hidden-star · 4 months
Melvordine (Part 1)
You were just walking along the river. The river was calm as it flows away from you as you walked in the opposite direction. The flowing water calmed your mind at ease, hoping that this would last forever. But alas, it was getting late.
Do you decide to go home?
Go home.
Check out the snake.
You didn't notice a snake that was in the river. Perhaps that it was night and you didn't notice its presence. Regardless, you went home to sleep.
You were just woken up by your sister. She was frantic waking you up.
"We don't have much time, Luke! Let's hurry?"
"What's going on?"
"There's a giant serpent destroying our nation! We must escape now!"
Would you escape with your her?
Find the snake!
You escaped with her.
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hidden-star · 4 months
The World
In this world, it is divided into 4 realms: the Mortal realm, the Spirit realm, the Celestial realm, and Leviathan realm.
The Mortal Realm
The mortal realm is where all mortals live. In this realm, there are 5 main races: the Humans, the Orcs, the Dwarves, the Petalines, and the Tilusans.
The Spirit Realm
The spirit realm is where all spirits naturally live. It is the realm in which it is closer to the mortal realm unlike the other realms. Thus, spirits can easily go and visit the mortal realm. It is also where elemental powers come from.
The Celestial Realm
The celestial realm is where you can see it in the sky, day and night. It is where the gods and deities reside. It is hard for a mortal and a spirit to visit the celestial realm. It is also where celestial powers come from. This realm is above both the mortal and spirit realms.
The Leviathan Realm
The leviathan realm is where all leviathans reside. This realm encases all three realms inside. You can only visit the realm through the celestial realm. So far, apart from gods, no mortal nor spirits have ever visited this realm. However, there are times that the leviathans have invaded the three realms resulting in a major disaster. It is also where leviathan powers come from.
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hidden-star · 4 months
A woman was stranded in an abandoned house. She could hear the war outside of the house. The sound of bombs exploding, cannons firing, and the dark sky grumbling as thunder descends down striking the target.
She was alone with her baby who she cradled gently. She hoped that the baby would not be awoken from the screams outside of the window. She took a short glance at the window then back at the baby. However, one had caught her eyes in that glance. She looked again. A red flower was blooming on the solid concrete on the street.
The known flower to cause pain.
The flower who painted the world red.
— — — — —
Red Petals pt. 1
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