hmrecieve01 · 5 years
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this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!
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hmrecieve01 · 6 years
The ‘Moving on’ Argument by Tomstar Shippers
Gonna make this one short.
Tomstar shippers are now complaining that Starco is bad because it could have been a good lesson about moving on from the other person.
Newsflash you delusional 4th-rate hippies, Star and Tom already broke up once and Tom refused to let go of her for several years from what we know. He kept acting like a possessive douchebag and it took Marco to convince him otherwise. Now that he is back together with her he doesn’t care about how she feels, at all, and he doesn’t even pay attention to what she wants to achieve. He proved that in ‘Is Another Mystery’ wherein he ignored Star’s struggles until the very end, then only said a few sappy words in an attempt to mimic Marco. Even in booth buddies he just ignored her when she wanted to do something.
Congratz, your very argument contradicts your own ship. *slow clap*
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hmrecieve01 · 7 years
My Views
Hey, man! I’ve noticed that quite a few of out observations, conclusions and opinions about the whole Starco/Tomstar issue coincide, so I wanted to know what you think of mine.                                     
First of all, I think that the thing that’s going to end Tomstar is the fact that Tom is unable to understand her. I’m probably going to be lynched for this, but Tom currently has an unhealthy influence on Star. Allow me to elaborate: From the spoilers of the latest episodes, we’re able to see that Tom and Star’s relationship is still going alright, which is good. They rushed the Jarco breakup so I’m glad they’re putting more time into these two. Anyway, the leaked scene where Tom says that they can make it work and that Star shouldn’t worry about having made things worse. While it is sweet of him to comfort Star, he is causing her character growth to regress. Instead of encouraging her to face the problem and continue fighting to fix it, he essentially tells her that she is overreacting and that things will magically work out, which was her previous mindset that she’s been trying to get rid of and grow. A sweet thing to do, but a folly one. Tom is simply not able to understand what Star seeks to achieve and can’t help her with her goals, which I believe he will realise in the end; he just doesn’t understand her well enough to be by her side and help her fight her problems, unlike Marco, who is ready and willing to do so and has done so numerous times. 
Secondly, while I can’t find the image, remember that scene with that monster returning to the sea as the guy tells her that their worlds are too different? When I heard tom say ‘I’m a monster’ that immediately popped up in my head, as it is a perfect reflection of what they are; they make good friends and Tom definitely has changed and they do like each other, but they are just too different in too many aspects to work out in the end. They undoubtedly like each other, but deep inside, Star knows that her heart still belongs to Marco, which I think Tom will come to realise.
Finally, we have several unresolved issues that I think will play a key part in the resolution of this mess. Remember the preview of Season 3? There was a scene with Marco bursting through the castle doors with a sword. Well, Meteora is being brought to the castle, which will result in chaos, and our boy Marco will be the one to come to the rescue, possibly in the Season 3 finale. Whether Starco will happen or not I can’t determine yet (I’m 99.99% certain that we won’t get it this season) but it will definitely result in Marco getting the credit he deserves. The second thing is still the issue of Marco’s birthday; he’s basically been behaving like a perfect friend and squire to Star, who hasn’t shown very much appreciation. My gut tells me that things will begin to boil once someone confronts her about it and she realises that she forgot his birthday while he, unlike Tom, remembered hers. How she will react after that I have no clue, but it will definitely get her thinking. 
Also, I’ve noticed people calling Marco out for behaving like a jerk towards Tom. He has not. He’s literally just pointed out the things Tom has been doing wrong and has casually shrugged them off. If being right makes him a jerk, then he is a jerk, but you can’t sugarcoat the truth.
Anyway, there are some of my thoughts on the matter. If you have the time, feel free to tell me what you think.
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hmrecieve01 · 7 years
CHALLENGE: Impossible Possible
You know that thing you always wanted to do but never had the courage to and keep finding excuses to keep not doing it? Like skydiving or even reconnecting with old friends? 
That one thing you believe it’s impossible for you to do it, but deep inside you know you can do it, but keep avoiding it for whatever reasons? Yeah, that thing. It’s an “impossible possible” that I nicknamed that just to be easier.
Well, in November (around 15th) I decided to build up a New year tradition for myself. People tend to exchange gifts on Christmas, but New Year it’s all about promises we mostly don’t intend or isn’t able to keep and I want to change that, to give something meaningful to New Year to come and the year that is getting over.
So, the Challenge is: Until December 31st, midnight on your own time, you need to do at least one of those things.
It doesn’t have to be the hardest or most impressive, but something meaningful for you and that you consider impossible for yourself to do it (if need to be scheduled, you have to at least have it scheduled until DEC 31, even if you do it later on next year or something).
I made that just to myself, but when I felt I was losing courage, I challenged some friends to the same thing, they liked the idea and decided to do too. So I thought “Why not share and maybe - Just maybe - Transform that into other people tradition?”
So here we are! I’m a bit late to post this cause I wasn’t sure if I had the right words, but I just realized that I just had to post this and leave the Challenge to anyone who wants to join in. 
Nothing is obligatory and you don’t have to tell me or share with me, but would be nice to know other people’s challenges (again, you don’t have to if you don’t want to) and I thought this might be the push some people need to do that thing, just as it was for me.
So, what is your Impossible Possible?
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hmrecieve01 · 7 years
It has been awhile since I posted a story but happy to finally update. Hope you all like and enjoy.
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hmrecieve01 · 7 years
When people give Elsa crap for being "too sexy" for Disney
It’s like,
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For gods sake, Ariel had a nude scene.
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hmrecieve01 · 7 years
Reblogging just Incase Star forgers Marco’s birthday due to Tom, I called it and this is the results.
My new story. Go ahead and check it out. This is gonna be a very intense story!
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hmrecieve01 · 7 years
Reblog if you say "fuck" more than 5 times a day.
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hmrecieve01 · 7 years
I have NOT watched it, you are not alone Axis!
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Now this is how you do a special edition!
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hmrecieve01 · 7 years
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Came across another Starco child whose design I thought was cute, so I decided to do a drawing of her (I combined some aspects of her drawings together). Apparently her name’s Alexa.
 If you want to know more about here, contact @mewangie as she’s is the creator of this little cinnamon roll. Unfortunately I know next to nothing about her other than her name.
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hmrecieve01 · 7 years
And so I begin a new story before the new episodes air this Monday. I hope you all enjoy.
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hmrecieve01 · 7 years
Hi there, so here is my latest chapter (Finally) and the explanation as to why it’s late is inside.
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hmrecieve01 · 7 years
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Third day of Drawlloween: Something undead I was having a lot of troubles to came up with a concept for this day, since the concept of “undead” is quite broad, but hey! there’s no Drawlloween without some skelleton Star VS FOE! One of my faves so far (of all Drawlloween stuff I’ve made other years and this), people who follow me must be accustomed to the skelleton version of Star and company, I tried something different this time, inspired in Raúl Treviño works, check him out, he’s great.
I’m following Dedeyedoodles Drawlloween list check it oue if you want to join the october fun
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hmrecieve01 · 7 years
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~Yo, Janna, put that “bad boy” in his place!~
Heya, Anon, who made this ask during the time of the last Starco Week, which was… s o m e  time ago *cough*. Here ya - and everyone else - go! Btw, the term for the situation you were refering to is called “kabe-don”.
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hmrecieve01 · 7 years
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So I don’t know how many of you are aware of it, but @rwinger24 and @saveshootingstar are working on getting a week-long event celebrating Mr. and Mrs. Diaz! Seems like Rafael and Angie don’t get enough love from the fandom! Guess we got to change that, yeah?
It’ll run August 28th until September 3rd, so you’ve got 5 days left to make an entry and submit it! There’ll be a prompt for each day, but don’t feel pressured to do all of them. You can do just 1, or pick and choose as you please!
You can post it on your blog and tag them using @rafaelxangieweek or #rafaelxangieweek if you’re worried your submission will get lost.
If you can’t enter no worries, but I know that they’d greatly appreciate any re-blogs and or spreading the word of the event.
I’ll be boosting this until the day of the event, so apologies in advance if I drive ya nuts! It’s for a good cause!
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hmrecieve01 · 7 years
Like it up please!
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Color Palette Challenge ★ Instagram
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hmrecieve01 · 7 years
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Another Starco!! I hope you like it! I’m sorry I can only draw traditional works 😰 Love you guys❤
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