heyrhys-blog ¡ 5 years
Out of everyone in the group Rhys had the most seniority since he had been with the company the longest. Kangmin towered over him and though it looked like they would be at each other’s throat they bonded over their sense of humor and shit talking. It was refreshing to be around someone who wasn’t so perfect off camera though when it came time to work there was no complaining or bitching about how hard things were. Though he had a background in dance Rhys’ moves were so clean and smooth making every motion look so effortless. Kangmin had trouble with that given his size though all the years of ballet did help him to be graceful. It started as joke between the come up with a routine for a song they commonly referenced when greeting each other. Kangmin had his own steps memorized but was willing to edit it to fit in Rhys styles. Though they were different, they had good teamwork, plus if this turned out to be something good they could it for a special stage or a tour performance. The young man was already in the dance studio warming up with some stretches. Even for this he was still dressed fashionable in Adidas gear (black sweats and a red tank finished off with black running shoes and a headband). Kangmin never was one to dress in regular clothes for a dance practice, it was too restrictive for him.  Hearing the door open he focused his attention on the person coming in and greeted them, “Hi Bich.”
Although he wouldn’t say he got -- or was willing  -- to make meaningful friendships in his work environment, his relation with Kangmin still was quite an honorable mention. When they first met, the energy the other was giving off sent Rhys two conflicting signals. He supposed they would either end up getting on like a house of fire or the exact opposite. So far there wasn’t really a hatchet they had to bury; they were more similar than he first assumed, and most importantly, Kangmin wasn’t trying to sell a sugarcoated persona. On top of that, he also didn’t wasn’t a part of the sizable group of people who would get offended by Rhys’ jokes. Maybe that aspect he valued the most.
For several reasons he was starting to get excited about joining forces to create a dance routine together. Not only could it be interesting due to their varying styles, but the song choice itself was... just on point. What had become their inside joke, now would be the centre of their work. He was on his way to the company, wearing comfortable white Champion sweats, loose black t-shirt and bright basketball sneakers. What he forgot was a baseball cap or anything else to keep his hair in one place, but that inconvenience he could bear.
Once he entered the studio, he put his sports bag near the wall and displayed a bright grin. “Where are your white J’s?” He pointed to Kangmin’s shoes and stood next to him to start doing some stretching before they would get down to business.
White J's, White Porsche, White Wrist, White Horse - Kangmin and Ilwon
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heyrhys-blog ¡ 5 years
Most would probably see the group their in as family or even something closer than that. Rhys never had a good connection with his parents nor his sister, so maybe he had no benchmark to even say how such attachment was supposed to feel like, but he could claim -- for now only in front of himself -- that the fellow members of Di-verse were... co-workers, just co-workers. Back when they were all still trainees, a part of him sought genuine connections, like the friendships he had managed to make in his hometown. Well, and on the other hand, he knew it would be the game of survival. He saw plenty of people come and go and he didn’t want to be one of those who gave up or weren’t good enough to succeed. For some reason he always was the most (in his standards, of course) fond of Nari. But as time went on and their group debuted, it didn’t take long for him to start detaching himself. It was a slow process, and still on-going.
The other two disappeared somewhere after the practice, so it was only him and Nari in the room. In fact, he was about to grab his belongings and flee too, but as he ambled to get his things, his gaze met hers and this hellishly uncomfortable eye-contact ensued. His lips curled into a stiff smile and he looked wordlessly at her for a while, waiting for her to say anything first. “Is there something on my face?” With his eyebrows pressed together, he gave in and spoke up; his inquiry laying somewhere in between innocent jest and aggressive humor. 
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heyrhys-blog ¡ 5 years
Before Rhys made the decision to become an idol, he always had deep interest in music. It was his main if not one and only hobby, really. For a while now he’d been trying his hand at composing his own pieces; most of all, he enjoyed it and making his own songs was satisfying, but it also was his backup plan. The group wouldn’t last forever. Although they were thriving and the public seemed to love them, he knew that sooner or later they would have to bid their farewells. This thought wasn’t bringing a single tear to his eye, he treated it like his job, after all. He believed that with the right practice and determination he could become good enough to be a producer later on.
Despite not minding solitude, luckily he didn’t have to sit in the studio by himself. Minsoo’s insight was greatly appreciated, and Rhys himself was shocked to even think he cared about someone else’s feedback. With sincere excitement he rushed to the studio the two of them would usually occupy at that time. Holding two milkshakes and some churros he bought en route, for a moment he struggled to open the door until he managed to enter the temple. “Started without me?” He looked at the screens and offered a small grin. “I’ve got a little something.” Putting the treats down on the table, he leaned against the chair Minsoo was sitting in.
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heyrhys-blog ¡ 5 years
catch , @heyrhys !
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“𝕆ℍ. ℍ𝔼𝕃𝕃𝕆.” while she’d usually jump at the sight of one of her hoobaes — or at the very least, offer a warm, polite smile — the presence of this boy in particular requires optimal strength in order not to roll her eyes too hard, nor simply ask of him to leave. an arched eyebrow accompanies her gaze as she ties her hair up in a ponytail, features finally breaking into a smile, albeit a guarded one. “did you need anything ? — i thought i had this space for a bit longer, but if it’s a place to practice you’re after i think the room above us is available right now.”
He would consider networking as the most valuable skill and ever since he signed the contract at Solar, he was working very diligently to make useful connections within the company’s walls, and then in the industry itself, too. Oh, and Molly... Molly was a tough cookie, still is. “Hey, noona,” Rhys greets her with this disgustingly saccharine hint to his voice as he struts inside the capacious room. “Ah-- No, no.” He shakes his head leisurely; his forced smile widens with every step he takes towards her. “A little birdy told me you’d be around, so I thought I could drop by to say hi.” And to bother you, he adds in his head.
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heyrhys-blog ¡ 5 years
Fridays. Rhys loves Fridays, even though not always he gets to wind down. From the moment he woke up in the morning, he was ardently hoping nothing uncalled-for would crawl into his surprisingly spare schedule. Because he had plans and he wouldn’t let anyone ruin them. If somebody dared, he still would have his way at absolutely all costs. Maybe it was autosuggestion kicking in all of a sudden, but for the first time in weeks he was in really high spirits, so wouldn’t it be a shame to stay in when he could make use of his buoyant mood by going all in at some party? Lately the social gatherings he had the questionable pleasure to attend were company-related and these are no fun.
The club he’s chosen is prestigious enough for nobody to encircle him and just let him pour booze down his throat in peace. After getting the sufficient amount of his fuel, Rhys steps away from the bar counter and drinks in the surroundings. Well, now it’s getting interesting. Upon spotting Taemin, his lips curled into a smirk with a tint of mischief. Without second thoughts, he approaches the man, adjusting his sloppily tucked-in shirt in the meantime. “Hey, you son of a gun.” He gives him a firm pat on the back. “I cannot say I didn’t expect to see you here out of all places.”
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heyrhys-blog ¡ 5 years
His day was dragging on mercilessly. Sometimes he just didn’t get why the higher-ups were making them spend those seemingly endless hours under the company roof, where there obviously wasn’t much for them to do. For him, they tended to push the whole practice makes perfect credo too far. Taking advantage of the break, Rhys rushed out of the building to get himself some iced tea. If generosity was a part of his nature, he would also get the cold drink for each member. But he wasn’t in the mood to play the good Samaritan.
Walking back into the building, very sluggishly, his eyes were glued to the bright screen of his phone. And so it didn’t take long for him to bump into someone. Lifting his head, he shoot a scowl in the other’s direction before his expression instantly softened. “Excuse me, sunbae,” he bowed his head a little, putting extra emphasis on the honorific. “What great things are you up to?”
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heyrhys-blog ¡ 5 years
whether we’ve plotted or not, feel free to like this lil post for a closed starter!
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heyrhys-blog ¡ 5 years
Homesickness. Every single day Rhys heartily wished he wasn’t so familiar with this feeling. He missed Melbourne’s weather, its overall atmosphere, all the people he had bonded with. Over the years he had lost contact with most of his friends from there, and although he wasn’t the type to look back at the past, he was still regretting that he didn’t even get to say damn bye to them, because his family left for Seoul so quickly. And that particular city... it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t the same. Another set of shackles was the language he probably would never feel fully comfortable in. But that issue he had a solution for.
Rhys made his way into Solar’s cafeteria, where he would often kill time between practicing, and when Chaemi fell into his visual field, a playful grin tugged at the corners of his lips. “G’day, mate. How’s it goin’?” He spoke with an exaggerated Aussie accent. 
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heyrhys-blog ¡ 5 years
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The S in Chan stands for shirt
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heyrhys-blog ¡ 5 years
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( bang chan. twenty-one. cismale. he/him. ) hae 'rhys' ilwon is a 1996 liner + has been at so!ar entertainment for six years. they are the main rapper, lead dancer + vocalist in di-verse. they are known by their fans to be energetic, determined + quick-witted but they can also be haughty, deceiving + impulsive.
Below you can find Rhys’ background; if you would like to plot, feel free to shoot me an IM or like this post and I’ll drop by your inbox instead.
Born as Rhys Hae in Melbourne, Australia on March 29.
Child of an affair -- his mother Megan Hae (at the time married to Eric Hae; with her husband she owned a successful publishing house) had a holiday romance with an influential businessman, Choi Woong, who also happened to be an old family friend. It had taken her spouse a couple of years to find out Rhys wasn’t his biological kid. He still treated him like his own son, but the marriage came to an end. It was a rough time for Rhys, but he doesn’t remember much of it.
Not long after the divorce his mother married her lover, Mr. Choi, with whom she had another child. Rhys was eight years old when his younger sister was born and... he was not too happy about it. He wasn’t the centre of attention anymore and that fact alone made him pretty unpleasant and difficult to put up with. His parents thought it would pass, but with time it had only gotten worse. In school he was collecting behavior notes like stamps.
When he was fifteen his father went bankrupt. They made a decision to return to South Korea, where they could have a fresh start and live more humbly (what wasn’t right up Rhys’ alley); it was a new environment for him to get accustomed to. In high school he quickly found himself in a group of fellow troublemakers. He soon became the leader of the pack.
Hearing about the So!ar Ent. audition, he figured it was a big chance for him. He always had a flair for music, which he was using as an outlet, but he didn’t want to become an idol to fulfill his dreams, yada yada yada. With poor grades and even worse reputation there was no way he could get into one of the universities his parents praised so much. Besides that, he never wanted to go beyond mandatory education. What he wanted was fame and easy money, and so he assumed it was the way to go.
He debuted in 2017 as the main rapper, lead dancer and vocalist of Di-verse. Thanks to his liveliness and charm gaining his own circle of fans wasn’t much of a challenge. On the stage he presents himself as the so-called boyfriend material aka exactly what fans want to see. But when the cameras aren’t rolling, he’s simply a jerk. Around members he tries to keep his facade, yet sometimes -- maybe even too often -- he lets it drop.
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heyrhys-blog ¡ 5 years
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Š GLITTERY CHAN☽ [1, 2] please do not edit or crop logo
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heyrhys-blog ¡ 5 years
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heyrhys-blog ¡ 5 years
if I had a dollar for everytime someone called me ugly I’d be broke cause I’m perfect lol later losers
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heyrhys-blog ¡ 5 years
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heyrhys-blog ¡ 5 years
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chan- yellow wood teaser
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