hirag-i-blog · 9 years
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“Kimizuki’s domestic streak has nothing to do with me; plus, he was cooking for all of us. If anything, your relationship with Mitsuba is far more questionable.” 
Yuuichiro was quickly learning that the best way to deflect Shinoa’s teasing was the turn it back around on her. 
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       “Ah, that’s because Mitsuba is startlingly fond of me, you see. She just adores me! It’s why she tries so hard to show off on missions! There is no question to it! Although, Mitsuba may think differently.” 
She wasn’t ready to let Yuu give her the turn around. 
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hirag-i-blog · 9 years
              He did not care a heed of what the woman have to say.                   After all the times that shit of a lieutenant colonel assigned                   her to watch after him back in school, Yuuichiro had learnt                   his lesson not to argue or retort back at all of her remarks.                   Sometimes, staying all silent is best for dealing with Shinoa. 
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                  “ Yeah, yeah, whatever. “
       A frown pulled at her lips. Could it be that he’d already caught on? Usually she could get him going for a steady five minutes, ten on special occasions, but he hadn’t even batted an eyelash at her remark. Perhaps she could take advantage of his indifference. She took a few moments of silence to prepare her retort, but before she could open her mouth the sound of a building crashing down stopped the two in their tracks. 
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       “Yuu.” Shinoa called out, her voice losing it’s playful tone. 
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hirag-i-blog · 9 years
Watching some people shit on Shinoa for having feelings for Yuu makes me so angry. She’s an important character but some people decide to hate her because “she has feelings for the main protag i have to protect my yaoi otp x3”. Fuck off.
I’m not even siding with a ship both are great imo, but the fact that every great thing about Shinoa’s character is ignored down because she has a crush on someone is awful. Why does this happen so often? Why are female characters belittled because they pose a threat to someone’s fucking otp? 
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hirag-i-blog · 9 years
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“Drop it, Shinoa. For the last time, Kimizuki doesn’t have a crush on me.”
Drop it she will not.
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“How can you not see his true emotions beneath the glare of those glasses? Giving you his jacket, cooking for you, punching you in the face, all the signs are right in front of you.”
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hirag-i-blog · 9 years
    Like a mouse finding it’s way through a maze Shinoa traversed though the plots of skyscrapers and wreckage overtaken by mother nature. The girl maintained her route northward ducking into the shadows when even the smallest of noises broke the silence. Convincing herself she was alone soothed her, but the tight grip she kept on her scythe failed to loosen. 
    A narrow alleyway, magnifying the low evening sun, was drowned in an orange glow that was now quickly fading into the navy blue of nighttime. On the horizon she could see camp. For the first time in hours Shinoa felt at ease. 
    It was only a matter of seconds before her solace was shattered. Hot breath hit the back and—on instinct—she swung blindly. Following her swing Shinoa spun around to stare into those eyes again. The words came back to her: “Livestock don’t talk”.  The sensation of the fangs being bared at her, sinking into her neck made her wretch. Space. She needed space between herself and that monster.
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    “Stay away from me.” She feigned a calm demeanor, her mind racing. How fast would she have to run? How loud would she have to scream? How strong would she have to be to get away from him?
On the rooftops he perched, red gaze trailing after the human’s every step with mild amusement - everywhere he went, he seemed to come across this girl and her little squad, as though by some design of fate. 
But the vampire didn’t believe in something as weak-willed as fate - only careful planning and  coincidence. 
Deciding that merely observing the girl was no longer enough to entertain him, Crowley hopped down from the decrepit building he had used as a vantage point, landing gracefully and soundlessly a few paces away. Then, within the blink of an eye, he was behind her, close enough for his every breath to disturb the stray strands of hair on her fragile little head. 
❝ I thought you knew better than to travel alone in these areas, little livestock. ❞ Though the words were whispered with gentle tenderness, his eyes, filled with a sadistic glee, silently laughed at her for her mistake.
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hirag-i-blog · 9 years
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hirag-i-blog · 9 years
kokuroshi replied to your post:
I like how it looks.
thank you!  
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hirag-i-blog · 9 years
when ppl start fighting about a character’s sexuality and start pulling out instances where they showed emotion towards a specific gender just remember the magic word:
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hirag-i-blog · 9 years
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[ im at that point where i dont even know whether or not my blog looks good oops ]
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hirag-i-blog · 9 years
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hirag-i-blog · 9 years
              Even if this just a mere patrol, he couldn’t help                    but raise his guard. He knows how the vampires                    can be. Sneaky little bastards hiding in the shadows                    waiting for an opening–like hell, he’ll let that happen.                    Too indulged on his thought that the moment he heard                    something that’s not coming from him or her, he reacted.                    Reaching out for his blade as he turn towards where the                    sound came from–ah, it’s only a damn bird.
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              Hiding up a shade of embarrassment, he relaxed slightly                   and adverted his gaze away, completely ignoring her                   remark.                  “ Stupid bird. “
    Shinoa feared that if she were to roll her eyes any further they’d pop right out of her skull. Keeping up one’s guard certainly was understandable, but never to such a degree that a bird has one drawing their weapon. It almost felt as if he were underestimating her. Did her demon's detection skill no longer have value? Yu’s long embarassed stride suddenly had Shinoa at a trot. 
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        “Ah! Could it be that you’re keeping your guard up to protect me?” There was no harm in a little teasing. ”How chivalrous!”
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hirag-i-blog · 9 years
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shinoa takes battles very serious
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hirag-i-blog · 9 years
       Submerging herself within the shadows would never hide the scent of her blood. Shinoa understood that, but with a sliver of hope she continued her trek Northward. Every step was careful and silent, every breath eased out without a sound. It was when she finally halted for a mere second did the sudden feel of cold iron against her neck tell her that her work had all been in vain.
       Her breaths turned quick and panicked as she stared at her former savior in astonishment. “Him”, she assumed, was Yu who was still recovering from his episode. It came upon her that her knowledge of his well being was much more valuable than her blood would ever be. 
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       “He’s safe.” 
⌠ A SPARK OF FAMILIARITY caught him off his duty,     as he spotted one kept in probation, thanks to his meddling,     in the middle of the confusion. he left his post and carefully,     he trailed after her … unsheathing his blade against     her throat as soon as she let her guard down and thought     it was over when she found herself a sanctuary.
    TOO BAD, it’s far from over.      he can remember clear as day what happened and she      did something to stop … whatever it is within Yuu, and      her information will be very beneficial; she k n o w s things.  
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          ❝ … What have you done with HIM ?❜
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hirag-i-blog · 9 years
tenentello liked your post
    From time to time Shinoa would find Guren sitting by himself outside. Loitering childishly. She often wondered if perhaps maybe Guren wasn’t actually an adult. Perhaps just a delinquent trapped in a man’s body? She watched him sit for a long while doing whatever he was doing (pensively staring at the sky, most likely). Finally, she spoke.
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    “Found him! The infamous meeting skipper has been located! I thought you were gone for real this time.” She announced to the world, laughing theatrically. 
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hirag-i-blog · 9 years
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hirag-i-blog · 9 years
insimulo liked your post
    Yu was comparable to a bull. Quick to anger, powerful and at times incredibly shortsighted. Shinoa was lucky enough to pick up on that from the first moment she met him. It helped her understand that patrolling with Yu wasn’t the most calming experience. 
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     “Relax, Yu.” She chided again as he unknowingly tensed the umpteenth time. A bird had taken flight. Always ready for a fight, he was. Is this what Guren had to put up with every day? “I appreciate the protection, but I doubt that bird is of any threat.”
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hirag-i-blog · 9 years
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[ there r so many mika blogs here and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. i want them all to band together and create an army of angsty vampire boys that abduct every yu they see ] 
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