herobadendtheater · 22 hours
The cat seems frankly offended you would accuse them of something they [didnt] do!
the cat takes your shoes.
My shoes?! That is… definitely going to be a disadvantage.
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Hey so what is actually the plan for when you get into the overlords Castle? Because what if hypothetically you get to the overlords room and there's nothing malicious going on, what if her and the maiden are just talking hypothetically, of course!
From your good pal [R̷̩͍͂̀é̷̜̬̚d̵̠̫͝â̵̟͝c̵͕͂t̸͎̦̃ē̷̠̦d̵̼̀͒]
Well… when I get there I’ll just retrieve the maiden! If that impossible scenario were to happen, I guess it would just make my job easier.
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herobadendtheater · 2 days
[Magician Cat is not liable for any injuries nor damage to property caused by black magic!]
Don’t say meow… I know what you can do now, creature! That poor persons well…
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herobadendtheater · 2 days
the closest well to my house just exploded out of nowhere. NOW im going to have to take the 15 minute trip back and forth to the next closest well every time i need water. so annoying. these demons are out of control i swear... i didnt even know they HAD explosion magic. hopefully they dont explode that maiden that went missing or anything.
Those demons probably could explode something but… I think it was that weird cat? It probably works for them. The maiden will hopefully be safe, I’m about to get to the entrance of the castle!
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herobadendtheater · 2 days
*distant explosions. That stupid cat.*
IS THE TOWN OKAY?! How does a cat make an EXPLOSION?! I would check if I could but i’m already nearing the entrance to the castle… I hope everyone over there is alright.
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herobadendtheater · 2 days
HUH?? I don’t understand what you’re trying to do?
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herobadendtheater · 2 days
*meow meow meow!!!!
Are you trying to say something? How does a cat send asks… And in meows of all things?
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herobadendtheater · 2 days
Oh, its a magician? Nice kitty!!
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herobadendtheater · 2 days
Very fancy cat, I guess?
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herobadendtheater · 2 days
What does that mean? Other than the fact that other Anon just gave me a cat for some reason.
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herobadendtheater · 3 days
i cant imagine fire being too much of a concern once you get to the Overlord's castle. even if they do have some fire magic or something, it's not like they'd set their own castle on fire or something like that. that'd be ridiculous. no use clouding your mind with unneeded worry.
Right, why would they set their own castle on fire? I wasn’t even thinking about that, I was wondering why they would have fire anyways.
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herobadendtheater · 3 days
“hehehehehehehheheheh.thats……a hairy situation haahhahahahahshah” *KNEE SLAP.*
“I need something better to do with my life 😝”
How does a CAT come through this… device… Is it magic?! And what do I do with the cat…
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herobadendtheater · 3 days
what’s your opinion on fire? because fair warning, a lot of the possible outcomes to this situation involve it. in fact, most of them do. just…try to be careful, ‘kay?
I’m not a big fire fan myself, but what do you mean by outcomes?
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herobadendtheater · 13 days
Hey hey Hero! So, you're planning to talk to those underlings? Pretty Fair to be honest, something else might be going on, so I guess all I could say is, I wish you luck!
- Bird Anon
It’s a good idea to not immediately resort to violence, no matter how untrustworthy they may seem!!
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herobadendtheater · 22 days
Hey hero, there may be guards at the front door to the overlords castle so when you get there maybe you can ask them to let you in? It may just be a big misunderstanding.
From: [R̵͗͜E̷͙̓D̷̰̄A̷͋͜C̴̹̄T̶̢̋Ḙ̸̈D̴̨͆]
Thats what I was planning to do! I don’t have much power, so I think fighting them wouldn’t be the best option…
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herobadendtheater · 22 days
I feel like that was a good decision… I’m getting closer to the castle, I see some demons guarding it ahead! I will keep you all updated.
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herobadendtheater · 29 days
[ You continue your adventure to rescue the Maiden, but demon soliders block your path! ]
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