hobard-knights · 2 years
“Mr. Rune? Sir?”
Rune’s entire body hurt. For a moment he didn’t know where he was or what had happened. What was that vision? Was it a dream? No... it felt so real. He could feel that he was on the ground, but couldn’t remember falling. The last thing he remembered was a sudden intense headache. It felt like something inside his head was snapping... like a weak link in a chain that had been pulled too tight for too long and had finally broke. He had felt a sudden wave of emotions that he couldn’t understand and it overwhelmed him. 
The feeling of a hand on his cheek caused him to slowly opened his eyes. The world about him was still spinning and felt oddly foreign to him. It took his vision a moment to clear, but when it did he found himself staring up at a familiar face... familiar, and yet... somehow ‘too’ familiar. He couldn’t place the feeling. 
Rune raised his hand and was about to rest it over hers when a flash of gold hanging around her neck caught his attention. He suddenly froze with his hand hovering slightly above hers.
“-alia...“ His voice was barely above a whisper. 
“What’s going on here?!“ Osborn’s voice startled Rune fully awake, and without thinking he let his hand fall on hers and quickly dragged it off of his face, and twisted around to his feet.
“Who gave you permission to take a break?“ Osborn snapped, “And here you are bothering poor, lovely Aria!“
A small crowd of servants had gathered around them - all surprised to see the pragmatic and ever stoic Rune on the ground - and Osborn was having none of it. He clapped his hands, “Back to work, the lot of you! Or I’ll dock your pay!”
The servants quickly scrambled - leaving Aria, Rune, and Osborn alone in the kitchen. Osborn looked between the two of them, though Rune had his back to them and was straightening his jacket.
“There is a change of plans, Runerigus.“ Osborn chided, “We will be holding the ball in three days instead of two. Get back to work and see to it!“
Rune finally turned back towards them and bowed. His black eyes glanced over at Aria once more... and then he turned and quickly left.
“Well, I say that’s enough excitement for one night.“ Osborn huffed. He turned and looked at Aria, “What about we call it a night my dear? Shall I have one of my servants escort you to your chambers?“
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hobard-knights · 3 years
(( I just realized I don’t have access to asks here. Shoot! 
If anyone sent me an ask, I wasn’t ignoring you. I may just remake this blog as well. ))
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hobard-knights · 3 years
“I have heard but a little. However, I have seen much. The ones I witnessed wreaking havoc in the streets today have all been these so-called Knights under the banner of this Lord Hubbard. It would be my hope that he would be more careful in his choice of supporters. The people are the legs a country stands upon. And if you cut them out from under you then well there is nowhere else to go but to fall. I hope you shall advise his Lordship of this.” She deigned to give a smile in return to Osborn. He was throwing on his most charming attentions for her. And there was nothing wrong with that. She was undecided about how to react to him as of yet. She would have to wait and see.
“I would be pleased to go with you. You may take my arm if you so wish.” she nodded her head and again, held out her hand to him.
A coy smile crossed Osborn’s lips as she offered to let him take her arm, and reached out to accept it, “It would be my honor, Milady.”
He led her towards a brilliant white carriage with gold accents that was being pulled by two beautiful snow-white Rapidashes. A Footman opened the door for them, and Osborn slid in without a single glance of acknowledgement. The inside of the carriage was just as grand as the outside - with crushed velvet cushions and even more gold trim. It certainly stood out in the dingy market street. 
There were two long wall-length mirrors with gold frames imbedded into the walls above the back of the cushions so that when one was sitting down, they could see their reflection in the opposing mirror. Osborn sat and looked across at his own reflection as he waited for Aria to sit down. 
“Ah yes, the discipline in these Soldiers has completely vanished since Lady Jocelyne disappeared.“ He replied to her earlier statement, “Though if you ask me, I am surprised she had any control to begin with. I am not surprised Lord Hubard called on me for support.“
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hobard-knights · 3 years
Something made Aria freeze, and it wasn’t the other Knight announcing that he was going off to get reinforcements. There was that feeling again, a presence in the crowd that caused an ache in her chest. The one that had led her to wander off from her Guards. It shook her to her core and her senses searched about like a beggar upon the brink of starvation for this presence. She moved to turn about and see who it was that was speaking and follow that psychical scent. It had been so long since she’d felt….. felt what though? She didn’t quite grasp it as her attention and senses settled upon the richly robed figure coming towards her. The feeling was getting stronger as he approached. Her hand came up to the now ancient sunflower pin that was holding her cape in place.
“Ah…Lord Osborn?” Aria managed to get out, a little breathlessly she had to admit, before she was able to collect herself. She graciously nodded her head to him and his greeting. 
“You are correct. We can take care of ourselves quite efficiently Sir. I am Princess Aria of the House of Ray. I am… pleased to make your acquaintance…” Her eye flicked to the spot just behind him but she didn’t see anything there. What was going on? Was this Osborn where this feeling was coming from? She paused a moment before offering her hand to him. There was a fine gold ring about her index finger with a large square gem of a rich green, and the black of her hands made it look like she wore fine black gloves.
“I am currently residing in this city to wait for a relative to join me in my travels and here I find myself accosted by a pair of brigands in knights clothing? Am I to be led to believe this is the standard amongst… Lord Hubbard’s knights here?” she arched a fine aqua brow. Aria didn’t know this Lord Hubbard… Bursars had been waged over less offences as this.
Where was her Guards? She sent out threads of thought for them to get to where she was quickly.
His eyes seemed to twinkle as she said her name, and an affectionate smile crossed his pale lips, “House Ray? I could tell you were of noble blood just by looking at you, but I never would have guessed you to be of House Ray!” 
Osborn gently kissed her ring as she offered him her hand, and then straightened back up as he listened to her explain her reason for being there and her question about the guards. A slight frown crossed his face. 
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“Ah yes, that.“ He sighed and pushed his glasses further up his nose, “I suppose this is a case of... when the cat has deceased... the mice are free to play.“ He glanced at the castle with a slight frown, “At least until a new Cat is crowned.“ 
He looked back at Aria, “I am not sure what you have heard, Milady, but things are not quite safe here in Motostoke at the moment. These are dangerous times in Galar I am afraid. But that is why Lord Hobard has called for my services. There are those within the city who still side with the Prince, and thus wreck havoc on this poor city. ” He gestured at her to follow him, “Come, let us get off the streets and we can share our stories. My men in the meantime, will be here to weed out those unruly.” 
Osborn spoke in a ‘charming’ high-born voice with a slight tinge of authority to it, and each of his movements were very deliberate and graceful. He smiled a friendly smile at Aria, though the servants behind him all kept their heads down upon the ground and didn’t look up even for a second.
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hobard-knights · 3 years
“Or what, Knight?” she said in a mocking tone, putting a sneer in her voice when she said ‘knight’. She didn’t even blink when he drew his sword. In her opinion, these two had no right to be called anything more than bullies, and she was not afraid.
Princess Aria was, and had always been a beautiful woman. The only one who had ever doubted it had been herself in those long ago years before the world had been overturned. She was well proportioned, rosy cheeked, had long soft hair, and delicate features. Her smaller stature had always, always caused her to be underestimated. Her own people knew better. But this fool did not. She saw the nasty emotions and thoughts in his head as if they hung on a banner. 
“Someone not to be trifled with.” she said in dangerous tone as she watched his arm reach for her chest. Her blackened hand shot out and smacked his hand away. Long ago established instinct kicked in and she rushed forward and caught him up around his middle in a vice grip. The man was not small, and in armor, but she lifted him up off the ground like it was nothing to the gasps of the people milling about in the square. And then bent over backwards to crack his head into the cobblestones. Letting his body fall to the ground with the clang and clatter of his armor and sword falling to the ground. Her cape fluttered about as she settled; the crest of her royal house showing in full to the crowd as she did.
“You’ll wish you’d never attempted to lay hands upon our royal person knave.” Princess Aria announced, straightening the cuffs of her sleeves. Somewhere in the market where her royal guards trying to track her down.
The other Guard who had stopped a few paces back to steal an apple froze in his steps. He watched in horror as his partner twisted and fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes, and the apple he held fell from his hand and hit the cobblestone with a crunch. His eyes were wide, and he took a few paces back. 
“I’ll get reinforcements!“ He swore, and turned on his heels. 
The man didn’t get more than three steps away though... when a shadow seemed to fall over him. The man’s face twisted in fear and anguish for a moment... and he froze in place. For a brief second, it almost looked like there was red eyes glowing in the shadow. 
Then, just as quickly as it had appeared, the shadow disappeared.
“My goodness. Is that any way to treat a pristine Guest?“ A deep, almost sultry voice boomed out from further down the street. 
The Guard’s eyes flashed up to see a man in silken robes approaching. The man had an almost scholarly face, and had a small entourage behind him. There was a strange, almost familiar air about him as he approached. 
“But she-“ The Guard started, but the man silenced him with a wave of his hand, and started over towards Aria. 
“My dear,“ He smiled at her, “I would say a beauty such as yourself should be careful walking streets such as these.“ He seemed to gesture at the market stalls around him as he spoke, “But it appears you seem to know how to take care of yourself.“ He smiled at her, “Still, things have been dangerous out here since the King’s death. It would please us very much if you were to come with us, at least as far as you are going. Perhaps we can help you?” He cast a look at the terrified Guard as he said that, “Or at least guide you to your destination?”
“I am Lord Osborn-” The man stated, as if he didn’t notice the ‘butler’ behind him, “-I am a Noble from Unova who was summoned here on behalf of the Standing King - Lord Hubard.” There was an air of pride in his tone as he spoke, and he made no motion to introduce his servants who stood with him. 
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hobard-knights · 3 years
She knew it wasn’t much help. Aria wasn’t here to overthrow usurped governments. And she didn’t have the forces with her to do so. Because showing her hand as the goddess that she was outside of her own country was not something she wanted to do. Not with the dreams she had been having as of late. Shades of the past coming back to haunt her. She couldn’t promise more than she knew she could make happen. She had her own country to worry about.
Aria looked up at the sound of armor and chain mail hit her ears. The young girl looked back and took off but Aria stood still. Golden circlet clad held high under the sun. She peered at the haughty knights with her one good eye. Her expression hardening as she watched the one steal.
She stood proud and unafraid as one of the guards approached.
“Who I am is none of your business.” She said calmly.
The guard did not look impressed with her defiance and drew his sword, “Don’t make me ask again.” He looked her up and down with a thirsty, greedy look that made a few of the women behind Aria look uncomfortable and hurry away. His eyes fell on the circlet around her head, “I’ll ask again - who are you?”
He raised his hand and motioned to grab Aria by the front of her dress.
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hobard-knights · 3 years
Aria’s stoic expression softened the more Candice talked and explained the situation. In another age this would have sounded like some strange mix of a period drama and a Mobster flick. But this was real, and such things as television shows were long gone from this world. And this was this poor girl’s reality. A world where people were causing trouble for her and her father without remorse, or any recourse for those that were being harassed.
“That is truly reprehensible. It is a Knights job to protect the people, not act like dirty thugs.” she said with feeling, forgetting to hush her voice. Aria reached out to put a comforting hand on the young girl’s shoulder. 
“I am a Noble. You are right. From a country far away from here. I may not be able to do much, I am only here to meet with my cousin. But now that I know the state of things, what little I can do I promise you I will.” she pulled out her purse and fished out some coins that she’d had changed over to the currency of this country when she and her guards had come here. It was a tidy sum she passed into the girl’s hands. “I’ll start with this. Use this as you see fit to help you and your Father. Rebuild your Stall, move somewhere safer till things change, whatever you choose. Don’t stop hoping for better things whatever you do.” she told her, and then handed the girl a clean handkerchief to stem the tides of tears Aria felt were coming.
Candace did not look too convinced when she accepted the coins. Instead, she stared down at them like a lost Yamper. She just nodded slowly. 
A clamber rose up from the murmuring crowd, and suddenly the sound of clinking metal could be heard. The girl quickly looked over her shoulder and paled when she saw two heavily clad men strolling up. She quickly turned and broke into a run down one of the alleyways so fast that she nearly stumbled. 
“What’s going on here?“ One of them demanded in a booming voice.
The people on the street tried to pretend to go about their day without seeing them. But that didn’t deter the two men. The second one walked up and brushed some people aside with his large Spear, and reached out to grab a Berry from someone’s table. The poor Shopkeeper didn’t even look up. And, without paying, he bit into it, and turned to follow the other that was walking towards Aria.
“Who goes there?“  The first man demanded, “Identify yourself!“
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hobard-knights · 3 years
Aria you could feel the girls’ determination to talk to her so she slowed her march back towards the market where she left her guards a little. She was hoping that maybe she would catch up to her while they were still somewhat concealed by the alleyway. Because if the state of things here was that bad that they couldn’t even have the freedom to sell their Wares in a stand without being singled out and punished for not fitting the complete mold; then the girl would get into a lot of trouble for what she was planning on saying.
But that wasn’t the case. The girl jumped in front of Princess Aria in the middle of the street. Calling out to her in a loud voice that was sure to draw the attention of anyone milling about.
“Yes. Yes I do, if you would be so kind as to tell me. I am planning on dwelling in this city for some little time and I would like to know what to watch out for.” She said in a polite, but also much quieter tone.
Candance had an air of defiance over her as she stared up at the Noblewoman, “Ever since the King died and Lady Jocelyn disappeared, the Knights have had free reign of the city! They’ve been tormenting the market for months, and demanding ‘protection fees’, ruining our stalls, and trampling everyone that can’t pay!” 
She somehow looked like she was about to cry, despite the enraged look on her face, “And now they’ve ruined Papa’s stall!” She stared straight into Aria’s face, “But you’re a Noble right? You can stop them! Papa says that Sir Hobard won’t listen to a Peasant’s complaints, but maybe they’ll listen to you?” 
There was a tinge of naïve hope in her trembling voice as she spoke, “Papa said that Sir Hobard is going to put a new Queen on the throne and that the real Prince was chased out and that it’s going to make the Gods mad! Papa doesn’t want to fly the new Kings colours because he’s afraid of angering the Gods too!” Her bottom lip quivered, “A-and now... and now they broke Papa’s shop for it...” 
They were attracting a bit of attention now. Nervous sideways glances and murmurs swept through the street as people pretended not to be listening. 
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hobard-knights · 3 years
It took all Youta’s restraint to not jump from his seat and shout as he heard about what happened here. Bryce would to that far to control Galar? The lies… the deceit and now the imprisonment of innocent Galarians? It was just too far. 
“Where is the Lord of Hulbury and your Brothers now?“ Youta replied. Thanion looked over at Youta with a serious glance, “Youta- we can’t!”
Youta ignored him though - his eyes were locked on Resa. Bryce couldn’t just do that!
Thanion put a hand on Youta’s arm, “We can’t get involved. We promised Lady Jocelyn we would meet her in Hammerlocke.”
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“I just can’t leave them, Thanion!“ Youta shot back. He looked at Resa, “Who is this person they put in charge?“ 
Resa looked surprised and then incredibly relieved, “You will help?” 
She looked out the window and gestured at a large tower that was silhouetted against the darkness, “Over there... at the Lighthouse. That is where they are keeping my Father and Brothers.” 
“To reach the Lighthouse, you have to go North, towards the sea, and past the Hulbury Manor.“ Resa paused for a moment, and turned to look back at Youta, “But... please be careful. It’s extremely dangerous. The woman they put in charge is incredibly ferocious. She’s taken complete control of our Water Pokemon...” She pushed herself form the table and pulled out a small coin purse, “I-if you really are going to help... please... stock up on a few Potions here before you go.”  
Resa once again looked on the verge of tears, “Please... hurry! I fear for what they will do to my Father and Brothers to seize control of the region...” 
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hobard-knights · 3 years
“Still, you went through all of this trouble and work only for it to be spoiled by the bullying actions of some haughty guards who should learn some humility is a crime.” she said firmly. Her own country had been blessed in that they had all come together even more in the hard centuries since the world had gone to pieces. And ever as she would have, she felt for them, and would call out bullying as she saw it happen without fear. These people didn’t have that luxury like she did.
“For your troubles good Merchant.” She put down what she had gathered, along with an amount of coins. Giving a proud not of her head in response to his bow before turning on her heel and walking back the way she’d come. Her family crest proudly emblazoned on the back of her cape. She felt the merchant’s daughter lingering in the shadows and she walked casually, so that if the girl wanted to catch her in passing then she could. 
The fear, and how quickly the merchant hushed his daughter, and himself up spoke volumes, even if she wasn’t already able to feel their emotions and even read their minds if she wished. 
The girl wasted no time. The moment Balia marched away... she slunk into the shadows, and broke into a run. She ran down the alley, out along the far street, and down another alley as fast as she could in an attempt to cut the Noblewoman off somewhere out of sight from her father.
An action like this would normally earn her a good caning, but she didn’t care right now. She broke out into traffic on the other side of the street and ran out in front of Balia. She came to a sudden stop and held her arms out on either side of her.
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“Hey!“ She defiantly called out, though she was quite out of breath, “You wanted to know what’s going on here, right?“ 
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hobard-knights · 3 years
“I want to be perfectly honest with you, Resa, so you can choose whether or not you want to help me.“ Youta admitted, “Aldebrand blood does run through my veins - but I am still a Solvieg. The King adopted me in hopes of bridging the gap between the North and the South - bringing both Zacian and Zamazenta together as equals, and ending the civil war that has poisoned our Kingdom for centuries.“
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“And I intend to do that.“ Youta continued, “I cannot sit by while my Father’s murderer sits on the throne. I intend to rally up some forces, and storm Motostoke and fight for the throne… and, if you still think I am worthy of the throne, now that you know the truth… I want to meet with the Lord of Hulbury and ask for your aid.“
Resa fell completely silent as Youta talked, but the moment he finished she found she couldn’t meet his eyes and more and looked away at a fireplace that was burning away at the far side of the lobby, “What you speak of is a complete religious reform. I can see you running into trouble with this wherever you go.” 
The last surviving child of Zacian being raised by the Chosen Family of Zamazenta... so the rumors were partially true. 
Resa shook her head, “I did not believe for a second that you killed the King.” She looked back at Youta, and a tear dropped down her cheek. She reached across the table for his hand, “Not you - I’ve known you too long to believe something like that.”
“I wish I could help you- I really do.“ Resa explained, “But I’m afraid that Hulbury is in no position to lend anyone it’s aid. You see... something horrible has happened here... Lord Bryce has imprisoned my Father, and my older Brothers, and seized Hulbury and our Pokemon, and placed one of his own men in charge.“
“The Hulbury Family has always been loyal to the Solvieg Crown. We couldn’t understand why.“ She continued, “But if he was worried that we would lend you our aid, I can now see why.“
“But with my Father and Brothers imprisoned, and my Mother and younger siblings under house arrest... we cannot even defend ourselves - let alone lend aid to anyone else.“ She closed her eyes to try and hide the tears, “I managed to sneak out through a servant’s exit... and I have been coming here every day to await your arrival...“
She fell silent for a moment, but then sighed, and continued in a shaky tone, “They even seized our Pokemon. The people of Hulbury have lived on this land for Generations with the aid of Water Pokemon. We have used them to help sailors arriving every day, and even for our daily lives for hundreds of years. We are lost without them. If not for that... I would be honored to lend you the strength of our Water Pokemon.”
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hobard-knights · 3 years
The girl lowered her hood, revealing a dark skinned face, with bright, ocean blue eyes, and dark blue hair that flowed down around her shoulders like waves. 
“For anomality's sake, please... call me Resa.“ She said softly. There was a worried expression on her face for a brief moment, but that was quickly replaced by a large smile, and she reached across the table to grab at Youta’s hands.
“Arceus above! I was so worried you wouldn’t make it!“ Resa looked like she was about to start crying, “Youta... I heard terrible rumors from Motostoke...“ There was a brief hesitation in her voice, “Please... I need to hear from your own mouth what happened... I want to support you, but I cannot bare to until I hear what happened straight from you.“
Arrival At Hulbury
The rain came down in heavy sheets as Youta and Thanion rode under the city gates, and into Hulbury. The storm blackened the sky and kept people away from the streets. It was the perfect cover the two of them had been waiting for. It felt like weeks since they left Turffield… but even still, he knew they could not rest. Dressed like common travelers, the two slipped into the city - undetected by all. 
Keep reading
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hobard-knights · 3 years
Princess Aria felt the change in the atmosphere of the market overtake the feeling she was following and she huffed in frustration. She wanted to find it but she felt it slipping away.
And then there was the scene unfolding before her. Her face scrunched up in anger at the guards actions and was immediately crossing the street to help. Seemingly ignoring the guard on horseback even though she was taking in everything.
Something tasted strongly of tyranny. And She did not like it one bit.
When the guard had moved She started bending down to pick up what she could of this poor merchants wares and shop. Coming up to the two as the young girl received the warning slap. That received another frown from Aria.
“Excuse me.” She began, her tone soft, and voice like soothing music to the upset mind.
“If any of your wares are still good I would purchase some from you. And would you please tell me what in the name of the Life and Death Beasts is going on?” She asked, offering up what she had gathered for them. While she wasn’t wearing one of her fine dresses, her traveling clothes still could have her identified as upper class.
“Ah!“ The Merchant gasped as he saw her approach. The moment he saw her clothes, he quickly started bowing his head, “No! No! Please don’t trouble yourself my Lady.“ He started to try and pick up the pieces any quicker.
The girl that was with him huffed though, “Well, I can tell you-” “Candace.“ The Merchant cut in sternly.  “But Papa-“ The girl whined.  “Enough!“ The Merchant snapped. He bowed his head respectively at Aria, then turned towards his daughter, “Go home - now.“  Candace tried to argue again, but one look from her father made her pout.
She looked at Aria once more, before groaning loudly in frustration, and turned to march away. The moment she disappeared down the alley she had came from, the Merchant turned back around towards Aria and bowed again. 
He turned to start gathering the pieces together. His face was pale, and he offered no further words. 
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Candace though - stood just beyond the shadows of the alley, and watched with an annoyed look.
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hobard-knights · 3 years
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(( Well lookie-here!! ))
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hobard-knights · 4 years
Next Moves
Bryce sat behind his seat as one of his men read off a report. It had been a little while now, since the Prince escaped, and no one had heard from him since. In the meantime though, Bryce was continuing his plans to shift Galar to its new ruler - Lady Briar, no - Princess Briar. 
“The news of the ex-Prince’s heritage has almost reached every corner of Galar. There is not many places he could hide.“ The man read off, “Upon hearing the news, the Southern Nobles have thrown their support behind the Hobard Household. However, the North does not seem to share the sentiment. Rumors against the Hobard Household have already started to spread.“ 
“The Northern Nobles have all been stripped of their titles, land, and power, after the last rebellion, and are either living in hiding or have been executed.” Bryce injected, “The North has no power. Let them talk - go on.” 
The man hesitated for a moment, before he scanned his document. Bryce folded his hands on the desk. Years ago, during the last rebellion between the Solvieg Crown, and the Aldebrand Dukedom, the Aldebrand Dukedom fell, and all their land was seized by the crown, and redistributed to supporters of the Solvieg Family. That didn’t change the fact though, that many of the people in the North were still followers of Zacian. When they found out that there was a member of the Aldebrand Family still alive, and that he had been the crown Prince... well, it was a given that they would throw their support behind the Prince. 
“Send word in the North that the Prince was caught and executed.” It was important that he had them believe the Aldebrand Heir was dead so they had nothing to cling too.  
 “Um, yes sir.“  The man nodded, and then continued, “The Southern Nobles have also pledged their support behind Lady Briar-“ “Princess Briar.“ Bryce injected.  “P-Princess Briar.“ The man corrected himself.
Princess Briar’s claim to the throne was a distant one. her father was a cousin of Ulric... but Solvieg blood still ran through her veins, and he intended to use that to keep the Noble’s support. But there was still obstacles. Princess Briar had spent her whole life on a homestead in the backwaters of Galar. She knew little of how to socialize with the upper class, and had much to learn on high society life. However, she was young and naïve. She was both excited and afraid right now, and currently clung to Bryce for everything - which he was not going to complain about. It was definitely something he could use. The new heir would be easy to manipulate.
“However...“ The man’s nervous voice cut Bryce out of his thoughts and back to the moment. The man continued without looking up from his document, “On the subject of Princesses... people have been wondering what to do about Princess Freya?“ “The Ex-Prince’s fiancé?“ Bryce muttered. He stroked his beard for a second, “She’s a liability....“
He stood up and turned around to look out the window behind him that overlooked the front courtyard of the castle, “While it would be beneficial for us to keep Kalos’s support - right now more than ever... she may still be allied with the Prince.” He stroked his beard. Freya had been locked in her quarters since the Prince’s escape. But, the moment word reached Kalos about what happened here, they were bound to send word for her... 
Kalos was a large Kingdom, and was not apart of the Empire. There was nothing stopping Kalos from striking if anything happened to the Princess while she was in Galar’s care. He had made sure that to lie to her as well about the Prince. It would be beneficial to them if she thought her fiancé was dead. 
Bryce dropped his hand from his face, and folded both hands behind his back, “We shall remain on the defensive side. Send word to Kalos that the Prince was sentenced to death for Regicide, and that out of concern for the Princess’s safety, we shall return her to Kalos - make sure to include in the letter that we are apologetic for this outcome, and mean no disrespect to the Kingdom Of Kalos, and that we hope to continue our Kingdom’s ‘friendship’ once the situation is dealt with.” 
The man nodded, “Yes sir!” Without turning around, Bryce added, “Anything else to report?” “Um, yes! Sir, we have received word that after sending several messengers and receiving no response, that Princess Nikida Solvieg will be returning to Galar asap...“
Bryce tensed. Of course The Princess had heard no word. He had the messengers killed before they could report back to the Princess. He knew word from the Empress would come eventually... but so soon? Last he had heard was that the Empress was ‘missing’. She had left on an errand and had yet to return. Surely he figured there was more time? He never imagined the Princess would come herself. He was hoping to have everything taken care of before Empire intervened.
There was only one thing to do... 
“Take a small squad into the Weald.“ After a brief hesitation, Bryce ordered, “...Do whatever it takes to stop the Princess and any escorts she has with her.“ He turned around to look at the man with a serious expression, “You are to kill any Knights or Escorts she has with her, and capture her, and do it in a way that frames either bandits or Rovers that could be hiding there.“ “What if she resists capture?“ The man hesitantly asked. 
Bryce turned back around and looked out the window, “We can’t take any risks. Do whatever it takes. Do not allow her to escape.” He paused for a second, and bit his bottom lip, before adding, “Anything else? Any word about the Prince’s whereabouts?” “No sir.“ The other replied.  “Then you are dismissed. Leave.“ He said sternly, “Time is of the essence after all.“
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hobard-knights · 4 years
The Start of the Fall
At the foot of a cliff, a thick fog seemed to gather… and, from that fog, a ghost of a large, red, canine-like Pokemon emerged. 
It stopped at the foot of the cliff. Before it laid a man. The man was leaning back against the cliffside, with a stale pool of blood beneath him. And, at his feet, rested a ceremonial sword. The sword’s golden blade was half buried in the ground, and the Pokemon leaned down to sniff at the blade, before looking back at the man. 
It then, craned it’s head back, and let out a loud, piecing howl. As it did, the fog seemed to thicken, and the very ground itself started to tremble. 
The fog seemed to spread out along with the tremors. It spread out across the land, and as it did, strange, circular rock formations that dotted the landscape started to glow faintly. The Pokemon’s howl seemed to reverberate off the rocks, almost as if stirring something within it. It was a sad, painful howl the beast let out. One that would pierce the heart of any who heard it.
The fog grew so thick around the Pokemon as it continued to howl, that it completely disappeared within it… 
And then… just as suddenly as it had appeared… the fog, the Pokemon, the sword, and the man beneath the cliff… disappeared…
Bryce was sitting at his desk when the rumbling started. He looked up at a crystal chandelier that jingled above his head. The rumbling seemed to come from deep underground... was it an Earthquake? 
He was about to ignore it, when there was a loud banging on his door, before one of his men boldly burst in. 
“Sir!“ The man breathlessly gasped,  “What is it?“ Bryce snapped, as he rested his pen on the table.  “You might want to look outside, sir!“ The man quickly stated, “Everyone’s talking about it!“ 
Bryce was about to snap that it was just an Earthquake... but the look on the man’s face intrigued him. So, he slowly pushed himself away from his desk, and turned around to push the heavy curtains aside... and instantly froze in mid-gesture. 
From this high up in the castle, Bryce could see for miles beyond the City Walls, and out in to the Wild Area. And, out there, he could see a strange, pink glow emulating in several spots in the darkness. 
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“What?“ Bryce growled. In all his years... he had never seen anything like this before... what could it mean?
…. ….. ….
Meanwhile, Freya was sitting on the floor in the throne room when the shaking started. She had been in the throne room for a few hours now - praying in front of the Zamazenta Shield. She wasn’t sure why... but for some reason, sitting beneath the shield that hung above the King’s throne made her feel a little better... it made her feel closer to King Ulric and Prince Youta... even though neither one of them were there...
She gasped as the shaking nearly knocked her over, and for a moment she was stunned... she was so afraid she couldn’t move...
It was then that a strange mist caught her attention. She looked up as the mist filled the room. It seemed to swirl itself around the throne, and for a moment, Freya swore she saw the outline of the King in the mist. She tried to jump up to her feet, but the shaking kept her firmly in place. 
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“Y-your Majesty!“ Freya cried as she raised one hand up towards him. But the King did not answer. Instead, the mist seemed to split apart, and circle the shield. The Shield began to glow faintly, and for some reason, Freya swore she felt like someone was trying to talk to her... and then, as quickly as it appeared... everything vanished.
The fog... the silhouette of the King... the glow around the shield... the shaking... 
All that was left was Freya, kneeling alone in the throne room.
She slowly climbed to her feet. Against her better judgement... something deep inside her was urging her to reach up and grab the shield... she even reached a hand out towards it, but quickly drew her hand back. 
Zamazenta’s Shield was not something she should touch. It belonged to the King of Galar - a Solvieg. It should have one day belonged to her fiancé. She clutched her hands together to fight against the urge. What was going on? Did it have anything to do with the Death of the King?
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hobard-knights · 4 years
Tatsu blinked as he was hip-checked! He was glad Angela seemed to be holding her head high after everything she went though, she certainly was strong! He would smile at her teasing and roll his own eyes, listening to her request.
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“I’ll get right on it ma’am.” He would muse at her with his smile growing slightly as he left the room to retrieve several stacks for her!
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Angela giggled as she watched him leave, and turned around to pick up a silver tray of milk and cookies that she had put out for the decorators, and turned to bring it back to the kitchen. 
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