hildedriel ¡ 4 years
“ it’s gonna be fun. come on. it’s the best place! “
                 ❛   alright,  alright!  no  need  to  be  so  pushy,  ❜     galadriel’s  heard  of  the  paradise  lounge,  but  up  until  now,  she’s  had  little  interest  to  actually  visit.     she  teases  him  for  being  so  excited  but  galadriel’s  far  from  unhappy  to  hang  out  with  him.     galadriel  nudges  him  in  the  arm  with  her  elbow,  playful  grin  on  her  lips.     ❛    lead  the  way,     mr.  life  of  the  party.  ❜
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hildedriel ¡ 4 years
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind writing prompts.
“ i’m not an impulsive person. i guess i just woke up in a funk this morning. “
“ if only i could meet someone new. i guess my chances of that happening are diminished, seeing that i’m incapable of making eye-contact with a person i don’t know. “
“ why do i fall in love with every person i see who shows me the least bit of attention? “
“ do i know you? “
“ i’m a vindictive little bitch, truth be told. “
“ you’re not a stalker or anything, right? “
“ that is the oldest trick in the stalker book. “
“ look, i’m sorry if i came off sorta nutso. i’m not, really. “
“ you’re kinda close-mouthed, aren’t you? “
“ i mean, i’m always anxious that i’m not living my life to the fullest, taking advantage of every possibility, making sure i’m not wasting one second of the little time i have. “
“ i’m gonna marry you. i know it. “
“ i want it to be resolved. i’m willing to be the one to resolve it. “
“ what’s your fucking suggestion, ____? what’s your brilliant, reasoned solution? “
“ you’re gonna make this about my shit now? this isn’t about me. “
“ i kinda, sorta wrecked your car. “
“ it’s just a fucking dent, ____. you’re like an old lady or something. “
“ admit it, ____. you’re freaked out because i was out late without you, and in your wormy, little brain… you’re trying to figure out, did i fuck someone tonight? “
“ i assume you did fuck someone tonight. isn’t that how you get people to like you? “
“ by morning, you’ll be gone! the perfect ending to this piece-of-shit story! “
“ i’m fucking crawling out of my skin. should’ve left you at the flea-market. “
“ i’d make a fucking good mother! i love children, i’m creative and smart, and i’d make a fucking great mother! “
“ it’s you, ____. it’s you who can’t commit to anything! “
“ you don’t tell me things, ____. i’m an open book. i tell you everything. every damn embarrassing thing. you don’t trust me. “
“ constantly talking isn’t necessarily communicating. “
“ people have to share things, ____. that’s what intimacy is. “
“ are we like those poor couples you feel sorry for in restaurants? “
“ i’m lost, i’m scared, i feel like i’m disappearing. “
“ sometimes i think people don’t understand how lonely it is to be a kid. like you don’t matter. “
“ i could die right now, ____. i’m just… happy. i’ve never felt that before. i’m just exactly… where i wanna be. “
“ you know me. i’m impulsive. “
“ ____, there’s nothing wrong with you. you’re the most wonderful person i’ve ever met. “
“ it’s gonna be fun. come on. it’s the best place! “
“ i’ve loved you for a very long time. “
“ i’m a stupid person with a stupid crush! “
“ don’t be a monster, ____. “
“ didn’t figure you’d show your face around me again. “
“ if you wanna be with me, you’re with me. “
“ too many guys think i’m a concept, or i complete them, or i’m gonna make them alive. but i’m just a fucked-up person who’s looking for my own peace of mind. “
“ i still thought you were gonna save my life, even after that. “
“ it would be different… if we could just give it another go around. “
“ remember me. try your best. “
“ thank god. someone normal who doesn’t know how to interact at these things either. “
“ it was so intimate, like we were already lovers. “
“ this is it, ____. it’s gonna be gone soon. “
“ i thought maybe you were a nut, but you were exciting. “
“ i wish i’d stayed too. now i wish i’d stayed. “
“ come back and make up a good-bye, at least. let’s pretend we had one. “
“ tell me what you want me to do, and i’ll do it. “
“ i had the best fucking night of my entire fucking life last night! “
“ we’ve met, but you don’t remember me. “
“ i can’t see anything that i don’t like about you. “
“ you will think of things, and i’ll get bored of you and feel trapped… because that’s what happens with me. “
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hildedriel ¡ 4 years
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HAPPINESS GIRL |  Julie Christie in Darling (1965)  dir. John Schlesinger
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hildedriel ¡ 4 years
“ whatever you need to do, i’m with you. “
                   ❛   aw,  that’s so sweet!  ❜    galadriel  clasps  her  hands  together,  saccharine  grin  and  all.     she  heaves  the  wear-hammer  from  off  her  back  and  positioned  to  her  side,  smile  still  in-tact  but  the  look  in  her  eyes  wavers.     ❛   but,  uh,  there  is  at  least  a  50.2%  chance  that  we  will  both  die  mid-way  through  the  plan  i  made  up  so...  ❜     galadriel  thinks  on  it  again,  a  pondering  expression  written  on  her  face.     she  beams  at  him  again,  however.     ❛   no  take-backsies!  ❜     galadriel  boops  him  once  on  the  nose  before  preparing  her  war-hammer,  storming  right  into  the  middle  of  a  squad  fight.
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hildedriel ¡ 4 years
she-ra and the princesses of power season 5 sentence starters.
“ this is the only way, and ____ understood that well enough! “
“ you don’t get to talk to me about ____. “
“ can everywhere stop getting invaded for, like, five seconds? “
“ it seems ____ had very little love towards you. “
“ the question is, what do i do with you now? “
“ you need me. “
“ you would pledge your loyalty to me, ____? “
“ ____, you can’t run into battle like that. not anymore. “
“ i made that choice, and now i’m living with the consequences. “
“ you can’t hold me here forever! “
“ don’t pretend that you’re any better off than i am right now. you’re just as alone as i am. “
“ as long as i’m of value to them, i’ve got a place in this world. “
“ i can work my way up here, just as i did before. “
“ do you really think you can come out on top? “
“ i believe we can learn a great deal from one another. “
“ this is amazing! …and bad, very bad. “
“ you should not be here. “
“ why do you rebel against my commands? “
“ i take no joy in destruction, but the weeds must be burned so that new life may flourish. “
“ i will never help you. and you will never win. “
“ i should’ve known better than to trust you. “
“ i guess i liked knowing i had a destiny. “
“ what, come to mock me some more? “
“ it’s good to see a familiar face. “
“ i was so awful the last time i saw ____. i would do anything to go back and make it right. “
“ your ____ causes you nothing but suffering. don’t you want to be free of it? “
“ i don’t have to do anything. i just have to let it happen. “
“ as soon as you’re no longer useful to ____, she’ll/he’ll get rid of you in a second. “
“ i always find a way out. “
“ please, ____. do one good thing in your life. “
“ don’t talk to me like you know me. you don’t know anything about me! “
“ you made the right choice. “
“ i want to do that one good thing in my life. like you said. “
“ there’s no one left in the universe that cares about me. “
“ it doesn’t matter what you do to me. “
“ we’re here now. and nothing is ever going to pull us apart again. “
“ i’m not leaving anyone behind. “
“ ready to do something that probably won’t work? “
“ i can’t ____ there. i have to try. “
“ whatever you need to do, i’m with you. “
“ you don’t know me. and you don’t know what i’m capable of. “
“ you are so very predictable. “
“ ____ has given me peace. something you could never do. “
“ you broke my heart. but ____ has made it whole again. “
“ don’t you see? this is for the best. “
“ i know you’re still in there. i’m not leaving without you. “
“ i am not giving up on you, ____. “
“ you should’ve stayed away. why did you come back? “
“ we both know i don’t matter. “
“ you matter to me. “
“ come on, ____. you’re not done. not yet. “
“ why are you acting like this? i saved your life! “
“ i told you not to come back. but you just love feeling like a hero, don’t you? “
“ i’m such an idiot. i thought things would be different this time. but clearly, nothing has changed. “
“ you’ll never have to see us again. you’ll never have to see me again. “
“ they are my people, which means most of them have sworn revenge against me at some point. “
“ you’re amazing. you have the biggest heart and you could do whatever you put your mind to. “
“ you need to stay away. “
“ i’m going to kill your friends. “
“ you can’t seriously think i would ever go anywhere with you. “
“ you don’t have a plan. i do. “
“ if you try anything, i won’t hesitate to strike you down. “
“ i have a bad feeling about this place. it feels… strange. “
“ i’m sorry for what happened to you, and i’m going to make sure it never happens again. “
“ all you’ve ever cared about is getting more power for yourself. “
“ clearly, i am going to have to handle this embarrassment myself. “
“ contingency plans are how you win, and i always win. “
“ it’s weird, isn’t it? being back. “
“ still trying to save everyone? what a wasted effort. “
“ it’s hard keeping your heart open. it makes you vulnerable. but it doesn’t make you weak, and i have to believe it’s worth it. “
“ i see you and ____ are close again. do you really think that’s wise? “
“ we’re out of options. this is the only way. “
“ i’m doing you a favor. i’m a distraction, right? now you can go save the world without having to worry about me confusing you. “
“ why are you like this? why do you always have to sacrifice everything for everyone else? when do you get to choose? what do you want, ____? “
“ i have to do this, ____. i’m the only one who can. “
“ if that’s what you want. if that’s what you choose. i don’t have to stay and watch it happen. “
“ i will never forgive you. you ruin people. you ruin any chance they could ever be happy. “
“ i’m ending this today. for good. “
“ you chose ____ over me! you don’t want me! not like i want you. “
“ i offered you mercy. but you have spurned my good graces. “
“ i sacrificed myself so you would never have to. “
“ you’re worth more than what you give to other people. you deserve love, too. “
“ you’re so close, ____. don’t give up yet. “
“ doesn’t this remind you of the first time we met? you also tried to kill me then. “
“ it’s too late for me. but you, this is only the beginning for you. “
“ i am so proud of you, ____. “
“ i’m not leaving. whatever happens, i am staying with you. “
“ you can’t give up. you have never given up on anything in your life. not even on me. “
“ don’t you get it? i love you. i always have. “
“ then let’s do this, together. “
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hildedriel ¡ 4 years
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mountaineer's axe with heart-shaped holes and bronze reinforced shaft. japan, muromachi period, 14th century
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hildedriel ¡ 4 years
“ look, you’re smiling! smiling! that’s clearly a smile! “
                   ❛   alright,  mr. funny man,  you got me.  ❜    galadriel  lightheartedly     (although  with  a  little  more  force  than  she  intends  to)     pokes  him  in  the  chest,     a  playful  smile  on  her  lips  despite  being  oh  so  horribly  defeated.     all  her  attempts  to  subdue  her  smile  were  for  naught,  as  even  now  she  widely  beams.     ❛   but  it  was  a  tiny  smile.  very  tiny.  barely  even  a  grin!  ❜
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hildedriel ¡ 4 years
battle royale (2000) writing prompts. 
“ look, you’re smiling! smiling! that’s clearly a smile! “
“ hey, don’t mess around. what is this place? “
“ when someone’s talking, shut up and listen. “
“ i told you not to bother, didn’t i? that you were a lost cause. “
“ sorry, it’s against the rules for me to kill, isn’t it? “
“ hey, ____, do you have a crush on anyone right now? “
“ it’s your own damned fault. “
“ life is a game. so fight for survival… and find out if you’re worth it. “
“ is your arm ok? show it to me. “
“ it’s just a scratch i’ll wash off the blood. “
“ you won’t like me saying this, but i don’t trust any of them either. “
“ are you scared of me, too? “
“ you’re the only one i trust, ____. “
“ it’s nice to have someone waiting for you. “
“ i can’t give this up. i’ll take revenge for ____. “
“ i’ll protect you right to the end, just like ____ would have done. “
“ you might as well come clean now. “
“ i’m sorry, ____. i’m not much help, am i? “
“ i know one thing. i’ll never play this game. “
“ this is my weapon. i thought it was so-so, but actually it’s not so bad. “
“ not my scene. i’ll never die like that. “
“ did i kill them? tell me the truth. you were watching. “
“ you don’t even have a weapon! not everyone wants to play nice out there. “
“ if they’re in danger, then all the more reason to go! “
“ go wherever you like… you’re a murderer yourself! “
“ this is crazy! how can you all kill each other so easily? “
“ you’ve always pissed me off! i’ll kill you! “
“ i’ve had it! why does everybody gang up on me? what did i do? “
“ think about what you did! you think you can get away with it? “
“ cry, damn you! beg for forgiveness! “
“ why not kill? everyone has their issues. “
“ what are you doing? training, at a time like this? “
“ don’t touch me! you’re disgusting. “
“ i’m taking this game very seriously. i’m playing it for real. “
“ let me go. or i’ll assume you want to kill me and i’ll fight back with all i’ve got. you’ve been warned. “
“ always blaming someone else! that’s why i hate your guts! “
“ come at me. every inch of me will resist you! “
“ god, if this is a bad joke, please stop messing with me. “
“ ____… are you in love with anyone? not me, right? “
“ stay with me like this. it won’t be long. “
“ you’re slacking. i’m disappointed in you. “
“ i wasn’t going to say anything… but i guess i wanted you to know. “
“ i turned a gun on my best friend so the two of us could survive. “
“ really trusting someone… it’s a hard thing to do. “
“ are you in? or would you rather just kill each other? “
“ we’re all… going to die tomorrow, aren’t we? “
“ you didn’t last night or the night before, did you? you don’t trust me, do you? “
“ ow! that hurts, you assholes! i’m bleeding, damn it! “
“ at least… i thought i’d live until tomorrow. “
“ and can you not breathe on the phone? i can smell your stinking breath from here. “
“ i’m weak, and useless, but i’ll stay by your side. i’ll protect you. “
“ be strong, ____. if you’re not strong, you’ll end up just like me. “
“ no one is going to save you. that’s just life. “
“ i just didn’t want to be a loser anymore. “
“ my dad and my mom… ran off or died, just because they felt like it. but i’ll keep fighting, even though i don’t know how. “
“ you won’t make it. “
“ i told you, didn’t i? don’t trust anyone. “
“ sorry, but i used you to save myself. “
“ you were perfect. just gullible enough. “
“ there’s nowhere i want to go back to. so we’re all going down together. “
“ the only one worth dying with, would be you, ____. “
“ what? go ahead, shoot. “
“ what’s up? shoot me, or i’ll shoot you. “
“ if you hate someone, then you have to live with the consequences. “
“ in the end, i’m glad i found a true friend. “
“ it’ll never be an easy choice. but we have no choice but to keep moving forward. “
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hildedriel ¡ 4 years
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ind. sel. priv. original character, multi-verse, written by bunny.
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hildedriel ¡ 4 years
“ okay, so… i’m clearly bad at this. ”
                   she  knows  she  should,  but  it’s  difficult  for  her  to  disagree  with  him.     friends  support  each  other,  right?     ❛   well,  you  ―  uh...  ❜     galadriel  doesn’t  want  to  lie,  but  she  doesn’t  want  to  be  too  blunt  about  it  either.     it’s  better  to  let  him  down  easy,  right?     ❛   everyone  has  their  flaws!   y’know,  not  everyone’s  good  at,  uh,  team cooperation.  ❜
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hildedriel ¡ 4 years
“ …don’t you dare say ‘i told you so.’ ”
                   ❛   you  have  such  little  faith  in  me,  el...  ❜     she  pouts  at  his  interjection,  completely  ignoring  the  fact  that  she  really  would’ve  said  ‘i  told  you  so!’     and  rightfully  so.     galadriel  did  warn  him  not  to  do  anything  dumb  or  he’ll  get  killed,  but  it  can’t  be  helped,  can  it?     one  moment  he’s  right  beside  her  and  the  next  he’s  asking  if  she  wanted  to  see  something  cool  as  he  runs  off  into  an  enemy  fight  by  himself...     the  inner  machinations  of  his  mind  truly  are  an  enigma.     ah,  but  she’s  not  too  bitter  about  it;  it’s  not  like  their  team  would’ve  won  anyway.     galadriel  offers  him  a  warm,  albeit  smug,  smile;     ❛   but  i  was  right,  wasn’t  i?  ❜
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hildedriel ¡ 4 years
paper mario: the origami king sentence starters.
“ ok. i don’t like that. “
“ don’t worry. i know just what to do in situations like this. you just gotta find ____, right ____? …oh. “
“ wrong answer. right answer. it matters not. your replies are all paper thin. “
“ always gotta make a flashy entrance, huh? “
“ i’m not sure if i should be amazed or scared, but i’m kind of both? “
“ what a beautiful day. i feel like nothing bad could happen here. unrelated, i have amnesia. “
“ yeah… i’m just gonna play it safe and stay here forever-ish. “
“ if there are some snacks, you gotta give me some. finder’s fee. “
“ my therapist says i’m a contrarian, but i don’t agree. “
“ i can’t keep this up forever, but i’m gonna try… who knew frolicking could be so exhausting? “
“ okay, that’s probably enough… for you! i’ll never get enough! “
“ do you have any idea how deficient i am in vitamin d right now? i’m gonna stand here until i get enough! “
“ who am i kidding? you’re ____! you can do it. “
“ uhhh… tell me, ____. is this what doors normally look like? it isn’t right? “
“ i didn’t do it! …all right, it was probably me. “
“ how do i look? powerful? imposing? magnificent? maybe even a little cute? “
“ why didn’t anyone tell me that the world could be so wonderful?! “
“ you know that memory loss thing? what’s it called… ambrosia? amnesty? thinky thinky panic? “
“ i could learn a lot from you. master and pupil! hero and sidekick! fate must’ve brought us together. you can’t deny fate… right? “
“ the amnesia must’ve sapped up your memories AND your brainpower. how cruel… “
“ this world is so big, ____… but i understand so little of it. “
“ having buddies is pretty cool so far. i’d definitely recommend it. “
“ i promise! i’d even pinky swear, if i had a pinky. “
“ i wonder why leaves turn red in the fall. do you think they’re embarrassed? “
“ could you read my thoughts? are you… reading them now? please don’t. “
“ that has to be it, right? wow, i’m cute AND clever! “
“ did you SEE that? did you see ME? i hope that looked as cool as it felt! “
“ whoa, ____! you’re out of control… in the best way possible! “
“ did it work?! i closed my eyes. ”
“ i was just taking a little cat nap. don’t mind me. ”
“ i’ve been watching over this area for hours! nothing slips past me… even though my eyesight is awful. ”
“ i have achieved total serenity. my feet… are asleep. ”
“ this tea is so bitter. blech. should have gotten a soda like i usually do. ”
“ okay, so… i’m clearly bad at this. ”
“ wow. you really, really need to get out more. ”
“ somebody! anybody! preferably ____, if possible! save me! ”
“ it was dark and scary, but at NO point did i sob fully and uncontrollably. any fibs stating otherwise are just that! dirty, mutinous fibs! ”
“ can’t move forward if you don’t know which way you’re going… i read that on a twist off cap once. that bottle of juice was so wise… ”
“ if i can save a friend like this, it means i’ve finally become the sort of person i always wanted to be. ”
“ you watch, i’m gonna touch my toes one of these years! ”
“ wow, look at this! the lights! the sights! it’s all so bright! what a night! i’m a poet, right? ”
“ …don’t you dare say ‘i told you so.’ ”
“ brooooo… i’m vibing so hard with this music. it’s like i’m totally oblivious to everything else. ”
“ i’m incapable of embarrassment! ”
“ aw, who am i kidding… this isn’t good! ”
“ i never gave up hope. not even when you passed by without seeing me 347 times. ”
“ is everything just, like, flashing green and purple in front of your eyes, or is it just me? ”
“ well, that was quite lively! i might have even tapped a toe or two. ”
“ unrelated… have i mentioned that i have a deep and debilitating fear of fire? ”
“ oh, uh… thank you for taking care of that. i would have helped, of course, but i’m literally terrified of my own shadow. ”
“ oh, man… why’d you have to harsh my groove? we had it bumpin’ in here! ”
“ aww, you guys found each other. and now you’re parading around in your weird hats. good for you. ”
“ don’t you just love it? you love it. i can tell. ”
“ whoa! this looks bad! hang on, friend! i’m comin’! ”
“ are we about to fight? because i’m always ready. let’s go! ”
“ do we get to fight someone? i haven’t fought anyone in over an hour! ”
“ my work is finally complete. so… now what? i guess i could… find a new hobby? maybe i’ll learn how to fold origami… ”
“ don’t make a big deal out of it. i’m not used to receiving praise for a job well done… ”
“ i still hear screaming, but i’m pretty sure it’s just in my own head. ”
“ hmm? oh, i’m not stranded here. i was just taking it all in… ”
“ wait, this doesn’t feel right. i’ve never had anyone just take my advice outright. now i’m nervous! ”
“ what is that noise?! this is my first time in a jungle… are mysterious crashing noises good? ”
“ when this is all over, i’m buying a boat. call it a midlife crisis if you must. ”
“ eeee! look at that terrible thing! actually, i can’t even look. it’s too scary! ”
“ hey! what’s the big idea, running away like that? you could’ve at least warned me! ”
“ all right, ____. i trust you can handle this. if you need me, i’ll be quivering off to the side somewhere… ”
“ i’m going in─just try and stop me! ”
“ at the end of the day, i am but a humble servant who is overlooked by always correct… ”
“ something’s in there, ____! i can hear it moaning like a ghost. maybe it IS a ghost! i don’t think i can meet a ghost right now. maybe another time, over coffee… ”
“ they’re gonna write a book about this, and then probably a movie that everyone will hate. ”
“ wow! this is… it’s… it’s really something! …what is it we’re looking at? ”
“ this is a magic broom. it’s not for sweeping. although… i do already see a few dusty areas that could use some attention. excuse me… ”
“ do whatever you need to prepare yourself. i’m told some anti-nausea medicine may be in order. ”
“ i just became so blinded by rage. i did so many unforgivable things… ”
“ you were so brave to do what you did. we owe you everything. ”
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