hobscaretaker · 4 years
“Don’t...” Starters
“Don’t leave.”
“Don’t touch me.”
“Don’t run away.”
“Don’t scream.”
“Don’t regret your choices.”
“Don’t come back.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
“Don’t betray me.”
“Don’t you see that this is a mistake?”
“Don’t they know it is a trap?”
“Don’t talk like that.”
“Don’t make the same mistakes I did.”
“Don’t lose sight of what is important.”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Don’t test my loyalty to them.”
“Don’t think you can get away with this.”
“Don’t trust them.”
“Don’t do that!”
“Don’t jump.”
“Don’t you trust me?”
“Don’t believe in ‘happily ever after,’ it doesn’t exist.”
“Don’t think that this fixes everything.”
“Don’t give me that look.”
“Don’t sing. Please.”
“Don’t look.”
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hobscaretaker · 4 years
harry potter books starters
feel free to change pronouns etc!
“there’s no need to call me sir”
“just because you’ve got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn’t mean we all have”
“he must’ve known that you’d want to come back”
“have a biscuit”
“it was like having friends”
“one mustn’t tell lies”
“to the well-organised mind, death is but the next great adventure”
“it’s for some stupid noble reason isn’t it?”
“what do i care how he looks? i am good-looking for both of us, i think!”
“pity the living, and above all those who live without love”
“honestly, if you were any slower you’d be going backwards”
“i’ve heard you’ve been giving out signed photos”
“i assure you that if you die, you need not hand it in”
“you were just showing moral fibre!”
“of all the tree we could’ve hit, we had to get one that hits back”
“it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live”
“humans do have a knack for choosing precisely those things that are worst for them”
“anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve”
“always the tone of surprise”
“perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it”
“thoughts can leave deeper scarring than almost anything else”
“i am what i am and i’m not ashamed”
“of course it is happening inside your head, but why should that mean it isn’t real?”
“there are all kinds of courage”“is that why you dyed your eyebrow?”
“it is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more”
“don’t think i don’t know how this might end”
“take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals”
“killing is not so easy as the innocent believe”
“i don’t go looking for trouble. trouble usually finds me”
“one can never have enough socks”
“scars can come in useful”
“when in doubt, go to the library”
“i’m hoping to do some good in the world!”
“i will write to your mother”
“would you like a few moments to compose an epitaph?”
“throw it away and punch him on the nose”
“don’t worry, you’re jut as sane as i am”
“there are things worth dying for!”
“what’s life without a little risk?”
“there’s the silver lining i’ve been looking for”
“ask us no questions and we’ll tell you no lies”
“give her hell from us”
“i solemnly sear that I am up to no good”
“mischief managed”
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hobscaretaker · 4 years
Munday question: What's your opinion on roleplay and its relation to the real world? In other words, do you consider RP an "escape" from real life, or do you consider them more connected?
For me, I can’t really say it’s just one or the other. In some ways it’s an escape because I can ignore either stressors in my real life, or just the realities of real world for a little bit. But, I can’t say it’s completely disconnected either. I’ve dealt with some really toxic people in my life and rping difficult topics, like manipulation and abuse, or even just tackling stuff like that in my muses’ backstories have helped me kind of analyze and confront some of the emotional manipulation I’ve dealt with in my real life.
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hobscaretaker · 4 years
Reblog this if you roleplay or are willing to roleplay on Discord
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hobscaretaker · 4 years
Hey, sorry for being away for so long. Through January and February, I was slowly coming back, focusing one blog at a time, but then March became really hectic and by April, I was just worn out. I did finally start to come back to a couple of my other blogs in May, but I wanted to make sure I could keep up with them first before trying to return here again. After a few weeks of success, I think I finally try to come back here.
Also, I haven’t decided for sure, but I’m considering making this a little multimuse blog for my Pokemon muses so I don’t have to keep track of all my sideblogs here. I’ll be sure to let everyone know if I do make that change.
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hobscaretaker · 5 years
First off, happy new year everyone! I hope everyone was able to enjoy the holidays. Sorry I’ve been away for so long. I’m going to slowly come back and try to reply on weekends for the time being.
TW: Medical Mention under cut (Nothing life concerning)
Keep reading
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hobscaretaker · 5 years
I meant to have responses out sooner, but last week, I was having a rough reaction to some medicine I needed to take. I also started adderall right after and that was messing with my sleep. So, I wasn’t feeling confident in my spellcheck and grammar abilities.
I hoped to get the responses done this weekend, but now Hurricane Dorian is creeping up on my doorstep, so being prepared for that has to come first. I’ll try to come back when I can, but part of that is going to depend on if we lose power and for how long. Hope to be back soon!
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hobscaretaker · 5 years
“...” from plantaremagicae!
Talk to one of Petra’s Pokemon
“I-I heard you’re a grass-type trainer! Can I am meet your pokemon?Um! Hobs hasn’t scared them off has he? Or angered them? I’ll personally apologyfor his behavior, but please don’t let that reflect badly on the rest of us!”
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hobscaretaker · 5 years
Talk to one of Petra’s Pokemon
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Hobs cleared his throat. “Sable, sableye.”
He managed to keep a straight face for a moment before laughing.
“Just kidding! Had you going there, right? But anyways, you’re the nice mousy lady right? Thanks for helping Petra and I get stronger! I won’t lie. Some of the people Petra befriends worry me, but you’re pretty cool. She appreciates having you around, and we’re looking forward to learning more from you. And I guess I won’t mess with you so much in exchange.”
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hobscaretaker · 5 years
send me a “...” and one of my muse’s pokemon will talk to you.
Specify a question or subject or even the pokemon for bonus points.
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hobscaretaker · 5 years
Hobs looked to the woman approaching them with a bit of suspicion, but he wasn’t too hard to win over if done right. A pet from the stranger brought a big grin to his face. He knew he was a great pokemon after all. Petra gave a small smile to the woman before her face returned to its usual, stoic expression.
“He’s not always the best behaved, but he’s very loyal and I know he’s there when I need him. So, I’d say we’re close, but don’t always agree about his behavior.”
Hobs waved off her comment on his behavior. It wasn’t that big a deal. To him.
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“That’s a cool lookin’ pokemon you got, there.” Nancy said with a chuckle, kneeling down and trying to pet Hobs. “How would you say the two of you get along with each other?”
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hobscaretaker · 5 years
“N-no, not at all. I’m glad you seem so eager to learn.” She replied with a smile. “Ah, Louis is in the kitchen, if you’re looking for him, Hobs.”
The small woman knelt down to give a gentle wave to the other Banette before standing back up to look at Petra. It was nice to see just how interested the girl was in understanding Mega Evolution. Perhaps it was just that this was the first time she’d actually had somebody want to learn from her. But it felt really nice. She sure would miss these moments when Petra finally learned how to master Mega Evolutions.
“I don’t m-mind at all. The more the m-merrier, after all.”
Hobs gave a nod and grabbed Dahlia’s hand, attempting to drag her away. Dahlia tried to wave to the small woman before Hobs’ successfully pulled her out of sigh. A small chuckle came from Petra as she watched the two go.
“Sorry about that. It seems Hobs is pretty determined to introduce Dahlia to Louis. I suspect he thinks that it might help keep her distracted while he messes around.” Petra admitted as she approached the desk.
Dahlia wasn’t always out and about like Hobs was, but when she was and Hobs was present, she tended to act as an assistant to Petra, helping keep the gremlin in check. Still, Hobs as just as excited for the lessons as Petra and Dahlia were, so she felt confident that he wouldn’t cause too much trouble here. Petra was grateful for Cerise’s lessons and there was a sense of comfort knowing that her more stilted emotions wouldn’t be judged.
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hobscaretaker · 5 years
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  I’m seriously considering going back home and trying again in the Winter.”  Even if it wouldn’t be ‘cold’, it’d at least be more tolerable then
 right?  Maybe?  It wasn’t like his home region wasn’t hot, but it definitely wasn’t the fucking tropics.  “
 How far is that PokĂ©Mart again?” he asked, pulling up a part of his mantle to cover his scorching head.
Petra looked down and nodded.
“I’m sorry that it feels that bad for you...” she spoke, unsure of what else to say.
She wanted to help him, but it seemed clear he wasn’t too interested in talking to her. Hobs kept looking back at him, sending little glares back at him.
“The Pokemart isn’t too far from here. Should be there in about 10, 15 minutes tops.” she replied. “So, what brings you to Hoenn? What are heading to Lavaridge?”
She wasn’t entirely convinced he’d give her an answer, but she had to try.
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hobscaretaker · 5 years
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A set of headcanon questions derived from the various typings in PokĂ©mon! If sent to multi-muse blogs be sure to specify the muse it’s intended for.
Fire: What are some of their short-comings? Are they something they’re working on changing? Do these short-comings tend to land them in hot water?
Water: Are they the sort that can easily adapt to any situation thrown at them or do they find themselves overwhelmed more times than not?
Grass: What kinds of things do they do to relax and wind down?
Electric: What kinds of quirks/eccentricities do they have or indulge in?
Steel: Are they a workaholic or the type to procrastinate at any opportunity?
Fairy: Are they are nurturing sort of person? Are they the sort of person who becomes ‘Team Mom/Dad’?
Dark: What kind of assumptions or rumors do they find they have attached to them? Do they try to do anything to dispel them?
Ghost: What sorts of vices do they indulge in? Do they feel shame or guilt over them?
Normal: What kind of obscure hobbies or passions do they have?
Flying: Are there any dangerous activities or passions they like to indulge in? (e.g. sky diving, etc.) If they can’t or don’t, why not?
Ground: When something bad happens, what are their usual go-to defense mechanisms?
Rock: Do they have any skills/talents that they excel at but don’t really like doing at all?
Poison: Do they suffer from any chronic and/or mental illnesses? Are any of them the result of trauma in their life?
Psychic: Are they the sort of person to enjoy the limelight? Do they chase fame at all and if so, how so?
Bug: Do they try to troll other players in games that feature online connectivity? How far do they go to get under people’s skin if they do?
Dragon: What are they most known for?
Ice: What kind of climate were they raised in? What kind do they prefer?
Fighting: How active of a person are they? Do they tend to need to keep moving or not?
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hobscaretaker · 5 years
can we just please stop vaguing about people shipping? can we just stop making people who like to ship into these deviants of the rpc? stop making people who like to ship feel like they’re doing something wrong or that they’re “less” of a role player if they do. If they are not doing anything illegal and everything is consensual between both parties, just stay out of it. some people enjoy writing romance, just like others enjoy writing action or violence. you have no idea what kind of ooc communication has gone on behind the scenes. you don’t know if these people have been role playing their ship in discord or ims or anywhere else. and if the ship doesn’t involve you or your muse they don’t have to tell you anything. 
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hobscaretaker · 5 years
if I follow you, it means I enjoy your character/writing but it doesn’t always mean we have to rp if you’re selective or if you have no interest. that is totally okay. i just like reading your stuff because you’re amazing.
if you want to rp, pls say something to me because i’m a literal dumbass and will just stalk you with the assumption you’re too good for me and wont ever approach.
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hobscaretaker · 5 years
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