hikarukamisaki · 2 months
i promise i still like medalist. waiting for the anime sorry i havent read the latest chapters ive been stuck in a cave (school) lord give me strength
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hikarukamisaki · 3 months
just deleted my medalist image folder with 1451 images of medalist panels. i am forever lamenting my loss yes. the reason: i ran out of storage space
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hikarukamisaki · 3 months
medalist pv!!!
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soo cool… why are you so cool? my daughter?? you’re so cool…. wolfie…. thats a wolf girl…..
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i cant forget this as well…. hikaru inori….. im going to cry ….. theres a medalist shaped hole in my heart and it has been filled….im so excited now 🥹🥹
why are they like this?! so stupid …… they’re so cute…. so cute…. :((
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hikarukamisaki · 4 months
from being unable to take that first step to going up the steps confidently… her eyes have lightened up and the colors have become more bright and vibrant… she’s grown so much and has become so confident now… she loves skating….
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hikarukamisaki · 4 months
miss wolf…why are you so hard to draw…
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hikarukamisaki · 4 months
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THE TV SCREEN IN THE BACK .,”..!!! THE PATCHES!!! (CRYING) I LOVE YOU SO MUCH …. dotter…. her stupid headband …… hot chocolate…. SHE IS IN HER OWN WORLD TRULY !!!
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hikarukamisaki · 4 months
chapter 28…. i see how it is…
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i see…
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hikarukamisaki · 4 months
it’s 12 in the morning but
hikaru -> wolf … tsukasa -> dog … inori -> sparrow … jun -> hawk
i don’t know how to explain this….but it’s funny. do u ever think like
inori + jun -> sharing the same unrivalled passion for ice skating.
tsukasa + hikaru -> tsukasa being overshadowed by his friends(?) skating partner? / hikaru overshadowing her friends
tsukasa + inori -> tsukasa wanting inori to go beyond him and to surpass him
jun + hikaru -> jun wanting hikaru to go down the same path as him
inori + hikaru -> they instantly became friendly rivals when they met
tsukasa + jun -> they literally look like they were about to kill each other when they met
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good parenting <=> bad parenting ; good rivalry <=> bad rivalry (joke)
hikaru + jun: wolf and hawk , inori + tsukasa: sparrow and dog
inori + hikaru: sparrow and wolf, tsukasa + jun: dog and hawk
no matter how you see it, it’s the same canine(?) + bird combination….
too many parallels….
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hikarukamisaki · 4 months
belated happy birthday to miss kamisaki hikaru
31st of january, 2024 🐺
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i couldnt draw much this time!!! im still terribly sick (i forgot to buy medicine…)
happy birthday the character that changed my life …. wolfgirl….
she dominates my social media layouts….
i love u my daughter my wolf daughter ……. ill do something better next year provided that i dont get sick again next year ouhh
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hikarukamisaki · 4 months
actually ill do it. uhh later after i recover from this cold im terribly sick right now 🫡
i need to draw somehting for hikaru so bad uhjens,sms, . ….,..
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hikarukamisaki · 4 months
i need to draw somehting for hikaru so bad uhjens,sms, . ….,..
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hikarukamisaki · 4 months
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i need to update my hikaru album . shes eveyrthing to me
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hikarukamisaki · 5 months
todays post is about the fuck you brothers. we love you fuck you brothers
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hikarukamisaki · 5 months
sorry no queued post for today i have a test tomorrow and its important i pass but here are more hikarus i drew today
when life gets tough draw kamisaki hikaru
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still not confident in my hikarus but one day i will draw the most hikaru a hikaru has ever hikaru-ed (trust) /j
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hikarukamisaki · 5 months
when the girl that believed in you for so long and gave you happiness and courage and you only thought of her as the bright sun that supported your moon and just the image of her gave you courage in both important moments of your lives
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when the girl who looked at you with eyes that encompassed all the love and care in the world and reminded you to keep having hope and believed in you at the lowest moment in your life you only thought of her as a person full of love and care and a person who gives hope to everything and everyone
the girl who gave you your hope and undying passion is also the person who inadvertently took it all away from you and now you can never look at her with the same loving and caring way ever again and instead of that it’s replace with a look full of regret and pain
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when. when the girl who you used to smile with is now the girl who makes you feel only pain …
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hikarukamisaki · 5 months
i think its funny how much jun’s skating style has influenced tsukasa and hikaru’s skating so much that inori starts indirectly idolising jun’s skating style.
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hikaru bears a striking resemblance to jun so it’s very interesting how by idolizing hikaru she kinda. idolizes jun as well.
which is funny like she’s slowly becoming more and more passionate about figure skating similar to jun shes starting to resemble jun a little bit as well. uhh.
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girl there is something deeply wrong with you
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hikarukamisaki · 5 months
i think about how the ‘wolf’ metaphor is used for hikaru a lot.
in her chapters, she is frequently referred to as a ‘beast’ or a ‘wolf’, even in the chapter titles
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the other characters also calls hikaru that as well, hikaru’s choreographer:
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as well as jun, her coach.
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she is frequently *drawn* like a wolf as well, having features like fangs, drawn devouring a bird, etc …
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the wolf image is so prominent in hikaru’s character writing that when you compare to a recent chapter, chapter 40:
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here we can see birdlike imagery used for jun yodaka…..?
which is interesting since we know that during the all-japan’s, hikaru’s program music was also jun’s…and jun’s line about how he will make her go down the same path as him…
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is she the “wolf” devouring the “hawk’s” legacy…? turning everything that was once his into her own …?
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i think hikaru being the wolf and jun being the hawk makes sense ….?
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also this line she says makes me very intrigued. she really is the wolf that devours everything.
would also touch on her all-japans performance starting with the “pianist” pose when jun was a “ballet” pose
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the story of la cage aux oiseaux (hikaru’s program music) told in the manga chapter is about a trapped ballet dancer who is rescued by the pianist into the world.
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sounds ironic …? considering jun was the one who took hikaru out on the ice(?) he was the one who gave hikaru her “escape”. yet he is portrayed as the ballet dancer …? but it also makes sense since hikaru was the ‘key’ to jun’s ‘freedom’ (the offer that led to him being able to be on the ice again) …?
(that is it for this insanity post) uhh additional hikaru wolf imagery i wanted to add in but didnt know where:
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famgs… 3 of these are from hikaru and inori’s second interaction too umm 😅
that is all thank you for reading if you did. i wrote all of this without a script can you tell
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