highelfhomebrew · 5 years
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Hello all! Here is the first ever fully completed campaign setting I’ve ever released! I’m really proud of it and I really hope y’all enjoy it!
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highelfhomebrew · 5 years
if you definitely 100% own all of the dnd 5E content after spending hundreds of dollars on it whether physically or digitally (or both!) u should use this site here as a quick n easy reference point for the content you definitely already legally own because you’re a law abiding citizen who has paid hundreds of dollars for a shittonne of books.
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highelfhomebrew · 5 years
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Our patrons submitted four-word suggestions for dazzling devices and gadgets, and we turned 8 of those into item cards!
> Get them here
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highelfhomebrew · 5 years
if you definitely 100% own all of the dnd 5E content after spending hundreds of dollars on it whether physically or digitally (or both!) u should use this site here as a quick n easy reference point for the content you definitely already legally own because you’re a law abiding citizen who has paid hundreds of dollars for a shittonne of books.
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highelfhomebrew · 5 years
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The goodberry compendium is finally done! All the art and content is done and up to snuff! @variouslystated is the artist that did all of the art in the compendium! Hope y'all enjoy!
[Dice Envy]
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highelfhomebrew · 5 years
What color do Drow blush?
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highelfhomebrew · 5 years
hhh fire genasi named wick who is normally just like, a candle ass lookin motherfucker, soft orange skin/quiffy hair and gets PISSED and goes hades style Blue cept disney is batshit and made him go ORANge instead of BLUE when he was mad like little bitches
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highelfhomebrew · 5 years
some dnd backstory ideas that give your character a reason to leave home that isn’t “everyone in my family died.” (just to say: i have nothing against those backstories (i use them a lot), but its fun to mix it up!)
someone close to you is sick. you need to adventure to find a cure
someone stole something important from you and you need to find it
you’ve received a message from a long lost relative and are trying to find them
someone that you love has been kidnapped (maybe you have to earn money to pay a ransom or complete some deed…)
adventuring runs in the family! everyone is expected to complete one quest in their lives
your family/culture sends people out to complete certain tasks when they reach a certain age as a rite of passage
another player’s character saved you in the past so you feel indebted to them and travel with them, protecting/aiding them
there’s a magical drought in your hometown and you have to fix it
your hometown doesn’t have a lot of jobs so you have to travel and send money back home
some childhood friends and you made a “scavenger hunt” where you try and complete a checklist of certain tasks (ie. defeat a barbarian in hand to hand combat, steal x amount of gold, slay a dragon, etc) in an allotted amount of time
a god/patron has sent you on a quest to do something for them
you’ve been hired by someone to complete a task (and you get sucked into the big adventure along the way)
you’re on a quest for knowledge. maybe it’s to learn the best ways of fighting, maybe it’s something more academic related
your priest received a vision from your god and they sent you on a quest
you’re writing a book about the world and different cultures and you need first hand experience
you’ve found every map you’ve come across is shitty, so you decide to become a cartographer and make your own
you’re a detective who helps solve crimes and need to travel to solve a particular case
you’re a collector of a certain object and travel across the land to find it
you’re apart of an adventuring academy and have to complete a quest to graduate
you’re an artisan and you travel with your wares, trying to sell them. alternatively, you’re trying to spread word of your business and gain new business partners
you worked at a tavern your whole life where an old bard would sing songs of their adventuring party and that inspired you to go and do some adventuring of your own
feel free to add some of your own!
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highelfhomebrew · 5 years
Albino (Angeltouched) Tieflings
(This is my first homebrew, so I’d really appreciate feedback!)
While Tieflings are humans touched by the sins of Asmodeus long ago, albino Tieflings are said to be the remnants of the angel that he was before he fell from heaven. They often find themselves to be the target of the jealousy of other Tieflings, they are generally much more liked by the rest of society. Many albino Tieflings are abandoned by their parents and raised by other races.
All albino Tieflings have characteristic white skin, setting them immediately apart from their infernal counterparts. They do have horns, but often their horns are either very small or in a circular shape resembling that of a halo, though they can have any style. Instead of tails, these Tieflings may have none or may have small wings, not at all large enough to be functional, and these wings may be in any number. Their hair may come in any of the same shades as Tieflings but will tend towards the lighter side. 
Outcasts of the Outcasts
While Tieflings are seen as some of the lowlifes and outcasts of society, albinos tend to be hated by them, for the fact that they are “blessed” and more respected by the other races. Because of this, when a regular Tiefling has an albino child, they will often abandon them or leave them on the doorstep of a family of another race to be cared for. This may affect the albino Tiefling’s views of the world as well as their name to match the race that they were raised with. 
Albino Tieflings have many traits that are similar to their Tiefling counterparts but may differ because of their different ancestry.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1, and your Charisma score increases by 2. However, when making Charisma-based rolls on regular Tieflings, they roll with disadvantage.  Age. Albino Tieflings mature at the sam e rate as humans but live a few years longer. Alignment. Albino Tieflings do tend towards the Good or Neutral alignments, however, can end up as evil under the right circumstances throughout their lives. Size. Albino Tieflings are about the sam e size and build as humans. Your size is Medium. Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Darkvision & Blessed Vision. Albino Tieflings may inherit a weaker Darkivision or may have what is called Blessed Vision, but they will only have one or the other. For those that have Darkvision, you can see in dim light within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. For those who have Blessed Vision, you  can see a faint aura of white light around any object within 60 feet of you that has been blessed by a god, but you cannot tell any information about the item or the blessing, only that it is blessed. Angelic Resistance. You have resistance to radiant damage. Blessed Legacy. You know the Thaumaturgy cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Bless spell once per day as a 2nd-level spell. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the Light spell once per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one language from the race you were raised by.
If you enjoyed this homebrew and would like to support me, you can head on over to my Ko-fi page, and please reblog this if you plan to use it!
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