hoc-mizuki-official · 11 months
hi so kid rui is on tumblr
what does this mean
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hoc-mizuki-official · 11 months
ah…greetings! i presume you are…slightly different from the rui i know.
has this rui been made aware of his depressed alternate self thats on here yet
... the one from the ah, which group was it again... House of Outcasts, i believe...? yes, i have seen them around!!
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hoc-mizuki-official · 11 months
another rui? ooh, i dont believe ive met you.
has this rui been made aware of his depressed alternate self thats on here yet
... the one from the ah, which group was it again... House of Outcasts, i believe...? yes, i have seen them around!!
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hoc-mizuki-official · 11 months
yes, yes they are! why would you believe the words of someone you can’t even see the stupid face of?
say, "ANKO"…
how did it feel? knowing everyone you thought you could trust was lying to you? the snakes they are… pretending they cared about you. i bet it was funny to them. hilarious, even. hearing you talk about your beloved aunt nagi… how she went to america! how she sang!
hah, i’m laughing myself.
you’re just that stupid, aren’t you? i can’t believe this was happening right in front of your eyes, and you couldn’t even tell! it’s just so… pathetic. i’m guessing every versions of an is destined to be this way. at least we know what to expect.
man, when i compare you to your father… it’s like night and day! how did someone like you come from someone like him?! he’s done so much while you’re just out here doing those… what? "online shows?" ridiculous. you gave up on street music, and for what? do you enjoy being a disappointment?
you like it, don’t you? you love thinking about it. about how much you’ve failed. admit it.
everyone had such high hopes for you, for goodness’ sake! and you all threw it all away? like that? seems i need to add "selfish" to the list of your bad traits. tsk, tsk.
oh, what would nagi think if she knew?
and don’t tell me she’d be satisfied with anything so long as you were happy.
don’t tell me you forgot? all the lies they fed you? who’s to say nagi wouldn’t do the same...? how could you trust anyone after this? bet she takes pity on you. how could she not?
it makes her look good, you know. she’s just so kind, so gracious, still caring for the useless little child who couldn’t even be bothered to get her head out of her ass and try for fucking once. nagi’s just soo understanding, isn’t she?
i wonder how long it'll take for those little "friends" of yours to leave you, too… when they realize how better off they are without you… you know you don’t matter, don’t you? it’s only a matter of time before you’re all alone.
it’d be what you deserve.
but, to be honest… man, it’s just one bad decision after the other with you, isn’t it, an? what kind of people are you even associating with? "house of outcasts?" hah. you should’ve gone with "house of freaks" instead. that would’ve been much more fitting.
but you know that, don’t you? there’s a reason you’re all rejected. especially that purple-haired creep… he’s just a danger to everyone around him. i’m not surprised everyone hates him. people like him shouldn’t even be allowed among all of us.
in the end, i guess those are the only people who could stand you, huh?
tell me, an.
when do you think they’ll leave, too?
d-don’t bring house of outcasts into this! they’re all good people! insult me all you want, but leave them alone!
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hoc-mizuki-official · 11 months
saki’s right, anko-kun. you’d be crazy if you think we’re gonna let some rando say shit like this to our awesome girlfriend
say, "ANKO"…
how did it feel? knowing everyone you thought you could trust was lying to you? the snakes they are… pretending they cared about you. i bet it was funny to them. hilarious, even. hearing you talk about your beloved aunt nagi… how she went to america! how she sang!
hah, i’m laughing myself.
you’re just that stupid, aren’t you? i can’t believe this was happening right in front of your eyes, and you couldn’t even tell! it’s just so… pathetic. i’m guessing every versions of an is destined to be this way. at least we know what to expect.
man, when i compare you to your father… it’s like night and day! how did someone like you come from someone like him?! he’s done so much while you’re just out here doing those… what? "online shows?" ridiculous. you gave up on street music, and for what? do you enjoy being a disappointment?
you like it, don’t you? you love thinking about it. about how much you’ve failed. admit it.
everyone had such high hopes for you, for goodness’ sake! and you all threw it all away? like that? seems i need to add "selfish" to the list of your bad traits. tsk, tsk.
oh, what would nagi think if she knew?
and don’t tell me she’d be satisfied with anything so long as you were happy.
don’t tell me you forgot? all the lies they fed you? who’s to say nagi wouldn’t do the same...? how could you trust anyone after this? bet she takes pity on you. how could she not?
it makes her look good, you know. she’s just so kind, so gracious, still caring for the useless little child who couldn’t even be bothered to get her head out of her ass and try for fucking once. nagi’s just soo understanding, isn’t she?
i wonder how long it'll take for those little "friends" of yours to leave you, too… when they realize how better off they are without you… you know you don’t matter, don’t you? it’s only a matter of time before you’re all alone.
it’d be what you deserve.
but, to be honest… man, it’s just one bad decision after the other with you, isn’t it, an? what kind of people are you even associating with? "house of outcasts?" hah. you should’ve gone with "house of freaks" instead. that would’ve been much more fitting.
but you know that, don’t you? there’s a reason you’re all rejected. especially that purple-haired creep… he’s just a danger to everyone around him. i’m not surprised everyone hates him. people like him shouldn’t even be allowed among all of us.
in the end, i guess those are the only people who could stand you, huh?
tell me, an.
when do you think they’ll leave, too?
d-don’t bring house of outcasts into this! they’re all good people! insult me all you want, but leave them alone!
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hoc-mizuki-official · 11 months
hey. leave him the fuck alone. i don’t understand all this shit you’re saying but anko, we all care about you so much. so much that it’s overflowing. and who cares! we’re freaks! we’re all freaks! and we’re fucking PROUD of it and other people find solace in us and anko-kun it’s amazing that you help to make so many other people in the world feel better. so fuck you random anon and leave my partner alone. she’s a better person than you’ll ever be, clearly.
say, "ANKO"…
how did it feel? knowing everyone you thought you could trust was lying to you? the snakes they are… pretending they cared about you. i bet it was funny to them. hilarious, even. hearing you talk about your beloved aunt nagi… how she went to america! how she sang!
hah, i’m laughing myself.
you’re just that stupid, aren’t you? i can’t believe this was happening right in front of your eyes, and you couldn’t even tell! it’s just so… pathetic. i’m guessing every versions of an is destined to be this way. at least we know what to expect.
man, when i compare you to your father… it’s like night and day! how did someone like you come from someone like him?! he’s done so much while you’re just out here doing those… what? "online shows?" ridiculous. you gave up on street music, and for what? do you enjoy being a disappointment?
you like it, don’t you? you love thinking about it. about how much you’ve failed. admit it.
everyone had such high hopes for you, for goodness’ sake! and you all threw it all away? like that? seems i need to add "selfish" to the list of your bad traits. tsk, tsk.
oh, what would nagi think if she knew?
and don’t tell me she’d be satisfied with anything so long as you were happy.
don’t tell me you forgot? all the lies they fed you? who’s to say nagi wouldn’t do the same...? how could you trust anyone after this? bet she takes pity on you. how could she not?
it makes her look good, you know. she’s just so kind, so gracious, still caring for the useless little child who couldn’t even be bothered to get her head out of her ass and try for fucking once. nagi’s just soo understanding, isn’t she?
i wonder how long it'll take for those little "friends" of yours to leave you, too… when they realize how better off they are without you… you know you don’t matter, don’t you? it’s only a matter of time before you’re all alone.
it’d be what you deserve.
but, to be honest… man, it’s just one bad decision after the other with you, isn’t it, an? what kind of people are you even associating with? "house of outcasts?" hah. you should’ve gone with "house of freaks" instead. that would’ve been much more fitting.
but you know that, don’t you? there’s a reason you’re all rejected. especially that purple-haired creep… he’s just a danger to everyone around him. i’m not surprised everyone hates him. people like him shouldn’t even be allowed among all of us.
in the end, i guess those are the only people who could stand you, huh?
tell me, an.
when do you think they’ll leave, too?
d-don’t bring house of outcasts into this! they’re all good people! insult me all you want, but leave them alone!
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hoc-mizuki-official · 11 months
of course :)
rui are you ok
oh, did you find out about.. what happened at school..?
i'm okay now, i promise. i just.. it overwhelms me a little bit, having so many people worrying about me.
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hoc-mizuki-official · 11 months
i did. id never want to make you uncomfortable with caring for you…but im here. im always here.
rui are you ok
oh, did you find out about.. what happened at school..?
i'm okay now, i promise. i just.. it overwhelms me a little bit, having so many people worrying about me.
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hoc-mizuki-official · 11 months
yeah i know. do you need some help recovering.
i could give you a kiss ~
you are now the fourth wheel on a tricycle
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hoc-mizuki-official · 11 months
this week shall now be known as Week of the Polycules
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hoc-mizuki-official · 11 months
congratulations but. what. wow. what.
akito is now in the polycule with rui and tsukasa
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hoc-mizuki-official · 11 months
wait mizuki did you know rui got beat up. hes okay now but i think he was trying to hide it while he was at school
NO??? I AM GOING TO BEAT THEM UP i mean very calmly tell them to never fucking mess with my friend ever again
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hoc-mizuki-official · 11 months
akito is now in the polycule with rui and tsukasa
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hoc-mizuki-official · 11 months
what happened, anko-kun? ive been busy all day and havent had time to check tumblr
you are now the fourth wheel on a tricycle
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hoc-mizuki-official · 11 months
Akiyama, I've been told that you're dating Saki and Shiraishi! I would like to say I'm happy for both of you and I sincerely hope you treat Saki well!
aww, thanks tsukasa! ofc i will, and i appreciate ur concern.
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hoc-mizuki-official · 11 months
well then, yes, that is what i want…
If your gonna go out with Saki
she at least deserves to know
yeah i…
just let me…
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hoc-mizuki-official · 11 months
yeah u are anko-kun ~
so uh??? i think i’m dating my teammates now (minus kamishiro’s gayass)??
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