hidarikiki-no-kenshi · 4 months
Translation of Special Stellaworth Hakuouki Manyou no Sho Drama CD
The drama CD is split into two videos, so you need to watch both of them for the full content.
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hidarikiki-no-kenshi · 4 months
Hello! I was wondering if you're still active wuthin the rp community?
Hello! Sadly not anymore, I no longer have the time to invest in role playing. However, I am still very much a hakuouki fan! I come back to tumblr from time to time to see posts and stuff!
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hidarikiki-no-kenshi · 8 months
Okay this new picture confused me enough to post about it.
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It's lovely, love the cat. But I'm confused, what exactly are they're going for here? I'm supposing this:
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But the problem is they didn't bring Saito's arm and the cat actually in front of Okita (btw Okita's referring to this). All three of them are depthwise on different level, though Okita's finger is too perfectly close to look like he's touching the kitten's nose. Yet being on different levels they're all staring at different things!
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I mean this is the supposed side view of that picture.
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Koko made juunen, kore kara mo juunen
About the future of Hakumyu (updated version)
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We followed Hakumyu for several years, and are still excited about the same story, even we watched uncountable times.
So what future does Hakumyu have? Which productions are awaiting us in the next years?
First if all we have a new writer and director, named Nishida Daisuke. He "created" two new series, the Shitan (Kazama & Hijikata) and Shinkai (Souma & Saito). Also there is the 15. Production scheduled in autumn this year, Hakumyu LIVE the Third (2022).
Update (15.Nov22) : LIVE3 has been shown and went to the final performance. We got the announcement of Sannan Keisuke Hen for the April 2023.
We have already "explored" routes and "new" routes. (New routes with year are been already aired or scheduled)
Which are:
Saitou Hajime (twice)
Okita Souji
Hijikata Toshizou (twice)
Kazama Chikage (twice)
Toudou Heisuke
Harada Sanosuke
Shinsengumi Kitan
And new:
Souma Kazue (2020→2021)
Sannan Keisuke (2023)
Sakamoto Ryoma
Nagakura Shinpachi
Yamazaki Susumu
Iba Hachirou
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is a series, which follows the screenwriting of Mōri Nobuhiro, but is directed by Mr. Nishida.
So the stories and routes in included are, what we all already know, which makes it 10 possible productions (of which we already have 2, so 8 future productions). But...
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is a series written and directed by Nishida. I think, I wasn't the only one expecting there to be only new routes. But after the announcement of Shinkai Saito it made it much more. So we have the new routes and old ones, which make it 16 possiblities (14, if we count Souma Kazue Hen and the new one out)
Update: Sannan Keisuke Hen has been confirmed and a visual or rather audio trailer was released:
Now someone could think: "Great, there will be 22 new productions." There won't be, because it is highly unlikely that one route gets a Shinkai and a Shitan production. So with what I calculated, we have 5 new Shinkai routes and 7 either Shinkai or Shitan old routes. Which make it a good chance that Hakumyu will be there even after another ten years. There are of course also other possibilities: for example: we finally get the Yukimura Kodo Hen 😜 or there will be a Hakumyu Uragata, or other stories based on Drama CDs and other game series related to Hakuouki. Also there is the chance we have more LIVEs.
Cast Stay, Comeback, Guests, Retire, Changes
We always wonder, who will be part of the cast, when a new musical is announced. (Everything is based on speculations or statements of actors)
Who will stay?
The cast that started the Shinkai series should stay for a while I think, but from what I observed single roles may change like Okita and of course Chizuru.
We've seen several comebacks by now, like Sazaki Hideyuki after three musicals and even in a different role. Than of course Suzuki Shogo, who played the first and forth generation Kazama Chikage, has returned. For Shinkai Saito Hen second generation Saitou, Hashimoto Shohei has returned. I personally think, we can expect more old cast to return. At least to Hakumyu LIVE 3 as guests. If you're are following the official Twitter account of Hakumyu, you may have noticed, that many of the old cast expressed their feelings about Hakuouki. So it is easy to believe, that we see a few of them again.
For the 10th anniversary of Hakumyu in general and Saitou Hajime in particular, the first Hakumyu-pair Matsuda Ryo (first generation Saito Hajime) and Yoshida Hitomi (first generation Yukimura Chizuru) made a guest appearance.
As well as in LIVE3 Takasaki Shota (third generation Yamazaki Susumu), Yazaki Hiroshi (first generation Hijikata Toshizou), Kashiwagi Yuusuke (first generation Shiranui Kyo), Naya Takeru (third generation Saitou Hajime) and Matsuda Gaku (fourth generation Hijikata Toshizou) made their appearance.
Even if they don't reprise their role many of the former cast is still attached to Hakumyu and I don't think that will change so fast.
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It is probably the saddest topic. According to Imata Taira Twitter, he stated that he love his role, but he have to entrust someone with the role of Kondou Isami, because this what the story is about: entrusting dreams to younger people. It's not set, wether it is the next production or meant to be in a few years. Imata Taira is the first generation of Kondou Isami and played him since Okita Souji Hen, so he will complete the full course of old routes after this year, with playing the first time in Saito Hen.
Update: according to interviews with Taira, we don't have to fear, we even might see him till the 'end of this dream'. I believe it was the special interview between Nishida, Suzuki and Imata, where it was stated that Imata had become the soul or backbone of Hakumyu. Even though some actors might retire from Hakumyu, it creates the chance to see new actors and their interpretation of our beloved characters.
Since we had a Shinkai Routes, where extra characters appeared, we likely have a changeable part of the cast. That was confirmed by an interview about the new Shinkai Souma Hen. Which means, we had Souma, Nomura and Miki. And will probably have Sakamoto, Nakaoka, Motoyama and Iba be included. Also charakters that only occur in a specific route to be important (which were already part of the show) for example: Nagumo Kaoru or Sen-Hime, other like Kimigiku and Shimada or again Inoue. Or if there will be an Uragata Play, a whole cast change??
Also there could be a writer or director or composer change, but I seriously don't know and I have nothing, which indicates that.
Update: As the long awaited announcement for Sannan Keisuke Hen was made, Teruma as main cast and Nishida as screenwriter and director was announced, but uptil now (15.Nov22) no composer was released. This leaves up questions: will it not be Sakabe Go? Will we have a comeback? Or maybe wildly assuming have two composers? Or someone completely new? A few hints (the trailer) do point into Sakabe Go's direction, but if it was settled, why would they not write it? Was it really sloppyness?
For the Future of Hakumyu is many hope, I think, although there are many uncertain things, so maybe it's impossible to wether it will be 10 years or only 5 years lying ahead. But there is a tomorrow, and that is important. As long Hakumyu will stay in our hearts, it will be fine, whatever happens.
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Since Saitou Hen we finally reached 200 performances! To the next 200 performances🥂
If you have any other suggestions, feel free to write them in the comments.
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New illustration from @anime_hakuoki Twitter [X]
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HAKU-MYU LIVE Backstage Extras subtitles!
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image photoshopped from the HD version of LIVE because I am evidently very strange... though i edited that like last june.
A subtitles file for the HAKU-MYU LIVE extras is now available! 
HAKU-MYU LIVE’s extras were translated by @masayume85 (lyrics, dialogue, curtain call, assorted misc), @janiesj (lyrics, dialogue, hanetsuki, kakizome) and @kanasmusings (almost all of the non-stage content and otori’s jokes via commission), while @tofutortoise (who also did some misc translating) and I did most of the subtitle timing and editing, and @koto-wari also helped with providing additional translations, editing and timing help.
Due to potential tech problems, I decided to upload both an .srt and an .ass file this time.
Link: https://mega.nz/folder/G74DTYbA#uH_XupZmwl15FZy-fSEr0w
P.S. Sorry this took so long. There were delays with some things... a special thanks to koto-wari for helping us with getting the last bit of work done! P.S.S. I do not share the file for LIVE's extras so please do not ask me for it. P.S.S.S. Please let me know if the link stops working. I don't actively check the files I upload.
At the moment, tofutortoise and I are waiting to get the translations for Hijikata-hen’s extras back, but after that, we’d like to get translations for LIVE 2′s extras. If anyone’s interested in chipping in or helping with that, please contact me.
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Hakuouki new CGs 2022 from the official site. 
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Souma-hen vid + soundtrack available in the LJ Hakumyu community
It is as the title says XD I thought it was time I gave back to the community that has provided me with so many hours of Hakuoki content, so you can find my download links for the Souma-hen recording (no subs) and the soundtrack I made in the LJ Hakumyu community (https://hakumyu-fancom.livejournal.com/).
You have to be a member to see the post, but I totally recommend it since you can find other soundtracks and musicals there (and I plan to do this with future Hakumyus as well).
If you have any issues with the links, questions about Hakumyu or want to simply chat about Souma-hen (or any other Hakumyu production) send me a message or comment either here or under the LJ post.
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Souma-hen Subs/DLD
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Finally! I am at last able to officially release my Souma-hen dvd rip and the subtitles I have worked on for so long. Please also enjoy the bonus features and the included sound-track rip. feel free to message me with any comments, questions or issues!
download here
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Here @impracticaldemon, I was going to do just Amagiri but.. if you think about it he actually was in the room.
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It’s been some time since CGs from the new Hakuouki games have been around and while they’re absolutely beautiful I have noticed that with more pictures there’s also a lot of overlapping themes. Which is expectable.
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But for example this one reminds me of greatly this Hijikata’s picture below.
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And then my brain just makes a connection between them though they’re obviously not from the same scene nor time. Or at least I suppose so.
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Seems like spending time with Shinsengumi toughened Chizuru up a bit..
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Hakuoki Sephirot event full affection scene
[Part 1] translation/edit by @kouyume
This was from an event a month ago and I'm so sorry I didn't get around to posting this til now. Tanabata festival celebrates a legendary love story and is observed in countries like Japan and China (Qixi festival). During this festival, people write their wishes on colorful strips of paper, which is what the boys are talking about here 🎐🎋 !
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Otomate store
Hakuoki, Olympia Soiree, Piofiore no Banshou
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Some halloween confusion for all.
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