highlights-of-lawliet · 2 months
Why is it that brainrotted fandom idiots will go "fandom is a space for FREAKS and WEIRDOS it's not your safe space 😡😡😡 if you don't like it you can LEAVE 😤😤😤" but then when someone asks them to stop treating black people in fandom spaces like shit they're all suddenly like "but ummmmm it's my safe space 🥺 the real world is mean and scary this is the only place I can go 🥺 racist harassment is my coping mechanism why won't you let people enjoy things 🥺"
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highlights-of-lawliet · 3 months
Right, considering the current state of corporate politics on this site, and that it seems that only those affected seem to be actively speaking on the matter, this needs to be dragged out to a wider audience.
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We need to show these higher ups how much we truly value them.
Edit: Changed the wording of the post and decided to put in a reminder that this extends to refusing to believe in bogus call-out posts for frankly minuscule thinks such as being horny or kinky, especially if the target is presenting in an ‘unconventional’ manner, (therians, etc.) this double standard where it is seen as ‘degenerate’ for transfemmes to merely exist in certain spaces, yet everyone else is fine to do so is disgusting and part of the reason for the backlash.
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highlights-of-lawliet · 3 months
Amazing fucking details and colours, but why are his hands like that? I'm scared.
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I did it I finished the thing (14 hrs later)
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reblog to give a strawberry to the person you reblogged this from
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it’s okay to look like this. and in fact, more people should
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light was such a loser cuz he didnt just google the 100 richest people and start writing down names
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@olympiansally​ @queersturbate​ Bet.
You know Light’s the only one putting effort into spinning the rope LMAO
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Some new thoughts on the Ryuzaki Persona theory
You know, the more I think about it, the easier it is for me to admit that it’s hard for me to stay objective when it comes to this topic.
I always wanted L to be autistic, because he’s a huge inspiration for me… Not only is what he does basically my dream job, he also has something like a butler and can eat desserts all day. When I first read the manga, I immediately wanted to be like him. There’s just something so cool about him, you know? I think all of us—even the few people who claim to hate him—actually look up to him. In one way or another.
But I know that I will never achieve anything of note in my life because of my autism. And then you have someone like L, who’s quirky and eccentric, who could pass as autistic. …At least if you ignore how graceful and socially charming he is. Now I can admit that I, above all, desperately wanted him to be autistic.
And seeing all those posts about the RPT made me mad, because I got confronted with what I never wanted to accept. 
With enough distance, though, I realised that I have to stop lying to myself. No autistic person can understand psychological concepts like “Theory of Mind”, after all. Realistically, how could you ever become a successful detective, then? It’s impossible. Let’s not forget that he’s also a brilliant actor:
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We are then left with one question: why is L so fucking weird?
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I know people with a much deeper understanding of psychology (reminder: I’m diagnosed with autism, which mean the regions in my brain responsible for anything remotely social and psychological simply don’t exist) have written so many great posts about this, and there’s only one answer that makes sense. L is faking it. (He’s certainly smart enough to read the DSM!)
After all, L is nothing like “Ryuzaki” when we first meet him. Sure, he wears jeans and a shirt and is barefoot, but it’s classy. Like a Levi’s model.
We never even see him eat anything until a few chapters in. I think it’s because he used all of his allistic brain power to become a higher being, which is supported by the fact that he’s meditating:
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He later stops that, possibly to be more convincing at Ryuzaki. Absolutely no one takes Ryuzaki seriously—because everyone knows he’s basically just a peasant.
And I even would go one step further and say that L is actually wearing a mask. Why? Well, the mask I’m talking about was right in front of our eyes the entire time:
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It’s the only thing he left Near, in my opinion (well, and of course all those documents that told him how to solve the Kira case.)If you think about it, it’s actually quite easy to tell when L wearing the mask and when not, because his real face has eyebrows:
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A very subtle hint that he isn’t Ryuzaki yet, is that he calls himself “L” here. Brilliant, right?
Please send your honest thoughts about this to my ask box ^^
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How is the musical!misa different from the canon!misa? She's a young star that wants to be with light. The only change seems to me is she doesn't kill people this time. And maybe you realized, in one of my previous asks, i referred to tsugumi as a male and a female at the same time, that's just my bad english. Sorry for that. I wasn't trying to jump to conclusions about his/her gender. I'm irrelevant to those gender issues.
I mean, not killing people is a pretty big change if you ask me.
Misa in the manga is NOT coerced by Light to start killing. She gets the notebook independently and instantly goes "oh, neat! :D let me threaten the police forces by essentially holding the world's civilian population hostage! :D"
Taking a girl who's first impulse was to do that (entirely out of her own accord!!) and going 'actually she will be sad killing even a single policeman and also she will never personally murder anyone' is a massive character change. Musical!Misa is super sanitized.
Misa in the musical represents pure, self-sacrificial love.
This couldn't be made more clear than by giving her and Sayu a duet where they sing about love - Misa and Sayu are meant to be at equal levels of perfect purity of character.
In her big climactic song "The Value of Life", musical!Misa sings about how the value of your life is decided by how much you loved. This is a direct reversal of Misa's motivation in the manga.
Misa in the manga is defined by wanting to be loved.
Misa in the musical is defined by wanting to love.
And the entire show is propped up to show how pure and wonderful she is for this, even teaching a God of Death how to love in the process. Misa represents the ideal of love here.
Hell, they put her on the cross to make sure we REALLY understand that musical!Misa is dying for our sins. Manga!Misa just could not be further from such an idealized figure.
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It's me. I'm Ryuk. 🍎
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Light Yagami on seeing Ryuk for the first time:
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Light Turner on seeing Ryuk for the first time:
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The potato chip scene except Light eats them like Cookie Monster
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L disgusts me. I can't stand him, he has literally the most unpleasant personality and he's childish and cringes me so I don't know why the fuck do I find him so hot??? like I would kill him if I had the chance but I would also suck his dick if I had the chance???
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had to share this note i woke up and wrote in the dead of night
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Death Note is rated PG-13 which means they could’ve let Ryuk say fuck once
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shh you can read death note: another note here
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