alexandra0505 · 2 months
Alternative readings for The Body Keeps the Score
hi, i'm a practicing mental health therapist and a writer here on tumblr dot com. the body keeps the score by dr. bessel van der kolk has a couple issues with it, primarily in the author's very much cishet male eurocentric approach to trauma and the graphic nature of the book. here's a list of some books about trauma that i've found preferable to the body keeps the score in addressing trauma and how the body holds onto trauma. i've included pdf links for ones i could find:
HEALING TRAUMA by peter a. levine. this one is a far less denser read than the body keeps the score while still providing solid education on trauma symptomatology. it even comes with mp3 access to exercises to address somatic symptoms.
MY GRANDMOTHER'S HANDS by resmaa menakem. this one discusses how racism in america is ingrained in our society and how intergenerational racial trauma is ingrained in our bodies.
INFLAMED by rupa marya & raj patel. this was written in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the structural injustices in medicine that caused so many racial disparities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and how trauma caused by our political systems affect the different systems of the body.
THE POLITICS OF TRAUMA: SOMATICS, HEALING, & SOCIAL JUSTICE by staci haines. a great read on how trauma is not just an individual problem but a societal problem, and how to integrate trauma work into society at large.
TRAUMA & RECOVERY by judith l. herman. this is a classic in the therapy field and really set the tone for our modern approaches to trauma treatment. the pdf linked is the first edition of the book but it has since been updated as we learn more about complex trauma.
THE BODY NEVER LIES: THE LINGERING EFFECTS OF CRUEL PARENTING by alice miller. what it says on the tin: this book covers the effects of trauma inflicted by parents on the body and the brain.
cheers, and happy reading!
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alexandra0505 · 2 years
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Mor's Best of BL 2022
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alexandra0505 · 2 years
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Robert Pattinson as Batman in THE BATMAN (2022) Tom Sturridge as Sandman in THE SANDMAN (2022)
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alexandra0505 · 5 years
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alexandra0505 · 6 years
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Shit, man. When did our life get so weird?
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alexandra0505 · 6 years
I’m screaming why does Mamma Mia fit every fight scene so perfectly ajkaslajjddhhajadkjfh
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alexandra0505 · 6 years
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alexandra0505 · 7 years
A Somewhat Useful Masterpost for Writers
Websites for Critique:
Authonomy It’s been a while since I used this website in particular, but it’s useful for helpful critique and to get your original works out there. If your book get on the top five list at the end of the month Harper Collins will read it for possible publication.
Teen Ink
Fiction Press
and of course… Tumblr
Other Websites:
Write or Die is great if you want to give yourself a certain amount of time to write a set amount of words.
Tip of my Tongue for when you can’t remember the exact word
Character Traits Form 
Online Thesaurus where you just type in a word and you get a cluster of different words
Top 10 Questions for Creating Believable Characters
How to Create a Fictional Character
Describing Clothing and Appearance
The Difference between Ethnicity and Nationality
Describing a Voice
Characters (part 2)
How to write Funeral Directors  I’ve read quite a few fanfics where they just have funeral directors slapping clothes on a body and calling it a day. As a former funeral services major I can tell you that’s not the only thing they do.
How to write Drug Dealers
How to write Gamblers
Interview with a Hitman
Terms for royalty
Naming Characters
Behind the Name
Top Baby Names
Looking for a name that means a certain thing?
7 Rules of Picking Names
Most Common Surnames
Coma: Types, Causes, etc 
Tips for writing blood loss
Gunshot Wound Care
Examples of Hospital Forms
Common Legal Questions
The Writer’s Forensics Blog
Brain Injury Legal Guide
Types of Surgical Operations
Types of Mental Health Problems
A Day in the Life of a Mental Hospital Patient
Global Black Market Information Because where else would you find out how much money it takes to get a 16 year old girl to kill someone in Mexico?
Crime Scene Science
Examining Mob Mentality
How Street Gangs Work
Other Helpful Stuff
Poisonous Herbs and Plants
The Psychology of Color
The Meaning behind Rose color
Compare Character Heights - I personally love this site so much. 
Types of Swords
Color Symbolism
How a handgun works
Blueprints for Houses
The Six Types of Haunting Activities
The Difference Between lay and lie
10 Words You Need to Stop Misspelling
5 Easy Tips to Improve Your Writing
How to Write a Eulogy
Types of Crying
Career Masterpost
Avoiding LGBTQ Stereotypes
Tips for Writing Ghost Stories
A Spell to See Spirits
Make Graphics out of Quotes
Superstitions and More
The 12 Common Archetypes
Language of Flowers
Military Sign Language
A Visual Dictionary of Tops
Describing Tiaras
What author do you most write like? (I’ve gotten Stephenie Meyer)
12 Realistic Woman Body Shapes
Japanese honorifics
Dress Up Games  I personally like to find games that I can make my OCs with.
Azalea’s Dolls
Doll Divine x
Dress Up Games
Shidabeeda Games
Free Writing Software
Google Docs (automatically saves as you write. 100% recommend)
OpenOffice (a free version of Microsoft Office)
25 Steps To Edit the Unmerciful Suck out of Your Story
10 Rules for Writing First Drafts
10 Things Teenage Writers Should Know About Writing
Create a Plot Outline in 8 Easy Steps
Publishing Agencies to Stay Away From
5 Ways to Make Your Novel Helplessly Addictive
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King
Elmore Leonard’s 10 Rules of Writing
Chicken Soup for the Writer’s Soul
Writing Great Books for Young Adults
Inspirational Quotes: x x 
And I couldn’t find the original post for these so (pictures under the cut)
Read More
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alexandra0505 · 7 years
Me: i love books! I love them so much! I am such a bookworm!
Friend: cool! How many did you read this year?
Me: OK, so here’s the thing
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alexandra0505 · 7 years
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Thomas William Hiddleston. Actor. Academic. Humanitarian. Leopard Whisperer. [x]
Bonus: Bearcat wants in on the Hiddles action…
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Extra Bonus: ‘Trout’ the Penguin can’t keep away either…
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alexandra0505 · 7 years
Do any of you know about that one painting with Aphrodite being born out of lava with a black swan by her side or did i completely hallucinate that? Been searching for a while but i can’t find it for shit.
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alexandra0505 · 7 years
me forcing my followers to look at my newest obsession
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alexandra0505 · 7 years
Inception fics not on Ao3
Inception may be a smallish fandom, but happily it’s still an active one.  New fics post to a03 nearly every day.  Hurrah!  But still, if you’re devouring fics and worried about running out, dip into the many gems on LJ and FF that haven’t made it over to a03.  
(Note: I’ve not had a chance to read many of these yet; when I do, I’ll try to include a link to a fuller description.)
The fics of Whiskyrunner.  I’ll start here because some of Whisky’s many marvelous fics have made it over to a03, but many more of them have not.  The master list is here, but I’ve also listed particular fics in a whole separate post here.
Other, no doubt wonderful, fics I have yet to read
En haut et en bas.
When Two Suns Are Shining (The Battle Becomes Blinding).   
Come in Please.  
Calculators and crayons.  
The Inescapable charm of the countdown.
This is a love song (in my own way).  
And I feel fine,
Never wanted the nice boys anyway,
Untitled Inception porn (by rageprufrock).  I’m pretty sure this one isn’t on a03 but I could be wrong.
tornadobelt–a whole list of tics on LJ 
two fills for a mute!Eames fic. 
Bless you autocorrect, 
The Greedyhearts, anon.  Eames is a high-end thief. Arthur is a private investigator hired to catch him. Ridiculous events ensue; something like love happens somewhere along the way.
En Route to Transylvania, weather front.  
Rapid Eye Movement, 
Our last night on earth, 
The Music Makers,
The Inescapable Charm of the Countdown, amazingly-me.  (A lawyer AU)
You can find more links and recs at my larger Inception: A Guide for Beginners post. 
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alexandra0505 · 8 years
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11. Adult
You did it! Now panic.
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alexandra0505 · 8 years
please be gentle with yourself. you’re trying. if it’s taking you longer than you thought to achieve something or get somewhere that’s okay. try not to compare yourself to others too much because not everyone gets to where they need to be right away. you’re alive that’s what matters. keep trying. you’ll get there.
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alexandra0505 · 8 years
What happens when you scream out of your window in Sweden at night
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alexandra0505 · 8 years
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