hidan-san · 4 years
Hidan’s head twitched as he fought the urge to look at his partner, surprised. He had not been expecting this response and for a brief second, this very surprise pulled him back into the present moment, thoroughly grounding him in his body.
Appeasement was not usually Kakuzu’s weapon of choice, which meant he was either pitying him or – scared. Despite his anxious state, Hidan couldn’t fight the smile eagerly pulling at the edge of his mouth.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to sacrifice you,” he informed Kakuzu. His nails tapped a rapid rhythm on the metal of the scythe he was carrying on his shoulder, mirroring Jashin’s impatient gesture without Hidan fully realizing what he was doing.
Then he caught himself, closing his unruly fingers around the snaith in a tight grip and clearing his throat. “Only because you would make a lousy offering to Lord Jashin,” he specified lest his earlier statement be interpreted as a decision of personal preference.
“I think you need to relax.”
“Pfff. You know I can’t do that, Kakuzu,” Hidan sneered, but unconsciously made an effort to lower his shoulders by trying to loosen his taunt muscles. The attempt remained largely unsuccessful.
‘You need to relax.’ Bullshit! He needed to fight, to maim, to kill. He was his Lord’s weapon on this earth, the arrow in his bow – and therefore always under tension, always ready to rain death and destruction on this world.
True relaxation, the bone-deep satisfaction of both body and mind at peace… That would only be possible after an offering to his God. If Jashin was sated, happy and relaxed, Hidan was sated, happy and relaxed. It wasn’t too difficult a concept to grasp.
“It’s been too long. I can feel him grow more and more restless by the day.”
Clenching his teeth, Hidan immediately scolded himself for not holding his tongue. Watching Kakuzu’s growing annoyance as he serenated about his beliefs was usually one of Hidan’s favourite activities, but neither he nor Jashin were in the mood for the blasphemous doubts of a non-believer after more than a month without a sacrifice.
On the blurry edges of his consciousness, he could feel the impatient tapping of long, pearly nails, and the sound crawled like ants under his skin.
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hidan-san · 4 years
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Archetype Inspirations | Boy born a weapon
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hidan-san · 4 years
Hidan rose from his slumped position, feathers thoroughly ruffled.
“I will live much longer than you, old men, so don’t treat me like a fucking child!” he complained, voice and hackles raised. “You have some balls implying that I did not already took control of my life when I slaughtered my neighbours for their blasphemious pacificism! And I was much younger then you when I did that, just so you know!”
He grit his teeth, fully aware that he lost his cool as quickly as ever. While he was proud of his temper and the many sacrifices it presented to Lord Jashin, it was not the emotion that was needed at the moment. Kakuzu always knew exactly which one of his buttons to push with that condescending tone of his, but this time it was Hidan’s turn to mold his words into a blade and bury it deep inside his partner until he found something vulnerable hidden inside.
“It’s nice when someone sent you,” he argued, visibly calmer. “Gives you a purpose, y’know. Something to fight for. To live for. And someone having your back.” Hidan paused, breathed, smiled. “You have lived long enough to give advice yet have nothing to live for.”
“God sent me here to make shit worse.” -- hidan-san
Kakuzu didn’t even bother to lower his newspaper, though his fingers tightened where he held it. “Or maybe you just like using religion as an excuse for the fucked up things you do.” He really wasn’t looking to get into a lengthy discussion about religion, or god, or the lack-thereof, but added, “if anything ‘sent’ you, maybe it was demons. That seems a far better fit.” 
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hidan-san · 4 years
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tonight’s doodle, I finally painted Hidan haha 
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hidan-san · 4 years
Hidan’s laugh rang through the room, bright and clear.
“Maybe,” he seemed to admit with a sly smile, “but don’t you do the same? Only that your religion is money.” In sharp contrast to Kakuzu, Hidan was very much looking to get into a lenghty discussion about religion, or god, or the wonders of worship.
“Eh. Gods of destruction, angels of deaths, demons of the devine. Doesn’t matter. They sent me. I make shit worse. Everyone’s happy,” Hidan explained lazily as he propped up his feet on the empty chair next to Kakuzu.
“But who sent you?” Purple eyes pierced through printed paper, waiting for Kakuzu to meet them - raised newspaper between them or not.
“God sent me here to make shit worse.” -- hidan-san
Kakuzu didn’t even bother to lower his newspaper, though his fingers tightened where he held it. “Or maybe you just like using religion as an excuse for the fucked up things you do.” He really wasn’t looking to get into a lengthy discussion about religion, or god, or the lack-thereof, but added, “if anything ‘sent’ you, maybe it was demons. That seems a far better fit.” 
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hidan-san · 4 years
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Archetype Inspirations | The Assassin
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hidan-san · 4 years
“I think you need to relax.”
“Pfff. You know I can’t do that, Kakuzu,” Hidan sneered, but unconsciously made an effort to lower his shoulders by trying to loosen his taunt muscles. The attempt remained largely unsuccessful.
‘You need to relax.’ Bullshit! He needed to fight, to maim, to kill. He was his Lord’s weapon on this earth, the arrow in his bow – and therefore always under tension, always ready to rain death and destruction on this world.
True relaxation, the bone-deep satisfaction of both body and mind at peace… That would only be possible after an offering to his God. If Jashin was sated, happy and relaxed, Hidan was sated, happy and relaxed. It wasn’t too difficult a concept to grasp.
“It’s been too long. I can feel him grow more and more restless by the day.”
Clenching his teeth, Hidan immediately scolded himself for not holding his tongue. Watching Kakuzu’s growing annoyance as he serenated about his beliefs was usually one of Hidan’s favourite activities, but neither he nor Jashin were in the mood for the blasphemous doubts of a non-believer after more than a month without a sacrifice.
On the blurry edges of his consciousness, he could feel the impatient tapping of long, pearly nails, and the sound crawled like ants under his skin.
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hidan-san · 4 years
acts  that  could  be  aggressive   //   or  a  little  bit  sexy   //   or  both.                     send  a  symbol  from  your  muse  to  mine.  feel  free  to  combine  actions  or  add  specifics  even  when  it  doesn’t  ask  for  it   !     can  send  non - sexually  as  well.
🔪   //   put  a  knife  to  my  muse’s  throat .
🖐️   //   put  a  hand  around  my  muse’s  throat .
👕   //   slide  a  weapon  up  under  my  muse’s  shirt     (   can  specify   ) .
👔   //   grab  my  muse  by  the  collar   &   pull  them  closer .
🔒   //   lock  my  muse  in  a  room  alone  with  your  muse .
🗩   //   verbally  threaten  my  muse     (   please  specify   ) .
🔙   //   push  my  muse  against  a  wall .
📌   //   pin  my  muse’s  wrists  above  their  head .
🔵   //   grab  my  muse  hard  enough  to  leave  a  bruise .
🔑   //   handcuff  my  muse .
➰   //   tie  my  muse  to  a  chair .
⭕   //   restrain  my  muse  with  an  item  of  clothing     (   please  specify   ) .
🚨   //   push  my  muse  to  the  ground   &   straddle  them .
📢   //   tell  my  muse   ‘  stop  squirming   !  ’ .
🔗   //   otherwise  restrain  my  muse     (   please  specify   ) .
👀   //   grab  my  muse’s  jaw   &   direct  their  gaze  towards  yours .
⚡   //   tug  my  muse’s  hair .
⚠️   //   bite  my  muse     (   can  specify  where   ) .
😏   //   give  my  muse  a  hickey .
✂️   //   run  fingernails  over  my  muse’s  skin   &   scratch  them .
💦   //   cover  my  muse’s  mouth .
💋   //   give  my  muse  a  kiss  that  draws  blood .
🗡️   //   cut  my  muse  with  a  knife     (   can  specify  where   ) .
💀   //   kidnap  my  muse .
😶   //   put  a  hand  over  my  muse’s  nose   &   mouth .
💥   //   tighten  something  around  my  muse’s  throat  that  restricts  their  blood - flow  /  oxygen  supply     (   please  specify   ) .
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hidan-san · 4 years
* ∘ ∙ — misc sentence starters. (7/?)
“ ‘what are you into’ is such a broad question like do i reply with tv series or choking? ”
“ i’ve decided i’m gonna be an emotionless bitch but fucking fabulous ”
“ i’m sad but not like sad enough to be a good painter or whatever ”
“ platonic bdsm is where you beat up your friends in a parking lot ”
“ kinks include: disappearing, being unreachable by phone ”
“ it’s four in the fucking morning. what do you want? ”
“ mathematically, i am nearly 2% tea right now ”
“ i swear you run on spite & caffeine alone ”
“ i deadass like him lmao no jokes ”
“ you ordered pizza without me? ”
“ i think you’re pretty rad. ”
“ to be honest? i’m full of shit. ”
“ it seemed like a good idea at 3 am. ”
“ god sent me here to make shit worse. ”
“ i do whatever the hell i want, that’s all. ”
“ fuck this. i want swords. this is boring shit. ”
“ not to be a fake psychic but i just like…know ”
“ i got a detention for saying eat my ass in the hallway. ”
“ let’s get drunk and tell each other everything we’re afraid to say sober. ”
“ if your boyfriend doesn’t treat you right there’s always a gay girl who will. ”
“ just a heads up: if i ever act dumb i’m joking. im 100% smart & know literally everything. ”
“ you may think i’m a horrible person but deep deep down i’m even worse ”
“ do you ever read the texts you sent during a breakdown and think damn that was so fucking extra lmao ”
“ would like to apologize to my haters for being an absolute snack. ”
“ everything happens for a reason, but like. what the fuck. ”
“ i feel like i am destined to observe, never experience. ”
“ i’m keeping a list of everybody who wrongs me. ”
443 notes · View notes
hidan-san · 4 years
Angst/Fluff Prompt List #6
This one is only half of the size of the others. I always try not to repeat myself, but I’m six lists deep lol. I think it’ll be easier to do them this way, but as always feel free to reblog this to your own blog and have fun! (As always don’t repost/steal credit)
“What’s wrong with me?”
“Are you mad at me?”
“Can this stay between us?”
“I don’t want you to go.”
“Would you stop that?”
“Can we talk?”
“I have to tell you something.”
“Take my hand.”
“Sometimes I can’t help but get lost in your eyes.”
“This is my fault.”
“Talk to me. I’m here for you.”
“Please, just come home.”
“I didn’t want to go to bed without you.”
“You’re doing it wrong.”
“Go ahead, hit me.”
“You don’t give yourself enough credit.”
“Why do you hate me?”
Tell me something I don’t know.”
“Please don’t make me go home.”
“I’ve never seen you like this.”
“You’re up early.”
“I can see the pain in your eyes.”
“Put the gun down.”
“Don’t you walk out of that door.”
“I was just calling to check on you.”
“Think about it for a few days.”
“I’ll be right there.”
“What’s taking you so long?”
“You always take good care of me.”
“If you’ll follow me…”
“I thought you said you were busy?”
“Tell me what’s wrong.  Otherwise I can’t help you.”
“You don’t have to apologize, not to me.”
“Would you ever consider going on a date with me?”
“I’ll never forget the day I met you.”
“You made me a better person.”
“I can always count on you.”
“We were meant to be.”
“Did you even get any sleep last night?”
“I need someone to care.”
“I think you need to relax.”
“If you don’t shut up, I’ll shut you up myself.”
“Stop hogging all of the blankets.”
“Hey! I want my hoodie back!”
“You can’t lie to me.”
“OH trust me, I didn’t forget.”
“You’re not the problem, he’s/she’s/they’re my problem.”
“You’re not going anywhere.”
“Let me worry about that.”
“You came to me for a reason.  So what is it?”
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hidan-san · 4 years
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hidan-san · 5 years
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1000 Picspams Challenge | #994 Archetype Inspirations | The Grim Reaper
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hidan-san · 5 years
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Robert Mapplethorpe (1946–1989)
Skull  (1988)
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hidan-san · 5 years
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@camphalfbloodnetwork: quest 8: gods and goddesses ares - the god of war
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hidan-san · 5 years
“Even if I had turned to gold overnight,” a worried grab for his necklace and a quick prayer murmered to his god to protect himself from such divine punishment, “it wouldn’t do you much good.”
A questioning look from his partner and Hidan elaborates. “Didn’t you hear?” he asks, pointing to his head. “All hollow. Not much gold for your greedy hands.” A smug grin flashes across his face as if he hasn’t just made a self-depricating joke - but it is Kakuzu’s birthday, and he is willing to indulge him a bit. Hidan’s pride can take it. Knowing that he is, quite literally, a godsend helps.
With his mood high, he tries - and fails - to smoother his hair back down before he takes the bottle with a smile and pours himself a cup. It’s smooth, wonderfully smooth, and he quickly pours another.
“A rare treat.” It seems like Kakuzu was truly celebrating today.
“Happy Birthday! I hope you’ll get everything you wish fo- Oh wait, you already have everything you ever wanted. Me.” -- hidan-san
Kakuzu looks Hidan over, then taps on the top of his head as if listening for something. “Hmm… I thought maybe you suddenly became made of gold. Then you’d be everything I ever wanted.” He’s teasing, and ruffles Hidan’s hair, “Drink?” He holds up a bottle of sake he had been working his way through on his own but is willing to share. 
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hidan-san · 5 years
Hidan struggled some more before he froze. Wait a minute. What the fuck was he thinking? He just hitched a ride to their next destination - for free! Walking was tiresome, and annoying, and mind-numbingly boring. Instead he could now use the time to pray. Or sleep. Or annoy the fuck out of Kakuzu.
Well, probably not the last one, unless he wanted to land face-first in the dirt after falling down the substantial length that was Kakuzu’s height.
“I would have caught up eventually, dickhead,” he grumbled nevertheless to keep up appearances. “You’re just too damn impatient.” Being tied up didn’t sound half as threatening as Kakuzu probably wanted it to, but Hidan had no intention of ever telling him that. The old geezer was already holding way too many cards if you asked him.
For a while, he counted the trees passing them by in silence, one by one, and wiggled a bit in Kakuzu’s grip, trying to find a more comfortable position.
“This isn’t too bad, you know,” he said, resting his chin on his palm as he watched the street disappear into the horizon.
Send 💪 for my muse’s reaction to yours picking them up and throwing them over their shoulder.
Struggling against the hold, Hidan cursed loudly and colorfully. There was little else he could do - thrown across Kakuzu’s back like a bag of potatoes, he was unable to get the leverage he needed to squirm free of the strong grip. A broad shoulder dug into his stomach and Hidan winced in pain.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, old man?”
This position was uncomfortable and screamed of weakness. Unable to escape, but hellbound on trying anyway, he reverted to boxing Kakuzu’s masks in protest – the only thing in his reach.
“Let me down! I can walk!” he demanded,wriggling violently. It was only a twisted ankle. He’s had worse.
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hidan-san · 5 years
[climbs inside a body bag and zips it up over myself] naptime
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