hiimmoe · 1 year
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hiimmoe · 2 years
“I have a habit of falling in love with souls who have yet to be at peace with their bodies, their minds, their weaknesses. I try to build them, to find the parts of them that are missing in me. I end up with holes in my chest.”
— Farah Gabdon
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hiimmoe · 2 years
“Self worth is so vital to your happiness. If you don’t feel good about you, it’s hard to feel good about anything else.”
— Mandy Hale
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hiimmoe · 5 years
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Sometimes a poem is nothing but an unheard scream. Amna Dhanani 🥀
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hiimmoe · 5 years
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hiimmoe · 5 years
When it tells you to stop, make sure you keep going.
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hiimmoe · 5 years
You the first nigga to break my spirit, tell me I deserve it and then try to be my friend.
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hiimmoe · 8 years
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🍅 The Pomodoro method doesn’t work for me because if I make scheduled pauses I might be in de middle of the process of understanding something and if I unwind for 5 min I will not necesarily be able to catch up right where i was. I’m all for breaks but I schedule them like: one page of problems per session / go through half a lesson at a time (if the subject allows it) and if not possible just power through one lesson because personally it makes me mad when I get distracted and then have to go back to even remember what the notation meant. 📃 Go through your lecture notes often. If the day after the lecture you haven’t gone through it, you will have probably forgotten a bunch already; and if you take a look like a month later you are probably going to be in trouble. Also, my professors often say in a lecture the things that you should pay attention to at home. This means that there is probably going to be a couple of problems where you will have to apply this / a problem in a test / this method will be very important in future lectures. Confession: I’m still not great at this. 💼 “Does it even help going to class?” - I must say I have had terrible professors in the past. Nothing personal, there are just people who love teaching and are great at it and there are people who just don’t do it well. If you are in a situation where you find that your professor is chaotic, doesn’t care if someone understood, doesn’t give you enough material to work with, etc. you should really take into consideration whether or not going to the lecture actually helps you understand. I would say before deciding not to go you MUST have a better alternative, i.e. you have to find a better source of information and explanations. 📚 Having a reliable source of information: the first two weeks of every class I look for a book / scriptum that is going to provide me with the necessary information and necessary problems. For that I just use google (google the name of the signature or just the main themes in the description that the professor gives / should give) and this website (http://bookzz.org/) to get the recommended books by the professor (it has happened before that professors have recommended terrible books and then you have to look for books yourself or ask people that have already taken that class for their sources). If you don’t have that, you shouldn’t skip any class ever (willingly) because you are going to be lost in no time. 👓 If you are going to class: do not get distracted. If you don’t pay attention for even just a couple of minutes chances are you may not be able to understand what’s happening when you chose to pay attention again (or anything that follows). You are allowed to ask questions, but it is not ideal to interrupt a lecture to ask a question just because you were not paying attention. 👯 Find a study pal! My first semester I was so shy and didn’t have any friends and did terrible (not only because of that but yeah) but then one day I met one of my best friends now and we have done so well at uni together because we complement each other’s flaws and we can explain things to eachother. I know it’s hard to meet people, I have social anxiety, but it is really worth it. ✍🏽 Take good notes. I don’t know how Math is structured in unis abroad, but in Germany we start with formal proofs from day one. That means: • NOTATION!! - You are going to want to have good examples of how to express your ideas in a formal way, for that, just copy everything that the professor writes on the board! It’s that easy :) • Do NOT ignore proofs - I know a couple of math students that go to lectures and pay attention to the theorems, examples, etc. and then totally zone out (or even leave lol) when it’s time for the proof. And I just can’t begin to express how terrible that is. If you don’t see how proofs work, you won’t be able to prove anything by yourself, you won’t understand why things work and will have to learn everything by heart and even that won’t help because you will be lacking intuition. • If you get stuck on something you should be able to differentiate between something being vital and something that is besides the point or just an example that is not going to change the world. If you are under preassure and it is not vital you could let it go and concentrate on the vital parts. Also, if you end up having some spare time you can go back to that and give it a fresh new try. 👑 Solve the problems. Going to the lecture and going through your notes afterwards is not enough. The only way that you are going to actually learn something is by solving problems. Professors give out excersice sheets that complement lectures. So, take it seriously and try to solve every single problem on those sheets. Even if they are not mandatory, go ahead and solve that. There are great “oooooooooh” moments when something hits you while solving a problem and that knowledge will remain in your head forever because you came up with it, understood it and solved it yourself. And even if you make mistakes, those sheets are probably going to get reviewed/graded or there are going to be solutions somewhere and you will see what you did / understood wrong. It is going to take hours, but you chose to study this so yeah. 🏋🏽 Keep track of your grades (of every single exercise sheet that I’m making you solve! ^^) and set yourself new goals if you are not happy with the results. 🐜 Help others if you are feeling confident! It is a great way of actually testing if you got things right, because you are likely to receive a lot of questions in the process and so you can check if you understand all the conections between things.
🦄 Useful links: • http://khanacademy.org • http://www.wolframalpha.com/ • https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Mathematics (learn LaTeX) • Calculators such as http://www.gregthatcher.com/Mathematics/GaussJordan.aspx for linear algebra
☕️☕️☕️ What I do before exams ☕️☕️☕️ 🍫 • Make new notes. Read all the notes you took during the semester + books you used and rewrite them omitting proofs, examples and such, just to refresh your memory and have a clearer and nicer source for when you are solving everything. I also write down next to some theorems/lemmas/corolaries if the proof is important. If so, I also go through the proof multiple times before the exam. • Repeat every single problem that has been given by the professor without looking at the solutions and then checking them. • Get some old exams and do the same as above. • If you are allowed a cheat sheet just pick the most important things from the notes you rewrote and also the things you looked at the most while solving problems.
I hope you liked this post and found it useful. Feel free to send me a message if you want more specific advice (I can also give advice on learning new languages) 🌿
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hiimmoe · 8 years
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hiimmoe · 8 years
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Morning drives like these ♡
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hiimmoe · 8 years
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hiimmoe · 8 years
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hiimmoe · 8 years
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hiimmoe · 8 years
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hiimmoe · 8 years
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handwriting tag!! (highly requested) also if there are any armys (bts stans) here hmu  ໒( ͡ᵔ ▾ ͡ᵔ )७
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hiimmoe · 8 years
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Major Body of Work for my HSC is almost finished
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hiimmoe · 8 years
The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.
Bruce Feirstein (via beinchargeofyourlife)
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