hiddenmemxries-blog · 7 years
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There’s a chance of this account being active again. Mayyyyyyyybe. I might change some things up and make it have another character also but I haven’t fully decided yet. We shall see!
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hiddenmemxries-blog · 8 years
Send me a ‡‡ if you like how I portray my muse.
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hiddenmemxries-blog · 8 years
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       She gave him a curt nod, her form beginning to relax. Obviously he played no part in the hunt, and was not a threat to her. ❝ That I can see. Forgive my own manners, it’s not common to see any elven folk around these parts. UNLESS, of course, something’s happened, ❞ The knight added the last sentence in like an afterthought, though it was very much on her mind. Still, she held her tongue. ❝ There’s a spirit in these woods, a very gruesome type at that, I’m here to exorcise him to the best of my abilities. ❞
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“Well, you’re not wrong there. We don’t exactly come out here unless we’re half-breeds or kidnapped. I was the latter.” A shrug is given on the matter before Arthion stuffed his hands in his pockets and allowed himself to continue to listen to the woman. A spirit? In these woods? Seemed a bit far-fetched but Arthion was always a ‘seeing-is-believing’ type of lad. “Suppose I could help you out. My senses are probably more keen to these types of things.” And his curiosity was getting the better of him, of course. “What’s the game-plan, exactly?”
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hiddenmemxries-blog · 8 years
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“That sounds stupid.” Though, if he were being honest, he wasn’t really sure how marriage worked back in his town. He had figured it had been something about partners, as his parents were never really close when it came to anything other than work. And thinking he was a major disappointment. “We could go on a nice date, or y’know, something normal like that.” He didn’t actually know how dating was supposed to go, and was only going by what he had seen in the movies that Freddie had shown him. “Y’know, romantic shit.”
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“A....date?” Did he hear that correctly? What was the definition of a date here? His brows furrow in confusion, the concept completely going over his head. Arthion can’t seem to erase the obvious confusion off of his face. At the word ‘ romantic, ‘ the elf sort of plays through some ideas in his head. Romance? What the fuck was that? All the Elven Prince knew of was how to bring a lady or man into his bedroom and then maybe order a maid to bring some sort of food and alcohol for them afterwards. Hell, sometimes the maid would even join them. “I’m afraid I don’t understand...” He admits, brows furrowing again but this time out of embarrassment.  “Could I, uh, get some examples? What does that mean and what do you...uh... what do you like?”
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hiddenmemxries-blog · 8 years
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“I really doubt it.” He rolled his eyes as he rubbed the soap over his hands, looking up at him before rolling his eyes. “Weren’t you the one that wanted nothing to do with me…?”
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“Yes,” Arthion states with a small laugh. “--And I’ve grown bored since then. Plus, you’re not so bad on the eyes.” 
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hiddenmemxries-blog · 8 years
@hiddenmemxries continued from here.
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As much as Tracy enjoyed kissing Arthion, and the way his warm hand felt on her cold skin, she broke the kiss. The loss of contact wasn’t something she wanted, but seconds later she had pulled his fingers into her mouth, sucking lightly as her tongue ran flat against the underside of them. To make it harder on him, she made sure to moan around his fingers, her own fingers wrapped tightly around his wrist. Without warning, her hands gripped his biceps roughly, and she was pushing him back against the nearest wall. She used her body to pin him, and she tilted her head to the right as she locked her eyes with his.
“Look what you started.” She murmured, leaning in and capturing his lower lip between her pearly whites. She tugged on his lip once before letting go and colliding their lips again in a clash of tongue and teeth.
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The thing about Arthion, that most should know, is that when it came to sexual relations - he was hardly shy. Hell, one could say that the shyness left the exact same moment that a sexual thought enters. Still, even with this knowledge, people and beings liked to test their boundaries and dominate him.  Tracy happened to be one of those people currently. Her lips wrapped around his fingers, earning the smallest of moans from his lips as his head lolled back slightly before pushing forward to rest his forehead against hers. He’s five seconds from removing his fingers and shoving her onto the nearest object before she pulls away. 
Eyes glossed over, the Elf can’t help the small groans coming forth as Tracy continued to tease him. Her shove brings him back into reality and then back into a blissful moment of their sexual encounter. Lips upon lips, Arthion finds himself letting out a small growl of pleasure as hands come up to cup the woman’s face and pull her into a deeper kiss. In one fluid movement, the elf is turning the tables and pinning Tracy to the wall this time, lips trailing from hers and down the length of her neck. “I believe it is you who started something, my dear,” he purred against her skin, taking a gentle nip to her collarbone. 
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hiddenmemxries-blog · 8 years
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Emma wasn’t entirely sure just where it was that all came from, but when you yourself had been chased by a man with a cleaver, it wasn’t so far out of reach? Perhaps the whole pantless thing came about simply because she wanted to check to see if he was actually listening.. but that was beside the point! She had to really work to not laugh outright at his reaction, a smile growing on her lips before she finally did burst into laughter. 
“Because you must have just caught him sleeping with another man or woman or something I don’t know,” she mused, waving her hand through the air in a dismissive nature, laughing through her words as her tail idly curled behind her, ears perked fully forward in her amusement. 
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There’s an insane amount of confusion and logical thinking going on in Arthion’s cranium right now.  Why was this man naked? Why the hell did he have a cleaver WHILE he was naked and why the fuck was he chasing after Arthion? The hell did Arthion do to him? His brows furrow in thought and it’s blatantly obvious by the look on his face that he’s overthinking the entire situation for some reason. Till the woman started laughing at him, of course. 
To this, Arthion makes a scrunched up face in embarrassment. “You’re just picking on me, aren’t you?” The elf inquires with squinted, but still playful, eyes. “That’s not nice,” he states, crossing his arms over his chest and despite his words, there’s still a smile slowly creeping it’s way onto his facial features. “I’ll get you back, you know. You’re just begging for payback at this point, Emma.” Still, he continues to smile before reaching out to give the most gentle of shoves to the woman before a chuckle comes forth. 
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hiddenmemxries-blog · 8 years
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Arthion doesn’t want to write at the moment. 
I shall try again later. 
Hit me up on my other account? @wonderlandxmayhem I’ll reblog the promo for it after this also. 
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hiddenmemxries-blog · 8 years
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There’s a soft sigh, and maybe, just maybe, she should start coming up with lies for why she came out here like this. In all honesty, though, she hadn’t thought she would ever run into anyone, because people didn’t come out here very often. And she definitely hadn’t been aware that there was someone living out here, of all places. “I think I’ll be okay.” She had been pretty good at avoiding the traps so far, which she half blamed on them being so bad at setting up the traps in the first place. Or, well, apparently someone was helping her out, here. “That was you?” It’s something muttered under her breath, said before she can realize and stop herself, and she’s really just hoping he didn’t hear it. Either way, eyes glance up to the sky, picking up her pace just a little bit. “I really, really, really, need to go. Alone.”
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“Yeah, that’s been me. I find it absolutely ridiculous that they would try to hurt another creature.” Though he probably shouldn’t have replied, considering how low her voice had been, the Elf allowed himself to anyways. “Tempted to put a ward around the area so humans can’t get in,” to this, he chuckles at himself. “But if I did that then pretty girls like yourself wouldn’t show up so truly, it’s a double edged sword.” Casper is trying to be smooth but as she picked up her pace and reiterated wanting to go alone, he finally finds himself giving up. Well, sort of. “Hit me up after?” The Elf calls out, having stopped walking beside her finally. It’s possible that he sounds needy and clingy but something drew him to this woman and the Argantheon Prince wasn’t going to simply ignore the feeling blossoming within his chest. 
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hiddenmemxries-blog · 8 years
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Maybe it’s bad that she feels so strongly that this could be it, but she can’t blame him for that. After a lifetime of not being wanted, it’s hard to adjust to something completely different, to someone actually, well, wanting you. She figured that this would be it, that it would be just because of everything she couldn’t control about herself would ruin things once again. Eyes feel a bit watery, but she keeps tears blinked back, not wanting to cry right now. She doesn’t look back up at him until there’s a hand on her chin, the hand in hers being a quiet way of helping her to relax. There’s a quiet nod, even if she has her doubts about people coming around. There was a reason she kept her curse all well hidden as she did. “Thank you.” Having someone stick around was important.
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Despite all the warning signs and the disapproval from his parents and kingdom, Casper didn’t seem to care what others thought on this matter.  All he cared about was the girl that found him in the forest and the girl he couldn’t get out of his thoughts. She was unique and beautiful and unlike the others he had come a crossed in this world. Hearing her small ‘thank you’ brought a smile to his facial features. “There’s nothing to thank me for,” the male countered, his smile only growing before fading slightly. The hand on her chin slips back slightly, moving to cup her cheek in his palm before he leaned in to place his lips to hers. The kiss is small and innocent, gentle in ways that he didn’t usually show others. Especially not any of the women from his kingdom that entered his wing at the darkest hours of night for a little fun. Everyone wanted a piece of Royalty and sure, they got it, but this was a different action given to the blonde. “If anything, I should be thanking you,” the Elf stated with a small smile when he pulled away.
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hiddenmemxries-blog · 8 years
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Hey guys,
Sorry I haven’t gotten to anything. It’s been a rough last few days and I STILL have guests. I think they’re leaving tomorrow, though, so I should be able to get to shit soon. 
Owes; 8
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hiddenmemxries-blog · 8 years
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Staring at my drafts with an unimaginable desire to run the other way even though there’s only 7. The lazy is real today. Blame anxiety and too many guests over. I can be reached through I.M if you would like to plot and discuss things or shout about our muses. I’ll try to do replies at some point but I need a minute to myself till then because it’s too chaotic. 
Thanks for understanding. 
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hiddenmemxries-blog · 8 years
“One crossbow bolt later and I learned that toothpaste makes excellent makeshift wall Spackle.”
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He makes a face at the other’s words. That sounded so absurd and made up that Casper actually challenged it in his mind and entertained the idea. Which made him slightly uncomfortable due to the fact that, in the end, it actually seemed possible.
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hiddenmemxries-blog · 8 years
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Arthion is... in a mood.......
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hiddenmemxries-blog · 8 years
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            “There are edges around the black and every now and then a FLASH OF COLOR
               streaks out of the GRAY. But I can NEVER really grasp any of the SLIVERS of
m e m o r i e s that emerge.”
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hiddenmemxries-blog · 8 years
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((Looking at the threads i’ve started today like : What the fuck Arthion. xD))
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hiddenmemxries-blog · 8 years
“I don’t care what fancy magic armor you wear, if a fat man with no pants hits you with a cleaver, you’re dead.”
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“Not even! A quick jump to the opposite side should help give you a better chance, right?” These lessons got weirder and weirder each time they happened. There’s a pause as he speaks and gives her a rather confused look. “.....Also why is he lacking pants?!” 
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