homeo-care-clinic · 7 months
Summer is here, and it's time to give your skin some extra love! Keep checking your channel for top skincare tips on how to adjust yours. skin care routine in the warmer months !!
#summerskincare #skincaretips #glowingskin #spf #homeocareclinic #skincareexpert #skincare #healthyskin #summerglow #beautytips #sunlight #acne #inflammation
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homeo-care-clinic · 7 months
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ADHD is the most common neuromuscular dysfunction. ADHD is termed Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Children are more prone to these abnormalities. About 30 percent of children in the US suffer from this disorder. ADHD was first diagnosed in the year 1798 by a Scottish Doctor named Alexander Crichton. Later in the year 1902 British pediatrician Sir George Fredric further gave an opinion saying children who are diagnosed with ADHD due to their abnormal moral behavior are still said to be intelligent enough to progress in life.
Trauma to brain
Exposure to lead poisoning after the first trimester.
Pre-term labor
Low birth weight
Excessive alcohol during pregnancy
Drug overdose
Inattentiveness in class
Laziness in doing studies
Forgetting things immediately
Incomplete daily tasks
Not able to perform daily routine things
Not able to follow any instructions
Having problems getting involved with others at school
Do not remember words during any conversation or speech
Read more: Preventive Tips
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homeo-care-clinic · 9 months
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homeo-care-clinic · 9 months
Understanding the JN.1 Covid Variant & Its Homeopathic Management.
The JN variant, an offshoot of the Original Virus, presents a set of distinct characteristics.
Symptoms may include fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, loss of taste or smell, and gastrointestinal issues.
For more information visit our website:-
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homeo-care-clinic · 9 months
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homeo-care-clinic · 9 months
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ADHD is the most common neuromuscular dysfunction. ADHD is termed Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Children are more prone to these abnormalities. About 30 percent of children in the US suffer from this disorder. ADHD was first diagnosed in the year 1798 by a Scottish Doctor named Alexander Crichton. Later in the year 1902 British pediatrician Sir George Fredric further gave an opinion saying children who are diagnosed with ADHD due to their abnormal moral behavior are still said to be intelligent enough to progress in life.
Trauma to brain
Exposure to lead poisoning after the first trimester.
Pre-term labor
Low birth weight
Excessive alcohol during pregnancy
Drug overdose
Inattentiveness in class
Laziness in doing studies
Forgetting things immediately
Incomplete daily tasks
Not able to perform daily routine things
Not able to follow any instructions
Having problems getting involved with others at school
Do not remember words during any conversation or speech
Read more: Preventive Tips
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homeo-care-clinic · 9 months
Xeroderma, commonly known as dry skin, is a dermatological condition characterized by a lack of moisture in the skin. While often a common and benign issue, persistent xeroderma can lead to discomfort and various complications.
Several factors contribute to xeroderma. Environmental elements such as low humidity, cold weather, and excessive sun exposure can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness. Additionally, aging, certain medical conditions, and prolonged use of harsh soaps or chemicals can exacerbate the problem.
Read more: Symptoms
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homeo-care-clinic · 10 months
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homeo-care-clinic · 10 months
G6PD Deficiency
Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase, commonly called G6PD is an enzyme that is essential for the normal functioning of red blood cells and plays an important role in the oxidization process to maintain the physiology of our body.
G6PD deficiency is genetic and it is characterized by the X- linked metabolic disorder. The deficiency is followed by a premature breakdown of red blood cells, that is the rate of haematogenesis is less than hemolysis. Due to the rapid destruction of RBCs, hemoglobin found in RBCs fails to carry the oxygen from the lungs to different organs of the body resulting in hemolytic  Anemia.
Cause of G6PD Deficiency
G6PD deficiency is caused by hereditary factors only, no external stimuli contribute to its deficiency.
Symptoms G6PD Deficiency
In the majority of cases, a person does not show any symptoms and remains a carrier of G6PD deficiency for a prolonged time unless he is exposed to certain food or drugs like fava beans, sulpha drugs, or any noxious agent. Generally, symptoms appear when there is the rapid destruction of RBCs, in such situation patient shows the symptoms of hemolytic anemia like the appearance of pale skin, shortness of breath, abdominal pain with backache, splenomegaly, dark urine, tachycardia, headache with dizziness.
Infants with G6PD deficiency show signs of jaundice 1-4 days after birth due to rapid destruction of RBCs, though mild jaundice is a physiological phenomenon noted in newborns, but the prolongation of complaint may suggest G6PD deficiency.
Nutritional Management :
Though G6PD deficiency is genetically caused, there are some supportive nutritional measures to combat the ill effects of hemolytic anemia, these are:
Avoid eating fava beans which can lead to hemolytic anemia.
Avoid using high doses of ascorbic acid supplementation as it leads to hemolysis.
avoid consuming soya products.
Any edible items containing menthol should be avoided.
Increase consumption of food rich in antioxidants like tomatoes, apples, oranges, etc.
Promote the consumption of whole grains like oats, millet, and barley to get an adequate amount of carbohydrates.
A diet rich in vitamins and folic acid should be consumed rather than taking additional supplements.
Excessive amounts of vitamin K supplements have been proven to cause hemolytic anemia.
Scope of homeopathy :
Homeopathy has a significant effect on genetic diseases like G6PD deficiency. The holistic approach of homeopathy helps in the reversibility of disease conditions and the restoration of health back to its normal state. Homeopathic medicines do not have a direct action on a particular part or organ but it acts on the altered immunity and allow the body to heal itself without causing any side effects.
The single remedy thus selected after taking the totality of symptoms into consideration, arrest the progress of premature hemolysis caused by G6PD deficiency and boost the hemoglobin to carry the oxygen from the lungs to another part of the body, thereby promoting the process of oxidization and prevent the complications caused by hemolysis.
There are many homeopathic medicines that act well in hemolytic anemia caused by G6PD deficiency. Some of them are as follows :
Ferrum met: This remedy is indicated when the person has a great weakness. There is paleness of whole skin with pseudo flushes on slight excitement. Headache is pulsating in character with vertigo and ringing in the ears. Shortness of breath with tachycardia is predominantly present.
Aletris farinosa: This remedy acts well when there is extreme weakness and tired feeling throughout the day with a pale face. The patient feels complete loss of energy and powerlessness. Frequent episodes of giddiness and faintness are present.
Ferrum Phos: This remedy can be easily used for people of all age groups. The patient presents with complaints of paleness, and generalized weakness with nocturnal perspiration. There is tachycardia with an increased pulse rate.
Natrum mur: This remedy is useful when hemolytic anemia is associated with weight loss. The patient appears lean, thin, and malnourished with a loss of vital energy. Hemolysis cause a bursting type of headache with nausea and vomiting.
Calcarea Phos: This remedy is indicated when there is anemia with a slow recovery. There is a tendency to develop bone-related issues. A patient has brittle bones, weakness and difficulty in concentration.
In conclusion, Homeo Care Clinic offers a holistic approach to treating G6PD deficiency. The remedies mentioned above can treat the underlying causes of the condition and offer relief from the discomfort. However, it is important to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner for the correct dosage and duration of treatment. Homeo Care Clinic provides comprehensive care for various ailments, including G6PD deficiency, and offers customized treatment plans based on individual requirements.
To schedule an appointment or learn more about our services, please visit our website or give us a call. Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for valuable insights into the world of homeopathy and holistic health.
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homeo-care-clinic · 10 months
Diet to Reduce Heat in the Body
Normal body temperature is defined as 98.6F
There are certain factors that may lead to rising in your body heat such as
Eating spicy, oily fried food
Caffeine and alcoholic drinks
Medications like opioids and antihistamines
Take 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe Vera gel in 1 cup of water and drink once a day
1 glass of cold buttermilk in lunch is effective.
Fruits like watermelon, strawberry, bananas are good option to maintain good electrolyte balance and maintain normal body temperature
Vegetables like celery, cucumbers, spinach, kale, cauliflower can be eaten raw In salads
Daily coconut water can keep your body hydrated and reduce heat
Mint added in raita or mint chutneys also help in keeping your body cool
Lime water juice also is beneficial
It is also recommended that onion contains a high amount of water which automatically results in cooling the body red onions are said to be the best shield for sunstroke
Lettuce also helps in reducing heat and maintaining a good digestive system
Mushroom contains 15 essential minerals and vitamins so eating them raw can help them to keep body cool
Yoghurt is also said to be excellent coolant for the body
Iced green tea also keeps you hydrated and refresh
The ginger cooler also helps to reduce heat
The melon puree is also recommended by some experts for the coolness of the body.
Fatty food
Red meat
Fried food
Extremely spicy food
Soyabean oil
Cinnamon bark
Has treated many patients whos having health issues with multiple disorders affecting dut to increasing body heat successfully with his mastery skills and expertise in knowledge Along with treatment for conservative management diet and exercise is also recommended to the patient for best results Please visit the centre for further details
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homeo-care-clinic · 10 months
Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease was first introduced in the year 1906. Auguste Deter was the first patient who was diagnosed with this disease. Emil Kraepelin was the first German physician who classified dementia. Alzheimer’s Disease should be treated cautiously and in time because it might become fatal due to aspiration pneumonia If left untreated.
Head trauma
Lack of sleep
Amyloid and tau deposits in brain cells
Down syndrome
Loss of ability to think and understand
Mood swings
Interrupted speech
Mental Confusion
Personality changes
Warning Signs Of Alzheimer’s Disease
Memory loss
Judgemental issues
Forgetting areas, location
Repeating words continuously in the middle of a conversation
Losing Track of words in speech
Difficulty in problem-solving
Difficulty in understanding visual images
Inability to complete daily routine tasks
Mood swings
Cognitive test
Neurological function test
Genetic tests
Blood test
CT scan and MRI
Homeopathic Medicine for Alzheimer’s Disease
Anacardium Orientale is One of the best remedies indicated in patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. Patients often complain of forgetfulness. Weak memory with the inability to perform daily tasks is the keynote feature of this remedy.
Cannabis Indica- Indicated in patients who complain of memory loss, forgetfulness, and inability to recollect past things. Misconceptions about time and space are also noticed.
Aurum Metallicum- Mostly indicated in patients who are suffering from depression. Suicidal thoughts are often found in these patients. Patient fears death.
Kali Phosphoricum- This remedy is often prescribed to patients suffering from Anxiety, depression, and nervousness which is the major cause of Alzheimer’s disease. Exhaustion and brain fatigue is noticed. The slightest task seems difficult to perform.
Nux Moschata- Indicated in people who have difficulty in reading and writing. Loss of memory. Visual images seem large to see. Drowsiness and mental fatigue is well marked.
Homeo Care Clinic
Dr. Vaseem Choudhary along with his team has treated many patients successfully with Alzheimer’s Disease so if you are seeking your cure please visit our center for further assistance.
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homeo-care-clinic · 10 months
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homeo-care-clinic · 11 months
Cervical Spondylitis
In this modern era and fast pace of life, 50 percent of the population is engaged in jobs pertaining to screen retention. Continuous sitting for stagnant hours in one place leads to many physical disturbances such as back problems, finger joint pain problems, vision issues, cervical spondylitis, and spine problems.CERVICAL spondylitis is said to be one of the most common problems noticed in every third individual. Individuals who mainly get affected are women of age 30 to 50 years. Trigger factors that increase the risk for Cervical Spondylitis include neck injury, heavy lifting work, cigarette smoking, and strain on the neck.
Spinal disc degeneration
Herniated disc
Bone spurs
Vitamin B12, D3, deficiency
Calcium deficiency
Autoimmune disorder
Poor posture
Soreness in neck
Muscle spasms
Grinding or popping sound in the neck
Neck stiffness
Pain in arm and shoulder
Restricted movements
X-ray of the cervical spine
CT scan
MRI of Cervical spine
Conventional Treatment
Soft collar or brace
Heat or cold massage on the neck
Physical therapy
Oral medications
CERVICAL epidural block.
CERVICAL facet joint block
Radiofrequency ablation
Homeopathic System
Role of Homeopathy in Cervical Spondylitis
Homeopathy is safe, non-toxic, non-habitual, and can be continued for years
Homeopathic medicines are deep-acting and help to control the progression of the disease.
Homeopathy helps in reducing the inflammation of the ligaments.
Homeopathy provides you relief from pain and stiffness of joints.
Homeopathy also helps in relieving nerve root compression by reducing tingling and numbness sensation.
Considering the totality of symptoms and detailed case history every minute detail of the symptom is taken into account and treated accordingly.
On the basis of individualization, the cure is achieved from within without any side effects.
Homeopathic Medicines
Here are a few medicines that are most commonly prescribed by homeopaths for cervical spondylitis
Rhus tox
One of the most common remedies indicated for cervical spondylitis. Pain is generally aggravated by first motion, cold damp weather, and rest. Warm application and continuous motion relieve pain.
The pain usually starts in the neck and radiates down to the arm and fingers. Pain occurs in paroxysms .The patient feels vertigo and dizziness while looking down.
Pain aggravates more due to emotional disturbance or suppressed grief or anger. The pain gets better with the massage. stitching type of pain is present in the neck which makes the person unable to perform his daily activities.
Calcarea Phosphorica
Mostly indicated when there is an overgrowth of osteophytes on the vertebrae. Pain is more during damp humid weather. Bony changes in cervical vertebrae are noticed.
Arsenic Album
Mostly indicated in patients who often complain of stitching type of pain present in the neck. Pain radiates to arms and shoulders. The person is unable to lift the neck up. Daily activities are hampered.
Dr. Vaseem Choudhury along with his teammates has treated many patients successfully with Cervical Spondylitis so if you are seeking your cure please visit our center for further assistance.
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homeo-care-clinic · 11 months
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homeo-care-clinic · 1 year
Demystifying Post-Laser Hair Removal Shedding: What to Expect
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Laser hair removal has revolutionized the beauty industry, offering a semi-permanent solution to unwanted hair. However, many individuals undergoing this procedure are often surprised by a phenomenon known as "post-laser hair removal shedding."
Understanding the Basics:
Post-laser hair removal shedding, also referred to as hair shedding or hair fall, is a common occurrence that takes place after a laser hair removal session. This phase typically begins within a few days to a few weeks following the treatment. While it may seem alarming, it is actually a positive sign that the laser is working effectively.
The Science Behind It:
To comprehend post-laser hair removal shedding, it's essential to grasp how laser hair removal works. During a laser session, the concentrated light energy is absorbed by the melanin (pigment) in the hair follicles, which generates heat. This heat damages the follicles, impairing their ability to produce new hair. However, it doesn't happen immediately.
Hair grows in various phases: anagen (growth), catagen (transitional), and telogen (resting). Laser hair removal is most effective during the anagen phase when hair is actively growing and connected to the follicle. Since not all hairs are in the same phase simultaneously, multiple sessions are needed to target all the hair. Post-laser hair removal shedding occurs as a result of the damage done to the follicles during the anagen phase.
What to Expect:
Increased Hair Fall: You will notice more hair falling out in the treated area. This shedding is a clear indication that the laser is disrupting the hair growth cycle.
Gradual Thinning: Over the course of several weeks, you'll observe a gradual reduction in hair thickness and density. This is a positive outcome of the treatment.
Patchy Appearance: As hair sheds unevenly, you might experience a patchy appearance in the treated area. This is temporary and a part of the process.
Multiple Sessions: Post-laser hair removal shedding doesn't mean all hair is gone after one session. Multiple sessions are necessary to target hair in various growth phases.
Maintenance Sessions: After the initial treatment plan, you may require occasional maintenance sessions to keep hair growth in check.
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homeo-care-clinic · 1 year
Navigating Psoriasis with Homeopathic Care
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Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin condition that affects millions worldwide. Characterized by red, inflamed patches covered with silvery scales, psoriasis can cause discomfort, embarrassment, and even emotional distress.
For more information 👉🏻 https://www.homeocareclinic.in/psoriasis-with-homeopathic/
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homeo-care-clinic · 1 year
मधुमेहावर(Diabetes) होमिओपॅथिक उपचार
इन्सुलिन हा हार्मोन आहे जो रक्तातील साखरेचे नियमन करतो. मधुमेह हा एक असा आजार आहे ज्यामध्ये स्वादुपिंड पुरेशा प्रमाणात इन्सुलिन तयार करत नाही किंवा शरीराने तयार केलेले इन्सुलिन प्रभावीपणे वापरता येत नाही. मधुमेहाने(Diabetes) ग्रस्त असलेल्या व्यक्तीसाठी फक्त औषधे घेतल्याने रक्तातील साखरेची पातळी नियंत्रित राहण्यास मदत होत नाही. चांगल्या परिणामांसाठी त्यांना त्यांच्या जीवनशैलीत काही सकारात्मक बदल करणे गरजेचे असते . या आजारावर होमिओपॅथी उपचार करण्यासाठी खूप फायदेशीर ठरू शकते. या स्थितीतून बरे होण्यासाठी होमिओपॅथी कशी मदत करू शकते ते पाहू या.
मधुमेहाची(Diabetes) लक्षणे
रात्रीच्या वेळी वारंवार लघवी
खूप तहान लागणे 
वजन कमी होणे 
खूप भूक लागणे
अंधुक दृष्टी होणे
हात किंवा पाय सुन्न किंवा मुंग्या येणे
खूप थकवा जाणवणे
 कोरडी त्वचा
मधुमेहावर(Diabetes) होमिओपॅथी औषधे
होमिओपॅथी आज एक वाढणारी प्रणाली आहे आणि ती जगभरात प्रचलित आहे. मानसिक, भावनिक, अध्यात्मिक आणि शारीरिक स्तरांवर आंतरिक संतुलन वाढवून आजारी व्यक्तीकडे सर्वांगीण दृष्टीकोन ठेवल्याने त्याची ताकद त्याच्या स्पष्ट परिणामकारकतेमध्ये आहे. जेव्हा मधुमेहाचा(Diabetes) प्रश्न असेल तेव्हा होमिओपॅथीमध्ये अनेक प्रभावी औषधे उपलब्ध आहेत, परंतु निवड ही मानसिक आणि शारीरिक लक्षणे लक्षात घेऊन रुग्णाच्या वैयक्तिकतेवर अवलंबून असते.
जंबोलनम किंवा एस. क्युमिनी – मधुमेह(Diabetes) असलेल्या लोकांसाठी जांबोलॅनम हे सर्वोत्तम नैसर्गिक होमिओपॅथिक औषध आहे. हे साखरेची पातळी कमी करण्यात कार्यक्षमतेने कार्य करते. 
अब्रोमा ऑगस्टा – होमिओपॅथीमध्ये, हे मधुमेहावरील(Diabetes) सर्वात लोकप्रिय औषध आहे. ज्यांना शरीर कमी झाल्यामुळे अधिक अशक्तपणा जाणवतो अशा मधुमेही(Diabetes) रुग्णांना डॉक्टर अब्रोमा ऑगस्टा सुचवतात. तोंडात कोरडेपणा, वारंवार लघवी होणे आणि भूक वाढणे अशा तहान लागणाऱ्या रुग्णांसाठी देखील हे उपयुक्त आहे.
कोनियम– रक्तातील साखरेच्या उच्च पातळीमुळे पाय आणि हात सुन्न होणे आणि मज्जातंतूंच्या नुकसानीसाठी कोनियम औषधे वापरली जाऊ शकतात. हे तुमच्या शरीराच्या खालच्या भागात स्नायू कमकुवतपणा देखील राखते. 
युरेनियम नायट्रिकम– हे मधुमेह(Diabetes) असलेल्या लोकांसाठी मुख्य होमिओपॅथिक औषध आहे. हे लघवीचे असंयम, एन्युरेसिस आणि मूत्रमार्गात जळजळ यासह लघवी राखते. लघवीसह ही परिस्थिती रक्तातील ग्लुकोजच्या पातळीत वाढ झाल्यामुळे उद्भवते. युरेनियम नायट्रिकम होमिओपॅथिक औषध उच्च रक्त शर्करा पातळीपासून संरक्षण करते. याव्यतिरिक्त, ते उच्च रक्तदाब आणि फॅटी लिव्हरच्या स्थितीपासून देखील संरक्षण करते.
फॉस्फोरिक ऍसिड– फॉस्फोरिक ऍसिड हे मधुमेह(Diabetes) नियंत्रित करण्यासाठी एक नैसर्गिक होमिओपॅथिक औषध आहे. त्याचा वापर रुग्णाच्या लक्षणांवर अवलंबून असतो. डॉक्टरांच्या सल्ल्याने ते घावे.
फॉस्फरस– होमिओपॅथिक औषध फॉस्फरस हे मधुमेहाच्या(Diabetes) रूग्णांच्या दृष्टीच्या कमकुवततेसाठी एक उत्तम उपाय आहे.
इन्सुलिनला होमिओपॅथिक पर्याय नाही, परंतु होमिओपॅथिक उपाय आपण नियमित मधुमेह(Diabetes) उपचारांसोबत वापरल्यास रक्तातील साखर नियंत्रित करू शकतात. टाइप 2 मधुमेह असलेल्या लोकांना त्यांच्या नियमित औषधांव्यतिरिक्त वैयक्तिक होमिओपॅथिक उपचार मिळाले. त्यांच्या रक्तातील ग्लुकोज नियंत्रण होते. या उपचारांना वेळ लागतो पण त्याचे परिणाम दिसू लागतात. 4 वर्षांच्या रुग्णांपासून ते 88 वर्षांच्या वृद्धापर्यंतचा मधुमेह होमिओपॅथी उपचाराने नियंत्रण ठेवण्यास मदत करू शकतो. फक्त योग्य वेळेत उपचार सुरु करणे महत्वाचे आहे.
होमिओ केअर क्लिनिक
डॉ. वसीम चौधरी यांनी त्यांच्या टीमसह विविध आजार असलेल्या अनेक रुग्णांवर यशस्वी उपचार केले आहेत. डॉ. वसीम चौधरी, पुण्यातील प्रख्यात होमिओपॅथ आणि सर्वोत्कृष्ट होमिओपॅथी डॉक्टर आहेत. त्यांनी त्यांच्या निष्णात टीमसोबत होमिओ केअर क्लिनिक सुरू केले आहे. ही होमिओपॅथी क्लिनिकची साखळी संपूर्ण पुण्यात पसरली आहे. यात विशिष्ट क्षेत्रातील तज्ञ डॉक्टर असतात. तुम्हाला अधिक माहिती हवी असल्यास पुण्यातील केंद्राला आजच भेट द्या.
Online Consultation:- +91-8552907545
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