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Capture of the walls of Le Quesnoy - 1918
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1917 10 Lenin proclama el poder de los Soviets - Vladimir Serov
Lenin proclaims Soviet power in Smolny Palace, Petrograd
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Captain Robert Henry Mockler - 44th Bengal Native Infantry (1841)
Artist unknown
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Charge of cossacks in East Prussia (1914)
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The War in Sudan, a parley between Sudanese and Western forces (1883)
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A British Royal Marine in the 1755 uniform, as they served during the whole Seven Years War. Slightly before the war, British marines were still divided in different regiments, each having their own uniforms. In 1755, the Royal Marines were officially formed within the Naval Service and were given one new specific uniform, the one featured here. The main specificity is of course the emblems on the mitre cap, and the leather gear, that was tainted white instead of the natural buff of other British troops. 
The Royal Marines and the previous multiple marine regiments before, admitted musketeers (tricorn hat), fusiliers (shortened mitre cap) and grenadiers (tall mitre cap) as well, just like any other British infantry regiment of that time. Lately (after the SYW), the entire corps of the Royal Marines will be considered as grenadiers. The soldier represented here is a grenadier (wearing the distinctive mitre cap, a frontal box containing the fuses, and the pick upon the side belt, both designed to handle the grenades preparation). Grenades were still a big deal over naval warfare and remained so during the next century. Musket is of course the Brown Bess. 
Art and text by ManuLaCanette.
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Paintings of Typhoon ground attack aircraft engaging ground targets with 20mm cannon and RP-3 unguided Rockets.
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Battle of Tarutino (1812)
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Fight for the banner -  V. Mazorovsky
 Capture of a French regiment’s eagle by the cavalry of the Russian guard at Austerlitz. The French lost only one eagle at the battle of Austerlitz and this happened when the Russian horse Guard caught the 4th Line regiment in the open and charged them.
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The Flag, Albuhera, 16 May 1811 by William Barns Wollen.Date painted: 1912
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Love seeing unusual stuff like this :D
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Corsair del arma aerea de la royal navy en una base de la India,
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The Tsar bidding farewell to the troops (1917)
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Surrender at the Marnefort (1914ish)
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Battle of Loos (1915)
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German General un stab
(By Carl Becker, from the Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
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1943 02 Ice warriors - Focke Wulf Fw190  - Nicolas Trudgian
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IJN Yamato en 1944
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