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You are allowed to love and cherish your online friends, to want to send them gifts! If you’re practicing internet safety and still manage to make a true friend, the miles between you doesn’t make that bond any lesser.
(If you and your friends want to send eachother gifts, a P.O. Box can help ensure your buddy receives their gift safely, and can cherish it as much as Dave does! )
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Indulge in silliness! Take time to play, and joke, and laugh, and have fun! No matter where you are in life, you deserve to have a good time.
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Having a guardian with addiction can be scary. You deserve someone who you can rely on, not someone you feel the need to hide from. You are valid for wanting things to be different. You deserve things to be better.
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Having a funeral for a pet isn’t silly or immature. Just because they aren’t human, doesn’t mean they are less important to you. A pet can be your best friend, can be part of your family. You deserve the right to mourn them in the way you choose.
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Having a crush on a fictional character is okay. You are allowed to daydream about a character, to imagine yourself as being with them. Hell, you’re allowed to write fanfic or make fanart with your fictional crush and your self-insert! Characters are meant to make us feel something. Do not feel ashamed for feeling a little bit more.
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You deserve a guardian that loves you, that supports you, that is open with their affection and honest with their praise. You are worthy of their care.
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Awh thank you! I am enjoying turning this into something wonderful :)
Homestuck brainrot level check: i started the @homestuck-affirmations blog because you, an internet peer, made a joke post about it, and now im taking it xtremely seriously :b
LOL as you should though 😌 you've got some great posts on there!!
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Loving someone outside of the bounds of the “normal” doesn’t make you a freak, doesn’t mean you can’t find happiness. Queer love is beautiful and wonderful, embrace it!
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this blog makes me feel so happy. it's wonderful to be shown that you are okay, and you are valid through your special interest. thank you so much for making this blog.
Im so glad that what ive written resonates with you! This may have started as a little bit of a gimmik, but the characters of homestuck have so much depth and complexity that i felt making something genuine was more important than making it silly. People relate to these characters, to their struggles and their flaws. Its an odd little niche but i am happy to fill it.
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You are valid for finding joy in this blog! You are allowed to seek comfort through your special interest!
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You are stronger for your recovery, no matter how many times it takes you to get there. Your friends should love and support you on your journey. You should never have to feel like you’ve become less interesting due to sobriety.
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You are allowed to have morbid interests, to be curious about things that make people squirm. That doesn’t make you “devient”, “dangerous” or “deranged”. People have always wanted to know things, wanted to confront what scares them. Own it!
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Your pride in your work is valid, no matter how “small” of a part you play. Someone out there notices the effort you put in, and they appreciate you immensely.
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Crossdressing can be fun! You’re allowed to experiment with new forms of self expression :)
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Being a picky eater isn’t a bad thing. You are allowed to have food you don’t like, regardless of any allergies, and people should respect that. It is your body- you choose what goes into it.
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Sometimes you will fail. Sometimes those who depend on you will be disappointed. But that does not make you a failure, does not make you a disappointment. There will be an opportunity to do something different, to prove yourself and to make it up to them. All is not lost.
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It’s okay to have different interests than those you care about. That doesn’t make you any less compatible. They love what is unique about you, just as you love what is unique about them.
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A single trait does not define you. You are allowed to be complex. You should be proud of who you are.
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