you could say I’m fond of you.’
13. family
14. phone calls
15. bed warm
16. laughing while kissing
17. fixing the other persons clothes absentmindedly or like tucking their hair behind their ear U KNOW WHAT I MEAN THAT SOFT STUFF
18. walking home
19. ‘it made me think of you.’
20. takeout
21. this is a very long hug now sort of hug
22. reunion hug
23. waking up
24. just really needed a hug sort of hug
25. pyjamas
26. bed hair
27. humming/singing
28. forehead touches or nose nudging or any soft variation on the theme
29. pet names
30. ‘this is my husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner etc.’
31. road trips
32. markets
33. ‘I love you.’
34. odd socks
35. long showers
36. giggling during sex
37. ‘I missed you.’
38. anything else that makes you SOFT
2K notes · View notes
herewecomeitsjekki · 3 years
a Soft™ fic prompt meme
a bunch of things that make me feel warm and fuzzy! chuck a number and a pairing in my inbox if you want, coz im feeling SOFT™ and I wanna write about it:
1. slow dancing
2. sleeping in
3. forehead kisses
4. neck kisses
5. hand kisses
6. coffee in bed
7. late nights
8. sweater weather
9. shoulder kisses
10. movie night
11. toothpaste kisses
12. ‘you could say I’m fond of you.’
13. family
14. phone calls
15. bed warm
16. laughing while kissing
17. fixing the other persons clothes absentmindedly or like tucking their hair behind their ear U KNOW WHAT I MEAN THAT SOFT STUFF
18. walking home
19. ‘it made me think of you.’
20. takeout
21. this is a very long hug now sort of hug
22. reunion hug
23. waking up
24. just really needed a hug sort of hug
25. pyjamas
26. bed hair
27. humming/singing
28. forehead touches or nose nudging or any soft variation on the theme
29. pet names
30. ‘this is my husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner etc.’
31. road trips
32. markets
33. ‘I love you.’
34. odd socks
35. long showers
36. giggling during sex
37. ‘I missed you.’
38. anything else that makes you SOFT
2K notes · View notes
herewecomeitsjekki · 3 years
So uh, are there any Trese fics about the twins?
Like xreader or smthng?
I need to read.
91 notes · View notes
herewecomeitsjekki · 3 years
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1M notes · View notes
herewecomeitsjekki · 4 years
i fell into a rabbit hole.....of g.o.d.
now tell me why do i like stanning 1st gen and 2nd gen idols 🤧
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herewecomeitsjekki · 4 years
Let’s Switch Things Up(ft. MINO) (4)
Part 4
Mino helps you learn something new.
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A/N: Heyy! So this is my new series, that I’ll be updating every Thursday. All images I’ve used in this moodboard that I’ve made are just representative of the emotions, not the way the reader looks :))  Please show this lots of love!
Comment if you’d like to be added to the taglist.
Taglist:   @herewecomeitsjekki​​  ; @kwonnansi​​ ; @happiestgirlontheeastcoast​​ ; @unabashedturkeytreeslime​​; @to-all-the-stories-i-love​​​
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know!
Word Count: 1784
Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of cheating (honestly mostly fluff)
You woke up again two hours later. Minho was still asleep and was holding you against his chest. You smiled as you pushed back some hair from his face. And then you froze. Why were you acting so familiar with him? You stared at him. Yeah, you definitely liked him. As someone who always had problems falling asleep, if sharing a bed with him didn’t make you uncomfortable, then there was definitely something there. But it was all for you. He was just a very friendly, very nice guy who most definitely did not see you the same way. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t even notice that he had opened his eyes. He watched you zone out for a while before grabbing your hand that was on his face and kissing it.
“What’re you thinking about?”
Your breath hitched and your heart started beating really hard. That sleepy smile coupled with the kiss to your wrist was too much for you.
That’s when reality came back to Minho. He felt so comfortable around you. He wanted to be closer to you. he wanted waking up with you to be a reality. When he woke up, he was so lost that he just acted on his impulses. That was not a very Minho thing to do. He always overthought things. Suddenly he jumped back and you tumbled out of bed.
“Uh, I’ll go wash up and take a shower Minho. We can go get some breakfast after? Or you can go ahead if you want.”
Blushing furiously, he shook his head.
“It’s okay, I’ll wait.”
Half an hour later, you were waiting for him to finish getting ready. When he walked out in an oversized white shirt and navy-blue shorts with his hair sticking out adorably, it took you actual effort to not aw out loud. You were in an oversized white t shirt and tiny blue shorts. You matched with each other, although neither of you realised it. Not able to meet his gaze, you smiled at the general area.
“Let’s go?”
You were waiting at your table. Minho had gone somewhere to take a call. You stared down at the menu. You were conflicted. You knew exactly what you wanted, but you weren’t sure whether you should order Minho something. You knew his order of waffles and coffee, but you didn’t want to mess it up. Sighing, you finally decided to order it for him anyway. You were both ravenous anyways.
Ten minutes later, when Minho returned with a shy smile on his face, he was surprised to see a cup of steaming hot coffee and waffles waiting for him.
“How did you know what to order for me?”
“You told me when you were worried about the turbulence.”
He felt warmth from the inside.
“You remembered?”
You just looked at him nonchalantly and shrugged.
“Of course I did. I pay attention to you.”
Without even meaning to, you said,
“It’s you.”
You didn’t realise what you said, but Minho turned red and his palms turned sweaty. He couldn’t believe what he heard. He looked at you again. You looked so absolutely adorable sipping on your tea, softly blowing on it to try and cool it. He opened his mouth to tell you about his plan but he was interrupted by Andy lightly slapping your back. You jumped and the burning hot tea fell on your thigh and you winced. Even as Minho passed you a tissue dipped in water, he was glaring at Andy, who hadn’t even bothered to apologise. This was off to a good start.
“Ah Y/N. How was last night’s party?”
One look at his gloating face and Minho, not a very violent person, wanted to punch him.
“Ah. The party. It was…very you.”
He broke into a grin.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it sweetheart.”
The way he physically cringed when he said it was it for Minho.
“Don’t call her that. And apologise for startling her so much that she hurt herself.”
Andy looked surprised and moved back a little before smiling again.
“Oh sorry. I think I called her that out of force of habit.”
Minho just stared at Andy with complete and utter disbelief but you had enough. How dare he?!
“You mean your habit of cheating? Yeah, I know. But call me that one more time, and you’re going to be getting married with a broken nose.”
Andy’s jaw dropped.
“You’ve changed Y/N.”
“And you haven’t Andy. What can I say? We’ve all got to suck it up and deal with stuff we don’t like sometimes.”
Minho actually burst out laughing at that. You were always so nice and sweet that seeing you like this was a change for him. He never realised that you might have been extra nice to him.
Andy’s embarrassment at being insulted turned into an ugly smile.
“Well, looks like it’s your turn for that today.”
Both you and Minho looked at him like he was speaking another language.
“What are you talking about?”
“Minho’s taking you on a surprise date after breakfast and it’s a cycling date.”
Minho’s heart sank when he heard that. Did you not like cycling? Fuck.
“Wait. Andy, you knew it was supposed to be a surprise and you still told me? Wow.”
His smile faltered.
“I thought you would want to know considering how you don’t like cycling.”
Minho dug his nails into his palm. Damn it.
“Andy, I never said I don’t like it. I just said I don’t know how to cycle. Which is why Minho promised to teach me.”
“Oh I”-
You interrupted him.
“Well, it was nice talking to you Andy. See you later today.”
And he had no choice but to walk off, continuing to look back at you in shock.
After glaring at him, you finally turned your attention back to a very embarrassed Minho. He refused to look up from his plate and had a slightest pout on his face. Your heart melted.
His head fell even more.
“I’m sorry. I should have asked you about it. I just wanted to surprise you. I thought you might like a picnic.”
You reached out and grabbed his face.
“I would love a picnic Minho.”
His eyes widened.
“But what about the cycling?”
“That’s okay. I need to learn someday. Besides, I trust you to teach me.”
“Y/N, you can do this!”
“No, I can’t! Don’t you dare let go.”
“Y/N, I promise you’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, still not reassured.”
“Look, I promise you’ll be fine. I’ll be right behind you. I run pretty fast.”
“Even then Minho. WHAT. MINHO. NO. Don’t you dare let go. Nooooo.”
“See, you’re doing it!”
“I’m doing it.”
“Yes! You’re doing it!”
“Oh my god I’m doing it.”
You rode the cycle for a while before stopping and jumping off.
“Why? What happened?” His eyes looked you over. “Are you hurt?”
You threw yourself into his arms and wrapped your arms around his neck. You buried your head into his chest.
“Thank you, Minho. Thank you so much. I…I’ve been scared to do this after a bad fall as a child. Thank you for helping me learns something I’ve always wanted to.”
Minho’s body relaxed and he wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you in silence for a minute. He pulled away and ruffled your hair.
“You’re welcome, but you’re not done yet. We’ve to eat lunch and keep practicing.”
He turned and grinned at you as you pouted at him.
“What is it?”
“My legs hurt.”
“Yes, that can happen if you spend four hours cycling after not working out for a month.”
You glared at him.
“Don’t get snarky with me!”
His grin grew wider. He threw an arm over your shoulder.
“No Minhooooo. I’m too tired to carry my own weight, let alone yours.”
He shook his head at you before crouching down in front of you.
“Here, get on my back. I can carry you back, no problem.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, it’s not too far from here.”
He turned around to see you hesitating. You didn’t want to trouble him. He sighed and grabbed your head.
Even though you were tired as hell, you felt your cheeks heating up. You quickly nodded and climbed onto his back.
“Yes Y/N?”
“Can we skip today’s party?”
Minho couldn’t keep the laughter out of his voice.
“You don’t want to attend Andy’s brilliant high school themed party?”
“Oh no, don’t get me wrong. I would absolutely love to go and see all those assholes get shitfaced and say a bunch of horrible stuff. Andy’s even planning on singing Whitney Houston’s “And I will always looooveeee you.” But I’m way too tired to fake smile my way through another evening.”
He snorted.
“Yeah, my cheeks still hurt from yesterday. It didn’t help Natasha was drunk and decided to take a fascination to my cheeks.”
You burst out laughing.
“I’m sorry…”
“You don’t sound sorry.”
“I’m not. I’m her usual victim.”
Both of you grinned at each other.
“We’re calling in sick, right, Y/N?”
Mirae was in the hotel garden, taking a walk when she ran into Andy and his friends. She hated them, but she forced a polite smile on her face. Andy was harping on about something ‘great’ he did when suddenly, the proud smile on his face disappeared. Mirae’s eyebrows shot up and she turned around to see what made Andy that way.
He was watching you and Minho, your laugh echoing as Minho carried you back to the room.
“Looks like they’re serious, huh.”
Mirae’s tone turned icy.
“What did you think?”
Andy turned red.
“No, it’s just that when I met them, I thought he was just her friend who she brought along. I mean, he clearly likes her, but I thought she didn’t feel the same.”
“Why does that matter to you?”
Andy turned red again and had the decency to stay silent this time around.
Minho opened the door to the room, sighing out of relief.
“Y/N, we’re back.”
He craned his neck only to see your fast asleep against his back, cheeks squished and snoring lightly. Immediately, his face softened. He switched off the lights he literally just switched on and put you down on the bed. He then slipped off your shoes for you and removed your make up. He tucked you in, held you in his arms and gave you a kiss on the forehead. Feeling the most at peace he had in a long time, he smiled.
“Goodnight Y/N. Thank you.”
Copyright © 2020-2021 @severetimetravelnerd All rights reserved.
Any unlawful and unauthorized sharing of these works will result in legal action.
(Reblogs are good :) )
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herewecomeitsjekki · 4 years
Let’s Switch Things Up (ft. MINO) (2)
Part 2
Minho just keeps surprising you.
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A/N: Heyy! So this is my new series, that I’ll be updating every Thursday. All images I’ve used in this moodboard that I’ve made are just representative of the emotions, not the way the reader looks :))  Please show this lots of love!
Comment if you’d like to be added to the taglist.
Taglist:   @herewecomeitsjekki  ; @kwonnansi ; @happiestgirlontheeastcoast ; @unabashedturkeytreeslim; @to-all-the-stories-i-love​
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know!
Word Count: 2028
Warnings: Suggestive, snarky? Mentions of cheating
He paused and blinked a few times.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard you right. What did you just say?”
You laughed.
“You heard me right. I’m attending my ex’s wedding. And he’s marrying my friend who he cheated on me with.”
He tilted his head to the side.
“I don’t understand.”
You laughed again, a little more bitterly.
“Yeah, neither do I. I’m only going because of my best friends.”
“What do you mean?”
“This is the first time in ages we’ll get to meet in person.” Your eyes softened. “And I really miss them.”
The guy had a light smile on his face.
“I get it now.”
“It’s just that… I know I will be made fun of for not having a plus one.”
You shook your head at his raised brows.
“Yeah, a lot of my old classmates can be mean.”
He inched a little closer.
“Could you tell me what happened? Only if you’re okay with it, of course.”
You shrugged.
“Yeah sure, I don’t mind talking about it.”
You took a sip of water and began.
“So, all of this happened two years ago. We had been dating for three years. And I knew that something was off. It was understandable. He was very busy with his job and I was busy with mine. We weren’t getting time to spend with each other. And every time I tried, it seemed like he would try his best to get out of it.”
You smiled sadly.
“I know. I should have seen the signs. But he was my longest relationship. And we had been friends for years before dating. I trusted him. When he told me that he’d have to spend two months abroad for work, he wasn’t lying and I didn’t doubt him. At that point, things were just really strained and he was very stressed. So, to make things a little easier for him, I introduced him to my friend who lived in the city he’d be working in.”
You paused, grip on your dress tightening slightly. You didn’t notice that he noticed.
“And from there, it’s pretty obvious what happened. Soon, he started ditching my calls saying he was busy. He just never told me he was busy with her. And then, one long weekend, when I flew over to surprise him, I found her in his bed.”
He surprised you when he reached over to hold your hand, gently rubbing his thumb across your knuckles. You stared at him for a bit, trying to gauge whether he was trying to make a move on you or whether he was just being nice. Looking at his eyes, your heart melted a little. He was definitely just being nice.
“Yeah. I really should have seen it coming. But I didn’t. I saw them together and walked straight back out and took a flight back home. I packed up all my stuff and left home for Seoul.”
“You just packed up and left?”
“Yup. Needed a change of scene. I couldn’t deal with being in that apartment anymore.”
He nodded.
“I understand.”
He didn’t really understand, because everything seemed too sudden for him, but somehow for you, who just started talking to a stranger on a plane who seemed scared, it fit. He looked down at his hand. He didn’t know what possessed him to hold your hand, but again, it just seemed right, even if it was something he had never done before. He found himself opening his mouth to ask you something.
“So, they’re getting married now?”
“Yeah. And it’s not a normal wedding. They had to make it an all-expenses paid wedding that goes on for literally three days.”
“Okay. Wow.”
And although you looked perfectly content, something told him that you were upset. Again, he didn’t know what he was doing, because he just wasn’t an impulsive or spontaneous person, but he found himself retracting his hand to shake yours. You looked up with an eyebrow raised.
“Hi. I’m Song Minho and I’d be more than happy to be your plus one for this wedding.”
You widened your eyes.
“Oh. Oh wow. Are you sure? You don’t have to if”-
He shook his head. You studied his face for a few seconds before grinning.
“Hi then Minho! I’m Y/N L/N. And I’d love to have you as my plus one.”
“So, tell me a bit more about your ex and his fiancé. I don’t want to be clueless when I meet these … interesting people.”
You nodded and whipped out your phone, pulling up some old photos.
“Okay, so I know this is a group picture, but he’s the shirtless one in an apron and she’s the one holding a cake.”
Minho’s jaw got ever so slightly tense when he realised how alone you were in the picture. Sure, your ex’s hands may have been draped over your thighs, but you were struggling to keep a smile on your face. It was so obviously fake. And your ex was so obviously unbothered by it.
“Ah okay. What’re their names?”
“Andy and Liza.”
“Okay, tell me more. How did you meet?”
“Oh right. We were in high school together. At that point, we were just friends, but when we ended up working the same part time job in college, things started changing and one day, after months of flirting, he made me a cake with the icing saying, “Will you go out with me?””
Minho forced a smile.
“Hmmm romantic.”
“It was. It really was. He wasn’t always that bad. He…just got incredibly forgetful over the years.”
Again, Minho found himself saying something he never would.
“So basically, he took you for granted?”
You paused, stunned for a moment.
“Yeah, yeah he did.”
There was a moment’s silence before you turned to him.
“Okay, so if we’re going together, we have to know basic things about each other. So… how do you feel about twenty questions?”
Minho hated twenty questions, but he nodded anyway.
An hour or so later, you pouted as Minho helped you with your bags.
“We weren’t done with the game though.”
He finally managed to get the last of his bags and started walking towards the exit with you.
“I know, but don’t worry. We can figure this out once we get to the hotel.”
“Thank you so much Minho. I honestly can’t explain how much it means to me, especially since you’re here on vacation.”
“No, don’t worry about it. My friend was a little busy for the next few days anyway.”
Lies. You would soon learn that whenever his left eye twitched, he was lying.
“No, but still”-
You froze. You’d recognise that voice anywhere. Before you could react, you felt Andy’s arms wrap around you as he hugged you.
“Y/N! I’m so glad you could come!
Minho stiffened when he noticed how uncomfortable you were with Andy’s overfamiliarity. Minho didn’t like him. Something about his behaviour with you was odd. Liza also hugged a visibly uncomfortable you and smiled.
“Y/N! The reason this is all happening!”
Your fake smile slipped. And that was when Minho couldn’t watch this anymore. Again, he found himself doing something he would never otherwise do. He walked forward, wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer.
“Hi. You must be the happy couple.”
Your tense body relaxed a little when you heard his voice and felt his arm around you, which was odd. You always took a while to warm up to strangers. Andy’s expression tensed though.
“And you are?”
Minho stuck out his hand.
“I’m her boyfriend.”
Your breath hitched for a second and a light blush spread across your cheeks. You had been planning on introducing him as a close friend. Oh well.
Andy took his hand and smiled a visibly forced smile.
“Oh, I didn’t know she was seeing someone.”
His grip on Minho’s hand tightened.
Minho’s eyebrows shot up. Oh. So, Andy was that kind of guy. The one who felt oddly possessive over his girlfriends no matter how badly he treated them. Scum.
Minho’s grip tightened even more.
“Well, I doubt you know much about her anyway.”
Your eyes shot up from your fake smile to stare at Minho in shock. You did not see snarky Minho coming.
Andy just stood there for a minute with his eyes wide. He couldn’t believe what he heard. When he finally got around to reacting, Minho had already moved on to shaking Liza’s hand and offering her a smile. It was fake, and you knew this because every time he had smiled at you, with that ridiculously adorable smile that just lit up his whole face, you found yourself melting. Andy, however, interrupted your thoughts. In a mocking tone, he asked,
“I’ve known Y/N for 8 years. How long have you known her for?”
You glared at Andy, and wrapped your hand in Minho’s, prepared to leave and apologise to Minho about Andy’s behaviour later, when Minho replied in a tone of pure ice.
“Long enough to know her worth.”
Your jaw dropped. Liza’s smile was long gone and Andy was practically red with anger. So was Minho. On the outside, he seemed calm, cool and collected, but he hated the way Andy treated you and felt so entitled to your kindness. The way he treated you when you were so clearly uncomfortable was just the tipping point. A smile tugged at your lips, even though you made a half-hearted attempt to glare at Minho. He pulled you a little closer, shooting you the smile that made you lose track of thought.
Andy was furious and it was clear Minho wasn’t going to back down. It was also clear that you weren’t going to do anything to stop Minho. It wasn’t like Minho was lying about something. You were at an impasse. So, when Liza awkwardly suggested they show you guys to your room in the hotel, everyone jumped at that chance.
Half an hour later, the four of you walked in awkward silence as Liza led you to your room. She offered you a genuine smile.
“Here you go Y/N. We picked one of the pool facing rooms because you like those.”
You struggled, but smiled back at her. It was their wedding. You were not going to be unnecessarily mean.
You and Minho walked in and when you saw the large bed in the middle of the room, your eyebrows shot up. Natasha, one of the two friends you had really missed, told you that all the rooms had two beds. 
“Why is there only one damn bed here?”
Minho blushed and looked away, but you jumped when you heard Andy.
“Why? Is sharing a bed a problem?”
You turned around to find Andy right behind you, about to lean on your shoulder. Before you could even react though, Minho stepped in between.
“No, absolutely not a problem.”
“Oh yeah? Then why did she sound so annoyed?”
Both you and Liza were glaring at Andy, though for very different reasons.
Minho closed his eyes for a second and decided to just go for it. No matter what happened, he would not let Andy bother you any more than he already had. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close.
“We had a bit of an argument before getting here. But we’ll be fine, right babe?”
If you thought your heart was beating fast because he called you ‘babe’, when you looked up at him and he placed a soft kiss on your forehead, you thought it would burst out of your chest.
His hand slipped a little lower, from your waist to your hips and played with the knot holding your dress up. He had the most wicked smirk on his face when he mumbled,
“Besides, these things have a way of working themselves out, right princess?”
Andy let out disgusted snort, grabbed Liza’s hand and stomped off, but you didn’t register any of that. You could only register the look in Minho’s eyes and the way your knees were weakening. Did…did you like him?
Copyright © 2020-2021 @severetimetravelnerd All rights reserved.
Any unlawful and unauthorized sharing of these works will result in legal action.
(Reblogs are good :) )
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herewecomeitsjekki · 4 years
Tagged by @sarah-simps 💗
Put your favorite playlist on shuffle and pick the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people!
A Muse by DVSN
Hug Me (feat Gaeko) by Crush
Fly by GOT7
Good Thing by Zedd & Kehlani
Easily by Bruno Major
Freak by Doja Cat
Don’t Rush by YoungT & Bugsey
Me and You by Tony!Toni!Toné!
Que Pena by Maluma & JBalvin
The 7th Sense by NCT U
Look ☝🏾I even added hyperlinks! Damn… this looks like me so not bad I think. Also this has been in drafts for a hot minute- do or don’t but enjoy the musics
Tagging : @7wanderingpaws @severetimetravelnerd @sooibian @noonachronicles @saintlysinnerthighs @main-ramblings @dilatedpupilslurking
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herewecomeitsjekki · 4 years
Let’s Switch Things Up (ft. MINO) (1)
Part 1
You didn’t know what was coming your way when you met him.
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A/N: Heyy! So this is my new series, that I’ll be updating every Thursday. All images I’ve used in this moodboard that I’ve made are just representative of the emotions, not the way the reader looks :)) Also, I know that this part is super short, but I feel like it needs to be this way to set the tone. Don’t worry, it’ll go back to normal after this. Please show this lots of love!
Comment if you’d like to be added to the taglist.
Taglist: @herewecomeitsjekki  ; @kwonnansi ; @happiestgirlontheeastcoast ; @unabashedturkeytreeslime​
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know!
Word Count: 843
Warnings: Airplane and turbulence.
You boarded your flight, looking around you, dismayed at how luxurious everything was. Trust them. Of course they’d buy everyone business class tickets to their wedding.  And of course, that man would buy you the middle seat, no matter how many times you told him you liked the window seat. You sighed. Somethings just never change.
You took your seat, looking to see who was next to you, and when you saw, you barely concealed your eye roll with a polite smile. Trust your luck. You were seated next to the creepiest looking man on board. He was wearing black from head to toe; black beanie, black hoodie, black pants and black shoes. You couldn’t understand why, but he was wearing sunglasses, a face mask (this was written pre covid), a scarf and gloves. He looked like a serial killer and that was not helping your rotten mood. Grateful for the privacy and space business class gave you, no matter how annoyed you were with them, you turned away from the guy and rolled your eyes. The man was in for a treat if he planned on continuing to wear that outfit in Singapore’s humidity. You looked around. Great, no babies on the flight. At least one thing was going your way. You knew the longer you stayed awake, the more you would think about how you were attending your ex boyfriend’s all expenses paid destination wedding without a plus one, so you quickly curled up with your blanket and went to sleep.
You were rudely woken up a few hours later by violently jolting against your seatbelt, bumping your head in the process. You looked around, quickly sitting up straight when you heard the pilot’s announcement for violent turbulence. Great. You shook your head. This was just what you needed when you were already annoyed. Taking a quick look, you saw that the other passengers were fine, continuing their work as usual, but as you turned to your side, you saw creepy dude and his hands shaking. He was looking around nervously, biting his lips and was terrified. You wanted to turn away. You wanted to just ignore him and go back to sleep, but you couldn’t. You sighed as you leaned towards him with a gentle smile and asked,
“Hey. Are you okay?”
You didn’t know whether he was looking at you because of the damn sunglasses but you assumed he was when he shook his head. In a barely audible, highly muffled voice, he said,
“No. No, I’m not. The turbulence is freaking me out.”
You nodded, sympathising with him. You remembered how scary it used to be for you.
“Hey, it’s okay. It’ll be okay. Do you want to talk about it?”
You expected a no, or maybe a soft yes, but you did not expect him to remove his mask, grab your hand and nod vigorously.
“Yes, yes I do. I’m so scared.”
Oh. Okay. This was happening.
“I’m going to Singapore to meet a friend. It’s supposed to be a holiday. But what if I die on the way there?! What’s going to happen to me? What’s going to happen to my pets? And don’t tell me we’re not going to die because do you feel this?! The plane feels like it’s going to fucking crash right now. I want to live. I was going to go back and lecture my cousin about how he should have a baby because I want to be the godfather. I was going to finally do so much. I was going to try and learn cooking. I was going to learn another language!! I had so many ideas on this flight! What am I going to do if”-
And he continued like that for twenty minutes straight. You started off surprised, but by the end, you were struggling to keep a straight face. You felt a little mean for thinking that his panic was kind of funny, but you couldn’t help it, especially since the turbulence had ended ten minutes ago and he was still going strong.
About two minutes later, he paused, looking around. You could see a small blush creeping up under the skin of his cheeks. Even through the sunglasses, you could feel the embarrassment. He was freaking out. You felt bad for him. Poor guy. He just needed a little reassurance. In his panic, he forgot to let go of your hand that he had been squeezing during the worst moments of turbulence. You lightly squeezed it to get his attention and smiled.
“Hey, don’t worry, it’s okay. I remember how scared I was on my first flight ever.”
You could see that your words weren’t having much of an effect. Biting your lips, you decided to go for it.
“Actually, I have something to rant about if you’ll listen”
He nodded, feeling a little better. It’s always better when you have company embarrassing yourself.
“I’m on my way to attend my ex boyfriend’s wedding. He’s getting married to my friend who he cheated on me with.”
Copyright © 2020-2021 @severetimetravelnerd All rights reserved.
Any unlawful and unauthorized sharing of these works will result in legal action.
(Reblogs are good :) )
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herewecomeitsjekki · 4 years
I got tired of writing this one but I wrote new stuff yesterday when I couldn't sleep LMAO i hope i could post it tomorrow or something
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herewecomeitsjekki · 4 years
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herewecomeitsjekki · 4 years
This is my first ever imagine/scenario omg whatever you call it. Hahaha i don’t find so much winner scenarios so i’m making one to satisfy my cravings 😂😂 so here it goes
-When Nam Taehyun is your boyfriend but he doesn’t like cuddling and such.-
Your one year boyfriend Nam Taehyun is supposed to go home today from their tour in Japan. In your 1 year relationship, the longest you have seen him was like, 1 week?
You start wondering where he was because it’s already past 12mn and he’s still not yet home. You tried texting him but he’s not replying. You already went to bed because you were so tired from your work too. While lying down, you remembered how you two met and how you miss him so much. How he would sing songs to you for you to sleep, how he would give in to your puppy eyes, how he stole kisses from you when you unconsiously pout. You laughed because sometimes you would pout so you would get a kiss from him. Just before you drift off to sleep you heard your bedroom door open.
“Baby? Are you still awake? I’m home.” You heard him mutter in a soft voice, God knows how much you missed his voice.
“Oppa!!!” You almost clinged your legs to his waist. Not minding his expression because you missed his existence even though you text and call each other every single day.
“Uhhm, h-hey y/n..” tapping your shoulders and slightly holding your waist to hold you because you might fall down.
“Oh..” you giggled. “I MISS YOU!!! What happened? I thought you were going home early today?” You pout and he gave your lips a kiss.
“I’m sorry baby. I didn’t get a chance to text you. Our team went out to eat to celebrate. I’m sorry. But I will be staying here for 2 weeks!” He said while getting ready for the bed.
“Really?!?! We can spend our 2 weeks together?” You said as you lied next to him.
“Yes. I’ll be sending and fetching you to work starting tomorrow and we can go on dates maybe? I would take you to the museum I really wanted to go” He smiled like he was imagining things on his head.
“That sounds nice!” You were so excited at the thought you two would spend more time together, you cuddled to him. You felt him froze.
“I also found a new cafe around the corner! I want to go but I thought that we should visit it together when you get back. Shall we go there?”
You talked to him about how your day went when you noticed he wasn’t really listening.
“Uhm..oppa? Are you tired?”
“Y-yeah..i..i'am..let’s sleep? I-I’m tired..y-you should sleep too..we should be early tomorrow. G..goodnight baby.”
He didn’t asked you to remove your hands off him but he sounds uncomfortable and you feel that he was turning to another side. So you decided to remove your hands off him.
You didn’t saw him for weeks. Yes you know he’s not that touchy. He doesn’t like cuddling. He hugs you, yes, but when you do he is slowly drifting away from it. What’s wrong? I missed him so much. I know he loves me but why can’t I feel it physically?
You sighed a deep sigh and turned the other way. You hugged your pillow that you named ‘Taehyunie’.
It’s you and me again…
Why am I not used to this? We’re always like this in bed. We sleep in different direction. I know that he doesn’t like to cuddle and snuggle in bed. We have been like this for a year already and i’m still not used to it.
Did he fell out of love? Doesn’t he love me anymore?
You felt your eyes start to water. Why am I making a big issue about this? He just don’t like cuddling. That’s it. Like, girl get used to it.
You cried silently, not wanting to wake him up.
You felt him moving and you shut your eyes tight. You almost stopped breathing because he might hear your sobs.
“Hey y/n….” he called out softly. “Baby..” he started caressing your arms. “Are you crying?” He asked, concern was found in his voice. “Jagi..face me.” He turned you to look at him.
When he saw you having tears in your eyes he panicked and started to dry your tears.
“I..i’m..sorry for making you uncomfortable earlier..it’s just that I missed you and I cannot contain my happiness that you’re here already and I forgot how you don’t like being hugged at all. I’m sor–”
“Hey.” He cupped your face to level his. “Shhh.” He slowly grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him. “I missed you too.” He said while kissing the top of your hair. You cannot move because this is the first time he pulled you into a cuddling position. I mean, your boyfriend who doesn’t like this at all is doing it so suddenly????
“You feel so good inside my arms.” You feel him smiling through his words. “Hey. Why aren’t you hugging me back?”
And you hugged him tightly.
“Hey easy baby. I can’t breathe!” He joked.
“Why are you suddenly like this oppa?” Ypu asked.
“Don’t ask. Just savour the moment.”
“Yah! Answer me!!” You pouted at him. And he just kissed you.
“I told you not to pout like that. To answer your question? I really don’t know. I just suddenly liked cuddling.”
“Why? Did you cuddle with somebody on your tour that’s why your doing it to me now?? Huh????”
“You silly babo. I wondered how cuddling with you will feel..I was really excited to come back here to cuddle with you.”
“But you don’t like cuddling and hugs. And earlier, you were uncomfortable when I hugged you!”
“I was just shocked you know. I’m not really into this. But when I heard you crying, I felt that it was my fault and I should have been showing you how much I love you not just through words..but with actions also.”
“I love you, oppa.”
“This feels so good. Why didn’t I think of doing this much more earlier?”
You chuckled.
“Hey, what about we just do this everyday for 2 weeks, watch movies and not go to work and on dates. What do you think about that?”
“Sounds good to me. But I still have to make a living you know.”
“I can support you for the rest of your life, you know?”
“Are you proposing to me right now?” “I love you too.”
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herewecomeitsjekki · 4 years
I’m making scenarios. Would that be cool? IMMA TRY!!!!! HOPE YOU READ IT AND IT’S MY FIRST TIME
I’m very invisible. Anyway, imma post WINNER scenarios. ^^
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herewecomeitsjekki · 4 years
i have some scenarios and fics in mind with jekki but idk should i post it here or something 😭
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herewecomeitsjekki · 4 years
I Don’t Know (ft. G Dragon and MINO)
Part 4
Mirae presents a reality check to Jiyong.
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This series will be updated once a week, every Friday! No specific time though lol. It’s an AU where Jiyong has a younger sister and you’re her best friend! Featuring my OC Mirae as the Best friend. Just saying, it’s not related to any of the scenarios I’ve written so far. Please do leave me some comments or asks! I love receiving them! It’s also a bit of a love triangle situation, so yeah :)) There will be eventual smut in this series.
(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
Please comment if you’d like to be added to the tag list:))
Word Count: 2143
WARNINGS: Harassment, crying, regret.
4 years ago
You got off the dance floor of the party you were at, wanting a little room to breathe. It was getting a little too crowded for you. And you went towards to kitchen to get some water, not realising that someone was following you. You had just taken a sip when you heard someone.
You jumped, turning around to see who the unfamiliar man was. Your guard went up when you realised it was one of the guys you had danced with on the dance floor. You forced a smile and said,
He moved closer, making you take a step back.
“So, do you want to take this somewhere else?”
“Oh, come on. Don’t be a tease.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
He grabbed your wrists, trying to pull you along.
“Oh, come on Babe, just come with me.”
You shook your head, refusing to budge. His eyes changed. He threw his drink at you; he aimed for your face but it fell on your clothes, drenching you. You gasped and his grip on you tightened.
“Look you little bitch, don’t-”
He felt someone else grab his arm with a vice grip. Jiyong didn’t flinch in the slightest when he tried to yank his arm away, instead only tightening his grip. In a dangerously low voice, he said,
“Let go of her.”
The guy glared at him, considering for a second not letting go of you when Jiyong tightened his grip again.
“Let go.”
The guy let go, turned, spat and walked away. And by the time Jiyong turned around to check on you, you were gone. You had rushed out, knowing that Jiyong would just go back to being mean to you and after your very long day, you couldn’t handle that. You got into the lift, waiting to go down and drive home when someone rushed into the lift before it closed. You didn’t bother looking up. You didn’t care who it was. Which is why when you felt a jacket being draped around your shoulders, you jumped. You looked up to see Jiyong, for the first time, looking at you with pure concern.
“Are you okay?”
He looked at you and sighed. Taking his scarf off and wrapping it around you, he held your hand and took you towards his car. You were in shock, so you allowed him to drive you someplace in silence. When you finally reached, you looked out in surprise. It was an ice cream parlour, a little tucked away from the main streets, but adorably quaint and cosy. You sat down there in silence while he went and got a bowl with two scoops of cookies and cream ice cream. You both liked the same ice cream flavour. You both ate in silence. After that was done, he got you a cup of hot chocolate after coaxing the sweet old lady running the store and gave it to you. That was when he finally said something.
“Where was Mirae?”
“She doesn’t know the person throwing the party. Why were you there?”
“I know the person throwing the party from work.”
There was a silence, but it was oddly comfortable.
“Show me your wrists.”
He held his hands out, waiting. You hesitantly placed your hands in his, wondering what he was going to do. He winced when he saw the slight bruising and he took out an ointment from a packet the old lady had given him and gently massaged it on.  You have no idea why, but in that moment, watching him rub ointment into your wrists, you broke down. It started with a few stray sniffles and it led to you sobbing. You had had a horrible day. That incident with the guy scared you. You were expecting Jiyong to be mean to you. All of that proved too much for you to take and you broke down. Jiyong looked up, confused, unsure of what to do before he finally sat next to you and held you while you cried against his chest. He simply held you and let you cry it out, gently running his fingers through your hair while you did. In that moment, you were content. And little did you know, so was he.
5 years ago
Jiyong lay with his head face down on his pillow. Everything felt awful. He felt like he wasn’t enough. He felt like he was disappointing the fans. His ex had broken up with him for working too much. What was the right balance? He didn’t know. He was home alone. He walked out of his room, went over to the fridge, took out a six pack of beer and went towards the couch. Before he starting his night of getting wasted, he threw his head back and yelled,
He had just opened his first can of beer when he heard a door open. Your footsteps followed and he saw you look at him hesitantly. He rolled his eyes, but in reality, he was embarrassed. He hadn’t wanted you to hear that. You hesitantly went and sat down next to him, not saying anything. He decided to break the silence.
“Why’re you here? Where’s Mirae?”
“I was crashing here after a long day. Mirae was supposed to be here, but one of her friends called.”
The silence set in again. Upset, Jiyong grabbed the can of beer and chugged it. You watched him in silence. When he reached for the second can, you grabbed his hand; gently, but firmly.
“No Jiyong.”
“Why the fuck are you telling me what to do?”
“You can curse at me all you want, but you know that you can’t just distract yourself with alcohol.”
“Don’t act like you know me.”
Hurt flashed in your eyes, and immediately, Jiyong felt his stomach twist a little. He was lying. You knew him better than he knew himself. Although hurt, you continued.
“No, Jiyong. Don’t do this.”
He stared at you, shocked and then launched into a rant.
“Who the hell do you think you are, telling me what to do? I’m fine. I’m not drinking away my problems-”
He continued like that for a while. You just stared at him, and finally, you intertwined your fingers with his and said,
“Jiyong, it’s okay. It’s going to be okay.”
And with that, Jiyong couldn’t hold it back anymore, and he broke down, sobbing to you about all his fears and worries. You held his hand and listened to it all, letting him cry against your shoulder. That night, the two of you fell asleep like that on the couch. That was also the first time in ages Jiyong slept well.
He loved it. His only mistake was refusing to acknowledge it.
Jiyong stared at the steering wheel while he waited for Mirae to come out of her house. They had to go visit some family together. Which was great, but now, all he could think about was how you always used to go everywhere with Mirae and you stopped because of him. Okay, let’s be honest. He hadn’t stopped thinking about you since he saw you that day, which was over a month ago. He couldn’t stop thinking back to all the good times he had with you. And all the times he had been mean to you. Every single time, your face fell, but you forced a smile and continued being nice to him. And that image killed him. And he didn’t want to know why. He couldn’t stop thinking about how, when he saw you with Mino, you seemed so genuinely happy. He had never seen you that way around him. That hurt. Mirae snapped him out of it when he sat down in the front seat and shut the care door.
“I get to pick the music.”
Jiyong didn’t even bother fighting back, because his mind was too preoccupied. Mirae looked at Jiyong and in a voice that was somehow both tender and annoyed, she said,
“Jiyong. Please just accept that you like her. Don’t keep lying to yourself.”
His grip on the steering wheel tightened.
“Mirae, I don’t like her. I just feel kinda bad for being mean to her.”
“No one asked you to.”
“I know.”
“Jiyong, think about it. I’m saying this as your sister. Don’t torture yourself anymore.”
Jiyong stayed silent. And damn, that pissed Mirae off.
“For one goddamn minute, can you please get your head out of your ass? I know you hate admitting you’re wrong, but stop this bullshit. Just fucking admit it. You don’t want to? Fine. Let me break it down for you. You started liking her ten years ago. Before she started liking you. Or rather, before she realised she liked you. That was when she got her first serious boyfriend. I still remember the day she brought him home. You were nervous that day, because you wanted to impress her. And when she walked in with him, I saw the way your face fell and you turned around and left. I knew what was going on. But I didn’t want to meddle. I wanted to let things work out on their own. Stupid me. I forgot who I was dealing with. After that, you started being mean to her. But you couldn’t stop yourself from helping her whenever she needed help. You couldn’t stop yourself from caring about her. And with that confusion and anger at yourself, you got even meaner. You were so mean to her! The number of times I have seen her cry because of you. You just couldn’t fucking deal with the vulnerability of putting yourself out there, even with someone who was so bloody nice and liked you for you. She confessed that she liked you and you rejected her brutally. And you had the nerve to be shocked when she never wanted to see you again? Get over yourself man. Accept that you like her. And be happy for her because she’s finally with someone who’ll treat her well who she’s happy with. You don’t just get to waltz back into her life to mess things up.”
Jiyong paused and stared at Mirae in shock. Mirae’s eyes softened, but she continued.
“Don’t live in denial Jiyong. I can repeat myself over and over again and it will have no effect on you. You need to think back and realise why you behaved the way you did.”
That night, once he had dropped Mirae back home, Jiyong lay down, staring at the ceiling in silence. Jiyong had been uncharacteristically silent after hearing everything Mirae had to say. His mind had shut down when he heard everything because he wanted to be able to get on with his work, but now that he was alone, that was all he could think about. He also remembered the day Mirae was talking about. The day you introduced him to your boyfriend. Jiyong thought back to it. He always hated your boyfriends. Your boyfriends always hated him. He thought he hated them because they were just assholes, but Mino was different. Mino was one the nicest people Jiyong knew. And he still felt like hating him. Like Mirae said, he had been nervous. He couldn’t remember why, but he had been nervous. The only thing he remembers was wanting to make you smile. His gut twisted horribly when he thought of what Mirae said. Had he really made you cry? He never wanted to. Was Mirae right about everything after all? Did he like you right from the start? The sinking feeling he had made him realise Mirae was right. And normally, he would have been hit by embarrassment for being wrong, but here, he was just overwhelmed with so much regret. Regret for the way he treated you. Regret for not telling you the truth. Everything. He regretted everything.
It was too much for him and Jiyong couldn’t sleep all night. So, the next morning, he left for work looking hungover and running only on caffeine. He was running late, but he still had to pick up sunglasses to wear so that he didn’t scare away anyone he was working with. He had a meeting with a new marketing team for his latest concept.
He rushed into the conference hall, apologising for being late, and looked around to greet the new team. He looked up and he saw a woman holding out her hand to shake his. Smiling, he shook it and said,
“You must be the leader of the new marketing team.”
“Oh no, that’s not me. I’m her secretary. That’s her.”
And she looked behind him. And as Jiyong turned around and saw you with a barely concealed frown on your face, he couldn’t help the rush of happiness he felt on seeing you again.
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herewecomeitsjekki · 4 years
So ,,, i'm a 21 yo yellkies -- exactly a year old when they disbanded ,,, it sucks anw THEY'RE BACK AND I'M GLAD I DISCOVERED THEM 3 MOS AGO (thank u jiwon, for making me fall in love with your variety weirdness and geniuses aND FALLING IN LOVE WITH U MORE AS EUN LEADER and bringing me to love your bois too 🥺)
Hello, let's talk! 💛
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herewecomeitsjekki · 5 years
reader insert fic i’d be reading: my pale skin flushed pink at his stare
my tan, brown, latina self:
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