hewholivesinhisname · 11 hours
On The Goddess
Happy Mother’s day everyone! It’s the Patriachy here and I thought I would give all of you a little gift. Knowledge is power as the saying goes.
I could be wrong about all this. I could be, it’s important to say because I could just be a very mentally ill headcase with delusions about his ex-gf. It’s prossible. Right? But I don’t think so. I am traumatized and have a history of mental illness, but that doesn’t change reality.
2. Marika McCoola is the Goddess. The big one. Asherah, Queen of Heaven. She prefers the name Baba Yaga of course because as she says “She’s so evil she can get away with anything but she always has a reason” if you look Marika up, that’s the book she choose to write and the character she’s obsessed with. However, it’s much simpler, really to just call her The goddess in the same way it’s easier to call God, God, right?
3. Now, if you haven’t noticed there’s a huge international system of control operating in all of your lives and it’s very oppressive. She’s the one in control of it. She is at the top of the pyramid. She’s at the center of it all. And while she has precious few shrines around if you pay attention you’ll see signs and symbols of her power all around you. B symbolism, Owls, Spiderwebs with a black widow at the center etc. etc. Bitcoin if you notice has a big B with two towers on it. You’ll see a lot of bee references int eh culture such as the black and yellow school buzzes, masonic beehives, bumble, babylon bee etc. etc. She runs it along with a select group of high witches and warlocks “the fascist class” so to speak.
4. The way that she controls everyone is through the money. Everyone does things for money and she controls what the money does and to do that she needs a network of “trustworthy” people to run the economic system and this is the deep state which is identitical to the secret society network and the nobility and the way they pass it down is through Child, torture, rape and brainwashing. That’s the big secret in all the intelligence agencies and it ensures that these people never come out and tell the truth because they know if they do all their sex secrets will come out and they’ll be killed for being sadistic pedophiles. And of course she keeps the people in poverty and sexual/relationship poverty for the men in particular so if you are very corrupt man you’ll go up and try to reach new heights of power within her network. If you don’t, you’ll probably end up an incel loser with no money and that is on purpose.
5 She is “at the bottom” of both the Q (Queen) movement and Bitcoin. That’s why Cardi B came out with that red bottom shoes song. The pope wears, RED shoes if you notice. Guy isn’t talking to god let met tell you but he’s talking to someone. The pope, btw probably controls the city of london and the city of london controls the US military who is in charge of making war on and controlling the American People. The military probably tells Hollywood exactly what to do and what movies to make, especially for the kids, because everyone knows that children are the future so you have to brainwash the kids with both Media and with the education system. The pope in turn probably reports to some false god or other and there’s a whole class of these people in addition to a bunch of corrupt Jews who control quite a bit. So, that was a bit complicated but what’s important here is that there is a hierarchy of control
6. And this hierarchy of control probably trends towards reporting to certain locations controlled by the witches who run EVERYTHING. They probably do it in Salem, in Ohio in Seven Hills and Parma (the parma is a “pizza” reference”). In kerala india and other places such as Indianopolis which is very masonic.
7. Now, that’s very abstract but in her personal life, what happened between me and Marika is basically we got in a relationship and then we had a fight and she left me. I wanted to get married and have a family, Marika didn’t. And the reason that this is harmful is that if it ever gets out that Marika really is the goddess, she’s going to be sending a strong message to all young women in the world that the RIGHT thing to do is not to go out and be a good woman, get married and have children. No, you should just go out and party and pursue a big career make a lot of money and not have children. Throw your man in the trash, so to speak. She broke my heart. She hurt me probably more than anyone else has done.
8. And of course there’s a lot of other things that Marika hasn’t done which is very important such as speaking up about the importance of economic equality, she hasn’t spoken up about the poison in the food, about the vaccine genocide. There’s a lot of corrupt and evil things in the world and Marika there hasn’t talked about ANY of them. And, let me tell, she’s not dumb and she could be educating you and one of the big reasons that we have metals in the food is that smart intellectuals like Marika won’t speak up about it and instead choose to benefit from it. She isn’t eating that shit, but she’ll let your kids get poisoned by the rBST in the milk. She has enough money and clout to not be an onlyfans girl but she’s more than happy to let other women be so desperate that they have to prostitute themselves to the highest bidder. She tends to avoid anything political in public. Except maybe some nods to supporting abortion rights and feminism.
9. Now, let’s refute first wave feminism here, because everyone thinks that feminism is fucking fantastic, it’s great! Feminists claim that the root of female oppression is motherhood so you should avoid having children. All the women should get free birth control and abortions. Women are encouraged to go into the corporate world instead of having kids.
10. So the obvious thing here is that most women who enter the economic system are going to be horribly exploited. In the past, it was bad enough that the men had to partake of this shit and people had to fight really hard to stop women being exploited in the “infernal mills” and such where young women would have their hair yanked out and shit like that. Now, all of that shit might return because instead of full employment at high wages, they are working full time to drive wages in the basement. So, it is not “empowering” for women to enter the workforce. It’s empowering for a narrow selection of women in the fascist class like Sheryl Sandberg, but not for the average woman. It would be empowering for women if we promoted unions, the free market, a basic income for everyone, gave people guaranteed jobs and destroyed the monopolist corporations. If we destroyed the corporations, ended war and all the men were working together then even if there were a few bad men there would be plenty of rich simps for the women to marry if they so choose. So, you know, the average woman today gets to go deep into debt, forced to do onlyFans or some other desperate thing to pay high rents and we’re supposed to believe that single women being forced to pay 2000$ a month to slumlords with no way to support themselves except degrees that the upper class won’t pay for or selling their bodies is “empowering.” Whether you are a woman or a man you are still part of the lower classes and the fiction the feminists promote is that you can escape oppression by working for the upper classes. That’s a big fucking lie. You can’t.
11. The other thing is many feminists say “you can’t identify out of oppression” and the thing about the modern world is that we have a huge dearth of babies. The birthrates are so low that many ethnic groups including eastern europeans, South Koreans, Japanese, a lot of small ethnic groups in India etc. are basically disappearing and if it continues the world population is really going to plummet because of the anti-natalism. We have Dinks, we have single movements, we have all these people just going a
12. And with the men, I don’t see too many men talking about this dangerous trend either. The only guy talking about or doing anything about is Elon Musk. He has a big family, no one else does. Men won’t even talk about the necessity of saving their ethnic group or family from extinction.
13. So, what will probably happen in the future is that there’s going to be big mass die-offs thanks to the poisoned environment, big wars, the vaccine genocide, AIDs, drugs, suicide, etc. and the women won’t be pumping out babies because it’s not very liberating. So, instead we’ll go into the Cloud Atlas future where people will invent womb tanks to create artificial “purpose made” people. Boy is that going to be a shitshow and if the lights ever go off, humanity will then no longer be able to reproduce naturally and most of us will die.
14. So, that’s the feminist reality and the feminist future and it’s worth calling it what it is which is genocide. It’s genocide and slavery and brainwashing. It’s separating women from their powers as mothers and creators of life and giving it to a bunch of easily controlled robots. All the associated movements, the LGBTQ stuff, Dinks, Atheism, abortion, the trans movement and transhumanism. It all pushses women to not have children on the level of genocide. Put that on a T-shirt “Feminism is genocide” not a truth that most people want to hear let me tell you.
And Marika thinks it’s great. She’s all for it.
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hewholivesinhisname · 1 day
blaming the consumers
I love how the government finds endless ways to subsidize the very worst industries in the world and then goes about trying to blame consumers for buying the products when they are shoved down their throats and brainwashed into buying them. Liek, you know, I'd much rather have a house and a wife and a steady job and food that isn't poisonous. However, when we choose the choices that are shoved down our throats we are blamed.
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hewholivesinhisname · 1 day
Monetized Sexual Depravity and female unhappiness
So, inequality is really the name of the game here in society at this point. Monetary inequality of course wherein a few in the fascist class have access to all the resources and where the majority is disempowered. Then there is of course sexual inequality, especially between men, wherein some men get all the women (along with the majority of the money) and most men get nothing. Then the women of course will probably end up having to sell their bodies to the small fascist class.
This....this does not sound very loving or fun to me and quite honestly these guys kind of seem like they might have kinks that tend towards really hating people and acting on it. I can only imagine what it must be like for a woman to have to sell her body. It's not that I'm anti-kink or anything, just that I really feel that a big goal of sex itself should be to build relationships.
women's bodies are literally made to bear children. This is what Shulamith Firestone argued that their "oppression" was rooted in: bearing children. Others of course pointed out that most women would not want to leave their oppression (as most women would probably be happy as mothers) and therefore would have to be trickes, coerced or forced out of it.
Well, economic inequality, a lack of eligible men, a slew of brainwashing and a sexually loose culture which allows women to sell their bodies allows women to escape their horrible, very bad oppression of childbearing and sex in a loving mutual relationship in favor of whoredom which I'm pretty sure is traumatizing to both the men and women.
as women get older, their sexual market value is just going to decrease though which means pushing the women to be whores is only going to set them up for unhappiness later on. Which is more rewarding, being paid for sex with some slimeball rich guy or series of rich guys or having children who love you? I think you can see where I'm going with this.
I can't wait til they try to "solve" the problem of plunging birthrates with mass manufacturing people using science.
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hewholivesinhisname · 1 day
I know. Not what you would expect a heeb posting.
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hewholivesinhisname · 1 day
For the Anarchists
No Gods No Masters ‒ A History of Anarchism ‒ Documentary Parts 1-3 (NL, SE subtitles) 4-5 FR VO (EN subtitles) : Tancrède Ramonet : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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hewholivesinhisname · 2 days
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hewholivesinhisname · 2 days
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hewholivesinhisname · 2 days
All these rich people, they literally just have to sit on their ass and do nothing all day to earn money. That's the reality that they want you to believe in and everyone goes along with it while they degrade the poor. I'm just so angry and such you know?
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hewholivesinhisname · 2 days
Melanie Darrigo man, great!
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hewholivesinhisname · 2 days
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hewholivesinhisname · 2 days
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"No War but Class War
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hewholivesinhisname · 2 days
I think the problem with me being a patriot is this:
On one hand conservatives will argue quite passionately for law enforcement and for "serving your country" in the military and the police forces.
On the other hand, they tend to be kind of dense in understanding that the government itself can easily be taken over by people who will twist the laws, empower law enforcement to take away their guns, maybe even ban their religion or whatever. In the extreme, which has happened many times in history, the government just get's taken over by one tyrant or another and slaughters millions of people. So, like, which is it? Do you want a powerful government which
Now, I suspect that most conservatives really want to recreate some sort of magical past which they imagine "the good old days" wherein everyone had a job and wherein everyone had a house, a tradcon wife, etc.
Conservative rhethoric and actions undermine this though because they defend the wealthy's right to do anything they want and they overtly defend women. Instead, they advocate for throwing lots of "bad men" in jail. So, how is throwing lots of "bad men" in jail going to help anything? Do they expect the rich and the women to give them a pat on the back? Of course not! The rich will use all these prisons and such to throw conservatives in jail and use them as free slave labor. This is why the international rich are rich, they work together to enslave while telling them whatever they want to hear.
The conservative fantasy is that someone else is going to see how patriotic and giving they are and in return that person is going to give them the lifestyle that they want which is just not how government works. government tends to be filled with the worst most powerful people imaginable and if you are stupid enough to contribute extra they will take it and leave and since you cannot.
There's a glimmer of course that since the conservatives love the military so much that they will understand incentive enough to make it more and more attractive (maybe the only option really) for young men to go into the military. I saw my father go into the military and boy did that fucking suck. I see veterans on the street all the time and there's always some scandal about how they ordered the troops to work with poison or something. yeah, more likely is that they will just institute a permanent draft or something thus making the lives of young men even more miserable. Leave it to the men to work hard to make the lives of men miserable.
In addition, of course, the police states that they advocate will go about taking away the rights of men in particular and breakup families. In order to have the tradcon family you need to have some sort of theocracy that is willing to punish and incentivize women to pick one man and stay with him her entire life. You need a government that will hire all the men or support the free market to create lots of new jobs and such. What conservative government would go against the will of the monopolists and the fascist class that supports them or would publicly endorse punishing women for breaking gender roles? I mean, the conservatives will make fun of feminists and such.
The overt anti-intellectualism of conservatives really makes it hard too, because policy is really complicated. Society is really complicated. So, you need the smartest, not the dumbest people in charge and you need to make sure that these people have good intentions which is another really difficult thing as smart people can work hard to appear as one thing while being another all the time. This is what goes on with Fauci, and pretty much every politician. All the conservatives in Q want to claim that somehow Trump is different but aside from saying wacky shit on twitter all the time I fail to see how electing Trump is going to save anything. during trump's first 4 years I didn't have a job and things kind of sucked and I don't see how electing him will change anything. I don't want to be too negative about him of course because everyone always just dumps on him, but really I don't want to fix the government, I want to get rid of it as the Bible advocates.
I think, mostly with "conservatives" it trends toward a sort of anti-intellectual position that supports any and all sorts of corruption except one which is that they will ban abortion. This tactic will work right up until the point wherein women who want abortions will figure out how to lie and say that a relative impregnated them or that they were raped. Within the conservative narrative stopping rape, especially of foreigners is important so all the women need to do is start alleging that one poor dude or another raped them and then they can send that guy to jail.
So, conservatives tend to mostly be men so it's a great example of men voting against their own interests, both economically and also against their own family interests. They will do this though because they like to engage in the fantasy of "the godly country" and also in the fantasy of being big strong men that will defend women and children. Men like to show off by killing and destroying other men so supporting overtly militaristic regimes is one way of doing this. What I don't think a lot of them understand which is that while in their own head tehy are always the "good guys" it is blissfully easy for them to drift into the category of "bad guy" in the eyes of society simply for being poor or perhaps for not being politically savvy enough.
The more men play the "good guy, bad guy" game the more all the men in society will fight and be warlike and the worse things will be for everyone. Instead the men should just work together to advance the interests of men, economically and politically especially making sure to create some sort of broad group that is inclusive of as many men as possible. This will ensure full employment, peace, prosperity and will provide the women with a lot of rich husbands. At least that's how it goes in my particular fantasy although there's a whole lot of particulars that don't seem to work out.
I'm kind of completely the opposite really. I think you need to put the screws in on the rich, you need the government to be the primary employer, you need to encourage lots of small businesses and really I kind of have anarchist tendencies. I don't even want an "institution" like a government existing. Instead I want to dismantle it and have people just follow one leader or another who can then negotiate with each other. I think landownership and ethnic solidarity based on landownership leads to endless violence which can often be genocidal and even if you had it, you would need some sort of international government which everyone supported making sure to support each ethnic groups claim to it's own land, space, culture etc.
I don't know about Trumps idea of a "space force" it seems like it might start out like Star Trek or something but it would end in Warhammer 40k, especially considering that I actually think we are under a dome of some kind. So, it's another con by yet another con man. This one led by the conman who tells you that if you support him he'll lead your nation into victory when really he's supporting some international regime of oppression.
The misandry bubble, that famous post, pointed out that the conservatives have actually been some of the biggest supporters of feminism and you can see why the feminists might see this as really useful in that you can just put a small percentage of the men "the winners" in charge of everything and then happily expect them to screw over the vast majority of the population in various ways, especially the male population because the guys identify with him. Who knows, if Bernie was elected maybe he would have done something similar, Biden certainly is an old white man that is happy to take away your rights with the patriot act and support a huge prison industrial complex that victimizes the poor.
Huge parts of the population right now are basically forced into the criminal classes which is where I'm probably headed since the "legitimate" section of the economy has totally and completely fucked me over. The banks won't allow me to open an account anymore (they don't want a relationship) and the police or lawyers or my family or anybody doesn't seem to want to help me at all either.
So, i'm automatically the "bad guy" that conservatives are talking about, but of course its' not because I don't want to contribute, it's just because I want world unity and also am pro-family which means being pro-male and pro-men, especially young men of the lower classes.
At least they aren't democrats, right?
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hewholivesinhisname · 4 days
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hewholivesinhisname · 4 days
A bunch of anarchists started following me and you know what? Even though technically I'm an imperialist who wants to rule all of reality I really, really like Anarchists.
Like, seriously, who the fuck would want to deal with all these nation-states, cops, ridiculous laws telling you what to do or whatever?
Anarchists rock.
Nothing is so fucking annoying as a bunch of bullies proclaiming that you have to do what they say "Because God" or "Might is Right" or "We have better blood" or...whatever the fuck the excuse is. It's always a big excuse to try to run away from the fact that we as living beings really have the rigt and obligation to do whatever we want and to live with the consequences. Government is almost always a fucking attempt at subverting anything good, creative and wonderful with the excuse that we "need law and order"
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hewholivesinhisname · 4 days
my overall state of being can be split into thinking about nero and not thinking about nero
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hewholivesinhisname · 7 days
i'm not counting Trump out. he has cards up his sleeve.
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This is a post that Tumblr is blocking tonight. It is far to important to not reblog. You need to understand that the ones who stole the election from Trump in 2020 cannot allow him to win in 2024. You also need to understand two more things. First: the election was not stolen from Trump! It was stolen from you! The next thing that you need to know is that the one who stole that election are still running things within your government! It was the government that STOLE THE 2020 ELECTION!
Here are a few more posts that Tumblr is blocking tonight.
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hewholivesinhisname · 7 days
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And Lies. 🤔
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