hipster-venus-blog Ā· 8 years
So I watched Half Blood Prince this evening, and I think itā€™s time to talk about Draco and the Vanishing Cabinet.
I mean, Iā€™m always ready to talk about Draco and the Vanishing Cabinet, because the scenes concerning it are some of the most beautiful and sad in the movies, in my humble opinion.
But more specifically, Iā€™ve been thinking aboutĀ the objects that Draco vanishes: the apple, and the white bird.
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See, these two things are things that, while watching, without even thinking much, seem - right.
Even just subconsciously, the imagery used here to me just fits, in a way that is not always easy to explain.
So I decided to actually think about it for a moment, and I realised just how significant these two objects are for Draco.
I mean, for starters, theyā€™ve both appeared before, in Prisoner of Azkaban, arguably the HP film that puts most effort into fancy cinematography, imagery and symbolism.
First we have Dracoā€™s message to Harry, which is strangely familiar:
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And - well, we all know about Draco and his apple.
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So even on a basic level, thereā€™s an association here.
But just think of colour for a moment. The objects that Draco vanishes are crisp green and white.
You mean likeā€¦the distinctive green of Slytherin, or the Malfoysā€™ familiar pale colouring?
Like Snape or Umbridge, Draco is one of the characters in HP with incredibly distinctive use of colour throughout the books and movies. Picture Draco Malfoy for a moment. Has he ever worn anything that isnā€™t black, white or green? It'sĀ so easy to associate the colours of the apple and bird Draco vanishes to him himself.
And then consider the word purity.
Draco is a lot to do with purity.
First of all, of course, we have the whole ā€œpure-bloodā€ idea. But we also have the wholeĀ ego of Draco, his appearance, the way he holds himself. I again ask you to picture Draco Malfoy. How does he appear? Is it neat, clean, crisp? Is it in the manner of someone who carries himself highly, with confidence in his status, his class, hisĀ role, his purity?
And then consider an apple, uneaten, uniform, green. Consider a bird, a pure, white, perfect, beautiful bird.
These two objects arenā€™t just random things that happen to be there.
They are Draco.
And the reason Iā€™m bringing this up is because this association makes what happens next to these objects so much more striking, and so much more painful, even before you really realise the link is there.
Because these two objects, these pure, perfect objects, are turned so that they are not perfect anymore.
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These two objects are eaten into, mutilated, killed, destroyed.
And for Draco, much the same can be said.
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hipster-venus-blog Ā· 8 years
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175K notes Ā· View notes
hipster-venus-blog Ā· 8 years
From now on all my fanfic titles will be worded like click bait YOU WONT BELIEVE HOW THESE ASSHOLES FALL IN LOVE THIS TIME
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hipster-venus-blog Ā· 8 years
I've suddenly got a burning need for this but I have no idea how to search for it myself. do you know of any fics where suddenly draco starts obviously checking harry out or is just flirting with him with no shame whatsoever? like he's still a git but he'll insult harry while smirking and dragging his eyes down his body? it could even all be a joke at first (to annoy harry) but eventually turns serious? thanks! also no worries if you don't know of any like this!
Hi there! I hope you donā€™t mind that Iā€™ve included fics where either or both of them are all flirty! Let me know if you find something you liked reading, Iā€™m wondering whether I fulfilled the request or notā€¦
P.S. I think the first 4-5 fit perfectly with what you asked for!! :)
Dancing Devils In His Eyes (furiosity)
Rating: NC-17, WC: 15.7k, Summary: Harry and Draco are forced to work together on an assignment. Dracoā€™s been pursuing Harry for a while, but Harry has too little respect for Draco to take him seriously. Could anything in the world change that?
The Charm Conundrum (dysonrules)
Rating: NC-17, WC: 8.6k, Summary: Harry misplaces an interesting ā€œself-helpā€ manual. Draco finds it and discovers some fascinating insights into Harry Potter.
Tried, Failed, Failed Better (carpemermaid, Maccadole)
Rating: NC-17, WC: 9.7k, Summary:Ā "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.ā€œ - Samuel BeckettDracoā€™s been trying to chat up Harry, but somehow ā€“ somehow, itā€™s just not going right. Is he doing something wrong?
Hey, Potter (SunseticMonster)
Rating: PG-13, WC: 16k, Summary:Ā Harry returns to Hogwarts for his 8th year, determined not to let Malfoy get to him. But when the snarky teasing starts up again, Harry finds that returning the jibes with compliments has a far more interesting outcome.
Bloody But Unbowed (lomonaaeren)
Rating: NC-17, WC: 100.7k, Summary:Ā Nothing in Harryā€™s life since the war has gone the way he expected. And now heā€™s the mediwizard assigned to take care of Lucius Malfoy, of all people. But heā€™s Harry; he grits his teeth and endures. He wonā€™t allow even Draco Malfoyā€™s flirting, which he knows is just a joke, to disconcert him.
The Courting Of Draco Malfoy (arecou)
Rating: PG-13, WC: 9.6k, Summary:Ā In which Harry flirts, and Draco is confused.
Check Me Out (lumosed_quill)
Rating: PG-13, WC: 3k, Summary:Ā Draco works as a librarian. Harry visits often and attempts (possibly) to flirt with Draco through his choice of books. Draco is not getting it. At all.
Keep It Simple, Stupid (lomonaaeren)
Rating: NC-17, WC: 24.6k, Summary:Ā Draco just wants to do his job and keep the newly competent Death Eaters from assassinating Potter. Potter just wants to flirt with him. It is not much fun to be Draco Malfoy right now.
A Friend In Need (writcraft)
Rating: PG-13, WC: 5.7k,Ā Summary: In his final year at Hogwarts, Draco is just trying to keep his head down, win the House Cup, get good exam results and stay out of trouble. Most of all he wants to ignore Harry Potter completely. Which is easier said than done when Potter is everywhere and behaving very strangely indeedā€¦.
Back In The Cupboard (oldenuf2nb)
Rating: PG-13, WC: 18k, Summary: Head Auror Harry Potter is able to conceal the truth of his private life, and thatā€™s the way he likes it. When Daily Prophet Owner and Editor Draco Malfoy stumbles upon embarrassing and potentially disastrous information, what will he do with it?
Unbuttoned (@eidheann)
Rating: NC-17, WC: 6.1k, Summary:Ā Harry asks for Dracoā€™s help in finding a birthday gift for Narcissa. Draco doesnā€™t suspect ulterior motives. Until he does.
859 notes Ā· View notes
hipster-venus-blog Ā· 8 years
this blog hates donald trump
Look how many people hate him. Iā€™m pretty damn happy about that šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜
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hipster-venus-blog Ā· 8 years
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hipster-venus-blog Ā· 8 years
Also forgot to add that no one said anything when 16 year old Hilary duff got together with 25 year old Joel Madden back in 2004.
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hipster-venus-blog Ā· 8 years
Me: I want to write a thing
Friends: So write it
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Originally posted by gifsnthangs
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hipster-venus-blog Ā· 8 years
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ā€œJust because you donā€™t see it, donā€™t mean it donā€™t existā€
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hipster-venus-blog Ā· 8 years
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hipster-venus-blog Ā· 8 years
Draco: stop it potter you're ruining my reputation
Harry: then get out of my lap
Draco: no
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hipster-venus-blog Ā· 8 years
weā€™ve released the song from our stage show ā€˜The Internet Is Hereā€™ as a charity single for Stand Up To Cancer!
Download it now on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/album/the-internet-is-here-single/id1160332724 or Google Play: https://goo.gl/RVVC2G to raise money for cancer research!
To see more about why we did this and how we recorded it in a studio check out this behind-the-scenes video:Ā https://youtu.be/OVa5XSJtlFA
Please reblog this video and tell all your friends to buy the song too as itā€™s for an incredible cause! :)
16K notes Ā· View notes
hipster-venus-blog Ā· 8 years
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67K notes Ā· View notes
hipster-venus-blog Ā· 8 years
The flood.
Saturday, August 13th 2016 Denham Springs, Louisiana Me and my friends were frantically texting each other, trying to get a hold of one another. We had no idea if they had gone under or if they were okay. One of my friends texted me saying ā€œThere is no water here, I am safe.ā€ The same friend twenty minutes later texted me saying ā€œMy house is under water.ā€ I have never been so scared in my entire life, I had no idea if my house was going to go under or not, or if some of my friends were even still alive. Many of my friends houses were full of water, them stranded on their roofs. I watched on the news as I saw the only town I have ever lived in be destroyed by water. My high school started filling up with water. Everyone was terrified. The most sickening feeling was getting text messages sayingĀ ā€œKayla, I am scared. I donā€™t know if I am going to be okay.ā€
Sunday, August 14th 2016 Denham Springs, Louisiana I woke up and looked out my window. I screamed when I saw the water had risen three feet. I ran outside to see the water was four inches from coming into my house. I checked on my friends, everyone I knew had lost everything or was stranded in their houses. There was no way to get out of my house, the water was chest deep and the currents were strong. Even if we wanted to leave, we couldnā€™t. We were stranded. The water started to rise, and then the rain came. The water started leaking into my house. I was scared. I was so scared. Soon after the water started coming up through the floors, the water stood at a stand-still. It stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity. I had no idea if it would rise suddenly, taking all of my belongings and memories with it, just like it did to my friendā€™s. The water then fell a foot. The water was no longer in my house, but stayed very high throughout the day. The threat was still there. We then began to realize that we had little food and water. We scavenged whatever we could from my house to make a small dinner for my family. I looked on the news, only to see that my school had been flooded over the roof. The school that only a few days prior I was laughing and learning at. I saw everything. I saw the neighborhoods and shops flooded up to the rooftops. I saw the children and babies being rescued by helicopters from a deadly situation. I saw the amazing Coast Guard and National Guard rescuing people by boat and helicopter. I saw residents going out, risking their own lives to save the lives of others. I saw thousands of people homeless with nothing to their name except the clothes on their backs and the children in their arms. I saw heartbreak, all across my city. All across my state.Ā 
Monday, August 15th 2016 Denham Springs, Louisiana Today I wake up and the water has dropped two feet. I am one of the lucky ones, and I am eternally grateful. Many of my friends remain in shelters, unable to leave. There is no way to get out of the city. The roads are flooded and broken. I am so thankful that my friends are now safe, and out of harms way. I am stranded in my home, still unable to leave. Still unable to get food. I am so saddened by this destruction and this terrible situation we are all in. The places we made these memories at may be gone, but the memories will never be washed away. My heart is broken, but my spirits are not. I know we will come out of this strong. It will take a long time to rebuild my city, but the community is stronger than ever. We must rejoice that our family and friends have come out of this alive, not be mournful of the items we have lost. Items and buildings are replaceable but our lives are not.
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hipster-venus-blog Ā· 8 years
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610 notes Ā· View notes
hipster-venus-blog Ā· 8 years
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MOODBOARDS: draco lucius malfoy
You donā€™t know what Iā€™m capable of. You donā€™t know what Iā€™ve done.
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hipster-venus-blog Ā· 8 years
I stand with Amber Heard
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