hey-juda-blog · 6 years
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H E A D C A N O N   { O O 1 / ? } FAMILY:
Ash’s mom met his dad when she worked at a hospital in Portland. Lupe was a nursing student and Trevor was a medical resident. They had a brief affair full of escapades in on-call rooms and supply closets and weren’t the most careful people in the world. Trevor was married, so when he found out she was pregnant with Ash, he cut ties with them both. Scared and unsure of what to do, Lupe called her mother. Magdalena wasn’t thrilled about her daughter being an unwed mother, but the draw of a grandchild and the loss of her own husband the year prior prompted her to let Lupe move in with her in Ashland. There, the two women, along with help from their neighbors, raised Ash and made him the man he is today.
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hey-juda-blog · 6 years
A smile small crept its way onto Keaton’s features. “Performing was hard on me back then, I was so focused on the support system I was lacking that I didn’t notice the one that was sitting right next to me.” Keaton was, clearly, talking about his parents. Never having them there to love him unconditionally had always impacted his ability to do most things, but once he learned that he had friends that made up for what he was missing, he managed to go on without them. Having that reliance on the Romantics terrified him too, which was part of the reason he disappeared after graduation. “Everything. One, it’s me and you. Two, we’re on a filthy floor. Three, even though we’re on a filthy floor I’m not focused on how disgusting it is.” The two were now sitting side by side, against the wall. “Be honest with me, were you mad at me at all?”
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“You know that we’ve always had your back. That I’ve always had your back.” Juda knew about Keaton’s home life. Not everything but most. He could put together what Keaton had told him and context clues he had gotten. He wanted to be there and comfort Keaton, and all his friends with poor home lives, because he loved them and felt guilty that his was so conventionally normal. “Okay I see your point. I think I prefer this time though.” They were older and more sure of themselves now. After hearing Keaton’s question Juda tilted his head, he looked puzzled. ”Mad at you for what?” 
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hey-juda-blog · 6 years
Ash climbed into the driver’s seat. Not known for being the best driver, he hadn’t been granted the chance to play chauffer yet. However, the group had stopped at a rest stop to stretch their legs and take a break from being on the road and he was the first one back on the bus. This was his chance. He gripped the steering wheel with a smile. When he saw someone climbing up into the bus shoot him a skeptical look he pouted a little, “Oh, c’mon! I drive a food truck, how different can this thing be?” 
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Juda wasn’t confident driving the bus himself. He was a good driver but lost whatever semblance of cool he had whenever he took control of the massive bus. When he saw Ash sneak up to the front his confidence wavered again. “I’m honestly not sure...I’ve never had to drive a food truck. But the bus is still so much different than a normal car. At least let me co-pilot.” Juda jumped into the passenger seat and joined Ash.
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hey-juda-blog · 6 years
“This reminds me of when I had that percussion solo back in high school, do you remember that? I was so convinced I would fuck it up, that I refused to leave the locker room. So, you sat on the locker room floor with me for an hour before I mustered up the courage to go out there, you convinced me just in time to get on stage.” Keaton leaned back against the wall of the laundromat, and subconsciously couldn’t help but to wonder when the place was cleaned last. Just as he had thought about their gym locker room a decade ago. This wasn’t the least maintained laundromat Keaton’d used, but it was far from five star. “Never a dull moment.” Admittedly, he went out of his way to find entertainment when Juda was with him. Just because he enjoyed seeing Juda smile. Keaton shifted slightly, his hand brushing against Juda’s where it rested on the ground. “I know I’ve said it already, but I really missed you.”
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“Of course I remember that. You were so stressed out but I knew you were going to blow the audience away. Sure enough you did.” He paused for a moment to think back on the memory. Juda’s crush was in full force back then. Juda spoke from the heart in that locker room and explained how confident in Keaton’s ability he was. Memories like that are powerful and Juda holds them very close. “How does this remind you of that again?” He slid over to the wall that they had crashed into tapping the ground next to him to get Keaton to join him, “I missed you too. I’m glad we are back together.” 
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hey-juda-blog · 6 years
Keaton wasn’t one to go out of his way to pester those around him, regardless of how much they deserved it and how tempting it might have been. Yet, he wasn’t going out of his way to please them either. His only intent was to live his life to the fullest. To be happy, as difficult as it always was for him to chase that feeling (or any feeling, for that matter). Keaton offered the better of the two beers back to Juda, figuring that he deserved to finish off the treasure that he found. It was rightfully his. Keaton would likely bring a few bottles back, and insist on restocking whatever space was left in their liquor drawer with this discovery. “I think it might just be my new favorite. Which is saying a lot, I’vebeen drinking the same beer since…” he already knew it was since he’d had his first drink, but he couldn’t recall just how old he was at the time. He was young, far too young. If he had to wager, he’d guess he was twelve. At the oldest. “over a decade ago,” he surmised simply, rather than give a definitive number.
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Juda gladly took back the better beer and finished off the rest of it. “You should definitely buy some then. The question is, do you share them with the rest of the group or stow them away? I’m all for keeping a secret stash.” He grabbed another test glass and took a sip of a different kind. “Over a decade is a long time for you to stay committed to the one beer you tried first in middle school.” 
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hey-juda-blog · 6 years
am i too late for the lil' ✿ ?
Never too late! 
Juda x Sonny
The highest Juda has ever been was over holiday break his junior year of college. He was catching up with Sonny at Sonny’s house and he ate two gingerbread cookies he didn’t realize were edibles. He spent the rest of the afternoon laying on Sonny’s basement floor staring at Christmas lights. When Sonny caught on to what happened he got equally high to join him.
Sonny wanted to visit Area 51 along their roadtrip which would have put them very far out of the way. Juda was a big supporter taking the detour but ultimately the two were shutdown. ((I really don’t know the route they are taking so if they do end up going to/near area 51 oh well))
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hey-juda-blog · 6 years
✿ from Nicky
Juda x Nicky
During finals week of senior year Nicky and Juda went to get a couples massage to destress. They laughed the entire time while the masseuses asked them how long they were dating. They create a full backstory for this fake relationship. 
Juda has committed every piece of film equipment that Nicky owns to heart. One half is because he has a nearly photographic memory the other half is because he has helped her lug it and set it up for her shoots many times. I specifically likes setting up lighting set ups despite how heavy they cases can be. 
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hey-juda-blog · 6 years
✿ from Ash
Juda x Ash
Ash has tried to teach Juda how to play video games many many times with little luck. Juda is too panicky for shooter games and is adamant that he ‘just enjoys watching you play.’ (In Super Smash Bros he mains Kirby)
In high school these two and Laurel hosted a puppy adoption event for the school. It came about because Juda wanted a volunteerism event on his college application but also because it was a good cause. Juda and Ash both love animals so they thought it was a great idea. Ash and Laurel acted as the marketing team and MC’s for the event while Juda focused on logistics. 
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hey-juda-blog · 6 years
✿ ??
Juda x Greyson 
Juda and Greyson have had length conversations about writing a mystery novel together. With Juda’s research and love for true crime and Greyson’s ability to write and develop story they would make a dream team. They have a shared google drive where they dump ideas into whenever they think of them.
In high school, they would dip out from parties once their extraversion threshold was reached. Juda would drive them to the closest drive-through, stock up on fast food and then come back to the party. The drunk people Juda drove home would always wonder why they’re was a faint smell of fries in his car. 
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hey-juda-blog · 6 years
Juda x Keaton
In high school Juda and Keaton would pass back and forth pieces of paper with doodles on it. The doodles would always add on to the past doodle until there was very little white space left. Juda’s sketches were always scribbled quickly since he was nervous of getting caught our missing some piece of information.
For Keaton’s birthday senior year Juda bought him an expensive new surround sound system for wherever he and his band practiced. Keaton protested the gift but Juda insisted. 
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hey-juda-blog · 6 years
Keaton pursed his lips to physically trap a loud bout of laughter, as his eyes followed Juda’s to the couple nearby. He was sure that the pretentious couples around them would only judge them further than they already were. Not that he was trying to impress the middle aged couple that had given them a dirty look earlier (doubtlessly because they were two men of color, who they assumed were a couple) anyway. “I like to think of myself as a beer conna- connoisseur..?” Keaton squinted, looking at Juda to confirm that he had used the right word. He decided it was, then continued. “and that was- just no.” he shook his head, and accepted the next bottle from Juda, handing the foot flavored beer to him in return as if it was a fair trade. He took a long swig, and nodded in approval. “Mmm. I like this one, it’s probably my favorite so far.”
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Juda wasn’t as good at shrugging off the stares of others. His actions weighed heavily on those around him. That isn’t to say he is inauthentic he will just adjust his tone to fit the general vibe of the people he is around. He didn’t like to stand out. But that was thrown out the window as the two boys laughed and swapped beers. He smiled, swelling with humility, when Keaton look to him for vocabulary approval. He didn’t say anything just coaxed him with a nod of reassurance. When Keaton handed him the gross beer he slid it off to the side and watched as Keaton tried his beer, “Right! It’s the best one I think. I’m glad you like it too! We could probably get a few bottles to bring back with us.” 
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hey-juda-blog · 6 years
“Dead? I think that’d ruin it,” Dylan pointed out in what she felt was a persuasive stance for more alcohol and less death. She leaned away from the group, to tell Juda of the game she had planned that she was sure – in a very drunken blur – was going to greatly improve their night and lives, “Like truth or dare. But more dare. Less truth. It’s kind of like lie and dare.”
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Juda flashed a very genuine smile at her bluntness and nodded. He followed her out of the group and leaned in to hear her. The game sounded exactly like something she would make up and something Juda would regret. But like this whole trip Juda was trying to break his comfort zone, “You know I’m not much of a dare person but I will try...I’m still confused over the lie part though?” 
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hey-juda-blog · 6 years
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hey-juda-blog · 6 years
Ezra shook his head as he should have realized that Juda would be more interested in the tour. It wasn’t boring, but he wanted to get drunk at a place that allowed it - especially during the day. It was hard to resist, but his patience level was higher for people like Juda.Ezra rolled his eyes, nudging the male. The chuckle he was saving came out while gazing from the tour guide, to Juda, to the are around them.  “J, you look like a kid in a candy store right now.”
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Juda shrugged Ezra off, nudging into him with his shoulder, “I just confused at why you don’t think this is fascinating. It’s so intricate and precise. Not to mention the industrial machines are awe inspiring. They want to show you all of this first so you can appreciate the beer instead of just swinging it back.” He knew he sounded like a dork but he also knew that Ezra enjoyed it so he wasn’t afraid to continue on that way. 
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hey-juda-blog · 6 years
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hey-juda-blog · 6 years
Instinct made Keaton tense which, of course, made the fall a bit worse. His hands reached for Juda as the two of them fell, attempting to help him in some way. Once his mind had fully processed everything, he gave Juda’s face a once over, and confirmed that he seemed okay. Keaton bit back a groan, and instead chuckled as soon as he knew that they were both okay. His head leaned back against the visibly filthy laundromat floor as the woman across the room scoffed. “I’m alright,” he responded, finally sitting up so he and Juda were face to face again. “That was fun, for a second.”
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Sitting on the floor of a laundry mat next to a toppled over cart wasn’t exactly where he expected to run into Keaton next. He had, of course, run several scenarios out in his head as to when he and Keaton would next speak but the laundry mat wasn’t one of them. It was fun though. It was unexpected. Juda leaned into his resting arms, comforted by the fact that Keaton was also okay. “Good I’m glad.” He smiled softly, “It was exhilarating! You’re good at making things fun Keat.”
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hey-juda-blog · 6 years
Again, a not so subtle display of the many differences between Keaton and Juda. While Keaton’s focus was entirely on drinking all the booze made available, Juda was more so focused on the learning aspect of the tour. Keaton was partially listening, mostly sampling, and occasionally just staring at Juda, if he was being honest. Keaton leaned in close to Juda, his hand finding Juda’s to get his attention and bring him closer, in order to whisper in his ear. “This one kind of tastes like feet,” he murmured, then offering a smile to the guide who glanced at him.
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Juda couldn’t help but laugh. He genuinely wanted to listen and learn but he was pleasantly distracted by Keaton. The tour guide seemed agitated and Juda mouthed sorry with a small wave while still chucking. “Okay I’m glad you said it because I was thinking it and thought I was crazy. I think they have the same idea.” He nodded his head at a couple who was also scrunching their noses up at the beer. “This one is really good though.” He took a sip and then handed it to Keaton to try. 
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