hmdaehan-blog · 8 years
daehan simply hummed in response, not questioning the sudden pause in conversation.  he figured that she finished the thought in her head, and even if he was curious, it wasn’t like him to pry for private information.  if she wanted to finish her sentence, she would have done so.  he grimaced at the thought of getting sick on one of the rides.  people usually said things like that happened, and it would be just his luck that he would end up being one of the unfortunate souls who lost their lunch on a roller coaster.  “that’s a good point.  we should eat after all the fast rides.  the last thing i want to do is get sick and have to sit out.
the boy’s eyes widened in shock at her reaction, confused as to why she would say no.  wouldn’t most people jump at the opportunity to receive free things?  it wasn’t until she mentioned being able to support herself that he realized he might have offended her.   he hoped he hadn’t made it seem like he didn’t think she was capable of paying herself; he just wanted to be a good friend and help her out. “i’m sorry, you’re right,” daehan paused, twiddling his fingers nervously, “i just thought it would be a nice thing to do.”  his posture relaxed when she flashed him a bright smile, allowing his nerves to calm slightly, “we can take turns paying, okay?  or maybe i can pay, and you can win me one of those cute stuffed animals.  then we would be even!”
“do you really go all the way to the top?” daehan squinted at the large contraption, trying to make out the cart of people perched at the very top of it.  he felt a drop in his stomach, his body feeling a little faint at the thought.  now definitely was not the best time to develop a fear of heights, especially when his friend wanted to ride it so badly.  he pushed back any negative thoughts, nodding his head at her words, “i can’t imagine it would take any longer than that.  there’s only so much you can look at when you’re suspended in mid-air.”  a laugh bubbled out of him, his cheeks coloring pink, “i think that would be kind of romantic, don’t you?  either that, or a complete disaster if one of them fainted or something.”  the mere suggestion of ditching her made him frown, a small gasp escaping passed his lips, “i would never do that!  i wanted to come here with you, not my peers.  i promise i wouldn’t just leave you like that.”  he offered her a small smile, hoping that she believed him.  “um, i think that they have to pass a safety inspection in order to operate the rides, so you probably can’t fall out very easily.”
♡ CARNIVAL ( cheap thrills )
“candied apples you say?! oh my god i haven’t had those since…” she chirps but then abruptly stops; as she realizes that the last time she ate those treats, it was her mother who made them and that now it had been almost fifteen years. her father never made them after she had left and she couldn’t blame him; she forgot about their existence anyway up until now that she found out they’re being sold here. “we need to try them out later! but first i think we should ride the ferris wheel and the roller coaster in case either of us decided to throw up,” she chuckles, genuinely hoping that wouldn’t happen.
when she hears daehan’s offer, she immediately starts waving her hands. “no way! i’m a grown-up woman, i can support myself!” she says, giving him a thumbs up, but there’s a bitter taste in her mouth.  “it’s not like you have to thank me for anything! you’re my friend, of course i would come with you,” she nods a few times, flashing her sweetest and biggest smile at daehan. pursing her lips up, she quickly runs a finger along her bottom lip in thought. “maybe i’ll let you treat me for something, but definitely not everything!” that could work, she thinks. as far as she knows, daehan is pretty well off financially; but that still doesn’t make her feel good about letting him pay for everything, so compromise is key.
her eyes following daehan’s, she stares at the ferris wheel in pure amazement now that she can take a better look at just how huge it is. “pretty sure that’s it, yes! goddess, that’s so very tall, i’m so excited to ride it!” she glances back at her friend. “i’m guessing it wouldn’t take more than half an hour now, would it? otherwise people would get really bored,” she ponders, her head rocking from one side to another. “unless it’s lovebirds who manage to have a separate cart for themselves, i guess couples wouldn’t be bored at all,” she giggles, and she doesn’t even realize how inappropriate that might sound, being the clear definition of innocence like she usually is. “yeah, you’re right. i hope you’re not going to just ditch me if you see any of your other friends around,” she says teasingly, mildly bumping the other in the side with her elbow. “man, we can’t fall out of those carts right? right? it’s starting to look pretty scary!”
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hmdaehan-blog · 8 years
“everything sounds like a good place to start,” daehan chuckled, hands digging into his pockets to stop himself from shaking.  it was a strange mixture of fear and excitement.  as far as he knew, he had no fear of heights, but it was difficult to judge when you had never actually been very high up. what if he got on the ferris wheel and decided that he hated it?  he would be stuck there until the ride ended, and he’s heard that a single ride lasted a long time.  “i think they have candied apples. technically speaking, that’s at least half healthy, so i don’t think it counts as pure junk food.”  if he told himself that, maybe he wouldn’t feel bad for eating sweets when he wasn’t supposed to.
the mention of money made him frown, realizing that it was a problem for his friend.  with all that he worried about in his life, finances never made the list.  he was lucky in that field, never really having to think much about spending.  that didn’t mean he was careless with his money, but he also didn’t have to sit there and wonder about whether or not he could afford something.  so if he could help out shiah out, especially after she agreed to accompany him, he would be more than happy to.  “don’t worry about how expensive it is.  i’ll pay for the day!  as a thank you for going with me.”
he jumped slightly as she shouted out once more, standing on his toes to get the best possible look of the scene.  “is that huge thing the ferris wheel?  wow, that is really tall.”  to rid himself of any lingering nerves, he let out a laugh, “i wonder how long it takes to get up to the top.”  he paused at her question, trying to remember if any of his other friends had mentioned attending.  “i mean, i’m sure some of them will be there.  like you said, just about everyone is going at some point.  it’s kind of a big thing to have here, so i’d be shocked if people didn’t go.”
♡ CARNIVAL ( cheap thrills )
“the roller coaster, yes! that’s a very good choice,” shiah nods in excitement, two fingers tapping at her bottom lip. “we definitely have to try that, too. actually, we should just try out everything! i also hope there will be lots of yummy food,” shiah grins and she places a hand on her tummy, making a number of circling motions. “i’m already starving. do you think that since the van brothers are so popular everything will be expensive? i hope not, otherwise i might have to give up a few fares.”
if considering money, the brothers chose the worst possible time ever to hold a carnival because shiah receives her salary every first week of the month which means that it’s been quite a while since she last got money; and she’s never been too good at keeping it on her hands, although she’s not the recklessly spending type either, thankfully. otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to stand on her two feet alone now that her father is out of town and god knows where he is at the moment (shiah hopes he’s in europe and that when he comes back, he’ll have lots of stories to share). perhaps she could just use all her leftover money at this carnival, she can survive a week after all, no…?
shiah shakes her head. this isn’t the time to worry about any financial problems. they’re going to have tons of fun today! she couldn’t believe her excitement could grow even more intense, but when she finally sees the outlines of all the fun in the distance, she realizes there’s still room for thrill. “look! we’re almost there,” she shouts and points in the direction of the fair, excitedly grabbing daehan’s arm. “do you think you’ll meet anyone from your university here? i mean, probably all of yongdam and marigold are attending or at least will, so you’ll probably meet some friendly faces here, right?”
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hmdaehan-blog · 8 years
Daehan had always been the type of person who could easily fade into the background.  His circle of friends was, for the most part, very limited.  Even his sense of family didn’t span passed a few people.  He had his auntie, who was a mother, aunt, and grandma all wrapped up in one.  He had Hwijae, their butler, who managed to treat the young man like a son or nephew most of the time.  And that was essentially as far as it went.  
So when he opened the door to a grocery delivery boy one day and the elder made a true effort to come back and reach out to him, Daehan was very excited.  He was excited not only because he had made a friend, but had also been able to extend his definition of family.  It had taken a while, but eventually, he started viewing Sungyeol as an older brother of sorts.  It was comforting to know that he had someone to look up to in his life, someone close to his age who genuinely cared about him.
School made it difficult to hang out with the elder as often as he wanted to, but they still found time for each other every now and then.  It could be as easy as grabbing lunch together when their schedules matched up.  Or, like tonight, grabbing dinner.
He couldn’t hide his smile at Sungyeol’s question, almost having sensed it coming, “School is good. I have a project coming up that I have to write a new piece for, but that shouldn’t be too difficult.”
*constant conversations ;
Sungyeol has been living in Marigold for the majority of his life and has been rather fairly confident with knowing everybody in the small town. Being the delivery boy did come with some perks after all. One of which was knowing whenever someone new had moved into town. Which is how he had met Daehan, the younger having to be the one to answer the door instead of the butler that usually greeted him. After that chance encounter, he had made-up his mind to befriend the shy boy, determined to make him open-up more. It’s worked so far if them treating each other as siblings was any indication.  He would always try to find an occasion for them to get together and just talk about anything under the sun. Today is one of those days and with the other being so busy with school, he’d thought the younger could take a breather.  It’s the reason why he’s walking with him today, having agreed to take the younger out for some dinner at the local bar tonight.   “So tell me how’s school been treating you?”
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hmdaehan-blog · 8 years
his auntie means well, even if she can be a little too strict for his taste.  the poor old woman is just worried that daehan will find trouble when he leaves the villa, filling his head with warnings and advice each day.  it’s always ‘don’t run around or you’ll fall and scrape your knee’.  or ‘be wary of strangers; they’re not all as nice as you want them to be’.  or, more recently, ‘you shouldn’t go to a carnival, especially not alone, because something could go terribly wrong and i won’t be there to help you’.  he knows, really, that she doesn’t want to upset him by making up all these rules, but at the same time, he wants to experience the world on his own.  he doesn’t want to be restricted by the fears of his caretaker, even if she could be right.  if he makes a mistake, it’s on him to learn from it.
for someone who wants to witness everything the world has to offer, the fact that a carnival was coming to yongdam seemed like fate.  never in a million years did he think he would ever be able to go on a roller coaster, but now there was one just a town away!  there was no way he could allow himself to pass up such an opportunity.  he had made it his mission to convince his auntie to let him go, and was able to recruit help on the way.
shiah was, by all definitions, a very sweet young girl.  she was the kind of person that auntie would approve of no matter what, and she was the perfect person to go to the carnival with.  it was just his luck that she was also looking for someone to go with, and he immediately jumped at the chance. with someone promising to spend the day by his side, the elder woman had no problems with giving him permission to attend.
it was cute to see the girl so excited, the same buzz of adrenaline running through his veins as well. it would be a new experience for the both of them, and daehan was genuinely pleased to know that he had a friend to tag along with.  “i want to ride a roller coaster!” he spoke up, a small smile settled on his features, “i saw a movie once with a roller coaster, and it looked like a lot of fun.”
♡ CARNIVAL ( cheap thrills )
“trust me, you’re not going to regret this!”
shiah’s always been the kind of girl who would never miss out on fun unless she had to; so when the news of the carnival at yongdam reached her ears, she couldn’t have gotten more thrilled about going. it wasn’t a question of going or not; only with whom she would be attending. of course, it’s not like a carnival was like a prom where you needed to have a partner in order to appear, and probably half of marigold’s population was going to be there anyway, but shiah still thought it would be better not to go alone.
so when she found out that daehan really wanted to go but wouldn’t be allowed to do so alone, shiah stopped looking for company. she would do anything to convince him and his auntie, of course! the process of which went much better than she would have expected and once it was settled they would go together, the only thing left was the painful waiting game (which wasn’t too long, thankfully).
“we’re going to have so much fun!” she beams at daehan now that they’re on the way to the village and her mind simply won’t stop ticking, imagination going wild as she tries to fantasize about what the carnival is going to be like. she’s never heard of the van brothers before but people have been saying that they’re insanely famous and for a good reason, so shiah definitely doesn’t feel like she has anything to be afraid of.
“what are you going to try first? i hope there is going to be a ferris wheel! sitting on one has been my dream since i was, i don’t even know, very little,” she speaks, a bit faster than she should but the excitement is working her up; she’s completely unaware of how much she’s talking when she’s excited and the harvest goddess help those who are unlucky enough to be around her when she’s like that.
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hmdaehan-blog · 8 years
hi everyone! it’s kat, also known as haley’s mun.  i just wanted to say thank you to those of you who went out of your way to welcome me, even if i’ve already been here;;  i’m very excited to bring daehan to the group, and if you’d like to read about him you can look here and here.  he also has a plots page up that you can take a look at here.  if you want to like this or send me an im, we can start plotting for him!  i might be a little slow for the next day or so because of some personal issues, but i’m going to do my best to keep on top of things and get my replies for haley done soon.  thank you!
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hmdaehan-blog · 8 years
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