Has anyone else noticed the number of lifted mechanics KH3 has from Ffxv?
There's warping, complete with a blue hue.
Taking selfies and photos whenever you want.
Combo attacks with teammates in fluid combat
Collecting food for cooking
And I'm pretty sure there's more. I have had conflicted feelings about KH3 so far. Tangled was gorgeous but the games pacing so far has been whack and a couple of the mechanics like the theme park ride attacks are seriously weird. I am hoping the game continues to gain traction from here and continues to get better.
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Trailer music hype!
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“Light, I know you’re generally in the habit of punching your teammates, but that is definitely not what I had in mind.” 
“Just when I think I can get away from you…”
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“Can you imagine it Light!? We can form a team! We’ll get that guy with the sword big enough to compensate for something significant, the small girl with off puttingly green hair and the moon guy!”
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          ❝ Touch any of them and I’ll kill you myself. ❞
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"Your worst nightmare." (Oh Light be nice :c xDD)
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“Unless this Dissidia involves seeing Galenth Dysley in his underwear Light.... I highly doubt that.”
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“Just when I think I can get away from you...”
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“Can you imagine it Light!? We can form a team! We’ll get that guy with the sword big enough to compensate for something significant, the small girl with off puttingly green hair and the moon guy!”
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Reclaiming what was lost!
*shakes fist angrily at tumblr* sncwisms ----> hero-of-darkened-hope
Now marking the THIRD of my Snow blogs to bare this URL, dating back to 2014. My Snow shall live on! 
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“Hellllll yeah! Snow Villiers confirmed for Smash! I-”
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“-wait, hang on a minute...”
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“What the heck is Dissidia?”
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Oh my god.
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Had this pinup idea for lightning with some short of suit, going for powerful and sexy feel >;3 sfw/nsfw psd,hd jpg, video process etc-https://www.patreon.com/posts/24136890
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Kingdom Hearts debacle
So obviously it’s now only 2 weeks until the release of KH3 and I’ve noticed popular streamers have already caught on to the hype and have started working their magic to get their audience hyped for the release.  The thing is. Kingdom Hearts infamously released over a number of different consoles initially. KH1 and KH2 were on Ps2. Chain of Memories was for GBA. 358/2 Days and Re:Coded were for Nintendo DS. Birth by Sleep (arguably the best in the series so far) was for PSP. And finally Dream Drop Distance was for 3DS. So yeah, I understand if someone hasn’t been able to play all of them.  BUT There’s still something seriously disingenuous about a streamer just watching all of the games they’ve missed so they can better entertain with KH3 that really irks me. Kingdom Hearts has been something a little bit personal to me since it inevitably invokes a sense of nostalgia. For someone to fully appreciate KH3 in all it’s glory, I really do feel like you would’ve had to have experienced that journey with Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, Kairi, Terra, Aqua, Ventus and Lea yourself and not just watched someone else’s journey on Youtube.  This game is very personal to me is all and I hate that people are simply going to use it for capitalist purposes. I HATE IT. Kingdom Hearts 3 is NOT YOURS TO PROFIT OFF OF.  If you want money on twitch, play Fortnite, play League of Legends. Play whatever mindless gamer base is out there that is into this mass market appeal. Don’t commodify such a sweet and genuine series for your own benefit. 
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Who better to paint for male pinup for december than Snow Viller from final fantasy <3 Hope you guys had a good Christmas ! sfw/nsfw psd,hd jpg, video process etc-https://www.patreon.com/posts/23627351
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This apparently just in
Soldier 76 is said by Blizzard to be gay and certain portions of their player base now want him removed from the game.  My head actually just did three backflips when hearing this because... 1. What is the actual POINT of making a character in a game like Overwatch’s sexuality known if it’s not going to affect the game in any way shape or form?  2. If this WAS done for the sake of inclusiveness, did they forget Tracer in the progress? People thought it was dumb back then to make her sexuality a big deal and it’s still dumb now.  3. I understand on some level that people have a sort of connection with characters they main in games like this, I did with Braum in LoL back in the day, so retroactively announcing his sexuality arbitrarily like this CAN feel like a bit of an insult to people who main Soldier 76. Granted, gayness in and of itself is not something to be shamed for of course but that still doesn’t remove the fear of being ridiculed by people in such a toxic player base for suddenly being known as someone who mains a character THEY would laugh at.  Basically, the fuck Blizzard?
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“What are ya talkin’ about? I distinctly remember you cooked a pretty bangin’ Mac and Cheese last week...” 
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“Well then, I guess I’m never going to cook again since nobody likes my cooking.”
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‘Well ya did punch me for just talkin’ about her.... twice.” 
Would you ever fight against an ally if it meant saving the life of someone close to you?
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“You mean like saving Serah? If I have to then I will. It would be painful for me as much as it would be for them and I will hate myself for it…” She paused, frowning before shaking her head. “But I want to protect my sister, no matter the cost. If I have to tear down my own allies in order to save her then I will.”
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please don’t call eyes “orbs”
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//I highly recommend this video to anybody interested or actively engaging in fan fiction, even tumblr role play honestly. It is centered around the idea of how far authorial intent can be preserved over a work of fiction and what readers interpret when they engage with said fiction (not necessarily just written, this applies to cinema and gaming characters also). This topic I became passively interested in myself when a few years ago I saw a Sephiroth being role played here on tumblr with all of the meekness, bashfulness and innocence of a High School girl. I sent an anon to the mun at the time asking if the blog was supposed to be some form of satire but they simply said that that was how they saw Sephiroth on the inside and it puzzled me. This was absolutely NOT the way Square Enix intended his character to be, internally or otherwise, so what right did this individual have to portray him in such a way?  As it turns out, every right I suppose.  Please watch and enjoy. 
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For that end of the year meme thingy. You're an amazing Snow rper and a very cool guy (pun unintended)! Also we need to rp more because reasons, or else Light might do her famous punches. XD
Ahhhh Sky ❤️ Thanks a bunch. Fully agree that we need to RP more! New blog, new year, let's make it happen!
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