Paris was the first time I was able to escape my parents control over my life, but it all came to an end when I was called back to Canterbury due to my mother’s impending death. I remember visiting her in the hospice where she laid dying. All she wanted was my prayers, but I couldn’t give them to her…
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Man is defined as a human being and woman as a female.
Simone De Beauvoir
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I decided to take a walk along the beach - I needed to clear my head. My conversation with Deasy had me questioning the truth of modern society and my own place in it, as a woman. I still remember my trip to Paris during my gap year and the struggles that my friend Patrice Egan encountered as a transgender woman exiled from her family, due to their political and religious beliefs. 
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‘He for God only, she for God in him...’ 
John Milton, Paradise Lost
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‘A woman brought sin into the world.’
- Deasy, Ulysses 
Not only do I have to publish Deasy’s letter but I also had to listen to him prattle on about his sexist views on how women are the centre of all things evil. Well screw him. I’ll publish his letter but I’ll also publish my own response shaming him for his archaic sexist and racist views.
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‘Old England is dying’. --Ulysses--
So Deasy asked me to publish a letter of his in the Uni newspaper. He is deluded if he thinks I would dare publish his vitriolic bigoted opinions about the refugee crisis in the paper.
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For them too history was a tale like any other too often heard.
Ulysses, James Joyce 
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I looked back at the tower and in the early morning light I saw my future if I stayed living with Buck and Haines. The idea of becoming one of them filled me with horror.
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Graffiti in Liverpool “No hate, no fear, immigrants welcome here”
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Idiotic roommates strikes again!
Once again Buck and Haines have managed to be culturally offensive, narrow minded twits. This morning, the post woman arrived with their mail and Haines had to only go and make ridiculous, offensive comments about the fact she was wearing a hijab. Then to make it worse he then launched into a mocking impression of her accent. It infuriates me how ignorant he is!
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Hey Mum, 
It has been one year since your death, and every day I am wracked with guilt. Guilt for the fact I never made it back to your death bed. Guilt for our inability to reconcile our differences. You had your beliefs, I had mine, and I like to believe that your faith rewarded you in heaven. Still religion escapes me.
I am sorry, 
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‘What is he whose grief Bears such emphasis, whose phrase of sorrow Conjures the wandering stars and makes them stand Like wonder-wounded hearers?’ --Hamlet -- 
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‘God, isn’t he dreadful?’
Roommates from hell!
Buck thinks its okay to invite his UKIP friends to stay round in the Tower all night and Haines seems to think 2 am is the best time to ramble about politics.
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