homestuckisautistic · 3 years
A little Homestuck PSA
As 4/13 is right around the corner I just wanted to remind everyone about the Unofficial Homestuck Collection. As Viz and the death of Flash have been slowly killing the intended Homestuck experience there is still a way to see it how it was meant.
This offline program allows for all the flash to be seen and mini games to be played as intended and helps protect from spoilers. If you are going to start reading Homestuck or are planning to trick some unsuspecting friend into reading please consider using this program!
And - I love new livebloggers! Let me know who you love to watch make this journey.
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homestuckisautistic · 3 years
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im gonna cry
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homestuckisautistic · 3 years
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Wanshi Adyata from Hiveswap canonically reads Warriors
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homestuckisautistic · 3 years
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babygirl you’re yucky disgusting
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homestuckisautistic · 3 years
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get a shirt ur size
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homestuckisautistic · 3 years
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homestuckisautistic · 3 years
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homestuckisautistic · 3 years
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homestuckisautistic · 3 years
Logos you might find on Alternia
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homestuckisautistic · 3 years
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hair swap or something
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homestuckisautistic · 3 years
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happy girls in paradise
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homestuckisautistic · 3 years
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Sleepy Jade. zzzz
Maybe one day I will actually complete this piece
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homestuckisautistic · 3 years
also can i just say i’m so tired of how hard ppl try to make kanaya fucking BLAND
i get that gay ppl esp on tumblr are obsessed with “representation” being “wholesome” and “unproblematic” or whatever but kanaya maryam is a fantastic, funny, interesting lesbian whose personality meshes well with the story she was written into. she’s morbid. so is terezi. she’s funny and sometimes petty and dishonest. rose too!! rose and kanaya are full of incredibly human flaws, bad jokes, insensitivity, misunderstandings, and bad decisions… they’re interesting because they’re realistic. they’re funny and engaging.
stop making them bland and fucking boring to fufill some fantasy of whatever boring bullshit you think “gay representation SHOULD be”. i get where this is coming from (and i get that i occupy Camp Problematic Lesbian) but it genuinely doesn’t help. it doesn’t push back against harmful gay stereotypes like… at all. nobody needs or wants cardboard cutout ~wholesome~ lesbian couples to fill some shitty quota. nobody – esp not young bi and lesbian girls trying to find themselves – will engage with that in a meaningful way. don’t reduce interesting and funny gay characters to bland, “unproblematic”, and forgettable side characters. most “gay representation” already occupies this space, esp since they’re the easiest for other cishet creators to shoehorn into their otherwise mediocre content lol
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homestuckisautistic · 3 years
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homestuckisautistic · 3 years
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homestuckisautistic · 3 years
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Yeah ladies.
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homestuckisautistic · 3 years
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Merry 4/13
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