hitpointsirl · 7 days
CR3EP107: BH v Shadowlord End of Combat?
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hitpointsirl · 7 days
CR3EP107: BH v Shadowlord R1
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hitpointsirl · 7 days
CR3EP107: BH v Gloamgut R2
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hitpointsirl · 7 days
CR3EP107: BH v Gloamgut R1 Post Enemy Turns
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hitpointsirl · 7 days
CR3EP107 BH Beginning Hitpoints
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I'm back, just in time for what is surely going to be a fight. Bell's Hells long rested last episode thus they were at full hitpoints. Only hitpoints lost were during their rough ride toward the deserted city as reflected above. I don't think they healed so these should be fairly accurate hitpoints going in. Hopefully we don't lose anyone else.
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hitpointsirl · 2 months
Very angry that I cannot update hitpoints. This is quite juicy.
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hitpointsirl · 2 months
Will not be active for a while. My computer died, so I lost access to my Excel file. It is being repaired, and it will take a month, if not more, for it to get back. I'll still be watching, but I'm not keeping track of hitpoints. Thank you for all the follows, likes, reposts, and comments.
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hitpointsirl · 3 months
CR3EP98: BH v Dominox R2 Post Dominox Turn
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I'm assuming they healed between episodes because those huge attacks to Orym should have brought him down if he maintained the damage from last episode.
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hitpointsirl · 3 months
CR3EP98: BH v Dominox Post Dominox Turn R1
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Taliesin just said he is at 114, which by all accounts would not be possible given last episode's fight. Perhaps they chose to simply health themselves for the live show? I shall stay updated, hopefully others mention their hitpoints, because as of now, these numbers are incredibly wrong.
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hitpointsirl · 3 months
CR3EP98 Starting Hitpoints
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They short rested last episode, so I tried my best when looking through the VOD to determine who rolled hit die and how many times. I rolled my own to have some values to add, so again, their hitpoints may not be all that accurate today.
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hitpointsirl · 4 months
CR3EP97: BH v Entity R1
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hitpointsirl · 4 months
CR3EP97: BH v Entity, Post-Entity's Turn R1
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hitpointsirl · 4 months
CR3EP97: BH Starting Hitpoints
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We are starting with combat, so here are the hitpoints that I calculated last time. They all got hit due to the failed teleportation (11 damage) then Imogen got an icicle thrown at her (26 damage), and I don't know why but Ashton has 5 damage off for some reason, perhaps an error. Additionally, they did take a short rest during Essek's four-hour long rest, so I do not know who healed or who didn't. I only saw Marisha roll dice so I cannot say. That said, my hitpoints are probably off today by a good margin.
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hitpointsirl · 5 months
CR3EP92: BH Beginning Hitpoints
Thank you to all the newcomers. I was genuinely surprised by how much traction the last post got. I am not one to post outside of episodes with combat (even then I sometimes miss it due to being asleep) but know that I am very grateful for all the likes, reposts, and comments. I try my best to be accurate and if I do mess up, feel free to correct me.
Furthermore, here are the hitpoints the Bell's Hells should have at the beginning of today's episode.
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Last week, after FCG's sacrifice, the team healed both Orym and Ashton. Orym was healed an unspecified amount (from what I remember he was given a potion, but no one said how much he was healed), so I just gave him the same as Ashton. Ashton was healed 15 HP by a potion given to him by Imogen.
I noticed a lot of you were worried over Imogen's 1 hitpoint, and I've gone back to the VOD to see if I was correct. As far as I understand, she is at 1. She was unconscious and rolled a nat 20 for a death save which brought her to 1 HP. FCG then healed the group 23 HP which had her at 24. Otohan then attacked her again dealing 13 slicing and 10 force, bringing her back to 1. Again, may not be all that accurate. Hopefully, Matt is merciful, and forgoes any additional combat or someone heals her (Kinda difficult since their healer is dead.)
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hitpointsirl · 5 months
CR3EP91: BH v Otohon End
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hitpointsirl · 5 months
CR3EP91: BH v R5 Post Otohon Turn
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hitpointsirl · 5 months
CR3EP91: BH v Otohon R4 End
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