hifumi-matsuoka · 3 months
my life is ruined, why is the rivers in the desert mmd deleted 😭
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hifumi-matsuoka · 3 months
It feels like child labour when I work  (╯︵╰ )  (;⌣̀_⌣́)
I want to relax everyday
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hifumi-matsuoka · 2 years
I’m having surgery in a few days. This will be difficult.
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hifumi-matsuoka · 2 years
Stuck in my head all day
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hifumi-matsuoka · 2 years
Simultaneously (๑>؂•̀๑)
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hifumi-matsuoka · 2 years
I read posts on your page that discuss music you listened to and music that remind you of your kintype but I was curious about the other members of SEES and beyond them.
What music were you, SEES and other friends listening to at the time? And for fun, what artists do you think you all would be interested in today?
Yukari loved pop music but for some reason, she didn't like Kohmi Hirose as much as me. She thought her songs were played too much in commercials and got annoyed. Junpei was also into pop! Sometimes the three of us would share songs with each other or go to Kenneth Arnold (no clue why the record store was called that) to check out new CDs.
Yukari was secretly into groups like Morning Musume and even took inspiration from their outfits. I only knew one of their songs. I introduced Junpei to Orange Range and Asian Kung-Fu Generation, so we both listened to their music. He also listened to Spitz and Glay, and he introduced me to some of their songs.
Hiromi loved instrumentals. He only had a few songs with actual lyrics, and those were usually rock songs I had shown him. I never really talked to Kirijō about music, but she was often listening to foreign music. The other SEES members were private about what music they listened to. And in Aki's case, he didn't listen to specific music. He'd just turn on the radio.
Rio didn't know much about music. She'd ask to listen to my songs but she never knew the artists or titles. Sometimes she'd go "Ooh, this is nice!" when an upbeat song came on, so I think that's what she liked best.
Today, I'd definitely be into Atarashii Gakko! (just like I am right now). I think I'd also like Kenshi Yonezu. Junpei might be interested in BABYMETAL (for the wrong reasons), but I think he'd mostly listen to western music like Bruno Mars and Drake. I can totally see Yukari being a fan of Ariana Grande, but other than that, she'd probably still like groups like Morning Musume (I think they're actually still a thing but I never checked). Rio and Aki would most likely only know what they hear on the radio/television. And I think Hiromi would gradually move away from instrumentals and listen to bands like ivory7 chord.
Edit: Forgot to mention that I think Kirijō might like the Carpenters and Pink Martini.
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hifumi-matsuoka · 2 years
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Filled out some alignment charts! For the “assume I'm straight” one, it’s not necessarily that they were m-spec or gay (I'm pretty sure none of them were), but they weren’t really allo, so I interpreted it in that way. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to fill out the entire chart.
For the last one, all drinks are non-alcoholic. None of us ever drank underage.
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hifumi-matsuoka · 2 years
So this will never be a “discourse” blog. It’s just an outlet for me. But I feel the need to clarify my views on something so that there’s no misunderstanding in my interactions.
I am against the terms otherkin, fictionkin, and kin being misused. What do I consider misuse? Well, first I’ll share my definitions.
Otherkin - Identifying as another species (whether real or fictional, existing or extinct), or having been another species in a past life/alternate universe. Alternatively, feeling that another species is or was a part of your identity.
Fictionkin - Identifying as a fictional character and/or species, or having been that character/species in a past life/alternate universe. Alternatively, feeling that the character/species is or was a part of your identity.
Kin - An otherkin/fictionkin individual. As a suffix, it can be used to indicate kintype.
So back to the question: what’s misuse (in my opinion)? I’m of the belief that terms used as part of one’s identity can have varying definitions since they’re so personal. I don’t expect everyone to use the same definitions as me. In other words, I try my best not to gatekeep. However, there are a few “criteria” that are typically used in the otherkin community. The general consensus is that:
Being ‘kin is not a choice.
Being ‘kin means identifying as a character/species.
This is the way I personally use the terms as well. My kintypes were not a choice, and I genuinely identify as them. I’m fine with individuals identifying as ‘kin as long as they meet one of the “criteria” (not necessarily both). I understand that spiritual choicekin exist, so as long as someone identifies as the character/species, I don’t mind if they originally chose their kintype. At the same time, I know that some individuals don’t currently see themselves as a character/species. They might feel that they were the character/species but aren’t anymore, or that their identity is irreversibly tied to it. As long as it wasn’t their decision, I don’t mind whether they very loosely identify as something.
If someone meets neither “criteria,” I would prefer they use another term that better fits. For instance, otherhearted, fictionhearted, otherlink, copinglink, roleplayer, constelic, funlink, furry, etc. This is just my preference though, and I understand that I have no control over what labels others use. Just keep in mind that there are other ways to be alterhuman outside of otherkinity!
I’d prefer not to interact with someone who uses “kin” as a verb. For example, “I’m kinning him” or “I kin them.” As many have said, ‘kin is something you are, not something you do. And under no circumstance do I want to interact with anyone who uses “kin” as a way of saying they like/relate to a character. This is what I consider misuse.
Just to reiterate, I have no control over what labels others use. I’m not the alterhuman police. These are just the boundaries I have on my blog. 
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hifumi-matsuoka · 2 years
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It was actually a picture of Nanako. I photoshopped Amagi’s head on top because I find Nanako’s design ridiculous. It looks like the body of an adolescent/adult with an enlarged head. I mean, the head looks like it could be the same width as the torso and arms combined.
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Just an innocent picture of Amagi, nothing to see here…
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hifumi-matsuoka · 2 years
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Just an innocent picture of Amagi, nothing to see here...
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hifumi-matsuoka · 3 years
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The uniform arrived yesterday! I had to attach the armband with safety pins before putting the jacket on. But since I wasn’t wearing it, I ended up attaching it to the wrong arm. So that’s why the armband is on the wrong side in the pictures. I’ll probably take another picture later once I fix it.
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hifumi-matsuoka · 3 years
The lanyard for my Walkman finally showed up but... it came with five for some reason? I only ordered one.
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hifumi-matsuoka · 3 years
Oooh I was feeling kinda down so I thought “Hey, if I check Amazon and it says my orders are arriving soon, that might cheer me up.”
Well, one of them is supposed to arrive by tomorrow! The roads are kind of bad though, so I hope it doesn’t get delayed. The Gekkoukan uniform is already shipped but won’t arrive until February.
Edit: Oh no, I just realised I checked after midnight. It’s not coming as soon as I hoped. :(
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hifumi-matsuoka · 3 years
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hifumi-matsuoka · 3 years
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hifumi-matsuoka · 3 years
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hifumi-matsuoka · 3 years
Identity “Headcanons”
I’m bored so I’m going to list what labels I think all my friends would’ve used if we were teens growing up in the west during the 2020s.
Hiromi: Unlabeled or cassgender and aroace-spec
Yukari: Grey-heteroromantic (or maybe grey-minromantic) cis girl
Junpei: Straight and cis, demiquasiplatonic
Akihiko: Grey-ace, demi-heteroromantic cis guy
Mitsuru: Grey-ace and grey-panromantic cis woman
Yamagishi: Nonamorous, aroace neugirl
Aegis: Uniromantic, ace (or quoisexual/quoiromantic) neogirl
Shinjirō: Greyro-ace cis guy (or cis-by-default)
Ryōji: Pansexual, omniromantic, panquasiplatonic, demi-pansensual, cis-by-default guy
Rio: Demiromantic, ace, and cis
I was grey-ace, heteroromantic, ambiamorous, and girlish. The labels listed for my friends are just guesses based on my memories! Many of these labels didn’t exist at the time and/or were inaccessible to us.
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