#cglre guide
(click the ⭐/star emoji on the left)
⭐ What is age regression?
⭐ CGLRE, Chire and LilTot
⭐ Where to get DNI banners
⭐ Pet regression is a real thing
⭐ What is the "between space"?
⭐ Why some regressors need CGs
⭐ A quick guide to "Little Speak" and age regression terminology for new CGs
⭐ A list of communities, clubs, daycares, and networks on "this side" of age regression
⭐ Back to our resources!
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゚*☆*゚ New Cg Guide゚*☆*゚
✦                           ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ SFW CGLRE ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙  
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ CGLRE stands for caregiver/little regressor which is a 100% SFW relationship. The caregiver (cg) is the dominant part of the relationship, taking care of the little and making sure they take care of themselves. It can be both platonic and romantic. ⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Being a cg is a big responsibility and not everyone is up for it. Youre taking care of another person, not just yourself, and sometimes it can be difficult seeing the other person as a child.
                    ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Little Space ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙  
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Little Space is what its called when a little is in a childish mindset (AKA Headspace) It’s a coping mechanism to help them deal with stress and makes them feel safe, calm, comforted, and happy.
                   ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Rules ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙  
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Rules are a very important aspect to a cglre relationship, they are what helps keep a little in line and making sure they take care of themselves. Some rule ideas include:
✦ Eating a certain amount of meals a day ✦ Making sure to drink enough water ✦ Doing homework or other responsibilities before doing other things ✦ No cussing while little ✦ No hitting or kicking people ✦ Following a set schedule ✦ A set amount of screentime ✦ No arguing or talking back ✦ Keeping a little journal and writing in it everyday ✦ Being honest about breaking rules ✦ A set bedtime ✦ No self harm or being mean to your body, including saying bad things about yourself ✦ Asking permission before having sweets or other privileges ✦ Doing self care stuff everyday
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Always make sure that your little is okay with the rules you set and make sure to be specific about your rules because littles will find a loophole.
                ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Punishments ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙  
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Punishments are important because it teaches a little not to break the rules otherwise there will be consequences. The punishment that should be used varies on what type of rule was broken. Some examples of punishments to use for which type of rule are:
✦ Your little breaks a rule about not talking bad about themselves/denying compliments. A appropriate punishment for this could be making them write a list of at least _ number of good things about themselves. ✦ Your little breaks a rule about eating their meals. An appropriate punishment for this could be no sweets for a set amount of time.
✦ Your little breaks a rule about getting all their homework turned in on time. An appropriate punishment for this could be less allowed screentime.
✦ Your little breaks a rule about not arguing/talking back. An appropriate punishment for this could be timeout/corner time.
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Its always important to make sure your little is okay with different types of punishments in advance. An in general list of punishments can include:
✦ Lines
✦ Time out/ Corner time
✦ Earlier bedtime
✦ Earlier wake up time
✦ No sweets
✦ No video games
✦ Less or no screentime
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Theres some punishments that you can NOT give a little because they are just too mean. Some of these are:
✦ Ignoring
✦ Taking away a stuffie or comfort item
               ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Rewards ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙  
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Rewards are just as important as punishments. Littles love getting rewards and making their cg’s happy, which makes them more inclined to follow their rules. Some ideas for rewards includes:
✦ Watching a TV show of their choice with cg
✦ An extra sweet
✦ Later bedtime
✦ Choosing a game to play with their cg
✦ A sticker for a sticker chart
✦ A new stuffie
✦ New little gear
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Rewards should be given if a little is being really well behaved, following all rules, or doing something really good.
              ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Caring For An Upset Little ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙  
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ When a little is upset they really need their cg to help them feel better. Here’s some things a cg can do to help:
✦ Let them vent. Ask them whats wrong and let them vent it out to you.
✦ Pull them onto your lap and hug and cuddle them lots
✦ Tell them comforting words like “It’ll be okay” “Im here” “I love you” “Youre okay”
✦ Use whatever nicknames you have for them when they’re little
✦ Tell them to do something calming like play with play-doh, color, take a nap, cuddle a stuffie
✦ Give them their stuffie/comfort item
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ After a little bit ask them if theyre feeling better. If they arent then keep trying different things to cheer them up.
             ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Caring For A Bored Little ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ If your little is whining to you about being bored they’re probably looking to you to give them something to do. Here’s some ideas for what to tell your little to do:
✦ Ask them to color you a picture
✦ Tell them to go play video games
✦ Ask them if they got all their chores/homework done for the day. If they havent then tell them to go do that.
✦ Tell them to play with play-doh
✦ Tell them to go watch TV
✦ Tell them to make a craft
✦ Watch TV with them
✦ Tell them to write in their little journal (if they have one)
✦ Tell them to bake something (if thats something they like to do)
            ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Little Dictionary ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺ ↬ Alot of Littles type differently when they’re in little space and sometimes it can be confusing. Here’s a list of common little speak and what it means:
✦ Buh = But
✦ Pwease/Pease = Please
✦ Wha = What
✦ Wuv/Wub/Lub = Love
✦ Chu/Chur = You/ Your
✦ Tanu/Tank chu/ Fank chu = Thank you
✦ Nu/Nuh uh = No
✦ Dun = Dont
✦ W’s replace alot of r’s and l’s
✦ Lots of extra s’s
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bunny-exe-blog · 6 years
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cglre · 7 years
safe tags for cglre!
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cglre - caregiver/little regression
cglire - caregiver/little regression
cgmire - caregiver/middle regression
babycore - baby aesthetic tag
kidcore - kiddie aesthetic tag
kidzspace - kidcore-like tag for cglre
babyzspace - babycore-like tag for cglre
toddlerzspace - toddler tag for cglre
bigzspace - caregiver tag for cglre
petzspace - pet regression tag for cglre
colorzcore - color/rainbow tag for cglre
nurserycore - baby nursery/room and general aesthetic tag
schoolcore - a primary school aesthetic tag
homeycore - a honey, country, foodie type aesthetic tag
agere - age regression general tag
age regression - self explanatory
babyre - baby regression
toyre - toy regression
dayxcare - a daycare tag for daycare aesthetics, daycare blogs in cglre, and daycare things
cgxl - caregiver/little
dxlg - daddy/little girl
mxlg - mommy/little girl
dxlb - daddy/little boy
mxlb - mommy/little boy
cgxlg - caregiver/little girl
cgxlb - caregiver/little boy
littlexspace - little tag for cglre
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there are lots of safe tags to use for cglre. so don’t feel like you must use kink tags or other communities tags!!! we have lots of great ones open to us!!
if you know of any others we can add to this list, please let us know!
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babiedesii · 2 years
♡Tips for Caregivers♡
1. Never ever ever, force your little to do something they don't feel comfortable doing. It's ok to encourage a little to step out of their shell, but never force it. Littles, please make sure you are telling your caregiver the things you like, and don't like.
2. Make sure you are providing a atmosphere in which your little can trust. An age regressor trusts that the person in which they regress in front of, is going to care and protect said Little. Please make sure you are reciprocating that equal trust.
3. Have boundaries set. Some age regressors do not like to be touched/held, while they regress. This can be due to the fact that they have tr*uma linked to that physical affection. Treat your little as you would a baby. These delicate babies can not consent and they are just trying to cope.
4. Communication is key. Make sure both sides have fully communicated on what they expect from one another in a CGLRE (caregiver/little regressor) relationship. Make sure you both have a mutual understanding.
5. Try learning and understanding your Little's triggers. Some of these triggers could be, but not limited to; Baby talk, Cutesy names, Comfort Items, 'little' snacks and meals, 'little' shows, Strong Emotion, etc.
6. If your little is being, what you consider as, not 'good', DO NOT use, Taking away comfort items, Yelling, or Physical Punishment as a way of dealing with said behavior. This will only make your little sad and triggered.
7. Be patient with your little. Age regressors are gonna be pouty. They are most definitely going to be fussy, having trouble communicating. You need to take your time with them.
8. Things to make your little feel most comfort in their age regression would be to give them their comfort item, turn on their favorite cartoon, stuffies, playing with them, and loads more things!
9. Of course you can spoil your little one. If they did something, such as trying something new, or facing a fear, that definitely deserves a new stuffie.
10. The bottom line, age regressors are just trying to cope. They are inviting you into their most vulnerable place, trusting that you will guide them and help them.
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read-weep-repeat · 3 years
The Big Bed
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Summary: They thought their little fishy had swam away. Instead, she swam right back to them.
Warnings: Bts Poly AU, age regression, CGLRE dynamics, a little bit of crying?, fluff
You had been on the tips of your toes all morning, practically floating throughout your consultations and errands during the day. Your mind was set on the next upcoming hours. Your first stylist position. 
Well- a trial run. You didn’t have the position yet. This fact increased your nerves as you got dressed that morning and threw your little manta ray bag into the passenger seat beside you. You knew you would have to be little after this appointment, a huge company wanted your styling experience. This would be the perfect way to increase your exposure, not to mention the hefty paycheck for a (relatively) small amount of work. Not one of the most stressful days of your career, not at all.
What if it was them? you thought. You hadn’t called them, not after your late night detective work. They were.. more.. than you were. Sure, maybe they liked the one time thing. But you doubted they understood what being full-time boyfriends to a little, to you, entailed. 
Before the thought could sour your mood, you set off. Your hands shook with both nervousness and anticipation on the wheel. 
Namjoon checked his phone for the tenth time that day, and huffed as he saw the empty screen. “No calls.” He mumbled, leaning into Hoseok’s side. 
“She might have decided we were too much for her.” Yoongi said, not wanting to believe his own words. You were adorable, he thought, He knew they could be good to you. They just needed the chance. “I’m sure she looked us up when she got home.” 
“What if she got hurt?” Taehyung asked, curling his feet against himself on the sofa. “She might have tried to drive while she was small and gotten into a wreck.” He gasped. “She could be in the hospital!” 
The rest of his boyfriends shot him sour looks, so he fell quiet. 
“Whatever.” Jimin puffed. “She just didn’t like us.” He rested his hands against his eyes, rubbing until stars formed in the darkness. Since that day, he could never see them as stars. They were always jellyfish.
A curt knock interrupted the gloomy atmosphere, and an assistant poked his head through the door. His voice cut through the tensioned air. “Guys, the stylist is here.” 
Namjoon gave him his best plastered smile, “Send them in then.” 
Shortly, the door opened. Their eyes widened, and their mouths ran dry. It was you. 
“Oh my god.” You breathed. Your binder of color strips shook against your chest, and you felt like your knees were knocking under your maxi skirt. 
They looked at you, no one really believing you were in front of them. 
“Um, Hi.” You waved shyly. “It’s- I’m the girl from the aquarium. (Y/N), if you remember.” 
Namjoon, the first one to break out of his trance, smiled widely and immediately grasped your hand gently between his. They were so warm, you thought. 
“We remember.” 
His dimples were more prominent than you found yourself remembering. He guided you to sit with them, and they all quickly came back to the present. They just then understood that this wasn’t their imagination. You were really there, right in front of them. 
You looked so much more mature than they remembered, your long blue skirt was paired well with you grey tank top and platform shoes. You were stylish, how did they miss your occupation? They thought they could smell these types of jobs from a mile away. 
“Are you our new stylist?” Jungkook blurted, his neck beginning to redden. He was starting to think of things he couldn’t the first time he met you, and it was showing. By the blush creeping on your face, they could tell you were too. 
“Uh- Not yet.” You placed your color swatches on the coffee table in front of the couch, and felt yourself scooting to the edge of your seat. “I’ll be doing this session with you, and then if you and the other stylists think I did well, then I'll have the job.” 
Yoongi scoffed. “You can have the job right now.” 
They watched as you shrank away from them, your body language no longer speaking to them the way it was before.
“I don’t want this job based on your romantic interest in me. I want it based on my skill.” 
Yoongi nodded. Fuck. 
You stood, and looked around the room at the array of varying clothing. As you walked around, peering at the racks with interest, you could feel their eyes boring into you. Once you finished, and turned back, Namjoon shot a question at you. 
“Do you like the color blue?” He pointed toward your skirt. 
You smiled at him, like you were sharing an inside joke. To his boyfriends, it seemed like it was. “You know I like blue.” 
The soft expression he held made you feel mushy, like a little pile of goo waiting to be cradled. 
“Why didn’t you call us?” 
The question made you turn around abruptly, staring at Hoseok in the middle of their group. 
They watched your eyebrows knit together, and your eyes become downcast. You fidgeted with the pile of clothes in your hand, rubbing your fingertips across the plush jacket at the bottom. 
“I-” You sniffled. “I looked you up after the aquarium. And I just- I didn’t know if it would work out.” 
Hoseok felt his lungs empty, and the familiar beat of his heart stop. He couldn’t stand the sight of your tears, nearly running because of him. He knew his boyfriends felt the same way. 
“It won’t ever work out if you don’t give us a chance.” Jimin said. His voice was as soft and as light as a cloud. Like when you were a child, and still thought the clouds were piles of cotton candy that would sweep you into a sweet, hazy dream. Your tears pushed forward even more. Is this what he would sound like when he came home? Tired from his day and wanting the comfort of his little girl? 
“I- I want to.” You sniffled some more, and some of the clothes fell out of your grip. “I want it to work.” 
Yoongi grabbed your hand in his, and used his other to wipe the tear just starting to fall. “We can make it work, we can make you happy, Just let us try.” 
You nodded, not trusting your voice. If you had, it would have cried out for them. Soon, they were cocooned around you, soft hands and tender words lulling you into little space. 
“I sorry.” 
Taehyung laughed, and put away the last of the clothes. The rest of the boys were either packing themselves up for the night, or pulling your car around to the back of the building. 
“It’s ok! We know you’re a very good stylist.” 
He pulled out his phone, and pulled up a familiar sight. Your work stared back at you, and you reached out for it. It was always hard to keep yourself away from the sparkly fabric while you were regressed, which was one of the reasons you had elected to have an entirely separate room in your home to designate as your workspace. 
“I did that!” 
He cooed. “You did, didn’t you? Big you is so talented.” He stared at the screen for a second, before shoving his phone back into his pocket. He knew they would all want to buy from your limited men's section, maybe they’d even surprise you on your next date by dressing in the work of their new favorite designer. 
You reached for him, your grabby hands signaling that you wanted to be held. With animated sounds, he scooped you up in a hug. “Let’s go see our boys!” 
You both broke out into a fit of giggles, and dashed down the hall. 
“Backpack please.” 
Hoseok passed it back from the passengers seat. Jungkook, who’s lap you were sitting in, opened it for you. 
You dug around, before pulling out the pebble whale he had bought for you a week before. “I kept it!” You declared, leaning against him. He smiled, his nose scrunching in adoration. “I see. Do you want to play with it when we get home?” 
Taehyung coughed. “We have plenty of toys at home.” 
They were thankful that they had made, what seemed like overzealous, preparations shortly after meeting you. Namjoon went on hour long lectures about age regression, noticing them not paying attention to him halfway though his spiel.  He let it go, though, because he saw their heart eyes as they added coloring books and other toys to pile on top of the gifts from the aquarium. Their carts racked into the hundreds, but what is money to a group of men infautated?
If they hadn’t have made those preparations, they don’t know what they would have done. What if you came over and were disinterested? What if you didn’t like the tub of animal figurines that Taehyung had bought? Or the bedtime books that were starting to crowd Namjoon’s bookshelf? What if you threw a tantrum over the stock of baby food, and other little approved snacks overflowing from their fridge?
These thoughts rattled through their skulls as they led you down the hall. Most of all, the thought that plagued them was, What if you didn’t like them? 
They swung the door open, and watched as you waddled inside. Your bare feet made a soft sound on the white floor, and you peered curiously around the dorm. All of a sudden, you saw the toy bin in the corner of the living room, and raced over. 
“Toys!” You called, waving them over. Well, it seemed like you liked it. Hoseok raced over, and scooped you into his arms. He pulled one of the plushes out of the bin and made an animated voice as he moved it around. You giggled, and pulled the plush to your chest. 
“Hose... Hoso...Hos..” You tried, but you couldn’t get his name past your lips. His lips curled in a smile, and he leaned back to fully capture you in his gaze. 
“It’s Ok.” He said. “I know it’s hard. You couldn’t say it at the aquarium either. What did I say you could call me?” 
You giggled. “Hobi.” 
“That’s right!” He spun you both around, landing on the couch. “It’s Hobi.” 
His boyfriends watched you both, and they felt their hearts swell just enough for an seventh person. 
“Comfy, sweetheart?” 
You nodded, and held out your arms. Their clothes drooped on you, but it was the only thing that they knew would be comfortable. They turned beat red at the sight. It was like you treated their clothes as a security blanket, rubbing the fabric and pulling it around you, as if for safety. 
“Good.” Yoongi pulled you into his lap, and when you fussed, he placed the pebble whale in your hands. You calmed, and rested against his chest. 
“What movie would you like?” 
“Shark tale!” 
He chuckled. “Of course, How could I have known?” 
“Do you want a snack, baby?” 
You nodded, and held your sweater paws out to Jin as he walked by. “Want apple juice, please.” 
He nodded, and after a few bags were ripped open he presented you with a small bowl, and a pink sippy cup. 
He tried to sit down, but you let out a small whimper. “Jinnie doesn’t wanna feed me?” 
Your eyes watered, and he found himself wanting to cry too. He shot up, and cradled your face in his hands. “Oh baby, no.” He comforted. “Jinnie does! I just didn’t know if you wanted me to feed you.” 
“Want Jinnie to feed me.” You cried. 
With reassuring shushes and gently rocking, he calmed you. Soon, you sat in his lap quietly, munching happily as he brought cheerios to your lips. 
Once the movie was coming to a close, and you were drowsily mumbling along to the ending credits music, they all started to shuffle lazily to their room. Jimin stayed behind, and kneeled in front of you on the couch. 
“Do you want to sleep in the big bed with us? or do you want me to help you be big and take you home?” 
Your hands reached towards him, and he let your fingers dance across his cheek. Your voice was small, and he couldn’t bear the thought of taking you away from them while it still was. 
“You said I could sleep in the big bed soon.” 
He hummed, and gave your palm a nuzzle with his eyelashes. “I did say that.” 
“Wanna sleep in the big bed please.” 
He smiled, and gladly pulled you into his arms. Soon, you were sleeping alongside them, holding Jimin’s hand as you dozed off. They almost found it hard to sleep, the excitement and joy making their hearts pound, but your calm, rhythmic breaths lulled them to sleep. This was it. they finally had their little jellyfish.
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ayoitsjupiter · 2 years
-cglre imagine-
The early morning sun breaks through the clouds as the icy wind taps at the window panes. Red and green lights illuminate the room as they hang on the tree. As the I open my eyes, I glance down to see my baby boy snuggled up onto my chest. I take a moment to admire his features. His cheeks are dusted with a natural red hue and his golden curls lay softly upon his face. He stirs slightly as I make my way out of the bed and into the kitchen to start breakfast.
With a cup of tea in hand, I begin to prepare a Christmas breakfast for my little one. The smell of crisp bacon, fluffy pancakes, and scrambled eggs fill the house. I hear the bedroom door creak slightly as well as the pattering of foot steps. I smile to myself before turning around to see a very tired little. Lil Bun stands in the door way with one hand rubbing his blue eyes and the other holding onto the ear of his plush bunny. My hands meet the soft fabric of his holiday onesie as I pull him into a hug.
"There's my little one!" I say with a soft tone. He relaxes into my touch with a soft hum. My love for him is unlike any other. With every small interaction, I am reminded of how lucky I am to get to care for him. I am filled with determination to make sure he feels loved and safe. I take his soft hand and guide him to the table where I set up our plates. His once tired expression switches to one of excitement.
"You made pancakes!!!" He exclaimed, practically drooling at all the food in front of him. I filled his favorite Lilo and Stich themed cup with orange juice and set it next to his plate. "Thankies mommy!" I brush his blonde curls off his forehead and give him a light kiss.
After we eat, Lil Bun rushes over to the living room and stares at the decorated tree surrounded by wrapped presents. "Pick which one you want to open first honey bun!" I encourage him. About an hour later, the room is filled with wrapping paper scraps. His presents included a button up onesie with a llama pattern, a bunny pacifier, a duckie towel that has a hood, cute fuzzy socks, and a giant bear stuffie! I wanted to spoil him rotten this Christmas and he loved every single present.
The rest of the day was spent playing in the snow, watching movies, drinking hot chocolate, and lots of cuddling. This was the most special Christmas ever!
A/N: I know it's not winter yet, but it's my favorite season and I've always wanted to spend it with my little one!
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voidcoining · 2 years
welcome to the void!
you can call me void on this blog :]
my pronouns change often but at the moment i mainly use he/xe/it/end/zom
i’m a mogai blog! i’ll coin genders and make flags for them. requests are currently closed. click on this link to see my rules (WIP)
see my 2024 coinfight info here!
read more about me under the cut (including my dni and tag guide)
[⚠️this entire post needs reworking! please give me time and message with any questions!]
i am
white, singlet
asexual arospike arolovic pomoromantic
possibly gay, possibly bi. i consider myself a gay man and may use many terms interchangeably
transmasc pangender xenofluid demiboy
agnostic baby witch, exploring paganism
mentally ill
age regressor & fox dreamer
i really enjoy psychology, writing, minecraft, d&d, and a lot more stuff! i also might make flags relating to certain fandoms, which i will tag accordingly
i also will trigger tag any potentially triggering posts. i tag most major triggers but please message me/send an ask if there’s something else i should tag!
tag guide!
from the abyss » my terms
the void stares back » asks
into the endless pit » my hoard
filling the void » requests
your friendly neighborhood void » resources
my friends from the void! » promos
the eternal void » other people’s creations
the song of the void » just talking
i refuse to sink » important
soft dni
i don’t have anything against you, but your blog would make me uncomfortable. please let me know if you’re interacting from a triggering blog!
[pt: i don’t have anything against you, but your blog would make me uncomfortable. please let me know if you’re interacting from a triggering blog! end pt]
kink/nsfw blog (i’m a minor!)
vent/traumacore blog
heavy blood/gore/medicalcore blog
heavily christian blogs
ed recovery blog
hard dni
do not interact under any circumstance. i cannot stop you from using my terms but please be respectful
[pt: do not interact under any circumstance. i cannot stop you from using my terms but please be respectful. end pt]
lgbtq+ exclusionists (terfs/radfems, biphobes, panphobes, aphobes, anti-contradictory labels, anti mspec lesbian/gay)
bigots of any other kind
anti-educated self dx/believe in “narcissist abuse”/demonize any kind of disorder
pro-contact harmful paraphiles (anti-contact paraphiles can interact)
pro-ana/pro-ED/post any kind of ED inspo
proship/anti-anti/believes that fiction does not affect reality
anti agere/agedre/petre/cglre
i am a critical inclusionist (links to coining post)
[pt: critical inclusionist. end pt]
as a singlet i don’t believe i have a place in syscourse and will not engage in it
send an ask/message about any dni questions!
[pt: send an ask/message about any dni questions! end pt]
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little-bunny123 · 2 years
~ Before You Proceed ~
- This page has some pics of me regressed and in padding, BUT they will have a content warning and a “keep reading” tab to ensure you cannot view it if u don’t want to
- I post this stuff as it helps me build my body confidence as a little which is something I’ve been struggling with for years
- I understand that it is not everyone’s cup of tea, but I am not here to sexualize anything of the sort when it comes to wearing/using padding, nor am I here to sexualize that of being a little or being in a cglre relationship.
- Most posts will be regular cglre related things such as how-to’s and other guides regarding cglre, but every morning I do like to post a photo of myself when I wake up
- Again, I understand that this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, I am just here sharing my daily experiences with being a little
~ DNI ~
- If under 15 (I just don’t like interacting with extremely young people)
- Sexualizes CG/LRe in any form
- Sexualizes me in any way
- Not willing to respect my boundaries
~ Reminders ~
- I am going to try and keep this page as sfw as possible, so there will be content warnings over ever post that even slightly feels like it needs it, this includes all of the photos of me on this account as well
- I am already taken and am not looking for anything else, I have all I will ever need and want already
- I am here to share experiences I’ve had as a little, but also for my cg/gf who doesn’t get to see me every single day like we did at college. This account was really made so she can check up on me or remind herself of me without having to ask for photos every 20 mins lol
- I am ace, meaning that I do not find sexual attraction to anything, meaning that this is a sexual free zone here on this page. I will never post anything suggestive on this blog ever
- Although I am very blunt in this post, please don’t take it the wrong way, I just want to set the ground rules before anyone tries crossing any lines
Have a nice day!
~ Lil-bunny
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bunny-exe-blog · 6 years
Understanding Filtering: Avoiding "Tag Drama"For New Littles!!!
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‼️ (TW: Possible Tirggering Tags, Possible Trigger Words. Just a heads up!) ‼️
(ALSO PSA: I'm not bashing any groups or individuals! I stay out of that completely, as it is honestly none of my business or concern. But I ask if you are a NSFW or kink blog, please do not interact with this post! Thank you.)
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Hey there! Lately, I have been noticing a LOT of COMPLETELY SAFE FOR WORK age regressors and Littles being put on block lists for the simple mistake of not realizing that there are harmful tags in someone's post that are hidden. Many people don't even realize these tags are even there and mistakes do happen!
So, I figured I would make a list of "Filtering Tags" for all the SFW blogs to avoid any unnecessary drama! We wanna keep things peaceful, guys! These blogs are safe spaces for many, and in no way are these tagging mistakes intentional or meant to cause harm! Anyway, let's continue!
First step, you wanna go into your setting and find the little button that says "Filtering". You can find this under your general settings:
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From there, it's pretty self-explainatory! Tap (or click) the "add tags" button. Some ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY tags you should add include:
- cgl
- ddlg
- dd/lg
- adbl
- kink
- mdlb
- mdlg
- dominant
- submissive
- ddlg lifestyle
- nsfw
- bdsm
- map
- nop
Of course if you come across any tags you personally find harmful or triggering, you can add them too! It's completely up to you and your own personal comfort.
Plus when you add these tags, you're keeping other SFW Littles and Age regressors safe from any accidental harmful content!
Hopefully this helped a bit! PLEASE SHARE SO OTHERS KNOW!!! I don't want to see anyone else being thrown on a block list when they don't deserve it!
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cglre · 7 years
Respecting boundaries!
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Hey little ones!
This is an important announcement for all of us! While we don’t want certain interactions from specific communities or people, we tend to forget that we should also be respecting other’s boundaries as well.
That goes for regression communities who do not want cglre interaction, that goes for 18+ blogs who do not want cglre interaction, this goes for ANY blog who doesn’t want our interaction!
It’s just as the golden rule says: Treat everyone the way you want to be treated.
Respect others boundaries while others respect yours!
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Here’s some tips on how to avoid blogs who don’t want your interaction:
• Check sources. They’re usually on the bottom of whatever post you’re reblogging, and when you click on it it will take you to the original post where you can see the tags.
• Check descriptions. Usually people will say they don’t want specific interactions.
• Check links and byf (before you follow) pages. People will have listed lots of stuff in there, and make sure you read specifics.
• Browse safe tags. Don’t browse tags of communities you know don’t want our interaction, don’t browse kink tags, and use the correct terms and tags for your community or identification!
• Check banners. Lots of people use banners, so always be sure to read them. If you can’t understand them, don’t be afraid to ask the person who made the post or someone else to help you.
• Check blogs. Sometimes going through blogs, you can tell who they interact with and who they don’t want interaction with. Sometimes they will reblog from people who don’t want our interaction, posts with banners, etc., and that could give you a hint on their interaction comfort.
• Check their blog’s tags. Clicking the little magnifying glass on a person’s blog in the search bar you can see their tags. Make sure to click them and check them out, because some may not be recent. Better yet, search “cglre” on their search bar and see what comes up. If it’s anti/DNI posts, then it’s likely they don’t want your interaction.
• Ask them. If you still aren’t sure how they feel, personally message them or send an ask asking if they are okay with cglre interaction. Then you will most likely get your answer!
• Finally, block anyone who doesn’t want your interaction. During your search if you find that people are uncomfortable with you, just block them and move on. Don’t harass them, don’t interact with them, just block them so the interactions don’t happen and everyone will feel safe and okay.
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sunflower-stella · 4 years
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Hello there! I’ve seen a lot of posts going around, defining different terms and communities that you might come across while exploring the age regression side of tumblr. However, I’ve never seen an overall guide, so I’ve set out to make an easy-peasy guide to all the complicated terms you might encounter! This guide includes 1) Minor-Safe Age Regression Communities, 2) Kink Tags, and 3) Common ‘DNI’ Terms.
Please let me know if there’s a term I’ve missed, or a community I’ve misrepresented! This is a pretty basic introduction to a lot of complex concepts, so if you have more questions please feel free to get in touch with me.
Even if you know the basics, this guide is probably worth a scan to see if there are any terms that you haven’t seen before, and you can also fact-check my writing while you’re at it, helping out anyone else who reads this in the future.
With that said, let’s get into it!
Part One: Minor-Safe Age Regression Communities
Age Regression: The term ‘age regression’ as an umbrella term that is used to describe any experience where a person returns mentally to childhood. It can be a coping strategy to deal with stress, a reaction to trauma or mental illness, or just a natural part of someone’s life. In tags, ‘age regression’ is often shortened to ‘agere’. (Be aware: kink communities also sometimes use ‘agere’ and ‘age regression’ tags! They aren’t inherently minor-safe or non-sexual, so use caution and common sense.)
CGLRE: Stands for ‘caregiver/little regression’. Cglre is one of the oldest regression communities that exists on tumblr, as well as one of the most popular.  Cglre is controversial because it uses ‘littlespace’ terminology. (A regressor is called a ‘little’ and their caregiver is usually called ‘mommy,’ ‘daddy’ or similar parental titles.) Littlespace terms are used in cglre to describe regression, but they’re also used by kink blogs to describe submission. On the surface, this means that cglre looks similar to kink blogs, but most cglre members are very dedicated to being minor-safe, separate from kink, and discussing therapeutic, coping-related, non-sexual age regression.  
(Note: CGLRE subcommunities and tags are abundant! The tags ‘liltot,’ ‘agere society,’ ‘nsre,’ ‘dxlg,’ and others are all cglre-based communities. You can find huge lists of cglre subcommunities on this blog because there are too many to cover here!)
CHIRE: Stands for ‘child regression.’ Chire evolved as a response to cglre, as a regression community that doesn’t allow littlespace terminology, or interaction with blogs who allow it. Because of the harsh lines they draw between communities, they are also a controversial group, but many people have positive experiences with it!
Non-Comm Regression: Short for ‘non-community regression.’ Non-comm regressors don’t identify as part of cglre, chire, or any of the smaller sub-communities that exist under age regression. Often, they interact with multiple communities, as well as with other non-comm regression blogs.
Pet Regressors: Some people feel less like kids when they regress, and prefer to identify as animals! ‘petreg’ or pet regression is the word for people who regress as animals. This might be connected to otherkin identities (people who self-identify as something not human, possibly an animal or possibly something more abstract) or might just be their own way of regressing!
Age Dreaming: Age dreaming, which is sometimes shortened to ‘agedre,’ is a minor-safe community focused on recapturing childhood outside of regression. Age dreamers take comfort in childish and nostalgic things while not mentally regressing (or not fully regressing, depending on the age dreamer).
System Littles: The term ‘little’ has a different meaning when applied to someone in a system. A ‘system’ is formed from a variety of experiences, including childhood trauma and dissociative disorders, when a mind copes by developing rifts in their memory and personality, forming different people within one body as they grow older. This collection is called a system. System members may interact with age regressors for multiple reasons. Firstly, some systems have littles, which doesn’t refer to an age regressor when it’s used about a system member. A system little a system member who is a child, contained within an adult body. Some system littles find community in age regression spaces, but most prefer to keep separate from agere groups. Secondly, some system members are age regressors, or ‘age-sliders,’ which is an experience kind of like regression, but is specific to system members. So systems have all kinds of reasons to be part of the age regression community!
SFW Agere: This means ‘safe for work age regression.’ This usually means ‘non-sexual age regression’ or ‘minor-safe age regression,’ but not always! Please see the sections on ‘sfw kink’ down below.
Dual-Comm: Short for ‘dual community’. People call themselves ‘dual-comm’ regressors if they are sfw age regressors that also participate in kink communities in their adult headspace. People with sfw regression blogs might indicate that they are dual-comm regressors so that people can block them if that makes them uncomfortable, or because it is an important part of their relationship to regression, even if they don’t post about it on their regression blog.
Part Two: Kink Tags and Communities
(Note: I won’t go as deeply into kink communities because I’ve created this guide for age regressors, and want to mention kink groups mostly to raise awareness of what can’t be reblogged onto a minor-safe regression account.)
Cross-Tagging: The act of ‘cross-tagging’ is when someone tags a post with both minor-safe community tags like ‘cglre’ and kink community terms like ‘ddlg.’ This is bad because it exposes minors to kink communities, which is dangerous for everyone involved. It also might expose regressed people to sexual content, which can be triggering depending on their experience of age regression. That’s why it’s important to know which tags belong to kink communities, so you can block and avoid them if you want to have a minor-safe regression blog!
Age Play: ‘age play’ is an umbrella term for any kink dynamic in which one person consents to being treated as a child for the purpose of submission.
DDLG/CGL: Stands for ‘daddy dom/little girl’ and ‘caregiver/little,’ respectively. These are kink communities that use littlespace terminology to talk about sexual relationships. There is also ‘mdlb’ which stands for ‘mommy dom/little boy,’ and same-gender variants like ‘mdlg’ and ‘ddlb’. (If you run a minor-safe tumblr blog, it is very important to have all of these tags blocked so that you don’t accidentally reblog from an unsafe source!)
ABDL: Stands for ‘adult baby diaper lover.’ This is a kink community centered around diapers. They might also identify with the term ‘omorashi’ or use it as a tag on their posts.  
SFW Kink: Stands for ‘safe for work kink.’ This can be used to refer to non-explicit kink posts or to platonic, non-sexual kink. Either way, kink being ‘sfw’ does not mean that it is minor-friendly!
NSAP: Stands for ‘non-sexual age play,’ which is an approach to age play often (but not always) linked to coping with stress, rather than explicit sexual gratification.
(Note on non-sexual age play: There is a misconception in the age regression community that all kink is inherently sexual. Some people use age play as a coping strategy without involving sexual elements. That said, even non-sexual age play isn’t minor-safe because it is still a power-play dynamic that minors cannot (and should not) consent to. I say this because it is important to a) not cross-tag nsap with minor-safe communities and b) not bring power-play into sfw agere spaces. If you are an adult and you are more drawn to the rules and discipline of littlespace, please explore on the non-sexual kink side so that we can foster a safe space without power dynamics for minor regressors!)
Part Three: Common DNI Acronyms
Content Warning: mentions of transphobia, eating disorders, and pedophilia.
(Note: We’ve already covered a lot of the acronyms that you might see on people’s DNI in Parts One and Two. Here are some more you might see. As a general rule, if you’ve never seen the term before, it probably doesn’t apply to you, but it’s always best to Urban Dictionary an unfamiliar word!)  
DNI: Stands for ‘Do Not Interact.’ A list of communities that a person doesn’t want to interact with their content, usually for personal comfort. It is always important to read a person’s DNI and respect it. A person’s DNI can be on their post in the form of a banner/image, or in their blog description, their ‘BYF’ (Before You Follow) page, or linked in their blog description as a ‘carrd.’
TERF: Stands for ‘Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist’. TERFs are threatened by trans women in feminist spaces, and believe that womanhood is intrinsically linked to biological femininity (ie. having a womb).  
SWERF: Stands for ‘Sex-Work Exclusionary Radical Feminist.’ SWERFs believe that sex work is inherently linked to sexism and gendered violence, and that women cannot freely make the choice to engage in sex work. Some SWERFs believe that women who make this choice are encouraging sexist objectification.
Transmed/Truscum: These terms refer to someone who believes that being transgender must be linked to dysphoria and a desire to medically transition.
Anti-Mogai: The term ‘MOGAI’ stands for ‘marginalized other genders and intersex’ and refers to a community of trans/gender-nonconforming people who use very specific and personal titles to describe their gender. People who are anti-mogai are often part of the transmed community.
Ace Exclus: Short for ‘ace exclusionists,’ it means someone who believes that asexual or aromantic people shouldn’t be welcome in LGBT spaces.
REGs: stands for ‘reactionary exclusionist gatekeepers’ and is an umbrella term for all of the groups above: pretty much, anyone who ‘gatekeeps’ (limits) who gets to be part of the LGBT community.
Anti: I’m not sure what this is actually short for, but I always think of it as ‘anti-ship’. An ‘anti’ is someone who believes people shouldn’t be engaging with problematic media and ships (such as racist media, pedophilic ships, and fanfiction that romanticizes abuse).
Anti-Anti: An anti-anti is someone who doesn’t agree with the above people.
Endogenic Systems/Anti-Endogenic Systems: There’s big debate about whether it’s possible to have a system (see ‘system littles’ in section one) that isn’t formed in response to trauma. The term ‘traumagenic system’ refers to a system created by childhood trauma. ‘Endogenic system’ means a system that is not related to trauma.
Pro-Ana/Thinspo: Stands for ‘pro-anorexia’ and ‘thin inspiration,’ respectively. This is a community based on the encouragement and romanticization of eating disorders. Understandably triggering to a lot of people!
MAP: Stands for ‘Minor Attracted Person,’ which is another word for pedophile (adult attracted to children). Tumblr has an unfortunate community of pedophiles who choose not to seek treatment, and take pride in their identity. They use a miscellany of titles, which is important for people to research and block for safety, especially in age regression circles where there are a lot of vulnerable minors. (Note: If you experience persistent attraction to minors, please talk to a professional about it.This is not your fault but it is your responsibility.)
Littlespace: Some people list ‘littlespace’ or ‘non-system littles’ in their DNI to block kink blogs that use littlespace terminology, as well as CGLRE and related communities that use the same terms. These people aren’t always insinuating that the two groups are the same, but rather that those words make them uncomfortable. So it’s important to respect that if you use littlespace terminology on your regression blog!
18+: This confuses people all the time. Ninety-nine percent of the time, if a person has ‘DNI if 18+’ on their post, they mean don’t interact if you run a minor-unsafe, 18+ only blog, not ‘if you are over the age of eighteen’. (That said, there is a one-percent chance that they actually mean that it’s a minors-only post, so do check if you’re unsure!)
Congratulations if you’ve made it all the way to the end of this guide! I don’t expect you to remember everything you’ve read, but this guide will be here if you ever want to come back to it to check on a new and confusing term. I’ve spent years being confused by all of these different labels, and there are new ones coming out all the time, so don’t worry about screwing up every once in a while! We can only do our best, and correct ourselves politely when we make a mistake. I hope you have an awesome day, and I’ll see you around in our chaotic little virtual neighbourhood!
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logical-little-lies · 4 years
{Chapter 2-Big Brother}//Soft, Cute, and Far Smarter Than You [Sanders Sides Agere/CGLRE]
A/N: The first chapter was kind of an intro, so there's a bit of a timeskip between that chapter and this one. it's no more then a month, I just wanted to mention it because some things happened during that time that will be explained throughout this chapter.
also this chapter features kid!logan being excited about science stuff+being a good big brother to Virgil.
"Kiddo, you're going to make a mess!" Patton commented, looking at Logan, who wore gloves, science goggles, and had a whole set up at the dining room table.
"That's what the tray is for, Daddy!" Logan explained in his kiddish voice, pointing to the metal tray that was meant to catch the extra foam when he added the vinegar to the baking soda. He had some baking soda inside of a glass cup, and another cup with some vinegar in it. Patton saw how excited he was when he saw the science experiment on youtube, Logan was so quick to ignore anything Patton had to say in order to set up the experiment.
"Okay, I'm gonna pour it in now!" he told Patton, taking hold of the glass of vinegar and tipping it above the cup of baking soda.
"Do a dramatic countdown!" Roman interrupted, entering the dining room/kitchen to come watch Logan do his little experiment. Virgil was trailing behind Roman. They sat at the table, Virgil in between Patton and Roman.
Logan rolled his eyes, "Why?" he asked.
"It's simply necessary. You're gonna make something like fizz up or whatever, right?" Logan nodded in an annoyed way, ready to start.
"Okay well it's like a bomb countdown, you have to do a dramatic countdown before something cool happens!" Roman explained.
"Oh...okay!" Logan agreed, taking a second to readjust the cup in his hand and to tip it above the other cup. "Five," Roman joined in, "Four, three," this is where Patton and Virgil jumped in. "Two...."
"One!" the liquid dissolved the powder in a few seconds, and the substance foamed up and bubbled over the rim of the cup, oozing down onto the tray. Logan giggled, backing up a bit and clapping his hands.
"Daddy, can I do it again?" Logan questioned, looking at his caregiver with a hopeful look. Patton gave a soft nod before speaking,
"I don't see why not."
Logan did the experiment a few times over, giggling and clapping his hands, practically bouncing in his seat each time. Patton thought it was adorable how excited he was about this. "Why does it do dat, Lo?" Virgil asked after watching in awe the first few times.
"It's a chemical reaction! When these two," he pointed to the box of baking soda, and the bottle of vinegar, "mix together, they fizz up because it becomes a unstable substance." he explained,excited to try and teach Virgil something.
Virgil seemed confused, obviously a bit younger then Logan was at the moment. "They don't go together well, so they kind of try to separate, and it makes it fizz up and stuff!" he tried to simplify it, and Virgil understood a bit more. "Do you wanna try to do it?" Logan offered, a slight shyness to his voice. Virgil looked up at him with curious and excited eyes.
"Can I do it, Roro?" Virgil pleaded, looking up at his own caregiver, kind of pouting in an attempt at convincing him.
"Go ahead, baby. Just be careful," Roman nodded, and Virgil quickly went around the table to sit next to Logan.
Over the past six or so weeks, whenever the two boys regressed together, they began to adapt a sibling-like bond. Logan was always older then Virgil was, and would guide Virgil through simple things that he could understand. And if Virgil was to little to learn anything, he'd play a simple game. He really liked being the big brother.
Not being the mentally youngest one there helped him feel less vulnerable for some reason, childish but not the littlest. It was comforting to him, and helped him feel better about regressing when someone else was too.
"Okay, watch me." he instructed. He took the spoon from the box of baking soda and scooped a bit of it into the cup. "When you take this glass," he pointed to the one with the clear liquid in it, "and pour it into here," he motioned back to the powder-filled glass, "they'll mix and fizz up. Put on these gloves." Logan pulled two gloves from the box that was off to the side of everything else, taking off his goggles while Virgil busied himself with the gloves.
"Vee, let me help!" he offered once he realize he was having trouble. He set his goggles on the table, helping Virgil pull the plastic gloves onto his hands. Once that was done, he stretched his goggles over Virgil's head, letting Virgil adjust them on his face.
"Whoa!" he giggled as Logan put them on his face, Logan smiling at him.
"You need to protect your eyes, because that stuff will hurt them." he explained, in a soft, but still kiddish voice. Virgil nodded, reaching out for the cup of vinegar. "Okay, are you ready?"
Virgil nodded again, tipping the cup slightly above the other one. "Three, two..." Roman and Patton counted with Logan.
The room filled with Virgil's giggles and Logan's excited clapping and squealing. "Wasn't that awesome?" Logan asked in excitement. Virgil nodded excitedly.
Logan looked at him, and they locked eyes. "Again!" they said in unison, bursting out into giggles right after.
Patton and Roman didn't quite understand why they were so entertained by such a simple experiment, but the boys were having fun and being cute together, so they obviously didn't protest. Once that was over, the boys moved to the living room to play.
"That's...um, Daddy? How do you say it?" Logan was trying to flip through a book with Virgil, mostly being the one to read it. Patton looked over his shoulder, squinting slightly at the word on the colorful page. "Especially."
"Es-pe-shi-lae?" he sounded out, attempting to copy Patton's pronunciation.
"Es-pesh-ially," Patton broke it down farther, and Logan tried again.
"Especially!" he tried, smiling when he got it right. He looked back down to the page. "Especially Sarah, the boy said..." He continued
He kept reading through stories at Virgil's request, because that's what big brothers should do, right? He didn't know for sure, but he was having fun. Seeing Virgil get excited about things in the stories, or coo over animated animals within the books pages, made Logan happy. He made Virgil happy by reading the stories to him, and knowing that made him happy and excited.
And he was even more happy when Patton and Roman began to praise him after Virgil settled down for a nap. "It was really nice to let Virgil play with you, and do the science experiment earlier. I'm so proud of you, Little Scholar." Patton spoke to him softly, giving him a kiss on his forehead and making him blush from the praise.
"Thank you, Daddy..."
Okay, so maybe Logan called Patton 'Daddy', like every chance he got. He was just really excited to have a caregiver now, and honestly really proud of himself for having the courage to ask Patton about it. He started the conversation when he was already somewhat slipping, and Patton was more then glad to officialize it.
Patton knew this, and thought it was adorable, so he always replied with an adorable nickname.
"You're welcome, Little One."
"So....um, do you know what an agere sibling is?" Virgil questioned. Both of the men were big now, a full day after the morning of the science experiment. Logan nodded quickly, internally hoping that Virgil was getting at what he thought.
"Yes, I'm aware of the term. Littles will often befriend another regressor who is willing to play a sibling role while they are both in their headspaces," he replied, taking a sip out of his mug of coffee. Patton and Roman weren't there to hear the conversation.
"Yeah, exactly! Roman kinda told me that I should ask you about this because I was wondering, and you kinda already do what an older brother would while we are little because you usually are older then me and you're actually really sweet and nice and you teach me about stuff and I really like that-" Logan cut off his run-on sentence rambling with a response.
"Yes, I'll be your older brother while we are regressed." he replied, making Virgil smile.
"Uh, thanks?" Virgil didn't really know what to say, he wasn't used to talking about his littlespace much while he wasn't in it.
Logan chuckled, "You're welcome. I'll inform Patton later today,"
"I'll do the same with Roman." Virgil nodded. It was a bit tense, but they also gave each other soft smiles that made it all better. Logan started talking about adult things, changing the subject so that they were more comfortable.
And while Logan was acting like it was no big deal, he was definitely excited about officially being able to call himself the big brother.
A/N: Okay so two chapters in one day? that's cool. I have so many ideas for this story, I just wanted to write out the intro chapter+also show how Virgil and Logan interact while regressed (it varies depending on they're ages but I wanted to show a taste, y'know?)/and how they became brothers. Also, big virgil and logan are kinda awkward right now but mostly because they are a little uncomfortable/tense while they're talking because it's different for them.
anyways, teenspace logan is coming soon. Eventually, he's gonna regress mostly to teen ages but at first he doesn't realize he *can* regress to a teenager. but dw, toddlerspace logan (first chapter) and kiddospace (this chapter) will still definitely make appearances. I hope y'all likes this chapter and stick around to see more!
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tinylittlebunni · 5 years
new CG guide (*^▽^*)
this guide is for new cgs in the agere/cglre community!
first of all, being a cg is a very big responsibility and it means you’re going to be taking a lot of care of your little. remember they’re in the mindset of a child, think of it as you’re taking care of a child.
there are many things you can do for your little! such as
baby talking them (huge huge part of being a cg! talk to them as if they are their little age range), calling them pet names (they make littles melt), learning about their stuffies !!! (remembering their names is really important!), learn what they like (tv shows, fav stuffies, comfort items, games), do “big kid” things for them (tying shoes, ordering food, etc), engage in what they do while regressed (watching shows, play with stuffies, read them stories, cool for them)
checking up on your little is a very important part of having one! make sure you set rules for your little and check up each day on if they’re following them. rules should be helpful for the health of littles, such as eating or drinking enough or taking meds. make sure the rules are reasonable and have equally as reasonable punishments. remember! punishments should NEVER be physical! punishments should only also be helpful to the health of your little.
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ayoitsjupiter · 2 years
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A majority of the littles in the cglre community have rules enforced in order to help them regress further into headspace. As a caregiver, I came up with a list of rules for my baby boy that help protect him and enhance his littlespace!
If you are a caregiver looking to come up with your own rules for your little one, make sure that you discuss them with your little in order to make sure you do not over step any boundaries. But, when you enforce the rules as a caregiver, your little will absolutely love it!
Ok, now onto my cglre rule list!
No cursing while regressed
Always ask permission for sweets/candy
Tell mommy if you are sad or uncomfy
Always let mommy help with padding + sockies
Bedtime is midnight on school nights
No soda after you are all ready for bed
Never pretend to be big while you are smol
Make sure all of your stuffies get attention
Don't apologize for stuff that you will never ever get in trouble for (ex. crying, having an accident, etc.)
Absolutely no sexual stuff while regressed
Always remember that mommy loves you and that will never change!
Remember, just because it works for us, does not mean it will work for you! Every little and caregiver is different, so use this as a guide for your own rule list! Thank you for reading!
See ya!
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Instructions for New Mods!
Hey guys! I’m writing this so you have a small guide on running this blog in a place where you can all easily access it. Let’s get started!
Making Original Posts:
When making original posts, remember to:
⭐️ Keep content 100% sfw
Small amounts of swearing are alright, but try not to swear in excess
⭐️ Tag posts with your mod tag
⭐️ Tag trigger warnings as written in the Triggering Tags section
⭐️ Add our dni banner:
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Making Original Positivity Posts:
When making original positivity posts, remember to:
⭐️ Do all of the things listed in Making Original Posts
⭐️ Keep content positivity based
⭐️ Tag posts with #just.a.little.little.positivity
⭐️ Use a variety of tags that match the subject and aesthetic of the post
⭐️ Leave sources to any artwork used
⭐️ Schedule the post for 6:00 p.m. EST in the next available space
Making Notices and Non-Positivity Posts:
When making notices and non-positivity posts, remember to:
⭐️ Do all of the things listed in Making Original Posts
⭐️ Tag posts #not.positivity
⭐️ Sign off using “-Mod (name)”
Tagging and Queueing Positivity Reblogs:
When tagging and queueing positivity reblogs, remember to:
⭐️ Tag trigger warnings as written in the Triggering Tags section
⭐️ Tag using all the same (sfw) tags used by the op
Sometimes posts come from sfw blogs that used to crosstag, meaning tags like #sfw cgl, #dd/lg, ect. have the possibility of popping up. Don’t use these tags.
Making Image Description Posts:
When making image description posts, remember to:
⭐️ Keep the posts in order
⭐️ Reblog our reblog rather than the original
⭐️ Begin the post with, “Image description:”
⭐️ Tag the post as #image.description
⭐️ Tag posts with your mod tag
⭐️ Use all the tags (that will fit) from our reblog/original post
⭐️ Schedule the post for 8:00 p.m. EST in the next available space
What Qualifies as Dni Breaking?
There are some cases where it’s obvious that a person interacting with us is on our dni, but there are others where it isn’t as clear. Specifically, kink blogs and anti blogs.
There is a line between a kink blog and a blog that interacts with kink blogs, or used to use kink tags/crosstag.
In order for someone to be a kink blog, they must do one or more of the following:
⭐️ (Actively) use k!nk tags on their posts
Old tags don’t count; if the person has a warning in their links/bio about changing tags, or if dead tags show up in suggested search, the blog doesn’t qualify to be blocked
⭐️ Post/reblog explicitly k!nk content
If someone reblogs something that is tagged k!nk or crosstagged, but the content itself is sfw, the blog doesn’t qualify to be blocked.
Telling the difference between an anti and someone who reblogs from antis can be similarly difficult, especially in the case of anti-cgl. Many anti-map posts have anti-cgl or anti-cglre tags. People who aren’t antis of cgl or cglre reblog for the anti-map sentiment, not realizing that that particular anti is lumping in cgl or cglre with maps.
In order for someone to be an anti, they must do one or more of the following:
⭐️ Call themself an anti (of a regression/dreaming/littles or a regression/dreamer/little community)
Ie: anti-cgl, anti-cglre, anti-little
⭐️ Post/reblog anti-sentiment/rhetoric
More than just, “I don’t want x community to interact,” complaints about certain community members, or community leadership
⭐️ Spread hate towards an entire community
⭐️ Call cglre/agere/agedre kink or unsafe for minors
⭐️ Say that all nonsystem littles or that everyone with a carer/caregiver is automatically k!nk
⭐️ Say that cglre/agere, cgl/ddlg, or any other regression/dreamer/little community is/are pedophillic
Another important reminder:
Tags on a post don’t always represent the user. Sometimes discourse is tagged with the opposing side’s tags, sometimes recovery or anti-thinspo/self harm/ect. are tagged with pro tags. Remember to open blocked tags to be see if the content really does falls in line with the tags used.
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