high-inquisitor · 2 years
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If there was a time to come back to this blog, it’s now.
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high-inquisitor · 3 years
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rozliubit | instagram
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high-inquisitor · 3 years
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Midnight Mug
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high-inquisitor · 3 years
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start by wipping the blood off of his chin and pretending to understand (x)
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high-inquisitor · 3 years
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Credit: moxpunk
“#STVBB2020 Week 4: Team Swap! Now part of Team Sky, and with supplies running low, Jang'chi has decided to wrangle up a group for a beer-run! Time to re-stock the Bash with an airship full of booze!“
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high-inquisitor · 3 years
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Credit: bearicornblues
“Wow! Look at all the friends Saff rounded up for this week’s #STVBB20 prompt!“
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high-inquisitor · 3 years
🔥Hot Takes and  🧠Headcanons
Send to🔥 to my inbox for a Hot Take™️  or    🧠 For a Headcanon™️ about different characters and lore . Bonus points if you include a topic for either! Or both, both is good. 
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high-inquisitor · 3 years
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100 Archetypes Challenge: 2. eldritch town
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high-inquisitor · 3 years
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Archelaos’s STVBB 2021 outfit!!
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high-inquisitor · 3 years
dni if
- you will get mad at me for killing you or being evil or throwing you down a well and calling you bad words and mean names and laughing
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high-inquisitor · 3 years
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Every third night, at the witching hour, it crosses the field near the radio tower.
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high-inquisitor · 4 years
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✨Autumn Infinity ✨ gifs made by me :)
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high-inquisitor · 4 years
“I will scrub these hands raw. I will tremble at what they could not prevent.”
— Elizabeth Acevedo, “Spear” (via buttonpoetry)
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high-inquisitor · 4 years
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The Tell-Tale Heart // Edgar Allan Poe
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high-inquisitor · 4 years
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Small flyers are posted around Stormwind City, Elwynn, and Westfall. Someone made a perilous nighttime ride to post these, though none seem to have made it into Duskwood. Although, who could blame this nighttime rider?
An Open Letter.
The unthinkable has happened, and we weren't prepared. There is a lesson here, a narrative on the ineptitude of Stormwind forces and their lack of disaster preparedness. But blame doesn't spread information, which is what's actually needed at this point. I am only hoping that my words reach the right people to save a few lives.
Do not trust new grain. Cultists, spurred on by the sudden resurgence of the Scourge, may feel emboldened to poison grain, knowing that many in rural areas sell it for a living. Obviously, old grain you've had stored since before this happened, and that was sealed and not tampered with, is safer.
Water sources are also easy to contaminate. Boil water before drinking or bathing.
Alliance soldiers are setting up outposts around the kingdom. Do not interfere with them. They may not be welcome, they may seem intrusive. But that outpost is the last line of defense between the Scourge and your house. Let it be.
Similarly, the Argent Crusade and Ebon Blade are lending aid. This may mean that traditionally horde races such as orc or blood elves may be roaming about wearing their colors. Members of the Argent Crusade and Ebon Blade are faction neutral, and they are here to help. They do not want to harm you. Please let them be unless you are in need of aid.
Ghouls are stupid, and so it can be easy to underestimate how much of a pain they are to fight. Remember that they often come in swarms, and that they have no regard for their own safety. This means they can throw themselves at you with more speed than you may expect. Keep your distance and do not engage unless you are forced to. 
If you are forced to fight, try not to use a short-ranged weapon. The shorter the range, the more likely you are to get a festering claw wound or, worse, bitten.
So what should you fight with, if the fight is unavoidable? If you don't have access to a gun, bow, or other ranged weapon, use longer polearms. Accessible examples of these for those in rural areas would be pitchforks or scythes. The former only allows for stabbing or bludgeoning,  while the other allows for wider slashing motions.
If you have access to armor, wear it. If you do not, wear layers. Layers that are thick may save you from being bitten. Keep a face covering on hand as well, to avoid accidental inhalation or ingestion of infected particles.
Do not travel into infested areas. While many of us have friends and family who live in these areas, they are more tightly locked down in the town than you are on the road. They are safer than you are, if you're traveling.
Be safe, and be ready. All will be okay with time. The most any of us can do is to hunker down, and to be as cautious as we can be. 
With love,
Amelia Rabon, Medical Resident.
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high-inquisitor · 4 years
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high-inquisitor · 4 years
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