Hindu Nationalist EXPOSES "...SHAM.." Ramjanambhoomi Movement...
I myself did not know much about Ramjanambhoomi Movement except that it was sponsored by RSS , VHP & Hindu Mahasabha in the 1990, until Former Congress Leader - Beni Prasad Verma once made a statement that Ramjanambhoomi Movement was a CONSPIRACY of Political Leaders belonging to Delhi circle. When Ramjanambhoomi Movement happened I was around 16 - 17 Years in school, I enthusiastically support former BJP Leader and President L.K Advani like many other Indians - when he started Rath Yatra to build Ram Temple in Ayodhya. Former BJP President and Icon of Ramjanambhoomi Movement - L.K Advani started Rath Yatra on September 25th 1990. But by 2010 - I realized that Former BJP President and Icon of Ramjanambhoomi Movement was in Cahoots with Nehru Gandhi Family. Unitil this passing statement made by Former Congress Leader - Beni Prasad Verma, I did not know that Ramjanambhoomi Movement was a CONSPIRACY. Beni Prasad Verma was earlier in Samajwadi Party before he joined the Congress Party. Ramjanambhoomi Movement catapulted BJP then only a regional party based in Gujarat to the National Stage. At that time Congress Party led by Former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had lost elections to National Front led by Vishwanath Pratap Singh. But Former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was Mr MONEY BAGS, on the contrary Vishwanath Pratap Singh was just a AAM AADMi ( Common Man ) as he had donated more than 600 acres of Land he inherited amongst Landless poor farmers. Vishwanath Pratap Singh was a Rajput and Raja of Manda, but fought for the poor Slum Dwellers. We all now know that Former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi is the husband of CORRUPTION QUEEN - Congress President Sonia Gandhi, who led Corrupt UPA government.
Former BJP President and Icon of Ramjanambhoomi Movement - L.K Advani  ( propped up by RSS ) criss-crossed India , crossing some 10000 Kms across Northern India to reach Ayodhya ( starting from Somnath Temple in Gujarat), whipping up passions to rebuild Ram Temple in Ayodhya. I am writing this article on 2nd January 2017, it has been 27 years, RSS , VHP & Hindu Mahasabha spearheaded Ram Temple movement but NO temple has since been built in Ayodhya. At that time in 1990s , the then BJP President L.K Advani and former RSS Pracharak spoke against abrogating Article 370 , Ram Temple in Ayodhya and Kicking out Bangladeshi Muslim from India. Everywhere LK Advani went, he spoke about BJP's Agenda to build Ram Temple , abrogating article 370 and kicking out Muslims / Bangladeshi Muslims out of india. After coming to power neither AB Vajpayee Government nor Modi Government ever spoke about Hindu Nationalism. Let me give you the words of Arun Jaitley ( blue eyed boy of the RSS), when he spoke to US Ambasssador - "..Hindu Nationalism is OPPORTUNISTIC ISSUE for the BJP ( + RSS + Sangh Parivar).." This is to remind Indian people the duplicity of BJP / RSS & SANGH PARIVAR. When V.P Singh launched National Front, many political leaders like Mulayam Singh Yadav and Laloo Prasad yadav Joined it as allies. Once National Front formed the government, there were POSTERS and BANNERS all over the city of Delhi , all over Northern India , stating the following words –
“…Mandal Commission Lagoo karo varna Kursi Khali Karo…” ( Implement Mandal Commission Recommdations or Demit office ) – a veiled threat to newly formed  National Front government of Vishwanth Pratap Singh National Front allies led by Mulayam Singh Yadav and Laloo Prasad Yadav forced V.P Singh to implement CONTROVERSIAL Mandal Commission Recommendations , which led to conflagration of college going students across India.These protests closed roads, highways, transportation services, government services, schools, and businesses of India. There were bandhs, hartals , dharnas.Mandal Commission Agitation got widespread publicity from Mainstream media. According to former IB Joint Director Maloy Krishna Dhar , Mandal Commission agitation of 1990 was "inspired, guided and funded" by the Congress Party under Rajiv Gandhi to topple National Front Government of V P Singh.
Former Congress Leader - Beni Prasad Verma had stated Ramjanambhoomi Movement as a CONSPIRACY of Political leaders belonging to Delhi Circle to topple V P Singh Government.
BJP ( RSS / SANGH PARIVAR ) Leaders had no intention of building any Ram Temple in Ayodhya.   But Senior BJP Leaders conspired with Mulayam Singh Yadav who was chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and Laloo Prasad Yadav , who was also chief Minister of Bihar to topple V P Singh Government. Former BJP President and Icon of Ramjanambhoomi Movement - L.K Advani started Rath Yatra on September 25th 1990 and was supposed to reach Ayodhya by Devotthan Ekadashi (30 October , 1990). He criss crossed 10,000 Kms across Northern India and whipped up passions amongst Hindu Community. Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh – Mulayam Singh Yadav declared that he wasn’t going to allow Kar-Sewaks and Ram Bhakts led by Hindutva Organizations to demolish Babri Masjid in Ayodhya at any cost .He made heavy Security arrangements to prevent Kar-Sewaks and Ram Bhakts  from reaching Ayodhya from across India. He turned the State of Uttar Pradesh into a Fortress. All arterial roads leading to Ayodhya were barricaded and blocked by Security forces to prevent Kar-Sewaks and Ram Bhakts from reaching Ayodhya.There was more than 40,000 CRPF and Police Personnel at Ayodhya Town alone. This was all a HUGE DRAMA - whose SCRIPT was already written by Senior Political Leaders of Delhi Circle. Even though there were 2,65,000 forces across UP, Lakhs of Kar-Sewaks and Ram Bhakts  still reached Ayodhya before Devotthan Ekadashi (30 October , 1990). BJP President , Former RSS Pracharack and Icon of Ramjanambhoomi Movement - L.K Advani got himself arrested along with Uttar Pradesh Convener of Bajrang Dal – Vinay Katiyar on October 23, 1990 to prevent himself from reaching Ayodhya. This was since Chief Minister of Bihar – Laloo Prasad Yadav had announced that he would not allow BJP President L.K Advani to reach Ayodhya.All TOP BJP Leaders associated with Ramjanambhoomi Movement were detained in Samastipur Jail ( Bihar  ). To all Indians – this was all DRAMA. Senior Leaders belonging to RSS , VHP and Hindu Mahasabha were aware that Ram Temple movement was a DRAMA. The ulterior aim behind the arrest , was to keep Senior BJP / RSS / SANGH PARIVAR Leaders , safely out of  GROUND ZERO - the Eye of the Storm that was gathering in Ayodhya. Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh – Mulayam Singh Yadav had already planned a MASSACRE of Kar-Sewaks and Ram Bhakts in Ayodhya with full knowledge and collusion of Senior BJP / RSS / SANGH PARIVAR Leaders ,
Former Congress Leader - Beni Prasad Verma had also alleged that Mulayam Singh Yadav who was chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and chief Minister of Bihar -Laloo Prasad Yadav, along with Senior RSS / VHP Leaders had a midnight meeting inside Samastipur Jail ( Bihar ). The following morning BJP announced that it pulled support to V.P Singh Government.
Beckoned by the Rallying Call given by BJP President L.K Advani  , more than a Million ( 11,00,000 ) Kar-Sewaks and Ram Bhakts led by Sadhus , Sanyasis , Sants and Mahants , had already assembled in Ayodhya by Devotthan Ekadashi (30 October , 1990) to press for demolition of Babri Masjid built on Ramjanamsthan. On Devotthan Ekadashi , 30 October as early as 7.00 AM  the entire city of Ayodhya looked deserted as a result of curfew. But an estimated 1.1 Million ( 11,00,000 ) , Karsewaks and Ram Bhakts ( along with Sants , Mahants , Sadhus and Sanyasis ) , and they were all inside the Dharamshalas , Mutts and Ashrams ( as a result of curfew ) By 9.00 AM , Pujya Vamadev , Shri Shrishchandra Dixit and Pujya Mahant Nratyagopal Das suddenly appeared out of nowhere ,  along with 60,000 Kar-Sewaks  , Ram Bhakts and many young women marched towards Ramjanamsthan breaking through police barricades. It was a Do or Die mission. Sixteen Sadhus began fast unto death and others decided to do Self-Immolation. An estimated 1,00,000 Kar-Sewaks and Ram-Bhakts  STORMED Ramjanmabhoomi , led by Sants , Mahants , Sadhus , Sanyasis to demolish Babri Masjid on November 1st 1990. Senior BJP / RSS / SANGH PARIVAR Leaders were NOWHERE in sight, quietely abondoned all the Kar-Sewaks and Ram-Bhakts to their own devices. Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav in the meantime had given “…SHOOT AT SIGHT…” Orders in case of any potential disturbance to all the Security Personnel. After all he was going to be HERO of Indian Muslim Community. An estimated 1,00,000 people consisting of Karsewaks , Young Religious women and Ram Bhakts , all wearing Saffron Bands indicating their Do or Die Mission , led by Sants , Mahants , Sadhus and Sanyasis marched towards Ramjanambhoomi , where Babri Masjid is located , they were all singing Ram Dhun – “…Jai-Siyaram..” “…Jai Shriram..” and other songs , frequently roused by religious leaders with fiery speeches. As they tried to break through  Barricades and Blockades , which was built in place to prevent Karsewaks and Ram Bhakts from entering the disputed site , they were all SHOT DEAD in HUNDEREDS by Security personnel ( CRPF , Army Personnel , UP Police ) using Heavy Machine Guns. Then there was ensuing STAMPEDES , which killed THOUSANDS more , as Kar-Sewaks and Ram Bhakts trampled over one another to escape the indiscriminate GUN FIRE by Security personnel using Heavy Machine Guns. Then Hundereds of Kar-Sewaks and Ram Bhakts were dragged out Mutts , Dharamshalas and Ashrams , where they were hiding from security personnel and, simply shot dead by police force. Many Kar-Sewaks and Ram Bhakts , who held the feet / Boots of Police and Security personnel , begging for their lives , were trampled upon and killed with shower of gun fire.. Ofcourse , the resultant slaughter of Innocent Kar-Sewaks and Ram Bhakts at Ayodhya , was completely BLACKED OUT by ( Anti Hindu ) Indian media , while all BJP / RSS / SANGH PARIVAR Leaders pretended as though nothing actually happened ( just like they did to Kashmiri Pundits and other others ) , so did other political parties.
Later thousands of DEAD BODIES of Sants , Mahants , Sadhus , Sanyasis , Kar-Sewaks and Ram Bhakts were thrown into Saryu River by Security Personnel. Later , when DEAD BODIES of Kar-Sewaks , Ram Bhakts and other religious figures were recovered from Saryu River , it was found that their DEAD BODIES had been hooked to SAND BAGS to prevent them from surfacing.
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh - Mulayam Singh Yadav instantly became a HERO amongst all Indian Muslims. Believe it or Not , it was all Pre-Planned. Whole of Ayodhya had turned up in the funeral procession of the dead Kar-Sewaks and Ram Bhakts, who were murdered indiscriminately Mulayam Singh Yadav Government. Many of these DEAD Kar-Sewaks and Ram Bhakts were wearing Saffron Headbands, signifying their Do or Die attitude
Uttar Pradesh Convener of Bajrang Dal – Vinay Katiyar turned up in Ayodhya on 4th November - 1990, along with some Senior BJP Leaders to protest indiscriminate firing on innocent Kar-Sewaks and Ram Bhakts. Vishwanath Pratap Singh resigned as Prime Minister on 7 November 1990.
Senior BJP / RSS / VHP / SANGH PARIVAR Leaders NEVER had any intention of building any Ram Temple in Ayodhya, it was all a HUGE DRAMA to fool the Hindu Community and make them vote for "...NAQLI.." Hindutva Party - BJP.
How many Indians have noticed - how BJP President Amit Shah held the hands of Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh - Mulayam Singh Yadav during swearing in ceremony of Narendra Modi, to make him sit on the front row. Senior BJP / RSS / VHP / SANGH PARIVAR Leaders were aware that Mulayam Singh Yadav Government in UP was going to MASSACRE thousands of Mahants , Sadhus , Sanyasis , Kar-Sewaks and Ram Bhakts, so they kept out of Ayodhya on Devotthan Ekadashi (30 October , 1990), by cunningly getting themselves arrested by Chief Minister of Bihar – Laloo Prasad Yadav. To all Indians - indian media is owned by Anti India Elements.
The primary aim of Ramjanambhoomi Movement was to topple Vishwanath Pratap Singh led National Front Government, not build any Ram Temple in Ayodhya. Former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had once derisively referred to his opposition Leaders ( BJP / RSS or Samajwadi Party Leaders ) as POWER BROKERS.
Blue Eyed boy of RSS , Senior BJP Leader ( now Minister of Road Transport and Highways AND Minister of Shipping ) Nitin Gadkari claimed that Modi Government is filled with RAM BHAKTS, but he travels by Eon Aviation, when going abroad. Eon Aviation is owned by DB Realty, which is owned by Shahid Usman Balwa - a frontman for Karachi Based underworld Don - Dawood ibrahim in India. On 7 February 2016 ,Uttar Pradesh minister Azam Khan on Saturday claimed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had met underworld don Dawood Ibrahim at the residence of his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif in Lahore in 25th December last year ( 2015).
Shiv Sena Chief - Uddhav Thackeray is also known to use Eon Aviation, when travelling abroad. This shows that so called Hindutva Leaders have ties to Karachi Based underworld Don - Dawood ibrahim.
2nd - RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT – Year 1992 Senior BJP / RSS / VHP / SANGH PARIVAR Leaders once again launched Ramjanambhoomi Movement in 1992, which led to the distruction of Babri Masjid ( later regretted by BJP President L.K Advani ), Unlike other Pseudo-Secular Leaders inside the Congress Party, P.V Narasimha Rao was a Patriot and was sympathetic to Hindu Nationalism. Prime Minister P.V Narasimha Rao ( who was also Congress President and AICC President )  was a Desh Bhakt and was HATED by Nehru Gandhi family Loyalists ( with 0% Mass Base ) out of jealousy and spite. Jain Hawala Scam In order to TOPPLE P.V Narasimha Rao as Prime Minister ( who was also Congress President and AICC President ), Congress President Sonia Gandhi conspired with Senior BJP Leaders. For this purpose, Indians must know about Jain Hawala Scam. The case broke out on March 1991, with the arrest of two Hizbul Mujahideen militants, Shahbuddin Ghauri and Ashfaq Hussain Lone , in March 1991. They had, in turn, led the CBI to high-profile hawala operators Shambhu Dayal Sharma and Moolchand Shah. The hawala operators, Sharma and Shah, told the agency during interrogation that they had been working for the Jain brothers, N.K. Jain and S.K. Jain. It was the testimony of the hawala operators that led to the unfolding of the case. When L.K Advani was in realty arrested , only once – It was in Jain Hawala scam - 890 Crores – Year 1991 The much-discussed Jain hawala case had seen L K Advani resign as Leader of Opposition in the 90s According to the chargesheet , some Top Congress politicians had received payments from abroad ( from Rajiv Gandhi Swiss Bank Accounts ). This included some top Congress Leaders , One JD ( U) Leader Sharad Yadav and Two BJP Leaders ( L.K Advani & M.L Khurana ). According to the chargesheet - Former BJP President L.K Advani  had reveived funds from two Hizbul Mujahideen militants, Shahbuddin Ghauri and Ashfaq Hussain Lone, who worked from Hawala Dealers close to Nehru Gandhi family. The money 890 Crores was meant to fund Ramjanambhoomi Movement in 1992, which led to the distruction of Babri Masjid. It is believed that an estimated Rs 20,000 Crores was brought to India , ostensibly  to fund Ramjanambhoomi Movement and consequent DEMOLITION of Babri Masjid. According to former IB Joint Director Maloy Krishna Dhar , BJP / RSS / SANGH PARIVAR Leaders planned Babri Masjid Demolition 10 months in advance. According to Cobra Post sting , DEMOLITION of Babri Masjid was not an act of “frenzied mobs” but that of “sabotage” planned with so much secrecy that no government agency got wind of it. “The conspiracy was hatched at the level of two Hindu outfits – the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and the Shiv Sena – but not jointly. Both these outfits had trained their cadres as part of an action plan, many months before it was implemented on Dec 6,” news portal Cobrapost said Friday. In many interviews given to Cobra Post , low-rung leaders of BJP, VHP and Shiv Sena have claimed that the operation was carried out with precision by their volunteers after going through intensive training and mock drills.
Demolition of Babri Masjid meant that former Prime Minister P.V Narasimha Rao lost popular vote amongst Muslim Community and many Congress Leaders loyal to Nehru Gandhi family started targetting former Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao  and asking him to resign as Congress President and AICC President.
This was the ulterior motive behind demolition of Babri Masjid - Senior BJP Leaders with blessings of RSS, worked closely with Senior Congress Leaders led by Sonia Gandhi to topple  P.V Narasimha Rao as Congress President and AICC President.
Since "..NAQLI.." Hindutva Leaders of BJP had promised Ram Temple and Hindu Rashtra to Hindus , with demolition of Babri Masjid, Hindus voted for BJP, while Muslims voted against the Congress Party under  former Prime Minister P.V Narasimha Rao.P.V Narasimha Rao led Congress Party LOST 1996- General Elections. P.V Narasimha Rao led Congress Party LOST Muslim Votes as well as Hindu Votes , thereby losing 1996 - General Elections and he lost his office as Prime Minister. Within weeks , he was unceremoniously ousted as Congress President , under pressure from Nehru Gandhi family and their loyalists within the Congress Party. Sonia Gandhi became Congress President within 60 days after P.V Narasimha Rao resigned as Congress President.
Senior BJP / RSS Leaders indirectly helped CORRUPT Sonia Gandhi against a "...Desh Bhakt.." Prime Minister P.V Narasimha Rao. Senior RSS / VHP / Hindu Mahasabha Leaders have 0% committment to Hindu Nationalism. Senior RSS / VHP / Hindu Mahasabha Leaders sponsored Riots when V.P Singh and P.V Narasimha Rao were in power, to destablize their governments.
Indians must wonder, why Senior RSS / VHP / Hindu Mahasabha Leaders did not launch another Ram Temple Movement when UPA was in power. What did they do when Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government was in Power..
Indians must remember words of Blue Eyed Boy of RSS - Senior BJP Leader Arun Jaitley's statement to US Ambasssador - "..Hindutva is a opportunistic Issue for BJP and talking point for the party at the time of Elections. There was a WikiLeaks report that Senior BJP Leader - Arun Jaitley on May 6, 2005 in a Luncheon hosted at US Embassey  told a US diplomat -- that Hindu Nationalism was an Opportunistic Issue for the BJP (  RSS and SANGH PARIVAR) and will always remain a “..talking point..” for the party only during Elections. . Even former BJP President and Icon of Ramjanambhoomi Movement - L.K Advani corroborated the view held by Arun Jaitley and articulated, that Hindu Nationalism was an Opportunistic Issue for the BJP (  RSS and SANGH PARIVAR). Many Indians should wonder why BJP / RSS / SANGH PARIVAR never bothered about Ramjanambhoomi Movement after 1992..? Its an Opportunistic issue for "..NAQLI.." Hindutva Leaders of BJP / RSS / SANGH PARIVAR Indian people must ask, Why Prime Minister Narendra Modi - did not file a Defamation complaint against Samajwadi Leader - Azam Khan  , when he claimed on 7 February 2016, that Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Karachi based Underworld Don - Dawood Ibrahim. Samajwadi Leader - Azam Khan threatened Prime Minister Narendra Modi that in case he denies it, he would release photograhs to the Media. Samajwadi Leader - Azam Khan further stated : “Our prime minister sends pashmina shawl and Malihabadi mangoes for the Pakistani prime minister and in return, seekh kabab comes here from Pakistan. I have proof of this also…,” he said. This means that our Prime Minister who wears SAFFRON, also consumes Seekh Kebabs, so do RSS Leaders. We need to remember here is that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a former RSS Pracharak.
Index of Websites exposing RSS/ VHP & SANGH PARIVAR
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How Morarji Desai led Janata Party Government was TOPPLED..?
After Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had imposed Emergency between imposed between 1975 and 1977, many political parties came togather and opposed Emergency. This also includes Bharatiya Jan Sangh Leaders. RSS hijacked Bharatiya Jan Sangh after the mysterious deaths of its founders - Dr Syama Prasad Mukherjee and Pt Deen Dayal Upadhyaya. Later Both Atal Bihari Vajpayee and L.K Advani kicked out all genuine and committed Hindutva Leaders out of Bharatiya Jan Sangh. Soon after that under influence of RSS, Hindu Nationalism became a opportunistic issue for Bharatiya Jan Sangh ( later BJP ) and talking point for Bharatiya Jan Sangh ( later BJP ), only during elections.
Political parties of diverse factions came togather to form Janata Party under the guidance of Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan, who led the JP Movement demanding Sampoorna Kranti. On 23 March 1977, it was announced that that the Janata party had won a sweeping victory, securing 43.2% of the popular vote and 271 seats.
But Nehru Gandhi family had KGB Connections. KGB Operatives liased with Senior Bharatiya Jan Sangh Leaders with the intention of toppling Janata Party Government. President of Bharatiya Jan Sangh - Atal Bihari Vajpayee had assured former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi that he and Sangh Parivar wont allow Morarji Desai led Janata Party Government to complete its full term.
Aware of deep Political and ideological divisions between leaders of Janata Party, RSS / VHP / SANGH PARIVAR orchestrated numerous riots across india, which led to more and more confrontations between secular Janata party politicians and MPs of former Bharatiya Jana Sangh. In the meantime , Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Ramakrishna Hegde pushed Prime Minister Morarji Desai into a confrontation with Deputy Prime Minister Charan Singh, and then turned against Morarji Desai. They made Deputy Prime Minister  Charan Singh was made to believe that he was being slighted and insulted by Morarji Desai , as a result Charan Singh led a Revolt against Morarji Desai.
In the end all the leaders of Janata Party were at logger heads with one another. By 1979, Janata party government had collapsed within 2 years of formation. RSS / VHP / SANGH PARIVAR were behind collapse of Janata party government of Prime Minister Morarji Desai. They later repeated the same tactic with National Front Government of Vishwanath Pratap Singh.
Underestand Hindutva is an opportunistic issue for RSS / VHP / SANGH PARIVAR. They are Hindutva Leaders according to their convenience.
Index of Websites exposing RSS/ VHP & SANGH PARIVAR
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How RSS and Sangh Parivar topple Morarji Desai led Janata Party Government..?
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi imposed a State of Emergency between 1975 and 1977. Her Emergency was opposed by diverse political parties cutting across party lines. At that time, a popular and charismatic leader by the name of Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan led what was called JP Movement against Indira Gandhi's Government demanding Sampoorna Kranti.   Janata Party was a brain child of Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan to take on the Congress Party. Janata party won majority with 60% votes and Morarji Desai assumed office as Prime Minister.
The next Janata Party Government that came to power, was an amalgam of DIVERSE Indian political parties opposed to the State of Emergency that was imposed between 1975 and 1977 by the government of India under the Prime Ministership of Indira Gandhi.
How was Janata Party Government toppled so Fast…? Every Indian should know about Nehru Gandhi family's KGB Connection. Had it not been for backroom mechanizations of KGB  operatives, Nehru Gandhi family would not have ruled India for so long.You can find a lot of information on Nehru Gandhi family's KGB Connection ONLINE... Even former Janata Party Leader Subramaniam Swamy has spoken about Nehru Gandhi family's KGB Connection. So I dont want to write about it.
Senior Bharatiya Jan Sangh Leaders had frequent Meeting with KGB Operatives Bibhuti Bhusan Nandy, former additional secretary of RAW, wrote an article in a daily alleging that some Jan Sangh leaders, now in the BJP, used to meet a KGB operative masquerading as a journalist, at "Wengers", a famous confectionary shop in Delhi's Connaught Place in the 1970s. In other words we can believe that KGB Operatives had told Senior Leaders belonging to RSS / VHP and SANGH PARIVAR to topple Janata Party Government led by Prime Minister Morarji Desai.
Brief - RSS hijacked Bharatiya Jan Sangh RSS , which was in cahoots with the Congress Party, hijacked Bharatiya Jan Sangh after the myterious deaths of Dr Syama Prasad Mukherjee and Pt Deen Dayal Upadhyaya. Before that RSS had managed to infiltrate its cadre into Bharatiya Jan Sangh after winning the TRUST of Dr Syama Prasad Mukherjee and Pt Deen Dayal Upadhyaya. Soon after the mysterious death of Pt Deen Dayal Upadhyaya, Atal Bihari Vajpayee became the President of Bharatiya Jan Sangh. Later Both Atal Bihari Vajpayee and L.K Advani kicked out all genuine and committed Hindutva Leaders out of Bharatiya Jan Sangh.
After giving a green signal to KGB Operatives, Senior RSS / VHP / Sangh Parivar leaders in the meantime, masterminded Hindu- Muslim Riots across India to destabilize Morarji Desai led Janata Party Government. As repeated earlier Janata Party Government was an amalgam of DIVERSE Indian political parties, who had significant ideological and political differences. Soon enough Jan Sangh Leaders were at logger heads with the secular and socialist politicians in the party. As there were more and more Hindu Muslim riots across India , this led to more and more confrontations between secular Janata party politicians and MPs of former Bharatiya Jana Sangh. This was all deliberately engineered.
Bharatiya Jan Sangh President Atal Bihari Vajpayee , had promised former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi that he and Sangh Parivar wont allow Morarji Desai to complete his full term.
Bharatiya Jan Sangh President - Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Ramakrishna Hegde, encouraged deputy Prime Minister Charan Singh to throw his hat to become the Prime Minister. Before that Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Ramakrishna Hegde had driven a wedge between Deputy Prime Minister Charan Singh and Prime Minister Morarji Desai.
Morarji Desai as Prime Minister was helpless since Bharatiya Jan Sangh had more than 102 MPs , as a result he was helpless against Atal Bihari Vajpayee backdoor mechanizations. Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Ramakrishna Hegde  pushed Morarji Desai into a confrontation with Charan Singh, and then turned against Morarji Desai down. This was all done with blessings of Senior RSS / Sangh Parivar Leaders
Protesting Desai's leadership, Deputy Prime Minister Charan Singh resigned and withdrew the support of his BLD. Morarji Desai also lost the support of the secular and socialist politicians in the party, who saw him as favouring the Hindu nationalist BJS.
Few days later Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Ramakrishna Hegde  produced a list of 279 MPs of which 23 MPs signatures were forged , withdrawing support to Morarji Desai Government. Morarji Desai gallantly took the blame and quit public life. Later Charan Singh was sworn in as 5th Prime Minister on 28th July 1979 with Dubious offer of support by Indira Gandhi , the day government was formed , Congress under Indira Gandhi withdrew support. Charan Singh as Prime Minister resigned the PM's post. As a result ,President of India dissolved the Lok Sabha and ordered fresh elections.  
Indira Gandhi was back in full force, with Congress Party winning a majority once again.
Underestand Senior RSS / VHP / Sangh Parivar leaders are No 1 Traitors to Hindu Community.
This is a story of behind the scenes manouvres to topple Janata Part Government
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TWO RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENTS - But No Ram Temple in Ayodhya..?
RSS , VHP and Hindu Mahasabha sponsored TWO RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENTS, but still we have No Ram Temple in Ayodhya. Have you wondored why..?
There was TWO Ramjanambhoomi Movements happened in Quick Successions - 1st - RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT – Year 1990 2nd - RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT – Year 1992 1st - RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT – Year 1990 was aimed at toppling National Front Government of Prime Minister Vishwanath Pratap Singh. BJP was an political partner in National Front Government of Prime Minister Vishwanath Pratap Singh, but its senior leaders conspired against him ( with blessings of RSS). 2nd - RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT – Year 1992 Prime Minister P.V Narasimha Rao was aimed at toppling as Congress President and AICC President. This was done by Demolition of Babri Masjid for which Prime Minister P.V Narasimha Rao was squarely blamed. This gave an opportunity to  Nehru Gandhi family loyalists within the Congress Party, who called for resignation of  as Congress President and AICC President.Sonia Gandhi became Congress President within 60 days after P.V Narasimha Rao resigned as Congress President. Senior Leaders belonging to RSS , VHP and Hindu Mahasabha NEVER had any intention of building any Ram Temple in Ayodhya. They merely wanted to help Congress party and Nehru Gandhi family.
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Who founded Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP)..?
RSS / VHP & Hindu Mahasabha were set before independence by the British ( Rothschilds ) Rulers to DEFEAT Hindu Nationalism in India. After India became Independent they continued to be managed by STOOGES OF Rothschilds.
VHP was founded by Master Tara Singh , a British loyalist. He was a "..TATTU.." of Sir Malcom Hailey. Though Born a Hindu, Master Tara Singh, in his later life converted to Sikhism. In the meantime ,in the year July 1925,  the British created Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (“Committee of Shrine Management”) to manage Gurudwaras across India , which was headed by Master Tara Singh and other Tat Khalsa Activists. Master Tara Singh and other Tat Khalsa Activists removed the Hindu idols from Gurudwaras and evicted the traditional pujaris / mahants (guardians , accusing them of theft ). Before British Rule, all Gurudwaras in India & Pakistan worshipped Hindu Gods ( Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva ) and Goddesses. British Rulers DELIBERATELY promoted Tat Khalsa Groups, who FALSELY claimed that Sikh Gurus had WARNED against worship of  Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Tat Khalsa Groups ( headed by Master Tara Singh - a convert to Sikhism ) promoted worship of One GOD and claimed that Sikh Gurus were all against Hindu customs and Rituals.  This was COMPLETELY FALSE. Sir Malcom Hailey used Master Tara Singh , a British loyalist in all these activities. British Rulers DELIBERATELY pushed Sikhs towards adopting Islamic Customs ( like worhsip of One God). British Rulers using Tat Khalsa Groups DESTROYED all Ancient Paintings of Sikh Gurus, where they wore Rudrakshas with kumkum tilak / vibhuti ..etc and commissioned new paintings in which Sikhs Gurus were dressed up like Sufi Saints of Islam. Tat Khalsa Groups were originally STOOGES of Mughal Rulers. The Mughal Emperor  Farukhusear was unable to militarily confront Banda Singh Bahadur ( Lakhman Dev), so he corresponded with Mata Sundari ( 2nd wife of Guru Gobind Singh ) telling her that he wanted peace with the Sikhs. After being offered sops and concessions, Mata Sundari living in Delhi issued a hukam-nama ( Islamic type fatwa ) declared Banda is a Hindu and  those Sikhs who will support Banda will be considered out of Sikhism. Later Tat Khalsa Groups of Sikhs, joined Mughal Forces in a war against Banda Singh Bahadur. This was after Mata Sundari ( 2nd wife of Guru Gobind Singh ) claimed that Battles fought by Banda Singh Bahadur against Mughal Rulers, were NOT  in consonance with the high principles of Sikhism - and that excommunicated him. Tat Khalsa Groups switched sides to fight for Mughal Rulers in return for Sops and concessions. They were all loyal to Mata Sundari ( 2nd wife of Guru Gobind Singh ), who was opposed to Banda Singh Bahadur. British ( Rothschilds)  Rulers DELIBERATELY wiped off some importants parts of Sikh History to promote Tat Khalsa Groups within Sikhsim to create a DEEP wedge between Hindus and Sikhs. After india became independent he demanded a Sikh-majority state in Punjab and can be considered as the ORIGINAL mentor of Khalistanis. Khalistani Movement, Dalit Movement ( under BR Ambedkar ) and Dravadian Movement ( under EVR Periyar ) were sponsored by British ( Rothschilds)  Rulers with the help of Indian stooges to divide Hindus.
Just like the British Government set up Indian National Congress filled with their own TYPE of Freedom Fighters, they also created "...NAQLI.." Hindutva Organisations - RSS , VHP and Hindu Mahasabha, headed by their own people.
Index of Websites exposing RSS/ VHP & SANGH PARIVAR
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Godhra Riots - Gujarat CM Narendra Modi appealed for Death Penalty for Hindutva Leaders
Godhra Riots took place just one month after BJP lost Assembly Elections across SIX STATES across Northern India, giving a terrible SHOCK to Senior RSS , VHP and SANGH PARIVAR Leaders. On morning of 27 February 2002 , Four coaches of Sabarmati Express mysteriously caught fire killing killing 59 people ( All Hindus ) , including 25 women and 25 children. Local BJP Politicians including SANGH PARIVAR Leaders immediately blamed local muslims for buring the coaches carrying "..Ram Bhakts and karsewaks.." from Ayodhya. Many commentators have claimed that four coaches of Sabarmati Express was deliberately burnt to stage Hindu Muslim Riots ( Godhra Riots ). After math the riots , Statistics – Official Figures of Number of Muslims and Hindus Dead According to official figures, the riots resulted in the deaths of 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus. Of the 254 Hindus, 251 were SHOT DEAD by RAF Battalions swiftly flown in to control the riots and Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi gave SHOOT AT SIGHT Orders to RAF Battalions ( including Paramilitary Personnel and Gujarat Police ) Here I will expose - how Senior BJP / RSS Leaders double crossed Junior Hindutva Leaders and members of Hindu Community during Godhra Riots and then DELIBERATELY had them SHOT DEAD by RAF Battalions.. According to official figures, the Godhra Riots resulted in the deaths of 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus. An estimated 254 Hindus were killed during Godhra Riots , of them at least 251 Hindus were killed during police firing.
Here is how Junior Hindutva Leaders were DOUBLE CROSSED by RSS / SANGH PARIVAR - As Anti Muslim Riots spiraled out of Control ,  by end of March 1st , RAF and Army Battalions were flown in to swiftly contain the violence and a curfew had been declared in 27 towns and cities across the state. A Shoot To Kill order was issued. As a result, a large number of Junior Hindutva Leaders and members of Hindu Community were caught up confronting Heavily Armed RAF and Army Battalions, now guarding Muslim localities. As a result, 251 Hindus were SHOT DEAD by RAF Battalions ( and Gujarat Police). Indians need to remember – of the total 254 Hindus killed during Godhra Violence , 251 Hindus were SHOT DEAD by RAF Battalions and Gujarat Police. This was done deliberately. RAF Battalions were deliberately created by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government at behest of RSS & SANGH PARIVAR Leaders. RAF Battalions consist mostly of Muslims and Non - Hindus In the end , 251 Hindus were SHOT DEAD by RAF Battalions , who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Gujarat State Home Minister boasted in front of the media ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Govardhan Zadafia, the Gujarat State Home Minister boasted in front of the media that there would be no more retaliation from the Hindu Community for the train burning and the violence has been contained. Chief Minister Narendra Modi stated that if the situation warranted it, the police would be supported by deploying the army. Senior BJP Leader V.K Malhotra will corroborate my statement that HINDUS were deliberately SHOT DEAD in large numbers to control the riots
Here is a statement from BJP Leader V.K Malhotra in THE TIMES OF INDIA Newspaper “…V K Malhotra said that the official toll of 254 Hindus, killed mostly by police firing , indicates how the state authorities took effective steps to curb the violence…” This is the story of how Senior RSS Leaders TWO TIMED / DOUBLE CROSSED Hindu Community and Hindutva Leaders within their rank and file. If RSS Leaders tell Hindus how BJP leaders work totally independently of them and are not within their control, they are "...BULL SHITTING.." you, all TOP BJP Leaders are appointed by RSS including BJP PM Candidate Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Former BJP President L.K Advani. Senior RSS Leaders asked Modi Government in Gujarat to fully cooperate with UPA Government under Sonia Gandhi, when her government set up FAST TRACK Courts to TRY Hindutva Leaders and Hindu Mobs for their involvement in Godhra Riots.
Modi Sarkar in Gujarat seeks Death penality for 27 Ode case riot convicts On 15 September 2011 , Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi sought Death penalty for 27 Ode case riot convicts. The Gujarat government approached the high court to enhance the punishment of 27 Ode case riot convicts from life imprisonment to death penalty.
Modi govt seeks death for minister – Maya Kodnani Sources revealed that Gujarat Government gave the sanction to public prosecutors to file an appeal in the Naroda Patia massacre case to demand capital punishment for Maya Kodnani , Babu Bajrangi and nine others. Gujarat Government gave an order to form a panel to file an appeal with Gujarat High Court in the 2002 Naroda Patia massacre case and seek capital punishment for 10 convicts, including Kodnani and Bajrang Dal leader Babu Bajrangi , who had already been sentenced to life imprisonment.
Dec 3, 2010 SIT clears Narendra Modi of wilfully allowing post-Godhra riots NEW DELHI: A Supreme Court-appointed Special Investigation Team (SIT) has cleared Gujarat CM Narendra Modi of the charge that he failed to discharge his constitutional duty to intervene swiftly and stop the communal riots that engulfed the state in 2002.
Betrayal of Hindutva Leaders during Gujarat Assembly Elections -2007 All VHP men who got BJP tickets to contest 2002 Assembly Elections were dropped during Gujarat Assembly Elections -2007.
Senior RSS , VHP and SANGH PARIVAR Leaders used Junior Hindutva Leaders as TISSUE PAPER. Senior RSS , VHP and SANGH PARIVAR Leaders orchestrated Godhra Riots to BURNISH the Image of BJP as a Hindutva party,while using Junior Hindutva Leaders within their RANK and FILE as TISSUE PAPER. Now Narendra Modi Government is SELLING India in "...Randi ki Mandi.." in the name of FDI. RSS , VHP and SANGH PARIVAR Organizations are Foreign funded ( Anti Hindu ) Hindutva Organization set up to DEFEAT Hindu Nationalism. Recently RSS came out in support of Homosexuality claiming Homosexual Relations between Indian Men is NOT a Crime, while other "..NAQLI.." Hindutva Organization - VHP , Shiv Sena and SANGH PARIVAR kept quiet.
Index of Websites exposing RSS/ VHP & SANGH PARIVAR
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Godhra Riots -  A STORY of how Junior Hindutva Leaders were TWO TIMED / DOUBLE CROSSED.
Godhra Riots orchestrated by BJP , RSS , VHP and SANGH PARIVAR Leaders was all about burnishing the image of BJP as a Hindutva Party. Godhra Riots took place just a month after BJP lost Assembly Elections in SIX states acrosss Northern India. According to official figures, the riots resulted in the deaths of 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus. Of the 254 Hindus killed, 251 were shot dead by RAF Battalions specially created to tackle Hindu Muslim Riots. RAF Battalions consist of mostly Muslims and Non Hindus, they were created by Atal Bihari Vajpayee Government at the behest of RSS. At the height of Godhra Riots , Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi gave SHOOT AT SIGHT Orders to RAF Battalions ( including Paramilitary Personnel and Gujarat Police ), who were flown in , to contain the Godhra Riots swiftly… Curfew had been declared in 27 towns and cities across the state.  A Shoot To Kill order was issued. Hindu Mobs led by Junior Hindutva Leaders were caught up confronting Heavily Armed RAF and Army Battalions, now guarding Muslim localities. They were all SHOT DEAD mercilessly. Govardhan Zadafia, the Gujarat State Home Minister boasted in front of the media that there would be no more retaliation from the Hindu Community for the train burning and the violence has been contained. Chief Minister Narendra Modi stated that if the situation warranted it, the police would be supported by deploying the army. BJP Leader V.K Malhotra was a Spokesperson for the party – and was defending the then Gujarat Chief Minister - Narendra Modi’s role in Godhra Riots. Here is a statement from BJP Leader V.K Malhotra in THE TIMES OF INDIA Newspaper “…V K Malhotra said that the official toll of 254 Hindus, killed mostly by police firing , indicates how the state authorities took effective steps to curb the violence…” On 15 September 2011 , Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi sought Death penalty for 27 Ode case riot convicts. The Gujarat government approached the high court to enhance the punishment of 27 Ode case riot convicts from life imprisonment to death penalty. Sources revealed that Gujarat Government gave the sanction to public prosecutors to file an appeal in the Naroda Patia massacre case to demand capital punishment for Maya Kodnani , Babu Bajrangi and nine others. The special court had sentenced Kodnani to 28 years in jail for the massacre of 97 Muslims in Naroda Patia. Babu Bajrangi was sent to jail for the rest of his life. Gujarat Government pressed for enhancement of 24-year jail terms to 30 years for 22 convicts Narendra Modi led Gujarat Government gave sanction to public prosecutors to file an appeal to press for enhancement of 24-year jail terms to 30 years for 22 convicts; this was apart from seeking death sentence for the 10 convicts. This was reported by Assistant Public Prosecutor Gaurang Vyas
Understand Tactics of Senior BJP / RSS Leaders Senior BJP / RSS Leaders ensure that they are on both sides of the Fence , so they win in any situation. In other words, they are with you and they are also against you.
What Party spokesman Prakash Javadekar said when Minister of Women and Child Development – Maya Kodnani and Bajrang Dal Leader – Babu Bajrangi got Life Imprisonment – “…The riots were reprehensible. The court has given a verdict. We don't support any violence. Whoever is responsible should be punished. But this is the first court's decision, and there is a legal procedure in place…”
Underestand the tactics of RSS / SANGH PARIVAR – “…When they are out of power , they are with you – Hindus , but Once in Power ( in the Central Government ) – they are against you – Hindus…”
RSS , VHP and Hindu Mahasabha were set up by the British ( Rothschilds ) Rulers before independence to DEFEAT Hindu Nationalism, after independence. BJP and the Congress Party are the SAME Party. Brajesh Mishra - Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee - was an AGENT of Congress President Sonia Gandhi and he was appointed by the RSS. Once his identity became public, Senior RSS Leaders started a "..SHAM.." Campaign to evict Brajesh Mishra and N.K Singh ( Corporate Lobbyist with Cross Party connections ) from the PMO. This was just to fool the Junior Hindutva Leaders. Ofcourse RSS was firmly rebuffed by Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who offered to resign instead of asking Brajesh Mishra - Principal Secretary to the PMO to resign. Both Brajesh Mishra and N.K Singh were appointed by RSS. RSS , VHP and Hindu Mahasabha  was set up by the British ( Rothschilds ) Rulers to DEFEAT Hindu Nationalism in independent India and sabotage Hindu Nationalists. RSS , VHP and Hindu Mahasabha was set up by the British ( Rothschilds ) Rulers to topple Honest Prime Ministers and promote CORRUPT Politicians. Indians must underestand that British / European colonialism was funded by Jewish Bankers in Europe. These Jewish Banking Cartels own all your Swiss Banks and Banks in Tax havens. They also indulged in Opium Trade and Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. When CORRUPT Politicians are in power, they send money belonging to Indian people to Swiss Banks and Banks in Tax havens. The same money is recycled back to India in the form of Loans by World Bank and IMF. The same money is recycled back to India in the form of FDI. Not surprisingly why Narendra Modi Government ( at the behest of RSS ) opened up every sector of Indian economy to FDI. He has also allowed 100% foreign ownership of Indian Companies , coal mines, Oil & Gas Reserves ..etc. The foundation was ofcourse laid down by Atal Bihari Vajpayee led NDA Government and policies formulated by Brajesh Mishra and N.K Singh ( Corporate Lobbyist with Cross Party connections ). It was Principal Secretary to the PMO  - Brajesh Mishra who first opened up the Indian Economy to FDI ( infamous Mauritius Route ). All this had blessings of the RSS ( No 1 Anti Hindu Traitors ). Narendra Modi Government now allows BLACK MONEY to come to India in the form of FDI, claiming that FDI will bring GROWTH , Jobs and Development. All this is BULL-SHIT.
Hindu Nationalist exposes Godhra Riots
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BJP / RSS Sponsored Ramjanambhoomi Movement was FARCE
RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT - YEAR 1992Ramjanambhoomi Movement sponsored by RSS / VHP & Hindu Mahasabha catapulted BJP to the National stage. RSS / VHP & Hindu Mahasabha NEVER had any intention to build any Ram Temple in Ayodhya. RSS / VHP & Hindu Mahasabha were set before independence by the British ( Rothschilds ) Rulers to DEFEAT Hindu Nationalism. VHP was founded by Master Tara Singh , a British loyalist. He was a "..TATTU.." of Sir Malcom Hailey. Though Born a Hindu, Master Tara Singh, in his later life converted to Sikhism. In the meantime ,in the year July 1925,  the British created Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (“Committee of Shrine Management”) to manage Gurudwaras across India , which was headed by Master Tara Singh and other Tat Khalsa Activists. Master Tara Singh and other Tat Khalsa Activists removed the Hindu idols from Gurudwaras and evicted the traditional pujaris / mahants (guardians , accusing them of theft ). Before British Rule, all Gurudwaras in India & Pakistan worshipped Hindu Gods ( Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva ) and Goddesses. British Rulers DELIBERATELY promoted Tat Khalsa Groups, who FALSELY claimed that Sikh Gurus had WARNED against worship of  Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Tat Khalsa Groups ( headed by Master Tara Singh - a convert to Sikhism ) promoted worship of One GOD and claimed that Sikh Gurus were all against Hindu customs and Rituals.  This was COMPLETELY FALSE. Sir Malcom Hailey used Master Tara Singh , a British loyalist in all these activities. British Rulers DELIBERATELY pushed Sikhs towards adopting Islamic Customs ( like worhsip of One God). British Rulers using Tat Khalsa Groups DESTROYED all Ancient Paintings of Sikh Gurus, where they wore Rudrakshas with kumkum tilak / vibhuti ..etc and commissioned new paintings in which Sikhs Gurus were dressed up like Sufi Saints of Islam. Tat Khalsa Groups were originally STOOGES of Mughal Rulers. The Mughal Emperor  Farukhusear was unable to militarily confront Banda Singh Bahadur ( Lakhman Dev), so he corresponded with Mata Sundari ( 2nd wife of Guru Gobind Singh ) telling her that he wanted peace with the Sikhs. After being offered sops and concessions, Mata Sundari living in Delhi issued a hukam-nama ( Islamic type fatwa ) declared Banda is a Hindu and  those Sikhs who will support Banda will be considered out of Sikhism. Later Tat Khalsa Groups of Sikhs, joined Mughal Forces in a war against Banda Singh Bahadur. This was after Mata Sundari ( 2nd wife of Guru Gobind Singh ) claimed that Battles fought by Banda Singh Bahadur against Mughal Rulers, were NOT  in consonance with the high principles of Sikhism - and that excommunicated him. British ( Rothschilds)  Rulers DELIBERATELY wiped off some importants parts of Sikh History to promote Tat Khalsa Groups within SIkhsim to create a DEEP wedge between Hindus and Sikhs. After india became independent he demanded a Sikh-majority state in Punjab and can be considered as the ORIGINAL mentor of Khalistanis. Khalistani Movement, Dalit Movement ( under BR Ambedkar ) and Dravadian Movement ( under EVR Periyar ) were sponsored by British ( Rothschilds)  Rulers with the help of Indian stooges to divide Hindus.
So indians must know, that RSS / VHP & Hindu Mahasabha were set before independence by the British ( Rothschilds ) Rulers to DEFEAT Hindu Nationalism. The primary aim of Ramjanambhoomi Movement was to TOPPLE National Front Government of Vishwanath Pratap Singh , not build any Ram Temple in Ayodhya
Later Babri Masjid was demolished to WEAKEN the position of P.V Narasimha Rao ( a Desh Bhakt Prime Minister ), Senior RSS / VHP & Hindu Mahasabha Leaders had NO intention of building any RAM TEMPLE in Ayodhya. The entire Ramjanambhoomi Movement was a FARCE to fool the Hindu Community and make them vote for a "...NAQLI.." Hindutva Party - BJP.
In the runner up to demolition of Babri Masjid - the then BJP President and Icon of Ram Temple Movement - L.K Advani was arrested along with DOZEN Congress Leaders for receiving BLACK MONEY from TWO Hizbul Mujahideen Militants - Shahbuddin Ghauri and Ashfaq Hussain Lone , who in turn worked for TWO High-Profile Hawala Operators - Shambhu Dayal Sharma and Moolchand Shah. The Hawala Operators, Shambhu Dayal Sharma and Moolchand Shah, told the agency during interrogation that they had been working for the Jain brothers, N.K. Jain and S.K. Jain. Jain brothers, N.K. Jain and S.K. Jain in turn , were close family friends of Nehru Gandhi family. The much-discussed JAIN HAWALA SCAM , had seen the then BJP President L K Advani resign as Leader of Opposition in the 90s.
All TOP BJP Leaders ( appointed by RSS ) have close ties to Nehru Gandhi Family.
Here are the Ulterior aim of Ram Temple Movement : Ram Temple Movement ( 1990) - was to DESTABLIZE / topple Vishwanath Pratap Singh led National Front Government. Former Congress Leader - Beni Prasad Verma had claimed that Ram Temple Movement  was  CONSPIRACY of clutch political Leaders belonging to Delhi Circle to TOPPLE Vishwanath Pratap Singh led National Front Government. He claimed that TOP Oppostion Leaders ( led by Samajwadi Leader - Mulayam Singh Yadav and Laloo Prasad Yadav ) including Senior RSS leaders - met BJP President L.K Advani where he was lodged along with other Sangh Parivar Leaders. Former Congress Leader - Beni Prasad Verma was earlier with Samajwadi Party under Mulayam Singh Yadav. Indians must remember - it has been 27 years since the first Ram Temple Movement by RSS / VHP & Hindu Mahasabha - but nobody within Sangh Parivar speaks about Ram Temple in Ayodhya. Why..? They had NO intention of Building any Ram Temple in Ayodhya. RSS / VHP & Hindu Mahasabha were originally set up by the British ( Rothschilds ) Rulers to DEFEAT Hindu Nationalism. Their TOP Leaders are "..TATTU.." of Rothschilds.
Ulterior aim of Ram Temple Movement ( 1992) -  This was when "..Desh Bhakt.." Prime Minister P.V Narasimha Rao was ruling India and was also Congress President. Senior RSS / VHP & Hindu Mahasabha Leaders along with - the then BJP President and Icon of Ram Temple Movement - L.K Advani launched another Ram Temple Movement, which led to demolition of Babri Masjid on December 6, 1992. In the runner up to Ram Temple Movement, - the then BJP President and Icon of Ram Temple Movement - L.K Advani was arrested along with DOZEN Congress Leaders ( loyal to Gandhi Family ) for receiving Hawala Funds from TWO Hizbul Mujahideen Militants - Shahbuddin Ghauri and Ashfaq Hussain Lone , who in turn worked for TWO High-Profile Hawala Operators - Shambhu Dayal Sharma and Moolchand Shah. The Hawala Operators, Shambhu Dayal Sharma and Moolchand Shah, told the agency during interrogation that they had been working for the Jain brothers, N.K. Jain and S.K. Jain. Jain brothers, N.K. Jain and S.K. Jain in turn , were close family friends of Nehru Gandhi family. After Babri Masjid was DEMOLISHED by activists led by RSS / VHP & Hindu Mahasabha, Congress lost support of Muslims and Nehru Gandhi family loyalists within the Congress Party DEMANDED resignation of Prime Minister P.V Narasimha Rao as Congress President. P.V Narasimha Rao led Congress Party LOST 1996- General Elections , Congress Party under Prime Minister P.V Narasimha Rao also lost support of the Hindu Community - as Hindus were made to believe that if BJP came to power , they would build a GRAND Ram Temple in Ayodhya , will be HARD on Muslims and BOMB Pakistan to stone age. Hindus also believed that BJP will demolish Mosques in Mathura and Varanasi ( & other places ) to build Grand Hindu Temples. They were made to believe that BJP Leadership would be similar to Chattrapati Shivaji and they would be like Victorious Marathas ( Against Mughals ) in 16th and 17th Centuries. RSS / VHP & Hindu Mahasabha was set up by ROTHSCHILDS ( invisible British Rulers ) to TOPPLE "..DESH BHAKT.." Politicial Leaders and also help CORRUPT Politicians gain Power. Sonia Gandhi became Congress President within 60 days after P.V Narasimha Rao resigned as Congress President. And UPA Government was one of the most CORRUPT Governments in recent History. Later , P.V Narasimha Rao was denied PARTY TICKET to contest General Elections and totally marginalized and sidelined within the party. There were all kinds of accusations against him , not just corruption. Senior RSS & SANGH PARIVAR Leaders had NO intention of building any Ram Temple in Ayodhya, they have intention of turning India into Hindu Rashtra, instead Modi Government processes more than 60,000 Medical e Visas per day for Bangladeshi Muslims and allows free immigration of African from Africa. India is now HOME to more than 5 Million African Immigrants. Narendra Modi Government is encouraging both Indian and Foreign Companies to employ Africans in the name of Racial Diversity.
RSS on 18 March ,2016 - came out openly in support of HOMOSEXUALITY claiming that homosexual Relationships are NOT a crime.RSS Joint General Secretary Dattareya Hosabolle and other Senior RSS Leaders have also come out in support of decriminalizing homosexual relationships, thus overturning  the conservative views of SANGH PARIVAR on Homosexuality. In 2014, RSS General Secretary Ram Madhav came out in support of homosexual relationships amongst Indian men, claiming, “…Homosexual relationships amongst Indian men is not a crime..” In 2014, Blue Eyed Boy of RSS - as Senior BJP Leader and Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha , Arun Jaitley spoke in favour of Homosexuality. “..Millions of Indians are homosexuals, you cant nudge them off..” On 2 August , 2016 – Tuesday, with blessings of Senior RSS Leaders at Nagpur, BJP tables Transgenders Person ( Protection of Rights ) Bill in the Lok Sabha to legalize homosexuality through backdoor. The bill seeks to prohibit discrimination against Homosexuals, Lesbians and Transgenders. On 2 August , 2016 – Tuesday, State BJP Unit sponsored Gay Pride parade in Orissa on Independence Day at the behest of RSS. In Madhya Pradesh, Blue Eyed Boy of RSS - Chief Minister Shiv Raj Singh Chauhan made Madhya Pradesh, the 1st Indian state to legalise Live-in-Relationships. Modi Government has also given LEGAL sanction to Live In Relationships at the behest of RSS.  In Madhya Pradesh, RSS replaced Uma Bharati With Shiv Raj Singh Chauhan, who is known to mollycoddle Muslims. Both BJP & Congress Party under Sonia Gandhi work like a TEAM against National Interests.
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BJP & RSS sponsored Ram Temple Movement to TOPPLE National Front Government
BJP, RSS, VHP & Sangh Parivar Leaders had no intention of building any Ram Temple in Ayodhya. There was TWO Ramjanambhoomi Movements happened in Quick Successions -
1st - RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT – Year 1990 - was meant to Destablize and TOPPLE Vishwanath Pratap Singh led National Front Government. During RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT – Year 1990, BJP Leadership also allowed a HUGE CARNAGE to happen in Ayodhya, where THOUSANDS of Sadhus, sants , Mahants, Young Religious women and Ram Bhakts were shot dead by security personnel guarding Babri Masjid. In the following days, several hundered more Sadhus, sants , Mahants, Young Religious women and Ram Bhakts were DRAGGED OUT of Ashrams , Mutts and Dharamshalas to be shot dead by security personnel, while Senior BJP, RSS, VHP & Sangh Parivar Leaders stayed away from Ayodhya. They turned up to lead protest marches only THOUSANDS of Hindus were slaughtered by Mulayam Singh Governmnent. Former Congress Leader Beni Prasad verma had called RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT – Year 1990 as a CONSPIRACY by Political Leaders of Delhi circle to TOPPLE Vishwanath Pratap Singh led National Front Government. He also alleged that UP Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav , Bihar Chief Minister Laloo Prasad Yadav held a midnight meeting in Samastipur Jail ( Bihar ) where BJP, RSS and Sangh Parivar leaders were held in Detention. He further alleged that it was all Pre-scripted. Icon of Ram Temple Movement - BJP President L.K Advani was arrested by Bihar Government under Chief Minister Laloo Prasad Yadav to prevent him from reaching Ayodhya. Actually, arrest of BJP President L.K Advani during Rath Yatra to prevent him from reaching Ayodhya was part of the script written by ALLIES of National Front Government. Toppling National Front Government automatically made Congress Party under Former PM Rajiv Gandhi naturally the King Maker. The next shortlived - Chandrashekhar Government was supported by Congress Party.
2nd - RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT – Year 1992 Led to the demolition of Babri Masjid on 6 December 1992, the sole blame was which was put on Prime Minister P.V Narasima Rao .  Ulterior aim of 2nd - RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT – Year 1992, was to TOPPLE P.V Narasima Rao as Congress President and AICC President as well as Prime Minister. Prime Minister P.V Narasima Rao was unaware that Senior BJP / RSS Leaders were in cahoots with Nehru Gandhi family. Prime Minister P.V Narasima Rao was unaware that Senior BJP / RSS Leaders had no intention of building any Ram Temple in Ayodhya. So he was no Chanakya. Demolition of Babri Masjid during the tenure of Prime Minister P.V Narasima Rao led to loss of Muslim support to Congress Party, as a result many Congress Leaders ( Nehru Gandhi Family Loyalists with 0% Mass Base) called for resignation of P.V Narasima Rao as Congress President and AICC President as well as Prime Minister. During the RUNNER UP to RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT – Year 1992, icon of Ram Temple Movement - BJP President L.K Advani was arrested with Dozen Congress Leaders for receiving HAWALA MONEY from TWO Hizbul Mujahideen Militants - Shahbuddin Ghauri and Ashfaq Hussain Lone , who in turn worked for TWO High-Profile Hawala Operators - Shambhu Dayal Sharma and Moolchand Shah.  The Hawala Operators, Shambhu Dayal Sharma and Moolchand Shah, told the agency during interrogation that they had been working for the Jain brothers, N.K. Jain and S.K. Jain. Jain brothers, N.K. Jain and S.K. Jain in turn , were close family friends of Nehru Gandhi family P.V Narasimha Rao led Congress Party LOST 1996- General Elections ,as Congress Party lost Muslim Votes and Hindus went with "..NAQLI.." Hindutva Party - BJP , which promised Hindu Rashtra and Ram Temple in Ayodhya.Within weeks , he was unceremoniously ousted as Congress President , under pressure from Nehru Gandhi family and their loyalists within the Congress Party. Sonia Gandhi became Congress President within 60 days after P.V Narasimha Rao resigned as Congress President.
It has been more than 27 years since 1st - RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT – Year 1990, there is no Ram Temple in Ayodhya, even though BJP has been in power for a long time. RSS is now talking about building a Ramayana Museum in the outskirts of Ayodhya, so as not to displease muslims. Former BJP President and Icon of Ram Temple Movement - LK Advani has regretted the demolition of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya and called it a political compulsion. Recently, RSS regretted Godhra Riots.
Index of Websites exposing RSS/ VHP & SANGH PARIVAR
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27 YEARS - But No Ram Temple in Ayodhya..Why..?
This is because RSS , VHP & SANGH PARIVAR Leaders, who sponsored RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT, had no intention of building any Ram Temple in Ayodhya. Ulterior aims of TWO Ramjanambhoomi Movements happened in Quick Successions -
1st - RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT – Year 1990 - to topple National Front Government of Prime Minister Vishwanath Pratap Singh. This would put Congress Party back as King maker. Many political leaders, who were allies in National Front Government planned 1st - RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT – Year 1990, cutting across party lines, with a  single motive of toppling National Front Government.
2nd - RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT – Year 1992 - to topple Prime Minister P.V Narasimha Rao as Congress President and AICC President, after making him loose support of Congress Party Rank and file. Senior RSS , VHP & SANGH PARIVAR Leaders, planned the demolition of Babri Masjid in great secrecy, so as to take P.V Narasimha Rao Government unawares. Prime Minister P.V Narasimha Rao was squarely blamed for demolition of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya. Congress Party under Prime Minister P.V Narasimha Rao lost General Elections and Nehru Gandhi family loyalists within the Congress Party called for resignation of  as Congress President and AICC President.Within weeks of Congress Party losing General Elections , he was unceremoniously ousted as Congress President , under pressure from Nehru Gandhi family and their loyalists within the Congress Party. Sonia Gandhi became Congress President within 60 days after P.V Narasimha Rao resigned as Congress President. This was the ulterior aim of 2nd - RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT – Year 1992. British Rulers set up RSS , VHP & SANGH PARIVAR to DEFEAT Hindu Nationalism and help the Congress Party remain in power. RSS , VHP & SANGH PARIVAR are foreign funded ( Anti Hindu ) Hindutva Organizations set up to DEFEAT Hindu Nationalism. Indians should be wary of new Hindutva Organizations like Sanathan Sanstha, Hindu Sena & others.
Index of Websites exposing RSS/ VHP & SANGH PARIVAR https://ramjanambhoomimovementyear1992.wordpress.com/2017/03/23/index-on-exposing-rss-vhp-sangh-parivar-2/
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How RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR Topples popularly elected Governments
Let me tell you, why India is NOT a Hindu Rashtra - Its because of  RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR Let me tell you, why India is Secular Country - Its because of  RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR Let me tell you, why India is a Poor Country - Its because of  RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR Let me tell you, why India is ruled by TRAITORS - Its because of  RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR Let me tell you, why India is ruled by Corrupt Politicians - Its because of  RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR
RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR was created by the British ( Rothschilds ) Rulers before independence to DEFEAT Hindu Nationalism after independence, and to ensure that India remains a secular country ruled by Corrupt / TRAITOR - Politicians
RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR was created by the British ( Rothschilds ) Rulers to ensure that their Freemason Politicians rule India without facing any problems. Indian media is owned by Indian Stooges, who have Rothschild connections. Families of Opium Drug Runners of British East India Company own Indian media, today.
Do you know that RSS Chief Balasaheb Deoras, along with other Hindutva Leaders DOUBLE CROSSED Maharaja Hari Singh of Jammu & Kashmir , which ensured that Jammu & Kashmir was ruled by Sheikh Abdullah and family.RSS Chief Balasaheb Deoras, along with other Hindutva Leaders  were in cahoots with Prime Minister Pt Jawaharlal Nehru. RSS later hijacked Bharatiya Jana Sangh after the mysterious deaths of Dr Syama Prasad Mukherjee and Pt Deen Dayal Upadhyaya. Bharatiya Jana Sangh was earlier avatar of Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP ).
RSS , VHP & SANGH PARIVAR toppled Janata Party Government inorder to help Congress party come back to power. RSS , VHP & SANGH PARIVAR toppled National Front Government inorder to help Congress party come back to power. RSS , VHP & SANGH PARIVAR deliberately demolished Babri Masjid in Ayodhya to strengthen Nehru Gandhi family loyalists inside the Congress Party, who later TOPPLED P.V Narasimha Rao, as Congress President / AICC President , which allowed Sonia Gandhi become Congress President / AICC President. Senior Leaders belonging to RSS , VHP & SANGH PARIVAR were in cahoots with Nehru Gandhi family since the early days of independence.
RSS , VHP & SANGH PARIVAR curbed the rise of militant Hindu Nationalism which could have toppled Corrupt Politicians. The primary aim of Ram Temple Movement in the 90s, sponsored by RSS , VHP & SANGH PARIVAR -  was to topple both Vishwanath Pratap Singh and P.V Narasimha Rao, not build any Ram Temple in Ayodhya. The ulterior aim of Godhra Riots was to burnish the image of BJP as a Hindutva Party.
Senior Leaders belonging to RSS , VHP & SANGH PARIVAR have 0% committment to Hindu Nationalism. They are all AGENTS of Rothschilds. Mahatma Gandhi's assasination was a Rothschild Conspiracy. RSS , VHP & SANGH PARIVAR helps corrupt politicians stay in power while they destablise honest / Desh Bhakt Politicians, and topple their governments. RSS , VHP & SANGH PARIVAR ensure that wealth of the indian people keeps flowing to foreign banks owned by Rothschilds. And the Indian Government keeps taking Billion / Trillions dollars loans from Rothschild owned Banks.
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How RSS & SANGH PARIVAR fool the Hindu Community
When Lok Nayak Jaiprakash Narayan Started J P Movement calling for sampoorna Kranti, RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR mobolized the rank and file to join the movement to gain popular support. Bharatiya Jan Sangh ( hijacked by RSS ) joined Janata Party Government - a brain child of Lok Nayak Jaiprakash Narayan. Soon they were part of conspiracy to topple the  Janata Party Government and toppled it. RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR orchestrated numerous Hindu Muslim riots to destablize / topple Janata Party Government. Prime Minister Morarji Desai, who led Janata Party Government, who was a honest and straightforward politician, who later took political sanyas as he felt backstabbed and betrayed. Actual aim was to help the Congress Party led by Indira Gandhi. BJP ( reincarnation of Bharatiya Jan Sangh ) joined National Front coalition Government led by Vishwanath Pratap Singh. BJP was an alliance partner in National Front coalition Government and had fought elections against Congress Party led by Nehru Gandhi family. Once National Front coalition Government came to power and Vishwanath Pratap Singh became the Prime Minister, there was a conspiracy to topple the Government and Senior BJP Leaders were a part of it. RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR sponsored RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT (1990) without any intention of building any Ram Temple in Ayodhya. They also orchestrated numerous Hindu Muslim riots to destablize / topple National Front coalition Government led by Vishwanath Pratap Singh. Within one year, National Front coalition Government collapsed. This once again helped the Congress Party led by Nehru Gandhi family. When P.V Narasimha Rao Government came to power, RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR sponsored RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT (1992) - AGAIN without any intention of building any Ram Temple in Ayodhya. This was just to fool the Hindu Community. They ONCE AGAIN orchestrated numerous Hindu Muslim riots across India to destablize / topple P.V Narasimha Rao Government. After P.V Narasimha Rao led Congress Party lost General Elections to "...NAQLI.." Hindutva Party -BJP, he was forced by Nehru Gandhi Family loyalists within Congress Party to Resign as Congress President / AICC President. Within 60 days after his resignation, Sonia Gandhi became Congress President. When Prime Minister Indira Gandhi declared Emergency, Senior RSS Leaders mobilized their Rank and file, who fought Emergency like it was 2nd Freedom Struggle.But behind the scenes, Senior RSS Leaders had actually BACKED former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's decision to impose an Emergency in 1975.According to Subramanium Swamy , between 1975-77 – the Emergency period, most of the Senior leaders of the Senior RSS / Sangh Parivar Leaders had betrayed the struggle against the Emergency.According to him – Senior RSS Leaders supported the Emergency. They were not opponents. This is an example of Two Timing / Double Crossing Hindutva Leaders who lead RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR.
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Homosexuality No Crime, Says RSS Leader, Then Calls It 'Psychological Case'
After commenting that homosexuality should not be a crime, RSS leader Dattatreya Hosabale has posted a controversial clarification, describing it as a "socially immoral act" to be treated as a "psychological" case.
"Homosexuality is not a crime, but socially immoral act in our society. No need to punish, but to be treated as a psychological case," tweeted Mr Hosabale, RSS general secretary, in an apparent retreat after his comments - unusual for his organization - made headlines today.
Mr Hosabale also said that "gay marriage is Institutionalization of homosexuality. It should be prohibited."
The RSS is the ideological mentor of the ruling BJP and is known to influence many of its decisions though it insists that it is not a political organization.
Yesterday, replying to a question at the India Today conclave on whether homosexuality should remain a criminal offence, the RSS leader had said: "I don't think homosexuality should be considered a criminal offence as long as it does not affect the lives of others in society."
But he added that his organisation has no view on homosexuality as it is a personal choice.
"Sexual preferences are private and personal. Why should RSS express its views in a public forum? RSS has no view on that. It is for people to have their way. Personal preference of sex is not discussed in RSS and we don't even want to discuss that," he said.
Activists have challenged a Supreme Court ruling upholding the colonial-era Section 377 that says gay sex is a crime that can lead to 10 years in jail.
Political parties tread cautiously on the subject though individual politicians have supported the cause of gay rights activists.
Congress parliamentarian Shashi Tharoor last week failed to introduce a private member's bill to decriminalize homosexuality.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has backed calls for ending the ban on gay sex.
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Hindu Nationalist Exposes RSS & SANGH PARIVAR - 2
Primary reason for creation of RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR is to ensure that India DOESN'T  become a Hindu Rashtra. RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR was set up by the British ( Rothschilds ) Rulers to DEFEAT Hindu Nationalism ( after independence ) and to ensure India remained a secular country ruled by Corrupt secular politicians. Corrupt secular politicians, curry for muslim votes and divide Hindu votes. They ensure that Hindus dont get counted. RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR create political space for Corrupt secular politicians, by constantly derailing Hindu Nationalism. Senior Leaders belonging to RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR are (Anti Hindu ) TRAITORS dressed in Saffron Robes , along with Rudrakshas to fool the Hindu Community. They only pay lip service to Hindu Nationalism.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia EXPOSED Mahatma Gandhi, who led India to independence in 1947, as
“..a reactionary….who betrayed the people and helped the imperialists against them; aped the ascetics; pretended in a demagogic way to be a supporter of Indian independence and an enemy of the British; and widely exploited religious prejudice…”
Just like Mahatma Gandhi indirectly helped the British , Senior Leaders belonging to RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR help Corrupt secular politicians CRUSH genunine and committed Hindutva Leaders, within their own Rank and file. This happened after Mahatma Gandhi's assasination and later after Godhra Riots. Senior Leaders belonging to RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR orchestrated RAMJANAMBHOOMI MOVEMENT ( 1990 / 1992 ), but never had any intention of building any Ram Temple in Ayodhya.
Index of Websites exposing RSS/ VHP & SANGH PARIVAR
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Hindu Nationalist Exposes RSS & SANGH PARIVAR
To all Indians, RSS , VHP & Hindu Mahasabha are Foreign Funded ( Anti Hindu ) Hindutva Organizations set up to De-Rail Hindu Nationalism and sabotage genuine and committed Hindutva Leaders within their own Rank and file. They only pay lip service to Hindu Nationalism. RSS only appoints ideologically neutral SECULAR Leaders as Senior Leaders within BJP ( Political arm of RSS.) RSS hijacked Bharatiya Jan Sangh ( previous avatar of BJP ), after the mysterious deaths of its founders - Dr Syama Prasad Mukherjee and Pt Deen Dayal Upadhyaya. There after it only appointed ideologically neutral SECULAR Leaders with 0% committment to Hindu Nationalism as Senior Leaders within Bharatiya Jan Sangh ( previous avatar of BJP ). RSS calls its ideologically neutral SECULAR Leaders within BJP as Hindutva Leaders and calls upon Hindus to vote for BJP. Senior Leaders belonging to RSS , VHP & Hindu Mahasabha deliberately create political space for Secular parties by De-Railing Hindu Nationalism and crushing the faith of Hindus in Hindutva Politics. Let me tell you, why India is NOT a Hindu Rashtra - Its because of  RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR. Let me tell you, why India is Secular Country - Its because of  RSS, VHP & SANGH PARIVAR Senior Leaders belonging to RSS , VHP & Hindu Mahasabha are ( Anti Hindu ) Traitors, who wear Saffron Robes along with Rudrakshas and speak about Hindu Rashtra. RSS , VHP & SANGH PARIVAR  sabotage committed Hindu Nationalists / Hindutva Leaders to ensure that India is ruled by Corrupt SECULAR politicians, who will loot the country and take the money to foreign Banks / Swiss Banks owned Rothschilds. Senior BJP & RSS Leaders - Hindutva Leaders according to their own convenience. Senior BJP & RSS Leaders , while in the opposition hungering for political power, they pretend to be Hindutva Leaders and speak about Hindu Rashtra and Ram Temple, but once in power, they magically transform into  ( Anti Hindu ) SECULAR Traitors - their real identity.
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