hollyjung · 5 years
The aftermath of the drunken weekend that was collectively had over Thanksgiving was one that he was a little late to, but was eager to make up for lost time.  A short plane ride from where his mother’s show tour was stopped in Seattle for dinner and back to school made him only have the one day to really go crazy before school on Monday (where classes which were one hundred percent skipped) when things had to be back to semi-normal.  His memory was gone past vodka shots and shotgunning an unspecified number of beer cans - the tall ones, too.  Adam woke up to sun streaming in and, with a sound of annoyance, sat up in a bed that he didn’t recognize.  “Huh,” he grunted, looking around, feeling his stomach.  No shirt… pants were on after a quick discovery.  One sock.  Shoes nowhere to be seen.  Or the shirt.  He swung his long legs over the side of the bed, taking a bit of a blanket with him before he shook it off, he felt movement on the bed, and he looked behind him to see a sleeping figure, which shifted on top of said shirt he was looking for.  “Wonderful,” he muttered, leaning over to subtly wrench the clothing from under the body.
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holly had been actively trying to get more involved with the other side of college life, ever since she’d got to huntington, but even though it had been literal years now, she was still trying to get used to the partying levels around there. rochester had been wild, laramie had been — well, it had been laramie, so california was certainly innovative in the kinds of wild people got up to. when her roommate had dragged her to one last party over the thanksgiving weekend, which she’d pointedly chosen to spend at college, not even considering going to see her mom for it, she’d gone happily along. now, she was regretting it, the headache she was struggling with feeling like a heavenly punishment for having gone a little too along with it. the worst part had been trying to find a place to crash since her friend had apparently brought someone back. walking back at what she’d deemed to be a reasonable enough time, she let out a sigh as she saw a guy sat on her bed — her roommate soundly asleep behind him. “you can just pull, she won’t wake up unless you like, shove her to the floor,” she said, still holding onto the door knob. “not that i’ve tried. that sounded bad, promise i don’t go around shoving her onto the floor even when she sexiles me, i swear.”
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hollyjung · 5 years
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“Yeah,” he nodded, hands rubbing against his jeans as if his palms were permanently sweating. “Um — I mean, I’m happy your dad’s doing okay. New wife? Shit,” he said, taking in the information one step at a time. “I know. I can’t — The thought of even going back there is sickening to me. Like… Like something will swallow the plane right out of the sky on the way, you know?”
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“oh, that was — yeah, bit of an overload, right?” she said, chuckling just out of being nervous. she felt strange, like she wasn’t quite there, like she was reading out loud the texts she’d composed for him so many times and had never sent, but the physical proximity was impossible to conceive even though he was right there. “i spent quite a while back there, back in busan, and it’s — it’s pretty nice. very different, but at least my dad seems to be doing alright,” she nodded, focusing on a spot of the bar like it held the meaning of life. “i can imagine. i’ve not been back in so long, i think my brain has decided to pretend like it just doesn’t exist, like there’s just — some sort of imaginary bubble where my mom is and then everything else around there has melted away. if i try to think about it, i just get a thing like... here,” she said, waving in the direction of her chest. “no place like home though, luckily.”
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hollyjung · 5 years
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“ yeah, would’a been, ” lukas agreed before hooking his thumb around the strap that had saved his camera from falling to his feet. “ but this guy saved him, so nothin’ to apologise for. ” he finished, tugging lips up into a small smile. “ a couple years and you’re still not used to it? ” he repeated back to her with a quirked brow. sure, it was probably an exaggeration but he’d play along. “ shit, i’ve got no hope then. ” he joked, plus he didn’t plan to still be in california in a couple years. just get some free education and get the fuck outta there. he nodded at her question but was surprised by what she followed it up with. “ oh, seriously? that’s cool. i mean, i just came over with the whole dean thing, ” he waved a hand, deciding to glaze over the murder thing. “ what made you transfer over here? ” 
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“oh no, i don’t think i’ll ever get used to it — sorry for the bummer, but truth is, once a rochester kid, you’ll forever be a rochester kid,” she said with a light chuckle. it was still so strange to have people who’d been at rochester suddenly all over huntington, holly was still not too sure how she felt about it. “the dean thing, yeah, i wasn’t around for most of that but from what i heard it was pretty awful — i hope no one you knew got hurt over it? i didn’t have too many friends left over there when it happened, most people i went to class with graduated already,” she shrugged. “i took a gap year, and  then it just felt weird to go back and be new at the same place i’d spent so much time at already, so i figured i might as well come be new... somewhere else. does that make sense?”
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hollyjung · 5 years
Katherine simply nodded her head, it was just about the perfect place for daydreaming, pondering or clearing your mind entirely. She liked that about California, she’d decided, it was a lot easier to find a peaceful place to sit than it was in New York, though neither were quite as tranquil as her home in Minnesota. She folded her arms and offered a polite chuckle, “I’m used to the cold,” she confessed and it was true enough. She smiled at the recognition, always charmed by somebody who noticed her even in a school with thousands of students and a city with thousands more, “Yeah, that’s right,” she chimed pleasantly, offering a handshake to her new pal, “I’m Katherine- Kat,” she clarified, she only really used Katherine formally or when she was trying to sound more sophisticated than she would ever hope to be, “Are you a local or did you move here for school?”
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“was that weird to say? i have a good memory for faces, promise i’m not stalkery or anything,” holly said with a chuckle. “lovely to meet you, kat, i’m sure if you’re used to the cold you’ll do great in our winter, but our summer might be hard on you,” she added, slipping her hand from under her blanket to hold hers. “oh no, i’m — i used to go to rochester, actually, then i went to live with my dad for a bit in korea, bit of a gap year,” she explained, skipping the first part of her history in case she knew the paxtons or someone and would know the story. “when i transfered back i didn’t feel like facing the snowy winters, so, i ended up here instead. lucky me, i guess.”
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hollyjung · 5 years
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“Just fucking with you,” he assured her, eyes on her hand as if trying to read its motives. “It’s nice to be here,” Elias continued, shifting in his seat. “Nice change of scenery.” The question made him chew at his inner cheek, nodding his head. “He’s good. A bit — Just Gunner, you know? Kinda neurotic,” he stated. “But that’s nothing different. He should be getting there soon, I think. Don’t really remember when,” he admitted, glancing at Holly finally after a long moment of fixating on the table. “How about your family?”
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“that’s — that’s good, i think, that he’s still just gunner i guess,” she replied, aware it was the lamest reply ever, but everything about this conversation was making her wish she’d gone on and asked for another drink. “my family’s good, yeah, my dad’s — well, i was living with him for a couple years, he’s real good, has a lovely wife and everything,” she said, the information slipping through her lips like it was casual, rather than sheer evidence of how her life had been turned upside down. “my mom’s probably good too, still living in laramie though, not sure how great that can be. haven’t seen her in a while though, just — haven’t quite felt like going back.”
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hollyjung · 5 years
did elias paxton's lack of penile hygiene bother you while you were together? how did you combat this issue?
i’m not very up to date with the current state of this specific thing you mention, but if you must know, back in the day he’d hired a specialist — an expert groomer, you know, he kept him nice and clean. 
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hollyjung · 5 years
how did you put up with elias all that time? do you not love yourself?
those are two very different questions, but it was very easy to put with elias because he’s an amazing guy and we had something pretty great. the other thing depends on the day, i suppose, life is hard, you know?
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hollyjung · 5 years
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hollyjung · 5 years
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feeling homesick was pretty common for tavi, he missed the music, the people– the food. he missed the warmth of it all and wanted so badly to go back. however, for the sake of what he wanted to do in the future, this was the place to be. so having moments like this, moments of solitude where he can just remember home and enjoy the bustling sounds beyond the boardwalk, were always very much needed. tonight, however, was a bit different than most. as he began to gather his things to leave, something suddenly hit him on the face, causing him to flail a bit as he grabbed hold of it. seeing it was a blanket and a girl running towards him almost instantly, his brows raised before he stood up and offered her the blanket back. “maybe it wants a new home? are you harming this blanket – do i need to call the fabric police? not to be confused with the fashion police, though they do operate out of the same facility.” he said in a matter of fact manner before laughing softly. “nah, you’re all good. i’m just glad it wasn’t a bird flying into my face, that would have been painful – this was much nicer, way more gentle”
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relief washed over holly when he joked about it, laughing easily along with him as she grabbed her blanked back. “i think it was probably rebelling against being brought to the beach so far, the fabric police would see right away it’s too soft to be getting so much sand in it — don’t worry, i’ll wash it as soon as i get home, cross my heart,” she said with a firm nod, clutching the blanket to her chest like she was making the promise to it. the guy seemed nice enough, and she couldn’t help but flock towards anyone who treated her kindly. “i don’t think birds are that aggressive around here unless you provoke them — not that i’d know for experience, i promise i’m not harming birds either, i’m a perfectly normal person who just doesn’t know how to talk to other humans,” she said, stumbling over her words with a nervous chuckle. “god, this is going terribly, isn’t it? i’m sorry, can we restart the whole thing?”
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hollyjung · 5 years
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“ holy shit, ” lukas reacted immediately as random blanket covered him unexpectedly. he usually thought the strap attached to his camera was a pain in the ass but this would be one of the times he was grateful he’d bothered to put it around his neck. dropping the camera without thought to pull the blanket off him in confusion. meeting the eyes of the owner once he had the blanket off his face. “ all good, it’s alright– scared the shit out of me, but it’s alright, ” he admitted, offering the blanket out to her. only then he thought of his camera, free hand flying to it absently and feeling a wave of relief as he felt it against his torso. “ the west coast wind is crazy, right? ” he said, not sure off the top of his head if she was from west or east coast. “ actually the whole weather is crazy, really. ” take him back to the simple cold of rochester, there he’d be happy.
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“for a second i thought your camera — sorry, that would’ve been a disaster,” holly said, even more apologetic than before as she saw what he was holding. she knew she tended to apologize more than what was necessary, but this seemed like the right time to over-apologize. “yeah, california gets crazy pretty fast, i’m still getting used to it and i’ve been here for a couple of years already,” she said with a nod, wrapping the blanket around herself before the wind could take it away once more. “you from rochester? i used to go to lockwood there — never thought i’d miss the cold, but at least it was predictable enough.”
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hollyjung · 5 years
Kat had been enjoying the light breeze, the sound, and smell of the ocean and the fading sun on her face in much the same way as Holly had been, though Katherine hadn’t been in California all that long. She was still getting used to the idea of the West Coast, having grown up in Minnesota and having lived on the East Coast for a large portion of her life until now. She’d closed her eyes to enjoy the moment in peace when she was interrupted by the sudden intrusion of a runaway blanket catching the wind and enveloping her, “oh my God!” she squeaked, startled for a moment or so. She laughed when she realized what was happening and pulled the blanket off of her, half folding it as she offered it back to Holly, “It’s okay, no problem,” she insisted, “It just scared the shit out of me,” she confessed, “I was daydreaming,” she added as an afterthought, brushing her hair out of her face where it had been misplaced by the blanket. “Are you cold?” she asked, raising an eyebrow, she thought the weather was lovely but then again, she was used to much, much worse.
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“ah, yeah, the beach is the perfect place for that, isn’t it?” holly asked, grabbing her banket and wrapping it around her shoulders, tightly holding the ends of it so it wouldn’t escape her again. “honestly? a little, the wind can get a bit chilly as the sun goes down,” she said with a light shrug. “i’ve always been bad with the cold for no reason, think it’s just that my body likes the coziness of blankets,” she added, laughing lightly. “you’re a rochester student, right? i’m not sure i’ve seen you around before, i’m holly.”
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hollyjung · 5 years
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“That’s a word for it,” he remarked, shaking his head as he observed his glass. “I wasn’t going to come,” he admitted. “I’m doing my Masters, but… but I just kind of thought about going somewhere else. Fuck Lockwood. Maybe even try Rochester U,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “But then — Gunner was headed here and just… just was the easiest option and free. Sorry to invade or whatever.”
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“oh no, i didn’t mean it like that at all,” holly said, impulsively reaching out to grab her hand but stopping herself halfway through, surely looking strange as she stopped her hand mid-move and pulled it back. “you’re — like i said, it’s nice you’re here. you’re welcomed to this much warmer weather, and the free thing sounds too good to pass up on,” she added, shifting on her stool, so much she wanted to say and ask sitting in the back of her head, unspoken. “how is gunner, then? must be close to graduating, right?”
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hollyjung · 5 years
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The beach wasn’t something Ford was very used to. Sure, there had been the harbor back home, and trips here and there to beaches and lakes, but having it near all the time was something new to him. He liked it, he thinks, listening to the waves as he walked along smoking his cigarette. He wondered if that’s what drew Asher here, the beach and the sun and the lack of winter that he had hated back home in Boston. Quickly he shook the thought from his head, though, just in time for a blanket to blow right up against his face, making him drop his cigarette. Its owner came running up apologetically, and upon seeing her, his irritation softened. “Don’t worry about it. Sometimes when it’s windy my jacket opens up and tries to drag me to the middle of the street, so, could be worse.”
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for a second upon spotting the cigarette holly had worried the blanket would catch on fire and just make everything worse, but everything seemed to be fine, and she managed to grab it without causing much more fuss. “yeah, i guess at least it didn’t drag me down with it — would’ve been a heavier weight to be hit with,” she said, laughing softly, relieved that he wasn’t furious about it. “i’m so sorry about your cigarette though — guess my blanket has some strong views on smoking, promise i don’t share its beliefs, though i’m not a regular smoker or i would’ve made up for the one you lost,” she ranted on, belatedly realizing she was being even more disturbing. “sorry. i’ll let you get back to — uh, to the peace and quiet.”
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hollyjung · 5 years
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“i have princess looks?” it wasn’t like harper meant to look offended, but she couldn’t keep it off of her features. for a moment, the blonde was glancing down at herself and looking along her arms – wondering what exactly made her seem like a princess. “i mean, a lot of people can see a post on instagram and want to rob someone. but i guess if you don’t believe in social media, or don’t believe in showing off then i guess, maybe. but i feel as though the majority post to make others want what they have, underlying in the meaning.”
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“oh, yeah, i meant like — you’re like, really pretty,” holly said, getting flustered immediately and trying to wave off her own comment. “guess i have monkey brain and i always think of princesses as like, the disney kind, so, you know. beautiful,” she added, wanting to facepalm because she could’ve just stopped talking but no, she’d had to dig a deeper hole for herself. “anyway — you’re right about that, sure, social media is mostly about showing off and trying to look like you have it all and are always happy, it’s a big trick.”
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hollyjung · 5 years
even though she’d been at huntington for a while now, holly still could not get enough of having the sea so close to home. her dad lived at a coastal city too, she’d been born right by the sea, and though it was a different sea, and the beaches were nothing like these ones, sitting at the beach and hearing the rumble of the waves always made her miss him a little less. it was cold now though, and windy, and the blanket she’d brought to keep herself from catching a cold when it wasn’t even winter yet flew off her shoulders, forcing her to get up and run for it, catching it right when it landed on someone’s face. “god, i’m sorry — went crazy, i don’t know what got into it, i usually don’t have... pieces of fabric turn so aggressive.”
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hollyjung · 5 years
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“Yeah. Reminds me of my days as an altar boy,” he joked, turning on the stool to face her more as she spoke. “Oh — Yeah… I guess… I know that, huh?” he asked as if he was in the process of turning the knowledge over in his head, pocketing his phone again. “Not really a fan of fruity stuff. Makes me a bit sick, like… the sugar or whatever,” he admitted. “Might just order another beer and then skedaddle. Probably getting too old for college events.”
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“those were... some strange days,” she said with a quiet laugh, the whole situation feeling a bit too much like a dream sequence, definitely close to actual dreams she’d had multiple times in the past few years. “yeah, there’s so many eighteen year olds, makes me feel extra ancient,” she nodded, chewing softly on her lip. “i didn’t know — wasn’t sure if you still were, you know. a college student,” she added, an answer to something he hadn’t asked. “wasn’t sure you’d come, when i heard. it’s nice though, not — you know. bit weird, but nice.”
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hollyjung · 5 years
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“Think the Patch is quite small, actually,” he said, squinting at the stuffed toy. “Only enough to cover my dick. Like one of those majestic paintings, you know? With the leaves?” Nodding in approval, he added both to his cart. Doing his best to seem unfazed by the entrance, he just continued to speak. “Want one? A character? They have most of them. This sale is absolutely incredible. Great deals, great deals…”
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“yeah, very — uh, very biblical, i like it. feel like it might be in fashion again real soon, kind of a new version of speedos but just, going the extra mile,” holly said, nodding firmly as she leaned her elbow on the bar, barely having to gesture for the bartender to bring her a drink. “never been much of disney fan myself, got spooked to death watching dumbo when i was little and i just could never recover,” she replied, a light chuckle that came out slightly high pitched, enough to reveal this wasn’t as casual as it seemed. “do you want another drink? they make good fruity things here, think it’s the beach atmosphere that makes them so good at colourful stuff.”
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