hexboltiings · 9 years
nonsexual acts of intimacy --- select from the following for my muse to respond to:
♔ : Finding your muse wearing their clothes
♕ : Holding hands
♖ : Having their hair washed by your muse
♗ : Your muse falling asleep with their head in my muse's lap.
♘ : Cuddling in a blanket fort
♙ : Sharing a bed
♚ : Head scratches
♛ : Sharing a dessert
♜ : Shoulder rubs
♝ : Reading a book together
♞ : Caring for each other while ill (specify which party is which)
♟ : Patching up a wound
♤ : Taking a bath together
♧ : Your muse playing with their hair
♡ : Accidentally falling asleep together
♢ : Forehead or cheek kisses
♠ : Your muse adjusting their jewelry/neck tie/ etc.
♣ : Back scratches
♥ : Your muse crying about something
♦ : Slow dancing
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hexboltiings · 9 years
Hozier sentence meme
❛ Honey, please, try to love me. ❜
❛ I called your name ‘til the fever broke. ❜
❛ Don’t you ever tame your demons, but always keep them on a leash. ❜ 
❛ It looks ugly, but it’s clean. ❜
❛ Babe, there’s something tragic about you. ❜
❛ Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know. ❜
❛ But I want it, it’s a crime that she’s not around most of the time. ❜
❛ Her fight and fury is fiery, oh but she loves like sleep to the freezing. ❜
❛ I prayed my mind be good to me. ❜
❛ With her sweetened breath, and her tongue so mean, she’s the angel of small death and the codeine scene. ❜
❛ It’s bloody and raw, but I swear it is sweet. ❜
❛ So tired trying to see from behind the red in my eyes, no better version of me I could pretend to be tonight. ❜
❛ Would things be easier if there was a right way? Honey, there is no right way. ❜
❛ I fall in love just a little, oh a little bit every day with someone new. ❜
❛ My lover’s got humor, she’s the giggle at a funeral. ❜
❛ There’s an art to life’s distractions. ❜
❛ I raised a stone to end his pain. ❜
❛ When I was a child, I heard voices… Some would sing and some would scream. ❜
❛ Cause with my mid-youth crisis all said and done, I need to be youthfully felt ‘cause, God, I never felt young. ❜
❛ We tried the world, good God, it wasn’t for us.  ❜
❛ I turned and ran to save a life I didn’t have. ❜
❛ But my peace has always depended on all the ashes in my wake. ❜
❛ I wake at the first cringe of morning, and my heart’s already sinned. ❜
❛ Always a well dressed fraud, who wouldn’t spare the rod. Never for me. ❜
❛ I was born sick, but I love it. Command me to be well. ❜
❛ Freshly disowned in some frozen devotion, no more alone or myself could I be. ❜
❛ I clutched my life, and wished it kept. My dearest love, I’m not done yet. ❜
❛ No shortage of sordid, no protest from me. ❜
❛ I have never known peace like the damp grass that yields to me. ❜
❛ Two corpses we were, two corpses I saw. ❜
❛ All that I’ve been taught, and every word I’ve got, is foreign to me. ❜
❛ I have never known hunger like these insects that feast on me. ❜
❛ You’ve done me wrong for a long, long time. But after all you’ve done I never changed my mind. ❜
❛ Honey, you know that’s my love bursting loud from inside. ❜
❛ I’ll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife. ❜
❛ The purest expression of grief. ❜
❛ Lord, it’d be great to find a place we could escape sometime. ❜
❛ Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword. ❜
❛ I found something in the woods somewhere. ❜
❛ Babe, there’s something broken about this, but I might be hoping about this. ❜
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hexboltiings · 9 years
H O R R O R . P R O M P T S
“I just got back from the cemetery.”
“I swear I just saw someone… or something looking in my window.”
“I know I closed the damn closet door, but it keeps opening! Please tell me this is just some kind of joke you keep pulling.”
“What’s behind you in these pictures…?”
“Apparently like 20 years ago, some girl slaughtered her family in the basement.”
“I think there’s something about this house that you’re not telling me.”
“I keep hearing noises coming from the attic…”
“I know what I saw, and whatever is in the basement… it’s not human!”
“I didn’t have time to see what it was! I just got the hell out of there!”
“Whose grave were you bringing flowers to…?”
“The electricity guy said there was absolutely nothing wrong – and yet, the lights always flicker on at 2am. Explain that to me?”
“Why don’t you spend the night in that house ‘alone’, then try to convince me that you don’t believe in ghosts.”
“Y-you don’t understand, he didn’t have a face!”
“I had a dream that I killed you.”
“Ah, yes… the room you’re staying in. It’s a paranormal hot spot, apparently.”
“I keep hearing whispers at night… I-I can’t sleep!”
“There was something else in there with me, I’m not going back to that house.”
“Come on, it’s just an urban legend…”
“Are you trying to tell me I’ve been sleeping in a dead girl’s room!?”
“I keep getting the feeling that someone is following me.”
“Don’t panic… but I think there’s someone else in the house.”
“I can still feel her/his ghost, and it’s killing me…”
“There’s something growling in the basement… could you, uh… check it out for me?”
“Can you just… can you please check the closet?”
“P-please… put the knife down.”
“I bought this haunted ring on eBay!”
“No, no, no – run!”
“I didn’t forward one of those freaky chain letters and now I keep hearing the laughter of children coming from my hallways at night.”
“The dead are all around us…”
“She’s dead! She’s dead and yet I keep seeing her, everywhere!”
“There’s something breathing under the bed…”
“You can’t tell me you don’t believe in ghosts after all we’ve been through.”
“I saw something I wasn’t supposed to see, something… that wasn’t supposed to be here.”
“Maybe an exorcism is in order…?”
“I woke up, and it was j-just… staring at me.”
“He was there, then like a second later he literally vanished! I saw it happen!”
“I like the ghosts here… they keep me company.”
“You can’t honestly tell me you’re in love with a dead girl.”
“Wasn’t someone murdered in this house? Why are we here?”
“If dying means being with him/her, kill me. I’d be happier that way.”
“Ghosts aren’t real. You need help.”
“…what do you mean we didn’t talk last night? You came over, you were here.”
“You saw something you weren’t supposed to see. And now… now you know what has to be done.”
“I’m pretty sure my toaster’s haunted.”
“What’s wrong with you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Don’t! Don’t you dare open that door!”
“I visited his/her grave for the first time today…”
“Something terrible happened here, didn’t it?”
“Wh-why do you have a knife…?”
“You’re all bloody, what happened!?”
“You know that book from The Evil Dead? Yeah, well… I’m pretty sure we found something pretty damn similar to it.”
“You’re bleeding…”
“How can you not see it…? I’m dead! I’ve been dead for years!”
“I’ve always wanted to see you choking on your own blood.”
“I’m sorry, I’m busy Friday with the… funeral and all.”
“I’ll never forget the sound of his screaming.”
“From the looks of it, the afterlife is a lot more fun than this.”
“Legend has it that you can still hear her crying for her lover in the dead of night.”
“I want to be dead, too.”
“Well don’t you look lovely, all covered in blood.”
"Whoa – wait! Please don’t go down there… let’s just get out of here, please?”
“You played with a Ouija board!?”
“Me and some friends played with a Ouija board the other night… and things have been a little strange since then.”
“There’s so much negative energy in this house… do you know if someone died here?”
“You’re always hanging out in cemeteries… and yeah, it’s kinda creepy.”
"They just don’t believe like they used to…”
“I will haunt you until the end of time.”
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hexboltiings · 9 years
“Ah.. you are a little bigger than my  brother, but there might be some clothes that....” she makes a small triumphant sound. “Ehh... sweatpants, and a tee shirt is what I can offer, and there is a towel or two in the bathroom.” she tells him quietly.
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      He nods languidly, understanding now —- and he feels rather STUPID that he could not recall it, for he felt as though he’d ALWAYS known it. And he follows her down the street, noting every glance and glare – it was his JOB to notice – but he takes a breath, bringing himself to the present when she introduces herself. He doesn’t know what name to give reply, however, and simply acknowledges her with another small nod. 
      It’s a modest place, and while his nervousness remains, he finds himself already making his way to the fifth floor without much question.
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hexboltiings · 9 years
Wanda was out, walking around the city, taking time to go buy groceries when she was sure she saw a familiar blond head of hair. So she approached,wrapping her own coat further around herself against the coming winter wind.
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“You live in Brooklyn?” she asked with a half smile as she came to a stop in front of the good captain.
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hexboltiings · 9 years
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She looks up, and feels shadowed by him, but not afraid. Slowly she puts her her hand out, gesturing for him to follow.
“It is in the Statue of Liberty... written by a Jewish immigrant” she tells him with a grin, and as they step out onto the main sidewalk, they’re garnering strange looks, and she automatically puts a comforting hand out. “I’m Wanda..” she greets in a gentle tone, leaning them down and around the corner and towards the small house she was given a budget for.
They approached and she dug her keys out of her jacket pocket, letting him in first. “Here... it feels a bit like home.” she admits as she starts towards the stairs, “I am on the fifth floor, if you don’t mind” she adds gently.
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      His first instinct is always to REFUSE. He must conceal himself, no one else must know him. But there is a quiet whisper in him that urges him onward; her gentleness speaking volumes to him over the FEAR and DISMAY that’s lodged inside him. And thus – warily – he agrees.
      He stands —- LOOMING over her, and yet he felt so small. And with a shadowed brow, he listens to her, understanding her words, but not her meaning.  ❛ —— What…is that…f–rom? ❜
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hexboltiings · 9 years
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      He did as suggested, and took the photograph, evaluating it more closely now. He could sense no lie in her, no fluctuation of falsity; thus, he was more apt to understand how meaningful it must have been for her to allow him to hold such a precious artifact. He held it gently, carefully, being conscientious not to damaged the frayed edges. FAMILY. That was the one word that rang through his mind. A place to belong. To feel love. 
      When she took out the granola bar, he became mildly sceptical, though he was quelled with the notion that the treat was completely wrapped and unopened. He took it, and looked to her both kindly, and embarrassed, as he handed her back the photograph.  ❛ THANK…YOU. ❜
“I have a place not too far from here, you can use the shower if you’d like, and use the couch if needed” she offered. This is something she was use to offering. Back home, if a friend, or someone in their small town needed help, it was given, not like here in New York were the poor a helpless were left to rot.
She looks over at him and with a soft voice:
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"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door" she whispers to him, a softened smile on her lips.
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hexboltiings · 9 years
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Hold the moon in the palm of your hand, give it a great big hug, or let it illuminate your room with Luna, an enchanting spherical lamp designed by Taipei-based Acorn Studio. Originally created for use on concert stages and in music videos, the studio is now hoping to produce Luna on a larger scale. The radiant full moon lantern is handmade from glass fiber and non-toxic latex and is available in seven different sizes via an ongoing Indiegogo campaign:
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Head over to the Luna Indiegogo campaign page for additional info.
[via Inhabitat]
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hexboltiings · 9 years
PAN'S LABYRINTH - sentence meme (en inglés)
❝ I don’t understand why you had to bring so many books. ❞
❝ You’re a little old to be filling your head with such nonsense. ❞
❝ I saw a fairy! ❞
❝ That’s not necessary, I can walk perfectly well…❞
❝ Better not go in there. You may get lost. ❞
❝ She’s sick with child. Did you notice? ❞
❝ Those bastards know the terrain better than any of us. ❞
❝ This will help you sleep through the night. Just two drops before bed. Two drops only. ❞
❝ Close the door and turn off the lights, sweetie. ❞
❝ The wound is getting worse. His leg isn’t any better. ❞
❝ Here, the houses are old. They creak… as if they were speaking.  ❞
❝ Why did you have to get married? ❞
❝ I’m with you. You weren’t alone. You were never alone. ❞
❝ Men talked amongst themselves about their fear of death, and pain, but never about the promise of eternal life. ❞
❝ Don’t fuck with me. ❞
❝ You killed him… you killed him! Murderer! Son of a bitch! ❞
❝ Maybe you’ll learn to search these assholes properly before you come to bother me. ❞
❝ Look. This is a fairy. ❞
❝ It’s you! You’ve returned! ❞
❝ I’ve had so many names… old name that only the wind and the trees can pronounce. ❞
❝ You were not born of man. It was the moon that bore you. ❞
❝ Prepare these rabbits for dinner tonight. ❞
❝ He’s nothing but a fussy dandy. A fussy dandy! ❞
❝ They eat more than a couple of pigs, and they never shut up. Not even underwater. ❞
❝ What I would have given to have a dress like this at your age. And look at the shoes! ❞
❝ You’ll look like a princess… ❞
❝ Do you want some milk with honey? ❞
❝ I believed in a lot of things I don’t believe anymore. ❞
❝ When the woods were young, they were home to creatures who were full of magic and wonder. ❞
❝Those sons of bitches are here… and they’re watching us. ❞
❝ They’re losing ground, and one of them is wounded. ❞
❝ These people hold the mistaken belief that we’re all equal. ❞
❝ If we need to kill every one of these vermin to settle it, we’ll kill them all, and that’s that. ❞
❝ Have I ever told you that I was acquainted with your father? ❞
❝ What you’ve done hurts me. ❞
❝ Make her/him/them well. I don’t care what it costs or what you need. Make her/him/them well. ❞
❝ You’re helping the men in the woods, aren’t you? ❞
❝ Do you know a lullaby? ❞
❝ When that man finds out about us, he’ll kill us all. Have you thought about that? ❞
❝ Look. This is a mandrake root—a plant that dreamt of being human. ❞
❝ The thing that slumbers there… it is not human. ❞
❝ I’ll try to make it in as few cuts as possible. ❞
❝ I’m a coward for living next to that son of a bitch. ❞
❝ You’ll meet her; she’s very pretty, even though she’s sometimes sad for many days at a time. You’ll see, when she smiles… you’ll love her. ❞
❝ Listen, if you do what I say, I’ll take you to my kingdom and make you a prince. ❞
❝ God only knows what they wanted, other than to waste our time. ❞
❝ Go ahead, don’t be afraid! This is the only decent way to die! ❞
❝ I’ll make you a deal. If you can count to three without st-st-stuttering, you can go. ❞
❝ Don’t look at him, look at me. Above me there is no one. ❞
❝ All memory of you will fade in time, and we will vanish along with it. ❞
❝ I like having you handy, ____. It has its advantages. ❞
❝ K-k-k-kill me, kill me now. Please. ❞
❝ Magic doesn’t exist! Not for you, not for me, not for anyone! ❞
❝ Please, take me away from here! Let’s just go, please! ❞
❝ The world is a cruel place. And you’ll learn that, even if it hurts. ❞
❝ To obey–just like that–for the sake of obeying, without questioning… that is something only people like you can do. ❞
❝ What must you think of me? You must think I’m a monster. ❞
❝ It doesn’t matter what someone like me thinks. ❞
❝ How long have you been laughing at me? Little bitch! ❞
❝ If anyone tries to get in… kill her first. ❞
❝ That’s what you’ve always thought. That’s why I was able to get away with it. I was invisible to you. ❞
❝ Damn. You’ve found my weakness: pride. ❞
❝ I’m not an old man, nor a wounded prisoner! ❞
❝ You wouldn’t be the first pig I’ve gutted! ❞
❝ Don’t be a fool, sweetheart. If anyone’s going to kill you… let it be me. ❞
❝ We’re leaving. Together. Don’t be afraid… nothing is going to happen to you. ❞
❝ Just a drop of blood. A pinprick, that’s all. ❞
❝ You promised to obey me without question! ❞
❝ Tell my son… tell him what time his father died. Tell him… that I– ❞
❝ No. He won’t even know your name. ❞
❝ You have spilled your blood rather than the blood of an innocent. ❞
❝ She reigned with justice and a kind heart for many centuries ❞
❝ She left small traces of her time on Earth, visible only to those who knew where to look. ❞
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hexboltiings · 9 years
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      Unsure if she is plotting a ploy, he cranes his neck carefully to see the photograph completely, seeing the young woman with a silver-haired young man – odd in of itself. But what she shared with him brought a sense of compassion over him – if not guilt, also. He wondered if he had had any thing to do with their parents’ death; he had been responsible for many. But he was keen not to show his concern for himself, but expressed a grief for her, instead. 
      ❛ Your mother…was KIND, ❜ he says carefully, looking back to her. And her reasoning for wanting to help him makes more sense now; he thinks he might be left with a sense of distaste should he refuse her. Besides, should she become a threat, he figures he might be able to take care of himself.  ❛ You learned…from her…? ❜ It’s half a statement, half a question.
“She was...” she replied carefully continuing to hold the photo out. “You can take it--” she offered in a quiet voice, letting her accent thicken a bit.  Though she quieted a bit at his question. The alleyway vaguely smelled of rotten cheese, and she wanted nothing more than to get him and herself
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“I suppose she did... though some of it was learned from hate” she stated then, digging in her purse and retrieved a granola bar, holding that out to him now.
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hexboltiings · 9 years
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His eyes don’t leave her, watching her carefully, warily as she notes him and his emaciation. Truly, he had not eaten in several days, but circumstance along with DELUSION have prevented him from any sort of sustenance. He does not think much of it, of personal care – it’s new territory to him. But this woman seems OVERLY concerned – that is to say, in his mind ANY notion of concern from another is foreign. 
He takes a step back as she takes one forward, still untrusting of her, although he can sense no obvious MALICE in her, there is something she WANTS, surely.
      “——What are you doing?”
When she reads his mistrust, she carefully kneels in front of him. “When I was young--” she begins, moving her bag in front of her, rummaging in it. “My brother and I would eat every night” she says, finally finding the photo, folded into careful fourths, fraying at the edges. She unfolds it and extends it to him.
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It’s her and Pietro when they’re teenagers. “I didn’t notice until I was older that mother would only eat dinner, and even then she never had a full plate” she murmured. “She was a cleaner at the local school” she tells him. “Compassionate woman until the end, told my brother and I to do the same” she murmured. “That was two years after our home was shelled by napalm” she murmured.
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hexboltiings · 9 years
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      He sits there, meddled with only his thoughts, ambient breaths hoarded in his lungs as he slithers in shadows, not waiting, but SEARCHING for peace. He finds it amongst himself, seemingly alone. But he STARTS when he hears the patter of the woman’s boots and JUMPS at her voice, raising a suspicious eye to her.
Carefully, he rises, and stands to his full height to see her, sensing something ODD about her, but not altogether malicious. His eyes narrow again and he simply nods, giving her reassurance.
      “——-Who…Who are you?”
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She’s peering at him worriedly, feeling sorry that she startled him so. She swallows at his question, but manages to remain lax. “I am Wanda--” is all she says. “You look starved...” she mutters to him, taking a half step forward with her hand ot to him.
If she can get skin contact, she can get in his thoughts.... find something of her own.
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hexboltiings · 9 years
Wanda was getting use to being in New York, the streets, the never ending bustle (and the strange work hours, eight hours straight did not seem right). Stark had gotten her an apartment away from the tower, the tensions high anyway, so she was out and about.
She’s walking through the Bronx, something about it feeling a lot like home when she sees a hunched figure in an alley way, and she can feel the man’s pain, and distress.
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“Mister?” she questions as she comes to him, slowly and cautiously crouching beside him. “Ahre you alright?” she swallows, realizing how think her accent sounds.
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hexboltiings · 9 years
X-Men Apocalypse trailer shown at SDCC 2015
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hexboltiings · 9 years
Send “It was just a one night stand” for my character’s reaction to yours saying that the morning after.
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hexboltiings · 9 years
me when it starts getting cloudy: yeees
me when it starts raining: yeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS
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hexboltiings · 9 years
→ Save Rock and Roll ft American Beauty/American Psycho, Centuries, Kids Aren’t Alright and Immortals edition
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