Ways to feel physically smaller
Sit on the floor. Everything will be higher up than you, making you feel littler
Wear big clothes. I mean stuff thats WAAYYY too big.
Crawl or walk on your knees. This also makes movement clumsier and more baby like
Curl up. Hug your knees to your chest when you sit or lie down
Use bigger versions of things (ex: jumbo crayons and markers, big plates and cups, etc.)
Use step stools to reach high places
Focus upward
Ask for help getting into bed or onto the couch from the floor
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little asks
1. whats your little age (range)?
2. what names do you liked to be called when you’re regressed?
3. what do you like to wear?
4. do you have a caregiver? if so, tell us about them! :)
5. what does your perfect caregiver look like?
6. favorite stuffie?
7. favorite snack?
8. do you have rules? if so, do you get punishments and rewards too?
9. are you also a pet regressor?
10. when did you start regressing?
11. what do you like to watch while regressed?
12. are you open about your age regression?
13. do you listen to little music?
14. what little items do you like?
15. babycore, or kidcore?
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Reasons to use a pacifier
I recently asked my Instagram followers to send in their reasons for using a pacifier, and they certainly delivered! Here is everything they came up with:
(Some of these things may be triggering topics, as they involve mental health and various disorders. Read at your own discretion.)
to ease anxiety
to avoid the urge to using negative coping skills
to cope with the mental effects of getting bullied
to calm down
to help feel “smaller”
to have the comfort one missed out on as a child
to soothe and distract from panic attacks
to help with separation anxiety
to help focus on work
to feel cute
because of the happiness it brings
to help with the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
to help with the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
to help with the effects of overstimulation due to Autism Spectrum Disorder
to prevent and ease tics due to Tourette’s Syndrome 
something to focus on instead of hallucinations 
to feel safe and relaxed
to calm down after a meltdown or breakdown
to cope with trauma
to enjoy the feeling
to ease the effects of teeth grinding
prevent nail biting
an alternative to chewing on other objects
to fall asleep
to distract from skin picking
to help prevent chewing the insides of cheeks and lips
to prevent thumb sucking
to prevent hand chewing
because they are nice to look at
to healthily oral self stimulate
to give one’s mouth “something to do,” as needed with an oral fixation
liking the back and forth motion
to keep breathing steady
to help prevent binge eating
to not talk as much
to help avoid smoking cigarettes
to prevent snoring
to ease the pain from a tight retainer
to prevent painfully biting down on one’s teeth
to ease gum pain
to help with Pica
to help with wisdom teeth (the person did not specify what exactly, but I’m assuming they mean pain)
I hope you all learned a few things by reading this list! I certainly did. Please feel free to share this list with anyone, including those who may not understand why you use (or want to use) one. The benefits are wonderful, and it’s great hearing how helpful they are to everyone <3
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How to Calm a Fussy Little: LDR Version
🌻Find the root of the problem, like hunger or fatigue or missing you and plan accordingly
🌻If you can, call them so their fussiness doesn’t turn into a tantrum
🌻If you can’t call them, have them do tasks for you so keep their mind off whatever’s making them fussy
🌻A nap may be necessary
🌻If they can, tell them to use their baba (bottle), paci, or little gear that calms them
🌻Text them with a voice recording of you saying something calming or soothing, like “shhh baby, Daddy/Mommy is right here” if you can’t video call
🌻If they get really fussy often, pre record them a video saying you love them + other soothing things
🌻Have them cuddle with a stuffie or pillow - when I miss daddy I fold my pillow in half to make a Pillow Daddy
🌻Have then drink tea, hot chocolate, or another warm beverage without (much) caffeine
🌻Remind them you’re there for them, always
🌻Remind them you love them, even if they’re fussy
🌻Reward them if they calm themselves down
🌻But if they throw a tantrum, try not to lose patience and calm them down as quickly as possible
🌻Be aware that more fussiness than normal, not regressing often enough or MUCH more than normal, etc. can be a sign they’re going through something, never hurts to ask
🌻After all the fussiness and possible tantrum is over, remind them that it’s ok to be fussy and express those feelings (in fact, my daddy thinks it’s adorable when I get fussy over missing him)
Who else gets super fussy? I know I do..as I write this it’s 4:25am and I’m up because I’m fussy from missing daddy. Anywayyyyssss hope this helps!
-Pumpkin 🧡
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゚*☆*゚ New Cg Guide゚*☆*゚
✦                           ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ SFW CGLRE ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙  
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ CGLRE stands for caregiver/little regressor which is a 100% SFW relationship. The caregiver (cg) is the dominant part of the relationship, taking care of the little and making sure they take care of themselves. It can be both platonic and romantic. ⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Being a cg is a big responsibility and not everyone is up for it. Youre taking care of another person, not just yourself, and sometimes it can be difficult seeing the other person as a child.
                    ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Little Space ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙  
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Little Space is what its called when a little is in a childish mindset (AKA Headspace) It’s a coping mechanism to help them deal with stress and makes them feel safe, calm, comforted, and happy.
                   ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Rules ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙  
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Rules are a very important aspect to a cglre relationship, they are what helps keep a little in line and making sure they take care of themselves. Some rule ideas include:
✦ Eating a certain amount of meals a day ✦ Making sure to drink enough water ✦ Doing homework or other responsibilities before doing other things ✦ No cussing while little ✦ No hitting or kicking people ✦ Following a set schedule ✦ A set amount of screentime ✦ No arguing or talking back ✦ Keeping a little journal and writing in it everyday ✦ Being honest about breaking rules ✦ A set bedtime ✦ No self harm or being mean to your body, including saying bad things about yourself ✦ Asking permission before having sweets or other privileges ✦ Doing self care stuff everyday
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Always make sure that your little is okay with the rules you set and make sure to be specific about your rules because littles will find a loophole.
                ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Punishments ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙  
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Punishments are important because it teaches a little not to break the rules otherwise there will be consequences. The punishment that should be used varies on what type of rule was broken. Some examples of punishments to use for which type of rule are:
✦ Your little breaks a rule about not talking bad about themselves/denying compliments. A appropriate punishment for this could be making them write a list of at least _ number of good things about themselves. ✦ Your little breaks a rule about eating their meals. An appropriate punishment for this could be no sweets for a set amount of time.
✦ Your little breaks a rule about getting all their homework turned in on time. An appropriate punishment for this could be less allowed screentime.
✦ Your little breaks a rule about not arguing/talking back. An appropriate punishment for this could be timeout/corner time.
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Its always important to make sure your little is okay with different types of punishments in advance. An in general list of punishments can include:
✦ Lines
✦ Time out/ Corner time
✦ Earlier bedtime
✦ Earlier wake up time
✦ No sweets
✦ No video games
✦ Less or no screentime
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Theres some punishments that you can NOT give a little because they are just too mean. Some of these are:
✦ Ignoring
✦ Taking away a stuffie or comfort item
               ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Rewards ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙  
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Rewards are just as important as punishments. Littles love getting rewards and making their cg’s happy, which makes them more inclined to follow their rules. Some ideas for rewards includes:
✦ Watching a TV show of their choice with cg
✦ An extra sweet
✦ Later bedtime
✦ Choosing a game to play with their cg
✦ A sticker for a sticker chart
✦ A new stuffie
✦ New little gear
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Rewards should be given if a little is being really well behaved, following all rules, or doing something really good.
              ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Caring For An Upset Little ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙  
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ When a little is upset they really need their cg to help them feel better. Here’s some things a cg can do to help:
✦ Let them vent. Ask them whats wrong and let them vent it out to you.
✦ Pull them onto your lap and hug and cuddle them lots
✦ Tell them comforting words like “It’ll be okay” “Im here” “I love you” “Youre okay”
✦ Use whatever nicknames you have for them when they’re little
✦ Tell them to do something calming like play with play-doh, color, take a nap, cuddle a stuffie
✦ Give them their stuffie/comfort item
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ After a little bit ask them if theyre feeling better. If they arent then keep trying different things to cheer them up.
             ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Caring For A Bored Little ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ If your little is whining to you about being bored they’re probably looking to you to give them something to do. Here’s some ideas for what to tell your little to do:
✦ Ask them to color you a picture
✦ Tell them to go play video games
✦ Ask them if they got all their chores/homework done for the day. If they havent then tell them to go do that.
✦ Tell them to play with play-doh
✦ Tell them to go watch TV
✦ Tell them to make a craft
✦ Watch TV with them
✦ Tell them to write in their little journal (if they have one)
✦ Tell them to bake something (if thats something they like to do)
            ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Little Dictionary ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Alot of Littles type differently when they’re in little space and sometimes it can be confusing. Here’s a list of common little speak and what it means:
✦ Buh = But
✦ Pwease/Pease = Please
✦ Wha = What
✦ Wuv/Wub/Lub = Love
✦ Chu/Chur = You/ Your
✦ Tanu/Tank chu/ Fank chu = Thank you
✦ Nu/Nuh uh = No
✦ Dun = Dont
✦ W’s replace alot of r’s and l’s
✦ Lots of extra s’s
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🌟Low key regression🌟
🖍 cute socks
🖍 skirt, shorts, overalls over a onesie
🖍 a keychain stuffy
🖍 cute phone case!
🖍 baby snacks
🖍 cute water bottles you have to suck on
🖍 kids menus
🖍 cute or small backpacks
🖍 pig tales
🖍 jewelry that makes you feel small
🖍 big hoodie
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Ways to calm your regressor during a storm 🌩️
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Alright caregivers, as the warm weather approaches, don’t forget that thunderstorm/hurricane season approaches with it! Some littles can get timid and anxious during thunderstorms, and the loud noise can overstimulate those on the autism spectrum.
Here’s a list of things you can try to keep your little one calm and distracted during a storm!
🌟Put your baby down for a nap- read them a book, sing a lullabye, make some warm milk and get them the fluffiest blankies- this works best if your little is a heavy sleeper
🌟Make a pillow fort!- pillow forts are stronger than titanium! Didn’t you know? They will protect you and your precious little honey bun from the storm
🌟Story time- this, in conjunction with a pillow fort, is truly an unstoppable force
🌟Movie & Dinner- nothing goes better together than some good flicks and a meal, don’t forget to ask your little helper if they want to assist in the kitchen
🌟Karaoke- who can sing over the storm? How about you find out!
🌟Cartoons- put on their favorite show and turn up the volume, great with cuddles.
🌟Dance party- pump up the music and get down! A dance party is a great way to distract from the storm and muffle the thunder (also a great way to burn some extra energy before naptime)
🌟Make some music!- Littles are musical geniuses and many of them love making noise! Use the thunder as an opportunity for your regressor to crash and bash some pots and pans around without negative consequences
🌟And if all else fails:
Just hold that timid lil’ muffin of yours and let ‘em know that everything will be okay. As their caregiver, you are one of their greatest comforts.💙
Just remind them that storms don’t last long, pour them something warm for their bottle/sippie and wrap them up in a blanket.
Don’t forget to look for that rainbow when the storm has passed. 🌈☀️💙
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Caregivers, listen up!
🦊 DNI if nsfw 🦊
Sometimes your Little needs to be Little when you’re not in the right headspace to properly care for them. It sucks, but it happens. And it’s okay!
Instead of just shrugging your shoulders and saying, “Oh well!” there are some things you can do ahead of time to prepare for these situations!
🦊 Have a space set up for Little entertainment purposes! Colouring books, picture books, and some Little-approved snacks like animal crackers and juice boxes can last a long time!
🦊 Set up Kids Netflix or a movie somewhere it won’t bother you, like a laptop or tablet with headphones if your Little is going to be in the same room as you, or quietly on a tv if you’re planning to be in different rooms.
🦊 If you need a break during the day, send your Little for a nap, or take one yourself, or both! Everyone knows Littles need nap time (even if we hate it sometimes), and caregivers often need naps too. Plus, I’m pretty sure that’s the whole reason naptime even exists - so Bigs can get a break!
🦊 If you’re in a long distance situation, calmly explain to your Little that you aren’t able to care for them properly right now, and ask to postpone any video chat or call that might be taking place, or find a way to compromise. We may be needy, but most Littles are pretty understanding about their Caregiver’s needs, too.
🦊 If you’re in a long distance situation, you could each watch the same movie while on the phone, so that it’s like you’re hanging out together, but your Little will hopefully be distracted enough to not be too dependant! Disney and Pixar movies are great for people of all ages, so one of those might be best.
🦊 Remember to be patient with your Little. Age regression isn’t always controllable; it’s not our fault if we need to be Little when you need us to be Big. Make sure that your Little knows that they’re loved no matter what!
Hopefully this helps!
Kisses 😘
~Fox 🦊
🦊 DNI if nsfw 🦊
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Little Journal Ideas
❤️Make an “about me” page
💛Make lists of all your favorite things
💚Write a profile page for each of your stuffies
💙Make a creature! Write all about it
❤️Make a collage of stickers, drawings, and pictures
💚Write a letter to future you
💙Write a love letter to someone
❤️Write positivity reminders for yourself or someone who needs them
💛Make a mood calendar
💚Write about what the ultimate adventure would be for you
💙Practice writing simple sentences or letters
❤️Tape your favorite coloring pages in
💛Write your little wishlist
💚Draw/write about your dream garden
💙Draw/write about your dream paci
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50 age regression journaling ideas!
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🌸 make a list of your favourite little space snacks!
🦄 what would be in your dream playroom/bedroom?
🌸 wha is your favourite colour? why do you like it? how does it make you feel? what are 5 things that are that colour?
🦄 can you draw your favourite animal or put a picture of it here? what sound does it make? what does it eat?
🌸 what is your favourite season? why?
🦄 do you have any rules to follow? write them down!
🌸 create a picture using your favourite colouring tools! (example: stickers, markers, crayons, paint, etc.)
🦄 do you have any stuffies? what are their names? can you write what you like about them?
🌸 what do you like the most about yourself? don’t forget how amazing you are ever!
🦄 draw a picture of your favourite little space supper!
🌸 draw a picture of you in your favourite outfit!
🦄 write down what makes you sad, beside each thing write what can make you happy!
🌸 what made you feel happy today?
🦄 if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and who would you take with you?
🌸 decorate this page with glitter and beautiful colours! maybe make a rainbow! just experiment! (be careful if you use scissors though and make sure everything dries before you close your book!!)
🦄 do you have a caregiver or someone you trust a lot? write your favourite things about them. (you don’t have to show them if you don’t want to!!)
🌸 what puts you into little space?
🦄 write a play and act it out using toys, stuffies, sock puppets, or even paper dolls! get creative!
🌸 tell me about what you did today!
🦄 do you like going to the dentist? what helps you stay calm? do you get a treat after if you did good!
🌸 think of a country you wanna visit. google it and see what comes up. are there any cool tourist spots you could go to? what language do they speak? draw the flag of the country!
🦄 do you have pets or want pets? how do they look? do they have names?
🌸 are you in school or do you have a job? what is your favourite part of it? what don’t you like?
🦄 make a page all about you! tell me everything! when’s your birthday? how tall are you? what age do you regress to? what colour are your eyes? what about your hair?
🌸 this page is for anything. you can colour on it, write a story, or just put cool stickers here. it’s up to you kiddo!!
🦄 do you like chocolate or sour candy or all of it? draw your favourite candy!
🌸 what is your favourite holiday? why do you like it? does your family do anything to celebrate?
🦄 do you have a favourite super hero or princess? draw them out! what do you like about them? is it their bravery or kindness? tell me everything!
🌸 how would you spend one million dollars if you had it?
🦄 what do you do to get ready for bed? write out your routine so you always remember it!
🌸 what do you like to pack for lunches?
🦄 make a playlist of songs you can have a dance party to with your stuffies and friends!
🌸 find a recipe for something easy to bake, write it out, and make it! (be careful using the stove or oven, get help if you need to! remember to be safe i love you)
🦄 what are some thing little you wants to go do?
🌸 tell me all about something nice you did for someone today! maybe ask a caregiver if you can have a treat for being so good!
🦄 what do you do first when you wake up? write a list of everything you need to do in the morning to start your day! (don’t forget to drink some water!)
🌸 draw a picture of you in your pj’s! do you sleep with a paci? what about a bottle or sippy cup?
🦄 what’s your favourite book? why do you like it? do you have anything in common with the main character?
🌸 make a list of 20 things that always make you smile. look at it whenever you are sad!
🦄 come up with five ways to help around the house every week! keep track of your progress and reward yourself with a small treat at the end! (making your bed, cleaning you toys up, doing homework, clean the kitchen, etc.)
🌸 draw a picture of your favourite season?
🦄 tell me about your favourite tv shows!
🌸 what’s on your wish list?
🦄 do you play video games? what’s your favourite game?
🌸 make a list of little work out activities! (tag, hide and seek, hula hooping, twister, etc.)
🦄 draw a picture of a friendly monster, give it a name. tell everyone about the monster, what does he eat, what does he do for fun?
🌸 what is your dream job?
🦄 do you have a favourite planet? or a favourite constellation? research it and write out 5 facts about it! (if you can!!) also draw it out!
🌸 draw a picture of your house! (or your bed room!!)
🦄 write a list of your favourite nicknames!
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A Little Advice for CGs
Talk to your regressor about their regression.
There are probably a thousand or more ways to regress. Even if you read every single how-to post about Caregiving and Regression, you will be unprepared for your regressor until you talk to them about it.
Some regressors need a lot of care and attention and its important to communicate that need to the caregiver. Some regressor dont need much attention and prefer to be left alone. Some regressions ike toys and stuffies and lots of regression “gear”. Other regressors have one stuffie that they use and thats it. All of these things need to be communicated to the Caregiver.
I know it can be weird to talk to someone about age and pet regression. Some people refuse to understand, others simply cant. But you both need to put all of those feelings aside and have this important conversation. Itll be for the best in the end, and it can help you understand each other on a deeper level.
No two regressors are the same, so they cant all be treated the same. I know that theres a lot of how-to posts written by regressors and those posts can be very helpful if your regressor is THAT kind of regressor. But if theyre not, youll be lost at sea, trying to row your boat with an anchor.
Here are some questions you can ask each other to determine the style of regressing and caregiving you do.
For your Regressor to answer:
💖 what age do you regress to?
💖 how deeply do you regress? Do you have a complete change of mental state or is it just a passive mood you experience?
💖 what kinds of things can [CG] say or do to help brighten your mood when regressed?
💖 what do you like to do while regressed?
💖 what are some things you can’t do when regressed?
💖 do you have any specific triggers to avoid when regressed?
💖 how much attention to you need to feel like [CG] is caring your for effectively?
💖 what do you feel is most important for your CG to know or do when you are regressed?
For your Caregiver to answer:
💖 do you have a caregiver headspace that you get into for caregiving?
💖 do you have limits on what you can do as a caregiver?
💖 do you have any triggers as a caregiver?
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💖 how much attention to you need to feel loved?
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activities to do with your little/caregiver
play a relaxing game, like minecraft
cook or bake something together
play dress-up!
play with toys or stuffies
cuddle and watch a disney movie together, like bambi or bolt
dance around to your favorite song!
teach your little/get taught by your caregiver to slow dance
go on a walk around the neighborhood
go to the park!
go swimming at your local pool! (but be sure to wear sunscreen and a floatie!!)
go shopping and buy gifts for each other! (littles: just make sure to hide your gift when your caregiver takes you to checkout!!)
watch your favorite cartoons together!
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A quick guide to being a good little prince/ess/ette!
👑 Always be kind! A good royal is nice and helpful to all everyone. After all, you represent your little kingdom!
👑Manners! Being courteous is a giveaway that you are a person of royalty.
👑As a ruler you must have a kingdom! Your castle can be your room, a pillow fort, or you can even draw what you’d want it to be like! It’s up to you!
👑It can help to have royal subjects! My plushies are all part of my kingdom, and I can pretend to meet with other aristocrats and even other princesses! It’s a lot of fun!
👑Playing dress-up! Wearing my cutest clothes always helps!
👑Tea parties! Tea parties all the time! Invite your plushies!
👑It’s not a must, but wearing my crown makes me feel like a little princess whenever I wear it! You can get one on etsy but there’s always a budget friendly option at a nearby party store. It doesn’t have to be a crown either. Any accessory will work as long as it makes you feel special.
👑But the most important thing is to have fun! Enjoy being an absolutely adorable little prince/ess/ette!
Feel free to add more!
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Being smol in public
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Duckies in the park
Listening to lullabies in my headphones
Carefree inner thoughts
Dancing along to music in the car
Excitement over the little things
Daddy ordering for me at restaurants
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activities to do with your little/caregiver
play a relaxing game, like minecraft
cook or bake something together
play dress-up!
play with toys or stuffies
cuddle and watch a disney movie together, like bambi or bolt
dance around to your favorite song!
teach your little/get taught by your caregiver to slow dance
go on a walk around the neighborhood
go to the park!
go swimming at your local pool! (but be sure to wear sunscreen and a floatie!!)
go shopping and buy gifts for each other! (littles: just make sure to hide your gift when your caregiver takes you to checkout!!)
watch your favorite cartoons together!
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🌙a bedtime routine🌙
🌙take a bath or a shower (unless you take them in the morning)
✨put on some comfy pjs
🌙brush your teeth
✨go to the bathroom so you don’t have to get up in the middle of the night
🌙get a glass of water for your bedside
✨take any medication
🌙read a story (or look at the pictures and make up your own)
✨tuck in your stuffies
🌙put on some relaxation melodies if you need some white noise
✨count sheep until you fall asleep
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having a cold as a little
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🍪 soup & crackers in your favorite sectioned plate 🍪 lots of whines, tears, & grabby hands as communication 🍪 nap time is every hour 🍪 warm baths with your floaties & soft bubbles 🍪 sooo many cuddles & backrubs 🍪 drowsily watching your comfort cartoon 🍪 yucky medicine time = brat mode activated 🍪 warm milk to get the taste of medicine away 🍪 fruit for snacks instead of candy 🍪 army of stuffies help fight off the cold 🍪 replacing the thermometer with your paci as soon as it beeps 🍪 listening to soft lullaby music while drifting into dreamland
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