holyysmoak-blog · 9 years
//oops im sorry
i never said i’d be gone temporarily okay well i had very important tests this week and i took them and PASSED ADVANCED ON THEM HOLLAH but anyway i just wanted to say sorry and school ends soon so I’ll be on more then ciao
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holyysmoak-blog · 9 years
//sorry I haven’t been on lately. i’ve felt really bad lately. anyway, when i feel better on be on more
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holyysmoak-blog · 9 years
hey look at you you’re doing great keep up the good work
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holyysmoak-blog · 9 years
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“Oh, I’m sure that’s not true,” she gave him her best fake smile. That usually works, right? Flattery and pretending to be innocent? It was a good enough chance for Felicity to take, because right now, all she wanted to do was go back home to Starling City, and not go to jail.
“Oh, yeah, they’re great. Makes me feel like I’m at the crime scene. I can’t                believe you’d think that no one reads them.                   Well, unless you don’t want people to read them. Which wouldn't make sense since I’m pretty sure that’s how you make your money.”
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“I’m sorry but the newspaper network is just for employees” He commented smiling. “Really? I never thought someone read my articles” He commented casually. He noticed the woman’s body reaction. She seemed to be worried.
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holyysmoak-blog · 9 years
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“Oh, I bet this doesn't look suspicious at all. I’ll just     uh, unplug my tablet from here,” Felicity spoke slowly as she removed her device from the mainframe of The Daily Planet, worried about whether the man in front of her would call security. “Oh, big fan of your news stuff. Yeah, great work..”
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holyysmoak started following you
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“Hello, can I help you?”
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holyysmoak-blog · 9 years
Felicity tilted her head to the side out of confusion and gave her friend a sympathetic look. Her eyes grazing on his, searching his face for answers, for something. Oliver’s face was never an easy one to read, it was always covered with a facade that he wore like a mask. Felicity found the mask extra hard to read through, but sometimes, when she was really lucky, she could break through it. Those were the times where she felt helpful, because whenever his facade stood tall and strong she felt useless. She just wished he would take off the mask and open up more.
“Are you sure you’re fine? I mean, you just asked for the date, a person who is, ‘fine,’ doesn't usually ask for the date.” She gave him her best light-hearted smile that usually followed one of her less serious one-liners. “But, since you asked ever so kindly, it’s the ninth. May ninth, to be exact. And if you’re feeling extra confused, the year is 2015.”
“Tell you what, I’m pretty hungry, immensely hungry actually. I came over here to ask if you wanted to go to Big Belly Burger and grab something to eat. If you’re up to it, we can talk about your dream.   But that’s only if you’re up to it. If not, we can enjoy the deliciousness of Big Belly Burger and talk about less serious stuff.”
It was just a dream. A very vivid dream that he hoped would never come true. There wasn’t much he remembered, a lot of the dream was a haze but it was enough for him to know that it was bad. It was very bad and only ended one way. He hoped to God that it would never happen.
When Felicity placed her hand on his knee, Oliver jumped lightly not expecting it there. Normally he was good at keeping his cool but everything was broken down at the moment. His hand rubbed over his face again as he shook his head to her being there only for a few minutes. How long had he been asleep? Actually, more importantly, what was the date because that was one long dream.
“What’s the date?”
The question seemed strange but it was something he needed to know right now. Letting out a breath he sat up again and placed his feet on the ground, hands grasping the side of the couch lightly. Once again, he gave a nod silent nod saying that was okay.
“Yeah. I’ll be fine.”
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holyysmoak-blog · 9 years
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REBLOG to be put on an ARROW master list reblog only if you’re an indie CW ARROW RP BLOG
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holyysmoak-blog · 9 years
// aye so i just watched “the Black Swan” and holy crap that movie is creepy really deep though. i do have a special place in my heart for really deep things. okay anyway I’m gonna work on some stuff for my giveaway, hopefully some icons, gonna figure out how to make my neck not hurt, and in between all that I’m gonna do some replies or something. ciao
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holyysmoak-blog · 9 years
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“Well, technically, I’m sure a lot of people in the world are in need of a rescue right now. I have a feeling that’s not what you mean though.”
holyysmoak caught a canary
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“Looks like someone’s in need of a rescue.”
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holyysmoak-blog · 9 years
Felicity may be little but there is no doubt that she’s filled with an undeniable passion. It was quite obvious to see by her stance, her arms crossed and piercing eyes that looked like she read right through Malcolm. She was truly blown away by how little, if any, parenting skills Malcolm had. His logic appeared to be that it was truly okay for Thea risk her life as long as he had some control in it. That shouldn't be too surprising to Felicity, being that he was the sick psychopath that brain washed his own daughter into killing Sara Lance.
“I am willing to accept that Oliver isn't Oliver anymore, but I will not accept the idea that there is nothing we can do about it.”
To say that Malcolm Merlyn frustrated Felicity was an understatement. He always knew the perfect way to get under her skin and jab a painful stake of words into her. So of course he would bring up her feelings for the former vigilante. 
“   But that’s besides the point. The point is that the whole reason we’re in this mess, the whole reason that Thea is a ‘fighter all in her own’, is because of you. If you had stayed dead two years ago Thea would never have been targeted by the League, and Oliver would never have had to sell his soul to Ra’s Al Ghul. So don’t you dare talk about how hard it must be for me, or say that you ‘helped.’ Because I’m sick of it, I’m sick of you.”
Malcolm wore a look of amusement on his face because he honestly couldn’t help himself even if he tried. Felicity was a very strong and to the point woman and there was no mistaking that. He actually did  respect Felicity, as he knew her to be quite a brilliant woman, and he would never ignore such fact. He just wasn’t always a big fan of her  attitude even if he did deserve it, he always found that respect could go a long way. His gaze settled on her features and his head tilted just enough that his gaze continued to study her.                  At the end of the day he was merely trying to prepare himself for                 whatever comments may leave her mouth at any second, many of                 which would no doubt be some kind of insult in his direction, and                  it took much will power to be prepared for that. His gaze grew                  serious and he was quick to exhale.  “ I imagine that it is very hard for you to accept what is happening given your emotional attachment to Oliver but I assure you that – Ra’s is capable of many things. Destroying what is good about Oliver is just one of those talents.  As for Thea, if I hadn’t helped she would have done it in a much more dangerous  fashion, I limited most of the danger. She is a fighter all her own. “
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holyysmoak-blog · 9 years
//101 followers?? wow where did you guys come from?? i’ve only had this account like 4 days?? thnx  maybe i’ll do a small giveaway details laterr
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holyysmoak-blog · 9 years
If we are RPing together
you do not have to:
get to my thread just because you’re working on other replies
avoid posting often just because we’re both online and it’s your turn
push yourself to write something just because you see me on
I understand:
that sometimes you only get muse for certain threads
you may not know what to reply with at the moment
some threads you have are in an exciting moment and you’d rather put your focus into those
RPing is for fun. Don’t force yourself to get stuff done. Your replies are worth the wait.
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holyysmoak-blog · 9 years
Note to self: “I love you” does not mean “I won’t ever leave you.
(via ofsentencefragments)
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holyysmoak-blog · 9 years
Anonymously give my character relationship advice.
submitted by pageofstuffilike.
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holyysmoak-blog · 9 years
“Hey, calm down. It was all just a dream, you’re safe now,” she said once he pounced up, slightly startling her. She gave him her best attempt at a comforting smile, not really sure of how to help her friend after his nightmare. She had never been in a situation like this before.
Maybe it wasn’t a good thing that this caught her by surprise. She never really took the time to think about how his life as a vigilante may inflict on his sleep. It’s not that she expected him to handle things perfectly, but she never thought she’d be the one comforting him after a nightmare. Maybe that was selfish of her.
“I only got here a few minutes ago..”
When his hands grazed over his face she placed a gentle hand on his knee to communicate that she was there for him without actually using the words.
It pained Felicity to see Oliver in pain. She knows how rough the past few months have been on him, and sometimes she just wished he would let her in more. That he would let down his wall and accept that he could be Oliver Queen and the Arrow. But he made his decision, and no matter how hard Diggle and Felicity tried, he stood strong with it.
“Are you okay?”
His dream was something that was…bizarre. He didn’t even know what to think about it. The only thing he knew is that he was trapped in it, staring at his friends as they were all dead on the floor. A panic was building up in his chest as he watched them, his lips forming soundless words as he shook his head. It seemed that he had done this. Voices were talking to him, all their words overlapping each other. It wasn’t until he felt a hand on his shoulder that he woke up, sitting up and gasping.
Eyes rapidly searched the room as his chest heaved, trying to calm himself down. When he realized that he was in the loft, safe and away from whatever that dream was did he collapse back onto the couch. It’d been a while since a nightmare was that bad but they plagued his mind almost every night.
“How long have you been here?” Oliver asked, hands over his face as he didn’t dare look at Felicity right now, the image of her dead body leaning against Diggle’s legs dancing through his mind.
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holyysmoak-blog · 9 years
What is your opinion on my portrayal?
You can tell me on or off anon and I happily accept constructive criticism. 
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holyysmoak-blog · 9 years
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“So what now? Are we supposed to just quit?        Are we going to just let Ra’s win like this?                  I didn’t think you were one to give up so easily.”
6 People Joined the League
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“There isn’t anything! You are blinded by your faith and love for him but that man is gone and he will never see you in the way you wish.”
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