hijabiloser13 · 1 year
I love the narration, “two health points were lost” lmaooo
I made a post earlier about how Dick should have taught Damian to use his baby face to his advantage and someone said he would teach all of his siblings. So here is the aftermath. A task force specifically designed to bring Bruce down.
Dick: Hey B, I was wondering if we could borrow the Batmobile for the weekend?
Bruce: … [no]
Dick: Pretty please I promise it will be in one piece when I give it back!
Bruce: Hnn. [Still no]
Dick: Fine then, you’ve forced my hand. ATTACK!
Tim steps forward, yawning and promising to try and sleep properly.
Bruce loses two health points.
Duke is next in the initiative order.
Duke: It would be fun!
The full power of the sun shines through his smile.
Bruce falters but passes a quick time event in his head, only losing another two health points.
Cass steps up to the plate.
Cass: I would like to go on an outing with my siblings, it sounds fun.
Bruce is starting to sweat as a total of ten health points are swept away by the fact cass considers them family.
Damian decides to use his special attack! Holding the target’s sleeve makes it especially effective!
Damian: Baba, please?
A whopping fifty points! BRUCE IS HANGING ON BY A THREAD!
Jason: c’mon Dad.
Bruce: fine.
Dick: Great job team!
Damian: yes, we got the Batmobile successfully. I will drive.
Dick: No-
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hijabiloser13 · 1 year
This is soooo perfect lmaoo. It’s like when u finally can drop ur secrets bc they don’t matter no more
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Billy telling them his identity when he hits 18 🙏
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hijabiloser13 · 1 year
I just gotta say I’m unsure of the Eddie plot we’re going with. Don’t get me wrong, I love how they brought him back, mostly because I wasn’t expected that. And the way he talked abt how everyone forgot him after he died, I was like “lol y is that actually true.” The problem though is that Eddie doesn’t really feel like Eddie. I get that majority of ppl would prob do what he did, but it feels wrong to hv him be evil. He has antagonist/foil energy, but I wouldn’t say it’s evil. That’s y it feels a little weird thats he’s the new negative speed force avatar. Also does this mean the negative speed force can bring back any dead person with no consequence? Doesn’t that mean that the positive speed force can do the same? Basically what I’m trying to say is: BRING BACK CAITLIN AND FROST AND HARRY AND HR AND STEIN AND LITERALLY EVERYONE!!!
But on the bright side, HE IS THE PERFECT FOIL
- easily could’ve lived Barry’s life
- related to the reverse Flash
- negative speed force avatar while Barry is positive speed force avatar
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hijabiloser13 · 1 year
I don’t think I’ll ever forgive the writers for that…
Love how Barry cares about their deaths MONTHS after they died. He really is like “I’m gonna pick a day and bitch about how I didn’t save them even though I did try to stop them but they were selfish bitches who went behind everyone’s back and betrayed us.”
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hijabiloser13 · 1 year
Idk y but this is freakin hilarious to me.
WOW they give a shit about Barry disappearing?!?!
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hijabiloser13 · 1 year
Love how Barry blames himself for traveling back in time, lol. I mean… he is the root cause of most shit on this show.
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hijabiloser13 · 1 year
True dat
You can say what you want about arrowverse shows and I'm admitting that last seasons of a few of the shows were very iffy.
But one thing that never missed was crossovers. Legends of yesterday/tommorrow - very good for the first time. Invasion - just got better. Crisis on Earth X - Amazing! (Barry's little 'damn' when he sees Oliver in the suit will always be funny). Duet - well I'm not even gonna attempt to talk about it because it's my favorite crossover of all time even though it's not all of the shows. Elseworlds - funniest shit ever! (Oliver saying "what if barry comes in and sees us" after Iris kissed him lol). Crisis on infinite Earths did break my heart multiple times but hey, you can't have it all. But we can with all the cameos hello!!!
Damn crossovers bro
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hijabiloser13 · 1 year
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i guess awful wigs is part of their genetics lol
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hijabiloser13 · 1 year
I could perfectly envision this
You know that younger sibling / older siblings thing where the older ones simply refuse to acknowledge that the younger one is aging up?
So that- but with Damian and his whole family.
Boy could turn 15 and Jason’s still like “Oh, my baby brother Damian? Yeah he’s 11.”
He could go out and legally get his license at 16, and on instinct, Tim still never lets him drive. “wait until you’re 16-“ “I AM SIXTEEN”
He turns 18 and Dick is scandalized when he suggests that they watch an R rated movie. Who cares about all the blood and gore he’s already witnessed- “Damian you’re too young for R rated movies!!”
He finally turns 21 and Bruce still makes sure to tell the servers at the galas to not serve any drinks to Damian because “he’s too young.” Meanwhile Damian is just seething in the background, clenching his glass of apple juice so hard that it shatters.
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hijabiloser13 · 1 year
Random convo I bet happen between civilians and vigilantes
Civilian: What hair product do you use man?? My man's hair is shiiiiining
Nightwing, chuckling: I just let it dry (lying)
Civilian: Naaaah, man I see you jumping from rooftop to rooftop everyday, tell me your secrets–
Gothamite: And who's gonna pay for this scratch on my car?!!!
Robin (Tim), trying damn hard to stay stealth: Don't you have insurance?
Gothamite, don't giving a fuck: No!
Robin: You should have–
Gothamite: You know what? HEY TWO-FACE–
Robin: No, no, no– Hold on–
Gothamite: HE'S RIGHT HE–
Gothamite: Okay- Cannabis is very much legal in L.A.
Batman: We're not in L.A.
Gothamite: Yeah that's funny because– *runs*
Batman: *Runs after him.*
Gothamite: See I don't hate you
Signal: Always good to hear that–
Gothamite: You doing a pretty good job.
Signal: I–
Gothamite, also a bus driver: But you gotta stop being thrown at my window–
Signal: I don't control where villains throw me.
Gothamite: Yeah bro– But you better start, otherwise there's gonna be one more out there–
Gothamite, also a security guard on his phone at 3 am: Yeah, no honey it's literally desert here–
Gothamite: HOLY SHIT
Gothamite: Fucking warn a guy, mY GOD–
Gothamite: I thought you were taller.
Nightwing: I heard that a lot.
Gothamite: How do you see on that thing?
Batgirl (Cassandra):
Batgirl: I don't.
Gothamite, terrified: Oh okay–
Batman: Shouldn't you be at home?
Gothamite, who's also a teenager very much snicking out at four am: Shouldn't you mind you business?
After being forcefully driven to home on the batmobile
Gothamite That was really unecessary–
Gothamite: Are you alone??? Where'd your dad? Where's Batman?
Robin (Tim Drake, early days): Batman's not my dad.
Gothamite: See now I'm concerned.
Robin: Oh no–
Gothamite: What's is this a internship...? A job...?
Robin: You know what? Yeah, Pretty much.
Gothamite: Really? Oh okay, okay. I'm less concerned– Because–
Robin: Yeah I can see–
Gothamite: Like "is he kidnaping those children"?
Robin, chuckling: No, no–
Gothamite: You get paid?
Robin: Not really.
Gothamite: I'm back at being concerned–
Gothamite, from her window: Have you eaten yet?
Robin (Dick): No– (lying)
Gothamite: Oh, the poor child– Oh shame on you
Gothamite: The poor kid– You're dragging him alone with you to fight crime on a empty stomach?
Batman: I–
Gothamite: Unbelievable. I expected more on you– Hold on sweety I'll see If I have some cookies here to give you.
Dick: :)
Robin (Damian): Do I look like a fucking child?
Gothamite: Do you want me to answer that?
Old Gothamite being around the city since Batman year 1: You sound different.
Batman (Dick Grayson): No I don't.
Gothamite: Yes you do–
Gothamite: She looks different.
Gothamite: Mark is the same girl.
Gothamite: No honey, she looks different, she's was taller
Gothamite: Honey you're being paranoid.
Gothamite: She was a red-head!
Gothamite: Oh, Mark. Now the girl can't even dye her hair? Just because she's a Super-hero? Por girl can't even reinvent herself and people on this city start saying she's a different person?! Let her be! Her life must've be hard enough–
Gothamite: Jennet I swear to God that's not the same girl–
Batgirl (Stephanie), just trying to get some information:
Gothamite: You never notice when I change my hair–
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hijabiloser13 · 1 year
Young Justice was such a wild show. Like. It's based off a 90's comic by the same name. It contains exactly 1 (one) character from the source media, who they immediately change beyond recognition. It used Dick Grayson's Robin and Wally West's Kid Flash, but made Roy Harper the old jaded one. Instead of Wondergirl, they gave Martian Manhunter a niece. They invented a brand new Aqualad. A random 90's villain gets shunted into Arrowette's role, arguably gets the most compelling emotional story of the entire show, and turns out to be related to half the villains they ever meet.
They're a secret black ops team made entirely of teenagers. At one point several of them die onscreen. The martian almost murders several people. There's kind of a pseudo incest plot. There is an episode that takes place almost entirely through mandated therapy sessions.
The show does actually bring in a second character from the original Young Justice, in an episode where Artemis almost dies only to be saved by Secret, the ghost of the villain's sister (who was a member of the original comics team). In the same episode, Superboy and Miss Martian trick a classmate into thinking there's an alien invasion using a Loony Tunes character. Neither of these events are ever mentioned again.
The timeline of the show means that Dick Grayson became Nightwing at 15. They accidentally create Beast Boy because Miss Martian has been impersonating his mom. Aqualad ends up as the leader of the Justice League.
Five years go by between seasons, resulting in a completely different show. I could make the argument that Young Justice was Weisman's OC fanfiction of the comic series. Everything after season 2 is unwatchable. This is the show that got me into fandom. I adore it.
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hijabiloser13 · 1 year
Here are just some thought of The Flash: I just watched the latest episode of the last air…SEASON 9 EPISODE 10 SPOILERS
Omg I’m soon happy with the direction we’re going in! I’ve been a die hard fan of the flash since 2017 (I wish earlier) but I used to sit and watch new episodes of season 3 with my brother. We even watched the season 3 finale together and I’ve never felt so excited for a show before or happy watching an episode. Todays episode reminded me of why I fell in love with this show in the first place: it’s not the writing or production; it’s the feelings I get watching an episode with all its shenanigans and storytelling.
I’ve just been feeling like this was lacking in the later seasons. There’s just more and more to criticize each episode, but there are good moments and at least 1 (but usually more than that) truly good episode in every season. This episode was one of them.
When they brought Thawne back, I literally rolled my eyes so far into the back of my head. I just kept thinking like bro, we get it: u hate Barry and? I was so sick of Thawne being the bad guy bc he’s been the bad guy for YEARS, but as the episode went further I realized what was going on. They’re coming full circle. This is the moment. From back in season 1. This is older Barry saving younger Barry. This one night is the building block of everything. Thank God they’re not making it a giant plot hole!
Not only that, but we got to see a different kind of Barry. One that was interesting to watch and learn about. The way he’d act around his parents and the angst of not being able to tell them, I rrly felt that. Like a knife to the heart. The end tho, where being finally got the last laugh or ig the last punch in their war, yes I repeat he called it a WAR (which I love), was just beautiful. After all these years, Barry finally found what he’s been looking for: peace for his mothers death.
I guess I was just surprised, which is something I haven’t been in a while, or I guess more like surprised in a good way. Bc trust me, there r surprises in the later seasons but they r pretty controversial and love-hate in my opinion. The point is they finally did it: made something that was interesting enough to be as good as it’s prime seasons and I desperately hope the rest of the season finale is like this! Please God Please!
The only problem I have now is that I have to wait a WHOLE WEEK to watch the next episode. Damn.
It’s been an amazing journey watching this show every Tuesday then every Wednesday (even tho the move kinda pissed me off, this show deserved better than that) and I’ll wait forever just to see a beautiful ending. Actually scratch the forever part, just gimme gimme rn lol.
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hijabiloser13 · 1 year
I just love this…
Reporter: Tell us Bruce, why have you recently decided to work out more? To you just want to compete with our Clark? Or is it-
Bruce: My kids.
Reporter: I’m sorry what?
Bruce: I work out so I can still lift them.
Reporter: …
Bruce: if you have nothing else to ask I’m going to leave now. Let’s go Jaylad.
Bruce just picks up Jason and leaves.
Jason looks like a large dog that clearly isn’t used to being in the air.
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Like this.
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hijabiloser13 · 1 year
Lmaooo 😂😂😂
Love to imagine Jason trying to thrive as a legit crime lord only to flop because his family keeps ruining his street cred.
Case in point,
Jason: Now that you've heard my evil plan, what's your rebuttal, Batman?
Bruce: (Starts clapping)
Jason: NO, don't--
Bruce: You're so smart, honey (tries to take a picture)
Jason: stOp-
Jason: Here to stop me, Robin?
Tim: No, I need a book report
Jason: Wha- do it yourself, you fucking accident!
Tim: I don't know why the fucking door is red!
Jason: WHAT- It symbolizes the passion of violence you dumb BITCH--
Dick: I'll give you 10$ if you don't commit crimes tonight
Jason: 10$? What can I do in Gotham with 10 dollars?
Dick: Uh, buy an apartment?
Jason: An apartment is 13$!
Jason: I'm gonna take it easy on you, Spoiler--
Steph: Is that my perfume?
Jason: Wha-- no.
Steph: Cass, does Red Hood usually smell like lavender and cotton candy?
Cass: Nope
Jason: OKAY, sue me, I don't wanna smell like 'warrior musk' and 'tears of a war widow'
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hijabiloser13 · 1 year
Thinking back to that one post about how every batkid needs to pick a persona they get to swear in. I would like to expand it.
Dick swears all the time, but he does it in other languages. He picks a language for each persona to swear in and sticks to it. He did still do his whole “Aw, fiddlesticks!” routine as Robin, mainly just to watch everyone’s faces when he did it. (But everyone remembers the time Robin’s leg was broken and he just screamed “FUCK!” so loud that the entire battlefield turned around in shock.)
Jason knew that thanks to classism, people would assume he swore even if he didn’t. So like, why bother restraining it any more than he absolutely had to? As Robin, he didn’t swear even when he really wanted to, though sometimes he slipped up when caught off-guard or when chatting with someone who knows him in both identities. (On one very memorable occasion, Robin got so mad he actually shoved his fist into his own mouth to muffle the screaming rant of obscenity he needed to express.)
(As the Red Hood, Jason doesn’t really give a fuck, but he still falls back into his old habit of cleaning up his language when in costume. It’s very funny to hear him say something like, “Well, golly! You’ve gotta be shitting me.”)
Tim Drake is a proper young man who doesn’t swear, even when he’s hurt (he has totally stolen that biting-my-fist move from Jason.) Robin swears like a fuckin’ sailor all day every day, to the point where not a single goddamn hero in the entire caped community that has ever worked even adjacent to him has not heard, “Ask me if I fucking give a shit,” muttered under Robin’s breath directly into the com line when someone tries to correct him on something. He will switch languages to insult you in the one you best understand, too. His friends have a running bet about how many of those languages Robin actually speaks, versus how many he just learned how to cuss people out in (when asked, Robin just smirks and says, “How fucking many do you [always a swear from a different language, usually one they haven’t heard before] think?”)
Damian mostly sticks with old-timey faux-Shakespearean insults, mainly because it’s very funny when adults can’t figure out what to punish him for when he sasses them. As Robin, Damian likes using animals in place of swears, and just telling people to go fuck themselves—it keeps them on their toes.
Steph does not fuckin’ care.
Duke canonically swears both in & out of costume, and I love that for him.
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hijabiloser13 · 1 year
I love this soooo much…
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Friday night plans
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hijabiloser13 · 1 year
Tell me y I could vividly imagine this happening…
Jason: hey Tim, can I ask a quick question?
Tim: Shoot.
Jason, panicking, pulling out a gun: Shoot at what?
Tim, sleep-deprived, interpreting that as Jason's question: uhh, i guess, maybe that vase?
Jason, who has seen weirder things than an evil vase: got it.
Bruce, days later: ...what happened to my mother's vase?
Steph: Tim and Jason's brain cells cancel eachother out.
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