hiyaworks-blog · 5 years
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STAGE WINNER 2019!!!! What Up Beatholics- the dancers and singers of the nation, this one's here for you! An online dance and singing contest to bring out the talent in Dance and Singing across the country. Registration window: 1st- 12th December'19 Registration Fee: Rs 250/- Registration Links: Dance: https://www.hiyaworks.com/view_contest.php?id=1784 Singing: https://www.hiyaworks.com/view_contest.php?id=1783 So pour in your entries people, for now is the time everyone see you following your passion! Wishing you good luck with the competition
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hiyaworks-blog · 5 years
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Dear Art Enthusiasts, This one's here for you!!
We are here to brew your November on music and melody with our first Singing Contest "MIC Winner 2019". Hiyaworks is partnering with Tansen Sec-14 Faridabad and Dhwani to bring out your Singing talent in the public.
Details are as follows: -Squeeze yourself in the suitable age groups (5-12 Yrs, 13-17Yrs and 18 and above) and sing your heart out.
WINNERS, now this bit is for you. - Winner- Cover (audio + video) song worth 50 k. - The first runner up is entitled to Tansen Sec-14 Faridabad’s yearly membership worth ₹ 28 k. - The second runner up gets a cover (only audio) song worth ₹ 25k.
Registration Fee (All-Inclusive and Non-Refundable)- ₹ 599 Registration Window: 14th Nov-28th Nov’19   Register through Hiyaworks.com using this link: https://www.hiyaworks.com/view_contest.php?id=1772
Drop your queries and doubts on the given numbers. We are just a call, mail away.
Contact Details: Hiyaworks - 9599029626 | [email protected] Tansen Sec-14 - 9540451696 Dhwani Studio - 9927810290
Wishing you good luck with the contest!!! Creatively Yours MIC Winner 2019 Team
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hiyaworks-blog · 5 years
WHY SHOULD WE BUY ART? Art is liberatory, puts an end to our aesthetic craving but do we have only a couple of reasons to buy art? Are these good enough? There is an art fanatic sect in this world that buys art. They are the real saviors. Appreciating art from a distance and being of the opinion that art is for all and there is no need to price it, is where we go horribly wrong. Buying art is one of the real engagements that we can establish with art. It takes so much labor to bring artwork into being. The artist takes an emotional journey for that. He nurses the idea adds shades of fancy and concerns and tries to provide a certain form to the content. This is such a demanding process. It not only requires time but also locks the artist in a particular world for days, until the idea takes a definite shape. The journey is never smooth. By buying art we bow down to the artist's thought and labor and everything in between. It is perhaps the biggest form of acknowledgment that we could give to an artist. To say that art is for everyone and a price tag attached will reduce it to being a thing only for the elite is baseless. How would the artist survive without adequate, timely funds? Would they be able to go on with the process of creating?  Lack of funds eventually ends up killing the urge to create. The metaphorical death of creativity and ultimately of art is a grave sin. How could we be responsible for that? Actions are more supportive than mere verbal admiration. Buying art has many other considerable perks. An art piece that we own beautifies our space. It states personal connections in a way that all of it helps in building a community.  People who don't even share one language can look at the art piece for hours. It builds a strange intimacy between people who are alien to each other's worlds. It adds character to our space and sets the mood. An artwork that we own might be from any place across the globe and by its power of transformation, turns the space into a salad bowl. In a moment we become cosmopolitan from local. It is almost like having a slice of the world on your plate. Possession of art imparts uniqueness. The subject of the art can speak to is in many ways and, to say the least, it also has financial benefits as it is an asset after all. Buying art is the act of unlocking. It unlocks the buyer's space and also the artist's fate and creativity. It does make a difference in a solid way.
Let us know your take on this?
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hiyaworks-blog · 5 years
There is a sensitive connect between art and the human mind. The co-relation between the. Two states a lot about our health. Art is a process of involvement. It takes a maker and a beholder or an audience. If we extend this aspect a bit then art is a stimulus that induces a response that takes place in our brain and ensures our mental health. It is our safe spot. It is where our deepest fears and truest intuitions play themselves out. Our interiority finds space and our inner demons are put to rest. The emotional expression looks after our troubled psyche. Painting, music, dance, theatre or any other art form allows us to be who we really are. It helps us see ourselves beyond the roles we play tirelessly. The structures we go by in our daily lives are so demanding that seldom do we get to catch our emotional needs. An empty cup can't pour. To be giver we have to be full within. Every art form that we indulge in pulls out not only the best in us but also the worst, not just the bright but also the neutral and the dark. It allows us to come to terms with what keeps ongoing in our core chambers. Practicing an art form brings us in touch with our unknown sides, the side we either cover for the sake of social acceptance or side we tend to ignore because it is ugly and we wouldn't want to associate ourselves with because they are bare and not ornamental. Art is a healthier option to deal with our mess. It acts as an asylum for our entangled self. Perhaps that's the reason as to why even the prisoners are given activities like planting or basket making. The punishment they serve falls short to the enough and if art couples with it, they heal better and sooner. Students who fly early from their warm nests to universities engage themselves in theatre, become a part of music band to deal with homesickness and issues like ragging, abuse or things they can't share with their parents. People who unfortunately suffer from depression and mental illness find making journals very helpful. Art is an umbrella that covers so much and so well that it helps us ameliorate our crashed self. It is unbelievably therapeutic and reinstitutes us.
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hiyaworks-blog · 5 years
If a thing is two-faced, it baffles us then how come art's purpose be only to please our senses! It has multiple faces. Every face speaks differently, to different people.
It is dense and needs to be unpacked with proper attention invested in the process. We often miss out on its critical implications. There are two sides to every art if not more.
One is, of course, the aesthetic, no two ways about it. It grabs our eyes the most. The aesthetic side is vocal by nature. It is explicit, evident hence can do without our investigation. What demands our greater attention is the implicit, the subdued and what the artist and his art tries to alert us to. Why would someone make a painting? What does a photograph do? Why does one sing at all? What does someone dance? To express? Yes, but just the happiness? Each craft tries to tell a story. All of them try to tell their side of the story and every recension matters.
Art, at deeper levels, is also socio-politically informed. The aesthetic often robs the informed aspect. There is so much more than what just meets the eye. Every shade, each note, each act, and every step is gravid with meaning. Art forms carry denotations. The duty to look beyond the immediate aesthetics rests with us. As art lovers, we have to be more aware of the philosophy behind an artist's work.
Art without the unspoken, unexpressed is a pure farce. Our platform Hiyaworks has a long list of serious, dedicated and charged artists. They have stories to tell through their art forms, stories that can inspire and add something to our lives.
Please go through their work at hiyaworks.com and drown in a pool of ideas.
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hiyaworks-blog · 5 years
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Hi fashionistas,
This could be you !
Your style, our words. 
Your thought, our narrative.
Let the world spot you and for that, you need to have a stand out CV. Do what you great at and contact us for what we are good at. We know how to present you😉
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hiyaworks-blog · 5 years
Art is the wind of change we need. Art is the seed we need to sow. Art is the ferry we need to row. Because it challenges the certitude. Because it questions the authority. Because it looks after the weak. Because it recognizes the brave.
Why are we obsessed with answers? Why do we accept what is shown to us? Why do we understand what is told to us? We have been doing so for ages now and art stands on the losing end, torn in rags. Life often presents us with situations when we need to stop doing the habitual and Art gives us the courage to disobey. It resists. It confronts.
It recognizes when and where we go wrong. Tap on the tyranny, identifies the Power going wrong and interrogates. This and only this stops us from becoming barbaric. It stops us from turning into an inconsiderate mass. How? Because Art triggers the thought. It makes us think and most of us don't think.
The smallest errors and the gravest sins have just one thing in common and that is thoughtlessness. We don't think of the ramifications of our decisions and deeds. We just do. It is Art that grafts our being with the tendency to reflect. We don't think because we are always given fixes and solutions but do we even remember our questions? Are we being served with what we had asked for?
This is the sole reason why art becomes so crucial. It doesn't let us go astray as it always sees through the manipulation, the false promises. At times when we go weak, doubtful and devastated, remember to switch on the Art. It may not provide answers but it won't let us forget our demands and questions.
It will ask, ask and ask and someday the powerful will have to face us because Art brings hope.
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hiyaworks-blog · 5 years
A Fumage Art workshop is round the corner. Pour in people to learn something new. Play and paint with FIRE. Ping to know the details. :) 
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hiyaworks-blog · 5 years
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Art lovers, come and take home the fun, the experience and the skill of creating art with Fire. Ping us for the details.
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hiyaworks-blog · 5 years
Mortals make their lives miserable by drowning into an abyss of comparison, numbers and an insatiable hunger to be on the top and then sit in agony, lamenting upon the irreparable loss they incur along the way. They forget to see the rainbows forming bridges in the sky, they forget to see the seeds germinate, they are unaware of the most beautiful sights like flowers blooming and how joy sprouting is the smile of the little girl who sells balloons in the streets of a mad metro city. Our lives have become songs of sadness and loneliness. What do we do to rejuvenate our depleted souls? Fall back upon pain killers, sleeping pills? No, in fact, Art is the answer, we are looking for. Art has been there since forever and since then only, it has been on a never-ending rescue mission.
When life gets dull and dreary, Hiyaworks comes as a sun shining. It is a prism to look at life differently and realize our unused potential. Art has always been misconstrued. It has been either understood as a hobby or something that is just too elite, beyond access. Hiyaworks debunks the myths that float around art and tries to distend it for every human out there. Isn't, being on the other side of the fence, one of our wishes? Hiya does it all the time. It brings Art super close to you. Just at a stone's throw. Most of us know, what a joy it is to bring a child into this world but have you ever thought, that conceiving an art (form/work) emanates the same joy, if not greater. Something settles inside us forever as and when we submerge ourselves into it.
Art is created, served and revered at Hiyaworks and you know what, believe you me, it could be the magic potion you need, a little of it. Maybe? Certainly.
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hiyaworks-blog · 7 years
Hiya Works For You
HIYA - heart in your art, the name speaks for itself. It's a place where your heart comes to life. A platform which lets you not only explore the beautiful world of art but also applaud the work, spread it and get connected with the talented individuals.
This is a platform to bring individuals, groups, training institutes and art schools, event organisers, talent hunters, event sponsors and others to enable democratisation of various art forms and creativity.
It is a space for all the individuals and groups who have interest in any creative art form, either as a follower or as a semi-professional or a professional. It helps people to enhance and follow their passion, to do something, to hear. watch and appreciate creativity, and bring happiness.
Come, visit us at https://www.hiyaworks.com
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