hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
reblog this if you actually like following me.
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hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
Kisses I want to write about:
Goodbye kisses: Lingering and hard for longer times apart. Ones that curve A’s body against B’s and cause hands to splay against backs. Or short pecks, maybe not even completely on the mouth for short trips to the grocery store. Hello kisses: After long periods apart, these can include A picking up B and spinning them around. Fingers pressing into cheeks, palms cupping necks, and breathless laughs when they finally come up for air. Breathless kisses: A series of short pecks because they need the closeness but they also need air, so. Sometimes smiles come in between, or sometimes its just breath, gasping for the sole purpose of being able to kiss again. Heated kisses: Breath huffing into mouths, angrily or passionately. Hands grabbing at clothing and pulling each other closer. First kisses: Hesitant and nervous. Lips hover inches from each other for a few seconds before they just barely brush. It’s just a soft press, but it ignites their entire bodies. Pinkies link afterwards, still wanting to be close, and each looks down, smiling softly. After sex kisses: Lazy, slow presses. Limbs pressed together, chests heaving. Soft murmurs about what to do for dinner later, fingers trailing down backs, tracing lazy patterns. B rolling onto their back and A trailing their lips down their neck, kissing their shoulder, their chest, anywhere they can think of, memorizing B. Morning kisses: Barely awake kisses that usually end up on jaws or cheeks because A is too tired to land it properly. B makes a sleepy sound and rolls into A, nuzzling their face into their neck, ankles hooking together, while A drapes their arms around B and they fall back asleep for a while. Post-break up kisses: Soft and slow. Hands on each other’s arms in a way that neither can tell if the other is pushing away or pulling closer. The kiss ends with their foreheads pressed together, neither wanting it to be true that this is happening. Christmas kisses: More smile than actual kiss. A holds mistletoe above their heads while B rolls their eyes, but pulls A down by the collar of their ugly Christmas sweater for a heated kiss. A takes B by the waist and walks forward until they are around the corner, away from the prying eyes and hoots of the rest of their friends and family. Comforting kisses: B walks into find A sitting on the bed, shoulders shaking, cheeks wet. A looks up, face looking stricken for a moment. B is shocked, and quietly says A’s name. At this, A breaks, face crumpling, and only barely has time to reach both hands out for B before B is there, kneeling at A’s feet. B takes A’s hands first, kissing their knuckles and palms. Then B reaches up to hold A’s face, pressing soft kisses around their cheeks, their lips, murmuring “it’s okay” and “you’re alright” and “I’m here” in between. “I thought I lost you” kisses: The breath is knocked out of both of them with the force that they collide with. Hands grip the back of t-shirts and palms are pressed up and under shirts, holding them close, feeling the warmth of their skin. Palms are pressed to cheeks, thumbs swiping away tears until their mouths collide messily, the world seeming to disappear around them. “We can’t do this” kisses: Fists clenched, hands shoved into pockets. Brows low or brought together, jaws clenched. A feeling like a magnetic pull between them. Their foreheads press together, their lips brush, just barely, until B pulls away with a shaking exhale, forehead dropping into A’s neck. “Come to bed” kisses: A has their hands on B’s neck, murmuring the phrase softly. A’s hands slide down B’s arms to their hands, lacing their fingers together and slowly starting to pull B towards their bedroom. A continues to pepper B with kisses all the while, trailing them down their jaw and neck. “You look beautiful” kisses: Just a soft press of lips to the temple, resting them there for a moment, then smiling down and telling them as much. “I’ll be right back” kisses: A puts their hands on B’s shoulders from behind them, where they are sat on the couch. He leans down and around, while B turns his head a little, accepting the quick peck. “I missed you” kisses: Long and relentless, holding their body close, arms wrapped completely around their waist. A burying their head in B’s neck and pressing kisses there too. Angry kisses: Hard, gripping. Fists in clothes, shoving each other against walls. Fingers digging into hips. But the kisses always melt away from that. They turn into brushes of lips between shaking breaths, until they’re out of energy and are left just standing there, holding each other, fingers carding through hair. Sad kisses: Almost not a kiss at all. Just holding onto each other tightly, A’s lips pressed to B’s temple, whispering soft words, desperately trying to provide whatever comfort they can. In the dark kisses: The movie plays in the background, but A and B are hardly paying attention from the back row. They kiss soundlessly, long and soft, fingers locked. A’s arm is thrown behind B’s seat, wrist bent to curl their fingers into B’s hair. Dying kisses: A holds B in their arms, panicked, crying. Murmurs of “no, no, no.” Salt on their lips from tears. Voice cracking. Holding on tightly to their shirt, their shoulder, their hand, roughly pulling them against their body, anything to try and keep them tethered to this earth. Kissing them as they die (“no. No, stay awake—“), Kissing them once more even with the life has left their body (No. God, come back. Please, come back. Please, look at me, I’m right here”).
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hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
Interact with this post if you blog about robots!!
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hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
((What does Will make of some of his RH classmates?))
Well, Jenny’s obvious.He and Sheldon actually get along fine, but Will is constantly paranoid about their shared attraction to Jenny. Sheldon absolutely loves Jenny, but to the extent that, in the end, he just wants to see her happy, and if she’s happy with someone else so be it. I was originally going to write something about this during the intro to the Misty battle.
Shayde is one of Will’s closest friends, and they try to hang out as often as possible, with Shayde’s longer exposure to the multiverse being a big help towards acclimating Will toward some of the concepts he’s about to be exposed to. They also binge movies and TV shows together on occasion.
Even outside their AU ships, Will hangs out with Roulette and Vega: the former because of her proximity to Shayde and the latter because of her proximity to Jenny. Both, however, are valuable supports for him.
Buzzkill is one of the few that Will regularly seeks out intentionally to befriend; he appreciates the honesty more than he appreciates glad-handing for the sake of “making him feel better.” The whole episode with him nearly getting skewered through the neck kind of put a roadblock in that avenue, but it’s more a wake-up call than anything else. He also wants to meet Beekeeper to find out what makes him worth dying for.
Luca takes regular naps in Will’s hair when he isn’t goading Will into his adventures; the latter is something Will does a bit begrudgingly, but the former is something Will adores because he feels loved and appreciated.
Xavis is somewhat of a mystery to Will.
Marsh still unintentionally freaks Will out after what happened the first time they met.
Will regularly trains with the young clone troopers, getting used to first aid techniques.
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hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
It was the first time since taking this stupid job that Misty felt so relieved. She rubbed her sore wrists and watched Buzzkill and Mantis leave in good spirits before addressing Dreamer. “Thanks.” She finally said, quietly. “I just hope we’re not too late to stop him...oh, and can you show me the way back? I have no idea where I am right now.”
She chuckled lightly. At least Dreamer was easier to talk to, having not spent as much time beating her up or giving her death glares. But now she was about to take on the guy who had offered her the job in the first place, so for all that she knew, she could be hopping out of the frying pan and into the fire. With backup around her like this, though, she felt confident that, even if they didn’t survive, they’d put a damper on this guy’s plans and give him a heck of a fight.
She was always up for that.
Lights flashed on, blindingly bright. Bright enough to bring the Mercenary out out of unconsciousness. The room she was in was empty save for a blacked out window, a door, a table and two chairs. Including the one she was being restrained in. In from the door walked Dreamer, this time dressed only in his RH Fatigues with a pistol and holster. The Trooper took to the chair across from Misty. “You alright? I imagine Buzzkill wasn’t too gentle with you...”
Misty slowly returned to life, her body sore and her mind reeling. She looked at her surroundings with disdain and dismay, knowing for absolute certainty that she had failed her mission.
The boy in front of her looked new, but when she heard his voice she recognized him as one of the armored back-up Jenny had, no doubt in charge of the others who wore it there. But he was so much younger than she expected, closer to her own age: way too young for a normal person to be commanding troops. What is this place?
“Why do you care?” She sneered, looking back up at him. “Are you interrogating ‘muh feelings’ now?”
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hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
Grim arched the top of his orbital socket at this display. He had to admire the guts of this villain to stand up like this to his own principal, let alone the very embodiment of Death.
Bellum did not flinch when the behatted boy addressed her, either; she regretted going along with Grim’s plan, and was thankful someone was calling them both out for it. She knew, however, that nothing would sway Grim from this course, especially not someone he was already mad at.
“They’re telling the truth.”
Everyone turned to Misty, still sitting in her cuffs, having pieced together as much of the situation as she could. She was a pawn in a much larger, more grotesque plan than she had suspected, and she finally decided she was going to have none of it: especially if someone she knew was innocent was at such a risk.
“Kurtis - that’s his name, right? - he hired me from out of the blue. I’d never met him or his son until I tried to scare Will away from our fight, but even then he didn’t budge. I was inside his mind; he has nothing but respect and admiration for the school and the people in it, especially for the robot that I was sent to wreck.”
“I wasn’t going to say anything,” she said, before indicating Dreamer, Buzzkill and Mantis with a head nod, “until they started to speak up for him. He has friends that would stand up to you to defend him. Frankly...” She sighed. “...I miss having friends like that. Even if they’re goody-two-shoes robots that don’t know how to make a quick buck. And probably never want to see me again.”
Grim glared at her. “What are you suggesting, den?”
“I’m suggesting,” Misty shouted, exasperated, “that you let him and me prove you wrong.”
“An’ how do I know I can trust ye?”
“You don’t.” Misty shrugged. “But they seem to.”
Grim looked around at everyone else, recognizing he was the only one in the room who held on to the belief that Will had potential to be an intelligence risk. His anger remained, but he seemed to cool slightly as he took a deep breath into his non-corporeal lungs.
“Fine.” He said at last. “But the expulsion stays in effect until ye’ both prove ya’selves.”
“Done.” Misty nodded.
“If yer’ lyin’ tah me,” Grim menaced, fire literally burning in his eyes, “ye’ will be.” He turned to leave the room, only hesitating to look to Miss Bellum, who moved to join him as he walked down the hallway. She stopped at the door for a moment to address the group.
“Thank you.” She said to Buzzkill. “All of you.” She added, toward Dreamer and Mantis.
"And...” When she locked eyes with Misty, she sensed a renewed determination in the alien girl. Bellum liked that. “...best of luck.”
With that, she left the others behind and followed Grim to his office, the door swinging shut behind her.
Lights flashed on, blindingly bright. Bright enough to bring the Mercenary out out of unconsciousness. The room she was in was empty save for a blacked out window, a door, a table and two chairs. Including the one she was being restrained in. In from the door walked Dreamer, this time dressed only in his RH Fatigues with a pistol and holster. The Trooper took to the chair across from Misty. “You alright? I imagine Buzzkill wasn’t too gentle with you...”
Misty slowly returned to life, her body sore and her mind reeling. She looked at her surroundings with disdain and dismay, knowing for absolute certainty that she had failed her mission.
The boy in front of her looked new, but when she heard his voice she recognized him as one of the armored back-up Jenny had, no doubt in charge of the others who wore it there. But he was so much younger than she expected, closer to her own age: way too young for a normal person to be commanding troops. What is this place?
“Why do you care?” She sneered, looking back up at him. “Are you interrogating ‘muh feelings’ now?”
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hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
The sight of these two walking into the room was the last thing Misty needewd right now. Not only was it a reminder of the violently one-sided beatdown she had received, but also of the image that sent her into panic-induced unconsciousness.
Ugh, as if this whole situation couldn’t get any worse.
Miss Bellum was rather surprised to see Buzzkill walk in, but Grim’s countenance remained unchanged, a scowl of disapproval crossing his jaw. All Buzzkill had done was save him the trouble of going to his room to speak to him.
“Ah, Mistah Buzzkill,” he spoke, his words dripping with his own brand of venom, “Good tah see you. I was just about tah meet wit’ you in regards tah your wit’holdin’ of dis dire situation. If ya had simply told us about dis little insurrection, I would not have tah suspend you and ya little group of friends for a week.”
“Now we have less time to prepare for whatever it is that Kurtis is planning,” Bellum elaborated, indicating this to Mantis Shrimp as well. “You may have stopped this attack, but we’re talking about a man with extensive funds and - practically - a license to kill. Up until now, he’s done more subversive attacks, but who’s to say he’s not assembling forces for a full-on assault as we speak?”
“Dat,” Grim added, “is not a chance we are willing tah take. So aftah we block ‘dis Misty and her accomplice from returning tah ‘de’ multiverse, we are going tah prepare fo’ de’ worst.”
Bellum said nothing. She and Grim had already debated the issue of Will’s alleged involvement quite heatedly this morning, but Grim stood firm against each argument. She was even starting to grow unsure of Will’s integrity herself.
Lights flashed on, blindingly bright. Bright enough to bring the Mercenary out out of unconsciousness. The room she was in was empty save for a blacked out window, a door, a table and two chairs. Including the one she was being restrained in. In from the door walked Dreamer, this time dressed only in his RH Fatigues with a pistol and holster. The Trooper took to the chair across from Misty. “You alright? I imagine Buzzkill wasn’t too gentle with you...”
Misty slowly returned to life, her body sore and her mind reeling. She looked at her surroundings with disdain and dismay, knowing for absolute certainty that she had failed her mission.
The boy in front of her looked new, but when she heard his voice she recognized him as one of the armored back-up Jenny had, no doubt in charge of the others who wore it there. But he was so much younger than she expected, closer to her own age: way too young for a normal person to be commanding troops. What is this place?
“Why do you care?” She sneered, looking back up at him. “Are you interrogating ‘muh feelings’ now?”
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hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
Misty arched a curious eyebrow at Dreamer’s response. The two apparent leaders of the school had a point; she was an intruder sent to destroy not one, but two of their students. If what they were saying was true, then this plot was even wider reaching than she would have anticipated. If she’d known that there was so much at stake...
Neither Miss Bellum nor Grim looked impressed, however, by the explanation they were given.
“So what you’re tellin’ us,” Grim replied, rubbing the bridge of his nasal cavity, “is dat you know less aftah your interrogatin’ den we did before we came here?”
Miss Bellum handed Dreamer a stack of papers. “This packet of data has been circulating the halls of the Genius Sanctum like wildfire over the past 24 hours.” She said. “The CEO in question is one Kurtis Perringer.”
“An’ his motive is ta destroy every’ting I've worked so hard ta build here!” Grim slammed his scythe’s handle against the concrete floor, a piercing clatter sounding as the hard surface beneath cracked. “I would have assumed dat it would be in your best interests to pursue dis inquiry furder, but you are clearly not workin’ hard enough.” He glared at Misty, who glared back at him.
Miss Bellum flipped a couple pages in. “They also found that Misty gained access to the school through a malicious insertion of a student profile.” Her face became very pained. “There was...one other that was also inserted this way.”
Displaying the page, she showed that Will’s information was included in the dossier.
“Still on about dat boy?” Grim turned back towards Bellum. “De’ school’s interests come first. Now dat we know what’s been done, we cannot take any’ting for granted. For all ye’ know, he could’a been lyin’ about himself from da’ start.”
Bellum sighed and nodded before addressing Dreamer. “Will is being expelled. His profile has already been cleared from our system and he has a day to pack up his belongings from Normal Hall and go home. Once you’re done interrogating Misty, you will have her do the same. They’ll both be barred from returning.”
“I liked mah own idea bettah,” Grim said, intentionally not elaborating, “but Bellum talked me down.”
In the back of her mind, Misty remembered the boy they were talking about very well. For a few seconds she had shared his mind, and what she saw was disturbing, to say the least: not like anyone else she’d encountered back home. If she weren’t on a job, she would have pitied the boy, but at the time the only mercy she could spare was to tell him to run away, lest his worst fear come to life.
Yet he didn’t. He had plenty of opportunity - she’d been given direct orders to not attack him - yet he stayed to make sure no one was hurt. He had his fears, but he was facing them head-on.
Misty watched Dreamer closely, to see how he would react to this news.
Lights flashed on, blindingly bright. Bright enough to bring the Mercenary out out of unconsciousness. The room she was in was empty save for a blacked out window, a door, a table and two chairs. Including the one she was being restrained in. In from the door walked Dreamer, this time dressed only in his RH Fatigues with a pistol and holster. The Trooper took to the chair across from Misty. “You alright? I imagine Buzzkill wasn’t too gentle with you...”
Misty slowly returned to life, her body sore and her mind reeling. She looked at her surroundings with disdain and dismay, knowing for absolute certainty that she had failed her mission.
The boy in front of her looked new, but when she heard his voice she recognized him as one of the armored back-up Jenny had, no doubt in charge of the others who wore it there. But he was so much younger than she expected, closer to her own age: way too young for a normal person to be commanding troops. What is this place?
“Why do you care?” She sneered, looking back up at him. “Are you interrogating ‘muh feelings’ now?”
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hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
“The noise and voice certainly seemed intimidating, for sure, but given the variety of people at this school, Misty half-expected it to be some tiny guy with a megaphone and a sledgehammer.  If her “interrogator” was this concerned, however, she figured she ought to be as well; she cooperated as he locked her arm back into place.
A flood of light filled the room as the door opened at last, but given the darkness of the room all Misty could see was a menacing, somewhat-human silhouette against the lit outside. It entered the room and was followed by a buxom woman with fluffy orange hair, her hands behind her back as she tersely got a first glimpse at the school’s intruder. She stayed in the background, however, as the imposing figure began to speak.
“So dis is de’ one dey send to attack my students an’ ruin my school.” He mused as the door was shut behind them, plummeting them all back into darkness.
The light change made it more difficult for Misty to see through the light above her, but there was something off about this...man?
“It’s bad enough dat someone is plotting our destruction; den I find dat no one - no one - goes through de’ trouble to actually report it to me.”
She could feel its gaze down upon her, even if she couldn’t exactly tell what its eyes looked like.
“Miss Bellum,” it said, addressing the woman in the back, “am I misrememberin’, or didn’t de’ robot girl say dis one was injured in de’ fight? I don’t see a lick of injury on ‘er.”
Miss Bellum picked up an empty cup, inspecting the blue drops that still clung to the inside. “You aren’t misremembering, sir.” She said sternly, showing it to her associate, who seethed at the sight.
“Not exactly de’ type of interrogatin’ I expected to see.” it turned to Misty, who watched as it approached and finally leaned into the light to get a closer look.
Misty hadn’t known humans for too terribly long, but she knew that one particular quirk they had was a personification of Death. She’d seen versions of the “Grim Reaper” decorating the sides of fighters, mannequins of it displayed around Halloween. She never figured she’d come face-to-face with it, at least when she was as young as she was. The massive jaw grinned as it raised a gleaming scythe into the light.
“I could certainly change dat.” Grim threatened.
Misty’s hands twitched in her restraints, but she knew there was no point in any more fear. She waited for the end with her eyes open; if she was to die, she wasn’t going to die a coward.
Bellum placed a hand upon Grim’s shoulder. “Can we hold ourselves back for just a bit longer?” She insisted, before looking at Misty with a slightly more sympathetic eye before turning to Dreamer.
“Tell us everything you know.” She demanded, softly but fiercely.
Lights flashed on, blindingly bright. Bright enough to bring the Mercenary out out of unconsciousness. The room she was in was empty save for a blacked out window, a door, a table and two chairs. Including the one she was being restrained in. In from the door walked Dreamer, this time dressed only in his RH Fatigues with a pistol and holster. The Trooper took to the chair across from Misty. “You alright? I imagine Buzzkill wasn’t too gentle with you...”
Misty slowly returned to life, her body sore and her mind reeling. She looked at her surroundings with disdain and dismay, knowing for absolute certainty that she had failed her mission.
The boy in front of her looked new, but when she heard his voice she recognized him as one of the armored back-up Jenny had, no doubt in charge of the others who wore it there. But he was so much younger than she expected, closer to her own age: way too young for a normal person to be commanding troops. What is this place?
“Why do you care?” She sneered, looking back up at him. “Are you interrogating ‘muh feelings’ now?”
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hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
Misty cocked an eyebrow, unsure of where this was going but intrigued by the prospect of loot. “Go on.”
But before Dreamer could get the chance to continue, there was a deafening noise at the door. It sounded like something was rapping upon it, but the sound was too loud to be that of an average person’s fist.
Horrifying as it was, it was outdone instantly by the voice that followed.
“Open de’ door. NOW.”
Lights flashed on, blindingly bright. Bright enough to bring the Mercenary out out of unconsciousness. The room she was in was empty save for a blacked out window, a door, a table and two chairs. Including the one she was being restrained in. In from the door walked Dreamer, this time dressed only in his RH Fatigues with a pistol and holster. The Trooper took to the chair across from Misty. “You alright? I imagine Buzzkill wasn’t too gentle with you...”
Misty slowly returned to life, her body sore and her mind reeling. She looked at her surroundings with disdain and dismay, knowing for absolute certainty that she had failed her mission.
The boy in front of her looked new, but when she heard his voice she recognized him as one of the armored back-up Jenny had, no doubt in charge of the others who wore it there. But he was so much younger than she expected, closer to her own age: way too young for a normal person to be commanding troops. What is this place?
“Why do you care?” She sneered, looking back up at him. “Are you interrogating ‘muh feelings’ now?”
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hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
Misty couldn’t help but snicker at the clone’s stumbling. Here he was, no doubt with a lot of responsibility in interrogating her, and he can’t even get his own words straight.
Then again, with his next segue, she realized that this wasn’t so much an interrogation but more of an invitation.
“So let me get this straight...” she began, “...I get offered money to whack two of the students of this...’school’, weasel my way in, get curb-stomped ...and you’re saying I could stay here as though I were as much of a goody-two-shoes as Jenny?”
She rolled her eyes and turned away with a scoff. The whole thing seemed absolutely bizarre.
Then again...the place did show a lot of promise, even in her scant time of being there. She’d always loved being on her own because it afforded her so much freedom; now that there was an actual nexus to a multiverse, there was no boundary as to where she could go. And unlike the “standards” of Jenny’s school, this place seemed ripe with opportunity for ruckus. They wouldn’t allow Jenny’s friends to roam the halls armed if that weren’t the case.
Still cautious, however, she looked out of the corner of her eye at Dreamer.
“What’s the catch?”
Lights flashed on, blindingly bright. Bright enough to bring the Mercenary out out of unconsciousness. The room she was in was empty save for a blacked out window, a door, a table and two chairs. Including the one she was being restrained in. In from the door walked Dreamer, this time dressed only in his RH Fatigues with a pistol and holster. The Trooper took to the chair across from Misty. “You alright? I imagine Buzzkill wasn’t too gentle with you...”
Misty slowly returned to life, her body sore and her mind reeling. She looked at her surroundings with disdain and dismay, knowing for absolute certainty that she had failed her mission.
The boy in front of her looked new, but when she heard his voice she recognized him as one of the armored back-up Jenny had, no doubt in charge of the others who wore it there. But he was so much younger than she expected, closer to her own age: way too young for a normal person to be commanding troops. What is this place?
“Why do you care?” She sneered, looking back up at him. “Are you interrogating ‘muh feelings’ now?”
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hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
This was, in recent memory, the strangest interrogation Misty had ever partaken in.
“Why are you talking like I’m gonna ‘fit in’?” She asked, flailing her free arm in annoyance. “You haven’t explained to me what this place even is! I mean, now you’re probably going to do that anyway, so…" Her eyes half-closed and her voice grew dull. "Yay, storytime…from the man with the stolen fa- WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? You are making absolutely no sense right now! Are you supposed to be interrogating me, or-”
As she lashed out, she noticed the strain she was putting on herself against her restraints. Her left arm had partially healed from her time in mist form, but when she woke up in this place it was still rather sore. Now, she could feel no pain. The same went for her ribs; it was like the fractures mended themselves.
He wasn’t lying to her after all.
“...that stuff works fast.” She remarked, softly.
Lights flashed on, blindingly bright. Bright enough to bring the Mercenary out out of unconsciousness. The room she was in was empty save for a blacked out window, a door, a table and two chairs. Including the one she was being restrained in. In from the door walked Dreamer, this time dressed only in his RH Fatigues with a pistol and holster. The Trooper took to the chair across from Misty. “You alright? I imagine Buzzkill wasn’t too gentle with you...”
Misty slowly returned to life, her body sore and her mind reeling. She looked at her surroundings with disdain and dismay, knowing for absolute certainty that she had failed her mission.
The boy in front of her looked new, but when she heard his voice she recognized him as one of the armored back-up Jenny had, no doubt in charge of the others who wore it there. But he was so much younger than she expected, closer to her own age: way too young for a normal person to be commanding troops. What is this place?
“Why do you care?” She sneered, looking back up at him. “Are you interrogating ‘muh feelings’ now?”
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hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
Misty groaned once more, reacting to the news of more heroes to contend with. Between Jenny, the losers she ditched from the Teen Team, and now the few people she’s met here, she had pretty much had her fill of heroes.
“There are more?! Man, forget this guy: if he’s going to send me into a place like this and expect me to walk away without a scratch, he’s the biggest idiot I’ve ever met.”
Face-palming herself with her free hand, she then looked up at her captor.
“And if I were you, I wouldn’t bother wasting any ‘effort’ on me.” She sighed, slumping back in her chair. “I’ve been an outcast on my home world and a bunch of others; I don’t see how that’s going to change any time soon.” She ran her nimble fingers through her tousled hair in frustration. “Even if I did manage to beat you all...I don’t know if I would have been able to ice that robot.”
Lights flashed on, blindingly bright. Bright enough to bring the Mercenary out out of unconsciousness. The room she was in was empty save for a blacked out window, a door, a table and two chairs. Including the one she was being restrained in. In from the door walked Dreamer, this time dressed only in his RH Fatigues with a pistol and holster. The Trooper took to the chair across from Misty. “You alright? I imagine Buzzkill wasn’t too gentle with you...”
Misty slowly returned to life, her body sore and her mind reeling. She looked at her surroundings with disdain and dismay, knowing for absolute certainty that she had failed her mission.
The boy in front of her looked new, but when she heard his voice she recognized him as one of the armored back-up Jenny had, no doubt in charge of the others who wore it there. But he was so much younger than she expected, closer to her own age: way too young for a normal person to be commanding troops. What is this place?
“Why do you care?” She sneered, looking back up at him. “Are you interrogating ‘muh feelings’ now?”
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hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
“The guy said he had a job. I took it. He didn’t tell me anything about what this place was or why because I didn’t think he’d need to.” She looked around herself at the strange room that was sapping her powers. “Now I’m wishing he had. I probably would have taken you all out if I’d known who to expect.”
She had no idea if this was true or not; she was heavily outnumbered from the outset. But she played off the whole situation as though it were a mild inconvenience.
“I can take a guess at what a ‘multiverse’ is, and this place is...fittingly enormous, if that’s the case. But why are you asking me these things anyway? What’s the big deal about it? I came to whack Jenny and...” She shuddered. “...okay, whatever the heck that yellow-and-black guy is. Buzzkill, you said? Fitting name.” She shifted uncomfortably in her chair while trying to joke. “I don’t want anything more to do with him or whatever that thing is inside his head. The rich guy can keep his money. It’s not worth going through any more of that.”
Lights flashed on, blindingly bright. Bright enough to bring the Mercenary out out of unconsciousness. The room she was in was empty save for a blacked out window, a door, a table and two chairs. Including the one she was being restrained in. In from the door walked Dreamer, this time dressed only in his RH Fatigues with a pistol and holster. The Trooper took to the chair across from Misty. “You alright? I imagine Buzzkill wasn’t too gentle with you...”
Misty slowly returned to life, her body sore and her mind reeling. She looked at her surroundings with disdain and dismay, knowing for absolute certainty that she had failed her mission.
The boy in front of her looked new, but when she heard his voice she recognized him as one of the armored back-up Jenny had, no doubt in charge of the others who wore it there. But he was so much younger than she expected, closer to her own age: way too young for a normal person to be commanding troops. What is this place?
“Why do you care?” She sneered, looking back up at him. “Are you interrogating ‘muh feelings’ now?”
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hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
Misty watched her captor drink for himself. Sure, he had a separate glass, so the danger of poison was still very real, but when he released her arm, it put her a little more at ease. Taking the glass from him slowly, she kept an eye on him as she allowed a taste of the liquid to flow into her mouth.
The taste wasn’t anywhere near as good as she’d hoped; in fact, it was a very dry flavor, with a chalky finish. She didn’t want to take any more until she felt it absorb into her bloodstream. Her pain began to ease instantly, but not quickly enough for her tastes. She downed the rest of the cup quickly before tossing it aside, letting this magical liquid do its work.
“...so what do you want to discuss now?” She asked, still bitter from her defeat. “My favorite color?”
Lights flashed on, blindingly bright. Bright enough to bring the Mercenary out out of unconsciousness. The room she was in was empty save for a blacked out window, a door, a table and two chairs. Including the one she was being restrained in. In from the door walked Dreamer, this time dressed only in his RH Fatigues with a pistol and holster. The Trooper took to the chair across from Misty. “You alright? I imagine Buzzkill wasn’t too gentle with you...”
Misty slowly returned to life, her body sore and her mind reeling. She looked at her surroundings with disdain and dismay, knowing for absolute certainty that she had failed her mission.
The boy in front of her looked new, but when she heard his voice she recognized him as one of the armored back-up Jenny had, no doubt in charge of the others who wore it there. But he was so much younger than she expected, closer to her own age: way too young for a normal person to be commanding troops. What is this place?
“Why do you care?” She sneered, looking back up at him. “Are you interrogating ‘muh feelings’ now?”
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hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
Misty grunted as the chair was set right; she was still very sore.
“Content?” She responded. “Do I look content? It’s my livelihood at stake, here; I do what I do best, so I make a little money in the process-”
She stopped as she was presented with the bacta fluid. When Dreamer uttered the word “dimension,” she started to realize just how massive this place must be. It would certainly explain the variety of people she’d already encountered. She looked to Dreamer, then to the drink, then back to Dreamer.
“How do I know it’s not poison?” She asked.
Lights flashed on, blindingly bright. Bright enough to bring the Mercenary out out of unconsciousness. The room she was in was empty save for a blacked out window, a door, a table and two chairs. Including the one she was being restrained in. In from the door walked Dreamer, this time dressed only in his RH Fatigues with a pistol and holster. The Trooper took to the chair across from Misty. “You alright? I imagine Buzzkill wasn’t too gentle with you...”
Misty slowly returned to life, her body sore and her mind reeling. She looked at her surroundings with disdain and dismay, knowing for absolute certainty that she had failed her mission.
The boy in front of her looked new, but when she heard his voice she recognized him as one of the armored back-up Jenny had, no doubt in charge of the others who wore it there. But he was so much younger than she expected, closer to her own age: way too young for a normal person to be commanding troops. What is this place?
“Why do you care?” She sneered, looking back up at him. “Are you interrogating ‘muh feelings’ now?”
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hgihrepaeryster · 6 years
Misty rolled her eyes and tried to change herself back into mist...but found herself unable to do so. She struggled with her bonds instead of answering Dreamer’s question. to the point that the chair she was sitting in tipped over. What was once a soft ache in her chest grew larger; she wasn’t finished healing from the fight, and it felt like at least one rib was still broken. The jolt from landing made it hurt even more, and she screamed in pain and anger before going limp.
“I didn’t ask, alright?!” She shouted. “He had money, and I wanted it! I was looking for any excuse to wipe the floor with XJ-Neener...”
Lights flashed on, blindingly bright. Bright enough to bring the Mercenary out out of unconsciousness. The room she was in was empty save for a blacked out window, a door, a table and two chairs. Including the one she was being restrained in. In from the door walked Dreamer, this time dressed only in his RH Fatigues with a pistol and holster. The Trooper took to the chair across from Misty. “You alright? I imagine Buzzkill wasn’t too gentle with you...”
Misty slowly returned to life, her body sore and her mind reeling. She looked at her surroundings with disdain and dismay, knowing for absolute certainty that she had failed her mission.
The boy in front of her looked new, but when she heard his voice she recognized him as one of the armored back-up Jenny had, no doubt in charge of the others who wore it there. But he was so much younger than she expected, closer to her own age: way too young for a normal person to be commanding troops. What is this place?
“Why do you care?” She sneered, looking back up at him. “Are you interrogating ‘muh feelings’ now?”
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