hijikatax · 6 years
Wait... WHAT??? Cristina Vee as DARKNESS???
She was Cerebella from Skullgirls... OH MY GOD!!!
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I can’t wait to hear the Konosuba dub just because Cristina Vee as Darkness is gonna say the darndest things
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hijikatax · 6 years
Gintama 699 RAW is out and...
How to start?
The chapter was EPIC. It started as a massive parody of Dragon Ball, and then, it shows the showdown showing how the characters had improved overtime, making even Otae looks way better than in the beggining.
However towards the end... Sorachi knows how to make a nightmarish scene so scary without using blood.
I’ll wait for the translations if I lost some details that I need to read (and then post  the pages I liked the most translated).
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hijikatax · 6 years
Gintama "What to do?" list that the Gorilla needs to adress
First at all, sorry for the high delay I got but since I had a lot to do in my personal life in the latests weeks I did not completed the list as expected....
OK, here we go, there are some things that the gorilla needs to adress in this series. And there are some misteries to reveal on the list too! So I divided into 3 tiers:
Tier A: Things that Sorachi needs to adress in order to complete the story.
Tier B: Things that Sorachi might put in order to give more background to the characters.
Tier C: Things that Sorachi might put but only to solve a mistery or just for fun.
So, here I go, I’ll give the aspect he needs to adress and a short description of it.
Tier A:
- The Tendoshuu’s defeat - In order to save Shoyo’s new body, the Tendoshuu must get trashed to the point to not to return ever again.
- Takasugi’s fate - BIG TIME! We don’t know if our one eyed friend will make it after that fight. Hope that they will find a way to maintain him alive.
- Sadaharu’s fate - Indeed, this is the most important thing Sorachi needs to adress besides Shoyo’s one.
- Tama’s fate - Another big thing that needs to be solved... Tamako is clearly the key, but they way to recover her is now known...
Tier B:
- What happened on Edo during the 2 years of TimeSkip.- Indeed, we want to know what happened to Edo during those 2 years along all the characters on there. Shinpachi is out this since he deserves his own mention.
- What happened to Kagura in those 2 years out there.- We knew that she trained along Master Son with Kamui. But we want to know what else she did during that travel... maybe she started to do research in order to find a way to bring Sadaharu back?
Also what she did... she is like Kamui prodigies? Or they are way smarter than expecting? Also they were supposed to live more by using that technique?
- What happened to Shinpachi in those 2 years.- Indeed, he deserves his own mention. What happened to him was a very radical change to become somewhat really a decent figther. And here is a little list what I want to know:
--  What happened between him and Otsu? Seems that they were distanced somehow... because in the latest chapter implied that.
--  How he became that strong? Maybe since he was the only Yorozuya he went to dangerous missions too?
--  What happened to his dojo dream? Or maybe it was not? If that so... what is really his own dream?
Tier C:
- If this is not the final arc, it would be interesting to see Shinpachi vs Okita even as a friendly match in order to see how strong is each other.
- Okita trying to test Kagura’s improved skills, but also, watching if her reaction to defend Shinpachi was just once.
- Seeing how the girls improved their skills during the time skip
- Seeing Kagura and Soyo going out like girls
- Seeing more Gintoki and Hijikata moments
- Some old arcs with the developed characters
PS: Oh! And I don't see Sorachi ending even on the Giga Magazine succesfully. Maybe moving to a monthly magazine will help them to complete the series as expecting.
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hijikatax · 6 years
Gintama 698 review: The end?
Indeed, Sorachi managed to put near ALL the characters on the series in few pages (well, this time I’ll show up just one of them):
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Then, we see some of them taking the Tendoshuu’s remains pretty much easily:
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And then...
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That duo starts to go after Gintoki in order to help him:
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BTW, nice callback from previous chapter, they are a way better duo than Star and Marco. They protect each other no matter what happen... definately this is ONE of the “List to Do of thing I want to watch”
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Wait... where is Abuto??
And then... Otsu appears too!
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And after some speech:
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Shinpachi goes Serious mode!
And then at the end, Gintoki, Zura and Takasugi start to discuss about the end of the manga and they realized that is not ending... so Gintoki says the following thing:
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Indeed, the series will continue by December and since the magazine is irregular and the Gorilla seems to want to continue the story... maybe is preparing another jump to a monthly magazine? Sure that the gorilla would want to start to close threads... even Sadaharu and Tama ones are not closed.
PS: I expect by tomorrow to prepare the list what is missing to Sorachi in order to fully close the threads and the circle about this series. I mentioned 2 of them (Sadaharu’s resolution and Tama’s one), and there are a LOT to see.
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hijikatax · 6 years
Dedicated to the Gorilla
Thinking when Sorachi was about to end Gintama...
And then I read the news... and now I am like:
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PS: The hiatus is coming
PS2: And I want to prepare the list of unfinished bussiness before Sorachi really closes the story up for real.
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hijikatax · 6 years
Indeed, thanks for pointing that sir. I was about to publish the same with more things:
- How Shinpachi became badass in 2 years
- Why Kagura don't transformed into a mature woman to test her new habilities.
- Where is Kamui Abuto and Umibouzu
And I will put it with some details as soon the spoilers of the next chapter are out and my homework is over.
Loose ends
-Where did Tamako go? Will Tama recover?
-Is Sadaharu going to recover by the end?
-Hatsu! I hope Hasegawa didn’t actually forget her after the fame went to his head.
-Where is Ikumatsu? What does she feel about Zurump?
-Sakamoto and his bankruptcy
-We need actual Yorozuya reunion please!!
-Shijaku is still around but what about Hata?
-The Kyuubei situation?? The others are still looking for Gintoki.
-Are we ever going to get Hitsuji’s backstory.
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hijikatax · 6 years
Sorry, but Shiro is not that masochist...
Meanwhile and as a crazy thought: Lance and Kazuma would be buddies.
Cursed Thought:
In the Monsters & Mana universe, Shiro is a strong and brave Paladin…
But he has the same secret kink as Darkness from Konosuba
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hijikatax · 6 years
Gintama 693 impressions
How... how to start?
While the Tendoshuu is preparing their attack...
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And they are so confident that they will win with their invasion unit (which I guess is HItsugi and the Naraku)
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They find that there is other ship near to them....
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And they does not know who contains on there...
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Poor Kondo... why is on that ship full of Gorillas?
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And making it worse... he doesn’t know what they are saying... and while Hijikata and Okita were figthing on the Earth...
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Kondo is on the space on the marrying with a Gorilla!
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Poor Kondo... he was sent by Matsudaira to marrying her in order to get more money. And to make it worse... when he was supposed to have a baby gorilla...
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He in just 2 years, turned into this!
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Ok, let’s jump to the last part since the rest of the chapter is Kondo’s antics to escape this situation... but before going to the last part...
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Ok... now, time to go to the last part..
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QUE PASE EL DESGRACIAD... Oh wait, wrong TV Show (and is an infamous one)
Indeed is the Gorilla’s dad... and when Kondo tried to give up with the following sound...
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Ok Kondo... you just commited Suppuku with that move...
Now what will come next week?
1. Maybe the Gorilla will take the ship for them?
2. Or maybe they will launch a surprise shot to the Earth in order to threaten Kondo, only to land on the Tendoshuu’s ship by sheer luck?
If the 2nd scenario happens I see this:
Tendoshuu henchman: WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!
Tendoshuu leader: Damnit! Let’s get out of here now! *flies away with Utsuro’s body*
Meanwhile on Earth
Joui Trio: What the?, THEY ARE FLEEING!!!!!
Gintoki: Quick Katsura, call Sakamoto in order to haunt them!
Katsura: Ok, I’ll call him.
Takasugi: Time to call Kamui and the Harusame to do the same...
On other part of Edo...
Hitsugi: ... we got left behind  and took Utsuruo from us... *drama music starts while crying*
And indeed, knowing Sorachi, he is pretty capable to do that... and all to extend the series some time more.
PS: Seems that Tumblr for Android can’t let edit the messages.
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hijikatax · 6 years
Shinpachi... the underrated of the trio... so good has he became...
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i dont normally keep up with the gintamanga but i was on my boy’s tag and found some good shit. 
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hijikatax · 6 years
Gintama Chapter 692 and some wild guesses
Here we go again then....
While the Joui 3 is reunited, the other trio (Shinpachi, Kagura and Okita) are ambushed by the Naraku. That’s because even Takasugi’s or Katsura’s forces are not that crazy to attack them and they will even join them (or just call Elizabeth).
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Then the unexpected happens:
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Hijikata in a cool car!!!! And everyone gets up (well... Shinpachi was not fast enough... but he was not that fast to begin)
And then... all the plans from Katsura to scatter the characters was his idea... that damnned genius!
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And then they got attacked, but before continue...
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Ok, that’s clearly an interesting scene and shows up that the dynamic duo is still there... I’m sorry if I compare them to Star and Marco from Star vs the Forces of Evil, but their dynamics are extremely similar except the romantic factor.
Ok, time to return... Then... the rest of the Shinsengumi members reappears!!!
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And the awaited scene happens:
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The heroes are back!
Resume: The Power Trios are ready and the parties are being reunited... poor Tendoshuu, seems that they might think on their plans beforer attack the Earth...
Own thinking until now: So that fight between Okita and Kagura was to test her? Even he attacked Shinpachi knowing that his attack would be unsuccesful since he was clearly holding back.... was to provoke her or maybe there is something else? Let’s wait...
What I think what will come: The Tendoshuu will realize what will fight once they will see everyone reunited. And they are not that crazy strong without their tactics. They are likely to fight, but then retreat with Utsuro inside.
Also there are a LOT of misteries to being solved. So here are my coins on what might happen:
1. The parties are finally reunited and the reunion of the Yorozuya is a fact. All the guys are with the high morale.
2. The Tendoshuu attacks, but fails HARD losing most of their members. Even if they are inmortals, with their army are not enough to win. So they will retreat, but taking Utsuro’s body in the process and taking down Takasugi (without killing him) and some characters. They will seek for someone else to improve them even more.
3. The good guys, decides then to ask Sakamoto, Shijaku and even the Harusame to catch the Tendoshuu since they are likely to hid and depends on the result, the final battle would be near or there will be more to show us
4. Some comedy chapters are assured for at least 3 months to ease the tension and to create more crazier situations and why not? adding some new iterations, like a chapter with Okita and Shinpachi alone talking about girls or their own figthing style while drinking or Kagura and Nobume eating somewhere along Soyo (poor donuts). Or even a new brand Joui 3 chapter where the 3 does any possible stupid thing possible making tons of parodies of newer movies.
5. Some drama chapters showing the following points: Tama’s recovery, what happened between the 2 years with everyone, Sadaharu’s recovery and well.. how the Yorozuya bonds even more. If Sorachi wants to add more characters or make an interesting drama shippy moments (oh boy, there are a LOT of potential between some of them), so be it.
6. Depending of the results, I see something interesting... the last battle against the Tendoshuu alone or figthing against an empire, making an interesting analogy of the 1st World War. And if that happens, would lead to the analogy of the 2nd one with the darkest chapters ever seen. I would like that, since the series went already dark (I don’t forget you nightmarish moments)
So yeah, Sorachi has the desicion to extend the series or to end here. Hope he can extend it... it has potential to reach the 20 years without issues and with everything closed.
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hijikatax · 6 years
And they even didn’t look what the Voltron team did to Pidge.... and that is FAR “worse” compared to She Ra...
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My hot take on the She-Ra reboot. I think this also matches a lot of my feelings about remakes in general? Judging a whole show based on a still image is kinda dumb, and bringing sexuality into it is even weirder. People are allowed to like and dislike whatever they want, but screaming at somebody and telling them they’re wrong is seriously childish.
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hijikatax · 6 years
Gintama’s latests 3 chapters impressions
Ok... I guess is time to give my impressions about this:
- Gintoki manages to save Kagura... but by using her own clothes to protect his identity... so being kicked out was expected (lol). Still... Gintoki... why got kept that clothes? 
- From previous chapter...
- Meanwhile,a new Power Trio is about to appear... Shinpachi, Kagura and Okita looks cool together. Better to use them more often Sorachi. They are perfect analogues of Marco, Star and Tom from Star vs if they grow up.
- What Okita said... the dissapeareances of the Shinsengumi and the current government... that means that the Yorozuya needs to dissapear at least for a while too?
That could mean that Shinpachi will start a new brand quest to find his motivation to live? Time to travel too after all of this?
- Katsura, you magnificient bastard! You are a genius to provoke ALL this dissaster! The Tensoshuu will take that bait and they will screwed HARD because of that.
And Katsura gives Gintoki Utsuro’s heart... maybe this time they will get succesful?
- And at last the Joui Trio is BACK! Seems that the Tendoshuu is about to being destroyed HARD by those 2 Power Trio (Gintoki, Takasugi and Katsura AND Shinpachi, Kagura and Okita) if Hijikata, Nobume and Kondo doesn’t enter or even Asaemon, Kamui and Pirako doesn’t enter too... heck, even 2 more power trios might appear!! And to not to count the rest of characters which are already strong. Even another power quartet are there too (Tae, Kyubei, Sacchan and Tsukuyo).
But knowing Sorachi, I guess that the series will continue, because not all the Tendoshuu will die there or maybe all of them will escape. They definately will be on MASSIVE disadvantage despite their inmortality due the tactics and surprise used on there. They need strong reinforces, unless they cloned every dead baddie of this series. And they aren’t as pro as Utsuro to take all of them in just one hit.
EDIT: Why I feel that this is not ending soon and we will return to the dumb chapter with new brand jokes and characters? The Tendoshuu might be defeated and escape with Utsuro's body again.
Also there is Sadaharu's issue and well... How the Yorozuya will be reunited again.
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hijikatax · 6 years
Indeed. Maybe Gintama will end their season showing up Shinpachi grown and then we won't see them until 2019.
I just noticed… the hand adjusting the picture frame…
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hijikatax · 6 years
There are some Key differences...
- The current villains wants to be gods. Utsuro is now the hostage of them.
- Shinpachi and Kagura says that they did not evolved, but shows up that are real potential prodigies. How Shinpachi dramatically improved to the point to stop the fastest swordwoman of the series which is Yaemon / Asaemon and how Kagura managed to learn the body technique in so short time.... About her I don't know if she is weirdly dumb or a Teen Genius.
- And the return of Sadaharu is pending but important.
So this series still have time to explain everything.
Comparing Gintama Movie 2 to SAA and onwards
-The odd connection between Colonel Sanders and Takasugi. Except that Takasugi isn’t actually involved in it himself either time.
-Cosplaying Takasugi (courtesy of Gin and Zura). Bonus: Zura cosplaying Gintoki. This too has something to do with Colonel Sanders.
-Kondo and Zura in prison and their respective groups teaming up to save them from execution.
-The main villain has/wanting to destroy the world, wanting to die even if they can’t end themselves.
-Decapitation. The amount of decapitation in Gintama is insane. 
-Timeskip looks: Tsukuyo and Kyuubei with short hair, Sacchan looking almost the same, Kagura with longer hair, Shinpachi incorporating something from Gin into his design, Gintoki barely anything different except a costume change. Elizabeth weirdness.
-Shinsengumi disbanding
-Fighting amantos and people with monk staffs.
-Joui war flashbacks.
-Gengai’s invention saving the world. It’s also a dick joke. (Chin-san and the Neo Armstrong Jet Armstrong Cannon)
-Gintoki is missing for years and everyone misses him.
-After coming back Gintoki disguises himself and walks around right under everyone’s noses.
-How important Tama is. In the movie she literally waited 15 years to bring back Gintoki’s film strip to Shinpachi and Kagura. In Silver Soul she helped stop the Liberation Army’s weapons firing on Earth at the cost of herself (and Kin-san)
-”Your monstrous hands…. in time they will even take those you hold dear, and crush them to oblivion. This is the price a demon pays. Devouring both beloved and hated, you will be left to howl in solitude, alone in the world. Shiroyasha.”
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hijikatax · 6 years
And when a Gintama Themed smartphone?
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new Tsutaya x Gintama collaboration
new card
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hijikatax · 6 years
Gintama 688 RAW and Translation reaction
Yaemon was finding Shachi with the wrong idea!!! But the intention was the same: freeing him, but then taking him to prison again after helping them.
Then... where Shinpachi got that technique and skill in order to stop Yaemon? He was NOT that strong to being with!
Shortly, Shinpachi ended his Nice Guy role when he saw the manga from Shachi. He directly gave a bad review (the sad truth) and got knocked down by Gintoki!
Then Gintoki remembered about what Shinpachi said in the past... maintain the Yorozuya, his father dojo and being Otsu’s Imperial Guard leader. But only finished his first part.
And then when Gintoki took Shinpachi to the Yorozuya he found... a brassier?
Then... Kagura in her old form appeared... poor Gintoki... he is about to being assasinated.
And finally... Takasugi appeared behind Katsura... seems that they will start to talk each other. And maybe is time to Katsura to find a way to save him?
Summary: What happened with Shinpachi? I tought that Kagura was the only one which changed a lot, but seems that he changed too, even more than the red haired girl. Something happened during the time skip with him.
And Takasugi reached Katsura and a plan is moving on. Let’s see what will happen.
Sorachi shows up that some changes does not come so simply and he is building the story around that. Wondering how he will do on the future.
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hijikatax · 6 years
Since Shinpachi is KO... Oh boy... Maybe Kagura will start to troll Gintoki by saying that she is Kagura's grandma or something???
Gintama Ch 688 SPOILERS
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Credits to @kiirobon (twitter acct)
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