homocidemania · 2 months
Transforming My Mornings - Trying Robin Sharma's 5AM Club Routine
Marie Forleo here, talking with Robin Sharma, bestselling author an international speaker and expert in leadership. He claims it is the secret to Hollywood stars, billionaires and geniuses. He suggests waking up in the morning to devote the first half hour each day to pondering, exercising, and learning new things. This strategy isn't simple to implement. What to Expect According to Sharma that one hour of concentrated focus each day can allow you to develop the quality of your work by as much as 30 percent. This is because the early part of the day is clear of distractions (other people are sleeping, you're not checking social media, or ensuring that your emails aren't being sent) and you're able to truly improve on what matters to you. He suggests 20 minutes sweaty exercise, followed by 20 minute contemplation (journaling, meditation) as well as 20 minutes of learning the latest technique. He suggests that these tips can be altered according to your preferences and needs. It's the same process that billionaires and movie stars utilize to reach a state of relaxation for their most crucial tasks. If you continue to follow the routine for a week you will experience what Sharma calls "the automated level" and you will be able to feel that it's your normal routine. Getting Started Consistently committing to action is essential to alter your routine. This includes setting aside an hour for reflection, vigorous exercise (to let go of BDNF and lower cortisol levels that hinder the development of genius) and learning. Sharma is a proponent of multiple mentors in order to expand your perspectives and abilities and also the 60/10 method, which is where you put in a lot of effort for sixty minutes and take ten-minute breaks, which boost productivity and focus. Sharma also focuses on two phases of excellence in performance: the Monk cycle which emphasizes focus and a deep focus, and the Brahmin cycle, which encourages relaxation and self-care. While Sharma's ideas and personal stories are motivating the 5am Club ritual may not be suitable for all. Some readers might be turned off by the book's dedication to a certain wake-up hour and the insufficient scientific support. Exercise The 5AM Club suggests you spend the first hour working out vigorously to "work at world-class levels in your area of expertise." Exercise lowers cortisol levels, a stress hormone that stunts genius, and boosts BDNF which creates new connections to the brain. The following 20 minutes are time for reflection and journaling, or taking a moment of meditation. Sharma says you should focus on goals and the future. The final 20 minutes is to be used for growth. This is possible by learning the new skills or by reading the book. Sharma says that his self-improvement system has been able to help billionaires, athletes and others succeed. What do you think? Give it a go! Reflection It is possible to allow yourself some time and space to discover the way that a daily routine works to you. Start with asking yourself why you want to set up a routine, and how it can help you achieve your goals. It's important to remember that changing habits require practice and that a new routine will take some time to become familiar with. Your new routine could seem a bit forced and not flow naturally however this is an indication of good things to come. In the second part of the 5am Club routine, Sharma recommends that you take 20 minutes to reflect and learning. It's possible to do anything including listening to a podcast or reading a book, to making a list of your goals, plans and commitments. It is an opportunity to preview your day and spot challenges before they surface later in the day. Find out more about the Learning Program
Having a solid morning routine isn't just about getting things done (although it's a good thing too). It's about removing yourself from the habit of living in survival mode and establishing the image you have created as a person who has the determination to do more than the minimum. Do not be intimidated by all the articles, podcasts and other sources on how to establish a morning ritual. It's more important that you find what you like and be mindful of your personal rhythms. It can take some time to get your new routine established and, at first, they won't feel completely natural. Just like any habit repeated practice is essential. Make sure you do the things that are important to you every single day, despite what life can throw at you. Go to YouTube
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homocidemania · 2 months
Waking Up at 5am - My Experience With Robin Sharma's Morning Routine
Robin Sharma, a leadership expert for more than 20 years has assisted thousands of executives achieve their daily routine. He says that the habit of getting up early opens up new levels of productivity, and activates your best health and clarity. He suggests a schedule that includes exercise, self-reflection and journaling, and reading to improve your personal development. Tonal Book Club is exploring if this strategy can truly transform your life. Exercise Sharma recommends you begin your "victory hours" with vigorous exercise. It doesn't matter if it's jumping jacks, or a jog through the neighborhood, the goal is to build to sweat before the day gets too busy. It will help you keep your focus and remain calm all day long. After exercising, Sharma recommends 20 minutes of reflection, including journaling and practicing meditation. Sharma believes this will make sure you have a productive day, and you can learn from other people's experiences. To make the most of life is a matter of proper time management and a commitment to self-improvement. Success in both your personal and professional life will come from managing your time well and focusing on what is most important. Meditation For Sharma, meditation is the most significant aspect of the morning routine. Sharma describes it as the "mother of all routines" because it lays the groundwork for the other routines to develop and flourish. Meditation is a method of mental discipline that requires you to shut your eyes and concentrate on your breath. This will help you relax your thoughts and be able to think clearly. It also boosts your overall health and decreases stress. Sharma suggests in her book that you dedicate 20 minutes exercising as well as 20 minutes planning your schedule and 20 minutes researching. It is essential to stick to this routine CONSISTENTLY over the course of 66 days to be able to see the results. This hack will help people who struggle to incorporate exercise, reflection and learning into their everyday routines. Blinkist has made it even simpler by turning nonfiction books into short explainers. Journaling The second portion of the 20/20/20 routine runs between 5:20 and 5:40 am, where Sharma suggests that you spend time reflecting. This could include writing in your journal or reviewing your goals or perhaps studying something new. This is due to the fact that no one else is awake during this period, and you can take notes without distraction. This allows you to reflect on your goals and be sure that you're moving in the right direction. Sharma states that he's suggesting this as a feasible alternative to spending an hour or so in the morning and it's the decision of each person how they want to utilize this time. But, he believes it's something that everyone should take a look at. Reading The difficulty is getting up every morning at 5am and make time to your own personal care, productivity and development. You could feel tired and overwhelmed the next morning if you don't get enough sleep. This is why Robin Sharma recommends easing into the 5 AM routine by increasing the time that you are awake in small increments. The routine is broken into three 20-minute chunks that prepare your body and brain to be successful. It includes 20 minutes of exercise, 20 minutes reflecting, and 20 minutes of studying. A large portion of the world's prosperous thinkers, billionaires and musicians, as well as celebrities, musicians and movie stars use this method. It's their "victory hour." They do the work they'd always hoped to do. Planning Sharma believes that a productive morning starts with a well-planned time management, and working towards your goals. Sharma suggests that you make your first hour of the day"victory hour" by finishing tasks that are of high value. Being aware of distractions is a vital aspect of this routine, and especially digital ones. To concentrate only on the essential things the best thing to do is avoid any technology within the first hour of your day. This is the way billionaires, entrepreneurs movie stars and geniuses can maximize their productivity. This practice will help you improve your life.
Source: YouTube
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homocidemania · 3 months
Optimism in the Multiverse - Transforming Dimensions With Positive Thoughts
The theory of the multiverse is getting lots of attention in both popular culture. What is it? Optimism could be described as an emotional disposition that causes an positive view of the world. It's closely linked to an underestimation of risk in the brain and is often referred to as optimism bias.
The positive outlook of optimism can influence both physical and mental well-being through encouraging healthy lifestyles and the ability to think and adapt that allow negative information be more efficiently processed. Transform Dimensions through Positive Thinking Positive thinking is the ability to think positively. It focuses on the things you can control, not what you don't. This is a proactive approach to coping with life's unpredictable surprises and helps you adapt better. It can also lead to more longevity. The more optimistic people tend to employ the active transcendence method of coping instead of an passive immanence or avoidance coping style. Research has demonstrated that optimism is linked to healthier lifestyle choices, such as regular exercise, healthy eating and avoiding smoking. It also contributes to more energy levels as well as a better capacity to handle stress. It is possible to develop optimistically over time, and it can provide numerous benefits to your mental and physical health. Find people who inspire you and practice self-compassion, gratitude, and mindfulness to increase your enthusiasm. It will boost your immune system and enhance the quality of your life. According to Alan Rozanski a cardiologist, optimists have twice the chance to be healthy and fit than pessimists. Optimism and Science Scientific optimism is the conviction that even the most challenging scientific challenges can be solved through iteration and perseverance. This enables scientists to stick with their work and keep seeking new theories that describe their world. This lets scientists be skeptical, which is essential to ensure that they are gatekeepers. Optimism leads to increased resources for economic and social and better physical health. It can even increase your lifespan, as evidenced by a study that tracked 1 429 men and 69 744 women for 8 years. Optimists differ from pessimists different ways, for example, their attentional bias toward positive over negative stimuli, and their ways of coping when faced with stressful circumstances (see Segerstrom, 2006a). It's unclear how much of the difference between optimists and pessimists can be attributed to genetic. Recent twin studies that tracked fraternal and identical twins found that genes only account for approximately 38 percent. This means that most individual differences in optimism could be attributed to environmental factors. The optimism of literature and optimism Optimists are more likely to live better health, less stress levels, higher performance at school and work as well as longer life span than pessimists. It is nevertheless important to note that most optimism research is focused on a single dimension of the concept that is inferential, like or illusions of control or self-enhancing biases. Despite the fact that optimism is an essential moderating element in both physical and mental well-being it's rare to find studies that explore all aspects of optimism at one time (Bennett & Seligman 2005). The question has been posed regarding whether optimists disregard threats and stick their heads into the sand. Optimists are more likely to focus on serious health hazards if they impact directly on their health. The pessimists tend to abandon a difficult task over optimists. This doesn't mean that optimists are overconfident about their abilities. However, optimism is linked with greater determination when confronted by challenges and setbacks. Optimism and Art Artists need to have an optimistic mindset. They can be confident in their work in order to accomplish their artistic goals and overcome unexpected obstacles. They also have the tendency to push in the face of challenges, which improves their self-confidence and optimism. This is the case for all creative endeavors which includes writing, painting or performing. It is not a substitute for talent, hard work and skill development However, it can help to take you to the next level. A positive and confident person, when faced with a dilemma will seek solutions instead of dwelling in the past. Making a list of all your previous successes can be helpful for recalling how far you've come. Also, spending time with positive people can help you increase your positive outlook. Take a look at Synctuition's captivating 3D sound adventures to transform stressful thoughts into positive ones. Go to YouTube
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homocidemania · 3 months
20-Minute Jazz Cycling - Ride to the Rhythm
In a cycling class that is indoors music sets the tone and may inspire you to work harder when you are working out. While any type of music can be used in a class, instructors often pick songs that go with particular exercises and tempos to provide the best workout experience. Research has shown that loud music increases the duration of exercises that are submaximal and slow jazz or classical music helps reduce perceived exertion. Positive Attitude With their energetic upbeat beats, a lot of jazz songs are great for intense workouts. Instructors usually choose songs with a beat to inspire their students. It's important to pay attention to the speed of the music and to keep your pedals in sync to the beat. You'll build endurance and be able to make yourself more intense during the workout. Kaleigh Cohen Kaleigh Cohen, an instructor at the Mad Dogg Athletics instructor and NASM-certified trainer, leads this YouTube class for those who are new to the sport. Kaleigh guides you through jogs as well as sprints. Additionally, she provides helpful tips for technique. She also likes music that is upbeat that isn't often heard, adding to the enjoyment of your ride. Singer Cecile McLorin Salvant has tapped into the tradition of the great jazz vocalists Bessie Smith, Betty Carter, and Sarah Vaughan. Her voice is distinctive due to its expressiveness, its rich lower register and vast range. She'll be appearing at SFJAZZ between the 6-9th of June with her group Sons of Kemet which includes multi-faceted musician Shabaka Hutchings. Energized If you're one who likes to pedal to the beat, you'll want to pick up the pace to a playlist of high-energy jazz. Mark-Anthony Sanchez, a kinesiologist from Beaverton in Oregon cautions against doing too much of it. Exerting too much force can cause your cycling to be disrupted, resulting in a jerky motion that may result in injuries. In a laboratory-based in-vivo study, healthy males performed a self-determined work-rate while listening to a music program that was the same length but different tempos: The program was played at a normal pace, then it was increased by 10% and after that, it was reduced by 10 percent. The faster music increased the distance covered/unit time and power, while the slow music increased heart rate, perceived exertion, as well as thermal comfort. Clarinets, saxes, and trumpets can all boost your energy levels, however vocalists are the most energetic. SFJAZZ fave Cecile McLorin Salvant is a part of a lineage that includes Bessie Smith and Sarah Vaughan, but her voice has its own unique charisma. The singer will be appearing at SFJAZZ from SEP 6-9 with her band Ogresse. Relaxed Music can have a significant impact on your workout. Instructors curate playlists based on their knowledge and experience of which songs complement certain exercises, aligning the tempo to your goals for exercise. Cecile McLorin's voice sounds rich and evocative, recalling the classic jazz singers of the past like Bessie and Betty Carter. But she's a distinct artist who's developed her own distinct vision over the time of a decade. In a study conducted in the lab cyclists cycled at their own work rate while listening to music with different speed. The speed of the program was increased, as were the distance covered, unit time, power and pedal cadence; slowing it did the opposite. In other words, matching the pace of your workout to the beat will help you work harder. Smooth If you're just beginning to learn about the bike the beginner-friendly cycling routine on YouTube could be the perfect fit for you. NASM-certified personal trainer and Mad Dogg Athletics cycling instructor Kaleigh Cohen leads you through jogs, climbs and sprints with various intensities, offering techniques for form and encouraging you to pay attention to your body (not just push through the discomfort). The studio-filmed class is also packed with high-quality footage which makes it simple to follow along.
If you're looking to test your endurance and jam out to the '80s' dance music this hour-long cycling workout is for you. Personal trainer ACE-certified Lars Meesters takes you through sprints and climbs that will increase your endurance, as well as helping to keep in sync to the beat of your beat. This workout uses a high-quality video that focuses on proper cycling form and choreography. You'll certainly sweat on, but you'll also feel relaxed after the session ends. Go to the video
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homocidemania · 3 months
Mandeville Piano Classes For All Ages at LA Academy of Performing Arts
Mandeville, Louisiana offers music and dance lessons to both adults and children. Music classes for adults as well as youngsters in Mandeville, Louisiana. Ballet, tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Lyrical and Parent & Tot classes are offered. The teachers at LA Academy are professional musicians committed to helping students reach the musical ability they need. They are certified to teach students from all ages and the levels. Beginning Piano Lessons Students can start with either an online or in-person piano lesson. Regardless of which lesson choice you pick your instructor will be able to tailor the lessons you take each week to meet your particular goals and preferences. In the first lesson novices who are brand new will learn the musical alphabet (A-G), finger numbers, the most common forms of piano keys and the patterns that appear on the keyboard, and the distinction between white and black keys, and how to distinguish low and high pitches and how to bend fingers, hold wrists and hands correctly, maintain proper posture and play the basic music. Our instructors are highly skilled at converting complicated concepts into phrases that are understandable to newcomers. Joshua Blouin is a local multi-instrumental musician with 19+ years of experience. He has played guitar in various bands, from alternative to rock performing in musicals and choirs, taught music at several schools, and has a vast experience with percussion. His passion for fostering musical talent is evident in the way he teaches. He loves sharing his passion for music with his students of all years. Intermediate Piano Lessons
The lessons for piano are based on the musical interests of the student as well as their level of experience and needs. Lessons include learning the alphabetic alphabet A-G fundamental finger numbers in the keyboard, patterns learning to recognize high and low notes, curving fingers hand and wrist position as well as practice techniques! Depending on the student's ability to handle it, music theory can also be introduced during the course. This 45-minute lesson will help students to be aware of how music functions, and will accelerate their progress in private lessons. Our music teachers are University trained professionals that are experts in their respective fields. Three of our campuses in Greater New Orleans are dedicated to providing the best art education for kids as well as teens and adults. Advanced Piano Lessons Students usually focus on music theory and technique at this point in the piano classes. They are advancing their skills and discovering the music they prefer to play. Whatever it is: jazz/blues, classical, or pop, our teachers will guide the student to find their own style. We offer a free music theory class each week for all students who take private piano lessons with us. The class lasts 45 minutes and teaches the fundamentals of how and why the musical is performed. Music theory can speed up the student's progress in their piano lessons in private and give them a deeper understanding of the various types of music. Complete our inquiry form for more information on our lessons in music at Mandeville Music. We'll get in touch with you to schedule an interview in-person with one of our highly rated instructors. Lessons are available at our gorgeous campus locations and on-line through Skype or Zoom. Theory Classes Each of our LAAPA instructors are professional and have received university training in their respective fields. They have a love of teaching that is evident in their instruction. They are highly skilled in communicating and can easily explain complex concepts in simple language. Every week, students in music are required to attend a 45-minute theory class, which will cover themes like rhythm, melody harmony, scales and harmony. They will be able to learn the fundamentals of music, and accelerate their progress in private lessons. Our instructors are highly qualified and have many years of experience performing, teaching and directing both internationally and locally. They're dedicated to helping each student develop the highest level of musical ability and to excel in their performances. They enjoy teaching and sharing their love for music with students. Go to the video
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homocidemania · 3 months
5 Exciting Features of the X-Men '97 Reboot
Mutant Mania is set to bring back memories for people who loved X-Men: The Animated Series. With its unique animation and fresher design, the new show has been met with enthusiasm. Executive producer Brad Winderbaum says the show will give obscure characters such as Rogue and Gambit their due. According to the episode's title the show will accomplish exactly that. 1. X-Men '97 Reboot Hugh Jackman, and a new generation of Wolverine fans, were first introduced to the animated series between 1992 and 1997. In the present, X-Men '97 is back in a new 10-episode Disney+ show that is certain to delight those who loved the original. The characters are amazing, the animation is great and the action exciting. The boys also love the show too! They both immediately tore open the boxes and started playing. The toys are simple for them to connect and play with as they don't have to read instructions to understand what the pieces are meant to be. It's a toy that they'll use for years! Only downside is the sheer amount of pieces to keep track of. 2. The X-Men '97 cast X-Men '97 adds new characters alongside the classic characters like Magneto, Jubilee and Wolverine. The main antagonist of the series is Mister Sinister, a geneticist who is infused with superpowers and mutant traits and seeks to control them for his own purposes. The show will also feature X-Men: The Animated Series alumni Cathal J. Dodd as Wolverine and Matthew Waterson as Magneto, along with A.J. LoCascio as Gambit and Holly Chou as Jubilee. The series features new voices for Jean Grey, Scott Summers and Nightcrawler. Eric Bauza reprises the role of Sentinels - a robotic creation by BolivarTrask as well as Henry Peter Gyrich in order to track mutants. Gil Birmingham, a Native American who wears a robotic leg in place of his leg that is missing, and Gui Augustini, who plays Sunspot, are included in the cast. 3. The X-Men '97 Story It's not an easy task to make a franchise feel fresh. However, X-Men '97 seems to have achieved it, by bringing back old fans and making new ones on the way. The adaptation doesn't waste time on endless world-building and gets right into the action. It's also renowned for its insanely fast the pace of its action, which enables it to speed through legendary comic book storylines with ease. Cyclops is a firm leader, who stands up for Xavier's legacy in the wake of his death. Wolverine and Jean Grey return as do Magneto, Storm Rogue and Nightcrawler. A new character named Bishop is revealed (voiced Chris Britton). Bastion is a machine/human hybrid which wants to initiate 300 years of warfare, which will result in mutants being taken captive. 4. The X-Men '97 Trailer My children (ages 6 and 8) immediately tore into the toys and began playing with them. They were able to make them independently, and they loved the look of the characters. The kids were thrilled to look at all the action figures and were stunned by the booming stomping sounds that emanated from the speakers. The new animation is an exciting improvement that evokes the feeling of the original show without getting caught up in the trappings of nostalgia and cheesy line delivery which are common in animated kids' shows. The series is more adult in tone, but it appeals to younger viewers without being overly obnoxious. X-Men '97 accomplishes what many Disney+ and theatrical Marvel adaptations can't do by knowing its viewers. It is one of the best adaptations of superheroes to see. 5. The X-Men '97 Easter Eggs
This new version of the animated show will appeal to X-Men fans. Fans will love the lively Easter eggs, references and other elements of the new show. The series cleverly revisits major comics from the past such as Operation: Zero Tolerance, and Bastion's defeat of Genosha. The series teases us with the future of Cable, Gambit and Storm. X-Men '97 proves, too that big-scale stories about mutants aren't a problem on smaller screens. While the show does move quickly the show allows characters to evolve over time and gives them dynamic soap opera-like relationships. Enemies change into friends as well as romances blossom and fall. Video embeds anchors:
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homocidemania · 11 months
Breaking Barriers: Women Redefining Their Narrative
Breaking barriers involves removing obstacles that hinder an individual or group. Barriers can be natural like a mountain, or they can be created by man barriers, like laws or social structures. In particular, women typically face gender-based barriers when pursuing the leadership role. Personal obstacles can be overcome by establishing self-confidence, which is essential to leadership development. Women Redefining Their Narrative in "We Rise' Despite the advancements that women's advancements have brought, gender-based biases and stereotypes remain a barrier to the potential of women. Insidiously, societal expectations portray leadership as something that is male and leaves women behind. This hinders their ability to take on leadership roles and contribute to thriving economies that are beneficial to all. In the '20s, working women became part of America's new mass consumer culture, that brought about changes to the nature of domestic life as well. The refrigerator, the washing machine and vacuum cleaner revolutionized the way we live. in changing the way household chores were done. A third wave feministism was a reaction to the sexist representations and stereotypical representations of women within popular culture. This was evident in the brutal truth, humour, and horror of Eve Ensler's novel and play "The Vagina Monologues" and in the righteous anger of punk rock's riot grrrls and the fun seriousness, subversion and humour of The Guerrilla Girls. Women who would like to lead need to act now. The economies of APEC must adopt and implement policies that take a gender perspective, integrating a holistic view of women into education curricula as well as economic and development plans including access to credit, jobs, and also in leadership positions at all levels of governance. "We Rise" celebrates women of Color Gender equality requires overcoming traditional discriminatory beliefs and practices which include sex-based biases. Women are taught how to challenge and overcome these obstacles is crucial to ensuring the global economy, which is beneficial to all. Women and girls of color are able to see themselves in female political figures like Kamala Harris who was born to the support of a Jamaican father and an Indian mother. "She's very inspiring to me and I hope that it inspires others of my age to get involved in public life," says 14-year-old Jayanti Jahagir from Brooklyn, New York.
While the number of women in leadership roles has grown, many remain encircled by glass ceilings. Social norms and unconscious biases hamper their ability to enter male-dominated industries that are more lucrative, and could be exacerbated by funding and partisan support limitations in winner-take-all electoral systems. This is mainly due to the fact that males have been historically thought to be to be the best candidates for various jobs. These barriers ultimately undermine the success of economic systems and society as a whole. "We Rise" Highlights Women of Faith Women of all faiths are affected by the world's biggest problems and strive to bring about the world better. They have a powerful voice in shaping policies that tackle racism and inequality. Kendra Taylor, an Amazon best-selling author, shares her story of how she was taught to never speak of God nor the Catholic Faith and that she only went to Church during the seasons of Easter and Christmas until the 'God-incidences' brought her back to her 'Catholic roots.' Her story is among numerous inspiring stories from the 2022 Assembly to show how a woman can conquer any challenge with her unwavering hope in Jesus Christ. Participants are urged to be active by volunteering and supporting community organizations working towards positive social change. A particular focus was placed on collaboration during the voluntary Ubuntu Day of Service which let participants come together to improve their communities. In addition, the assembly offered a variety of virtual opportunities for women to have an influencer in their own lives and to share their experiences. 'We Rise' Keynotes Women of Vision Women have been for a long time stymied by the glass ceiling that hinders women from rising to executive positions. In the United States, only 3 percent of executive-level positions are filled by women. All across APEC economies, this number is even lower. Additionally female entrepreneurs are impeded in achieving more success by numerous factors which prevent them from entering male-dominated industries. These include unconscious biases the social norms that limit exposure to these areas as well as a lack of access capital. But, a lot of female leaders are still challenging the status quo. Their success doesn't depend on any specific title in business or a specific attire. It's more about their goals and the values that inspire them. Those traits can be learned and utilized by anyone looking to advance her own or her community's cause. This is the potential that is Women of Vision. "We Rise" showcases the incredible stories of these women and encourages other women to join in the cause. Video source
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homocidemania · 1 year
Oppenheimer - A Biographical Drama
Christopher Nolan, the director of the film, has stepped away from his usual blockbuster content to create a unique biographical drama that focuses on the theoretical physical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer's contribution in World War II and his Manhattan Project. Sam Waterston is a force as the nerdy scientist, while Emily Blunt delivers a bulldog-like performance as his biologist wife Kitty. Cillian Murphy With the assistance of an outstanding cast, Cillian Murphy proved he's among the top actors of his generation with his brilliant performance in Oppenheimer. The film explores the life of the theoretical scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer and the aftermath of his invention of the nuclear bomb. The actor was previously praised for his performance in Peaky Blinders, Batman Begins and Dunkirk. The actor put in a lot of effort to make the character of the man regarded as "the father of the atomic bomb". He studied Oppenheimer's body language and spent a long time studying his movements. He tried to stay clear of any kind of behavior. His co-stars have praised him for his work in the movie. He recently talked about how great it was to work with the Marvel star and called him an excellent scene partner. He claimed that his scenes with the Marvel star were among the best scenes in the film. Matt Damon Matt Damon portrays Leslie Groves - the US Army Engineer who oversaw Manhattan Project, which created the Atomic Bomb. He was praised for his performance. He is famous for his performance in films such as Batman Begins and Inception. He also has appeared in Dunkirk, Tenet and other movies. His work on the movie has earned him an 9.2 score on IMDb. Cillian Murphy's J Robert Oppenheimer is played by a man who is a sly and funny counterpoint. He's friendly and smart and these qualities are evident in his performance. The film examines the connection between actions and their consequences as well as the relationship between actions and their reactions, as well as technological advances. The film also examines the government's role and the effect the atomic bomb has had upon the globe. It concludes with a 1953 hearing in the Atomic Energy Commission, a Kangaroo Court that portrays the postwar Red Scare paranoia. Check out the full EW Around the Table video featuring Nolan, Murphy, Damon, Emily Blunt, and Robert Downey Jr. below. Florence Pugh Florence Pugh, one of the most famous actors of Hollywood, has a track record that includes both blockbusters and indie flings. She is known for her ability to play complex female characters. Her work in Midsommar, Little Women and other films has showcased her versatility.
Oppenheimer is a film that focuses on Cillian Murphy, a renowned physicist that played a major role in the creation of the first nuclear weapons developed in the Manhattan Project. The film focuses on the war between Nazi Germany and the United States in order to build the bomb. The script is basing itself on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book "American Prometheus" by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin The script is a drama about the struggle between renowned scientists and their government officials. Other notable members of the team are Casey Affleck, Emily Blunt, Kenneth Branagh, Dane DeHaan, Rami Malek, and Matthew Modine. Kitty Puening plays Oppenheimer’s wife who has become a major Communist Party supporter. Robert Downey Jr. Nolan's passion for IMAX big-screen cameras is put on full display in the film. Whether it's scenes of furious writing on blackboards, or elaborate set pieces that seem to quake and shake like the energy of atomic bombs, the visual impact of the film is stunning. The story centers around J Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy) The genius theoretical physicist who was instrumental in helping to develop the concept of the atom bomb and spearheaded the Manhattan Project. However, despite being a respected name in his field, Oppenheimer was viewed as a snob during the McCarthy Era and later removed his security clearance. The group also includes Emily Blunt as his devoted wife Kitty, Florence Pugh as the scientist's troubled lover Jean Tatlock, and Josh Hartnett as the pioneering American nuclear scientist Ernest Lawrence. However, it's Downey who stands out. Lewis Strauss is the founding member of the Atomic Energy Commission, Oppenheimer's rival, and the antagonist of the film. Watch the YouTube video
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homocidemania · 1 year
Inspiring Others to Pursue Their Dreams
Caecilia Riedl is a 12 year old Judo athlete who has a visual impairment. She explains how crucial it is to conquer fear and doubt. Family trees and historical documents connected to Rosa Riedl. The records may contain photos of original documents, family history family members, specific dates, locations and full names. The final multimedia volume sits between memoir and manifesto, balancing the righteous rage of a person with funny humor. It is an enthralling message that resonates with people across the globe. Caecilia Riedl Caecilia is a 13-year-old Judo competitor with a vision impairment. She is an undergraduate at the International School of Luxembourg, and is preparing to participate in the Paralympics of 2028. She is going to encourage others to follow her story and inspiring those around her to conquer their fears to follow their dreams. Marika Cecilia took her first lesson in harp at the age 6 from Tabitha Nicolas. She was studying in 2011 when she was an undergraduate at Hochschule fur Musik und Theater, Munich with Cristina Bianchi. In 2014, she moved to Zurich University of the Arts and began studies in the harp with Sarah O'Brien. In addition to performing solo shows with and without orchestra she has also completed numerous masterclasses including ones with Luisa Prandina and Emmanuel Ceysson. Alex Riedl Alex Riedl, a student from Austria, loves to help others and to be involved in various organisations. She enjoys Art and Psychology She wants to show that anyone can do whatever they wish to achieve. She started harp playing at the age of 6 and received her first lessons from Tabitha Nicolas. She studied as a junior student at the Musikhochschule in Munich with Cristina Bianchi and in 2014 she started her studies at Zurich University of Arts with Sarah O'Brien, followed by an exchange program in Lausanne with Letizia Belmondo. She has received several grants and scholarships, among them ones from the Lyceum Club Zürich The Marianne and Curt Dienemann Stiftung Luzern (Miriam and Curt Dienemann Foundation) in addition to the Lyra Foundation and the Zangger-Weber Foundation.
Johannes Heuschkel Marika Cecilia Riedl, harpiste. Begin her studies at six. She is a remplacent player at the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich, Philharmonia Zurich (Opernhaus Zurich) and the Berner Symphonieorchester. She has a masters degree at the Zurich University of the Arts together with Sarah O'Brien, as well as a concertist diploma and an exchange year in Lausanne with Letizia Belmondo. She has been awarded scholarships from the Lycee Club Zurich and the Marianne and Curt Dienemann Foundation Lucerne. The variety of speakers, who will cover topics such as the integration of AI into schools as well as programs designed to help children with disabilities in maths will inspire the crowd. From a beatboxer and mural artist to visually impaired 13-year-old Judo champions The speakers will prove that you can achieve anything when you believe in yourself. The video from YouTube
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homocidemania · 1 year
How to Master the Art of Street Style in New York City
The streets of New York City are a living, breathing canvas of art and culture. It is particularly true when it comes to street style. It has had a significant impact on fashion trends. To master the art of street style it is essential to keep certain key guidelines in mind. This means capturing a decisive moment and using visual elements to guide the viewer, and creating an impression of location and context. 1. Learn the basics. Begin by learning the basics if are just beginning to learn about street fashion. Then, build up to more elaborate styles. You could, for example wear skinny jeans with denim jacket and a T shirt. Try a flannel or hoodie for warm and stylish. Mix and match various colours and textures to create a unique look. Then, add glasses or a baseball cap to finish your outfit off. You will look enviable and make an impact with your attire. You'll become an expert in street style after some practice! Remember to have fun! It's impossible to predict what amazing fashions you'll be able to come up with! 2. Layer up. Layering is a great strategy to make your clothing last longer and look stylish. It is important to layer your clothes strategically. If you are wearing a sweater with an over-sized jacket or coat, make sure that the length of the tops is close, and the bottoms are slightly longer. It can help you maintain your proportions. You can also create more complex looks by mixing different textures. For instance, you can wear a wool tee with a leather jacket over it. Another good suggestion is to avoid wearing multiple bold patterns that overlap. This may result in unflattering or contrasting effects. 3. Accessorize.
It's essential to find the perfect balance when choosing accessories. This can be done by selecting items that are flattering on you and complement the outfit you're wearing. Second, you should choose accessories that stand out and are distinctive. You can pick eye-catching accessories, bold scarves or stunning belts. Adding a little bit of color can create a dramatic change in your look. Begin with lighter colors and then work up to more complex designs. If you're wearing a black gown and a silver necklace, you can put on a bronze pendant to highlight the heft of both metals. It's a secure method to play with shades and still look conservative enough to wear in the workplace. 5. Have fun. New York City is where people meet to express their individuality. It is easy to blend with visitors and locals in New York if you master street fashion. Broadway is a great spot to relax while you're in NYC. It is home to several international performances and you're bound to find something you'll love. It is also possible to relax in Central Park or go ice skating during winter. There's plenty to see and do in this thriving city! Enjoy your time! Remember, if you want to have fun try to have fun and to keep your clothes simple. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywkoaB3iuJo
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homocidemania · 2 years
The Most Common Secrets of Self-Made MillionairesSelf-made millionaires have one thing they share that they're thrifty. However, this does not necessarily mean that they aren't. They are always looking for the best deal when buying something. They put their money into investing instead of investing it in unnecessary items. It could be done through an investment platform, or through local startups. No matter what method you choose investment is an important aspect of managing wealth.<br/><br/>Knowing your potential is the first step towards becoming millionaire. You'll never be able to achieve the financial success you desire if you're afraid of money. It is a good idea to surround yourself with like-minded people to help you overcome your fear. These people are focused upon making money and staying clear of the trap of living a life that is squeezing them. These people are willing to sacrifice in order to realize their goals.<br/><br/>The second step in becoming a self-made millionaire is to be able to accept responsibility. Contrary to what the average person does, self-made millionaires aren't blaming others for their success. They are passionate about what they do and are willing to risk everything to succeed in it. Self-made millionaires can take the full responsibility for their actions and hold themselves accountable to ensure they're successful.<br/><br/>One of the things that make self-made millionaires so successful is their capacity to think big. They have goals that are high and are confident in their capabilities. For instance Mr. Lee set a goal to accumulate rental properties. He then focused to purchase rental properties and then set out to renovate the apartments slowly. Instead of buying one rental property, the investor invested in several properties and made his fortune.<br/><br/><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/yVZWjynAjn8" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br/>Lastly, self-made millionaires have a habit of reading books. They are avid readers of biographies of legendary business leaders, as well as books on finance and business as well as fiction as well as self-help books. The system has also been developed to track the books they've read and to allow them to reserve time to read while they're alone. This lets them note down interesting chapters.<br/><br/>Self-made millionaires have to be able to envision the ways they plan to spend their money. They also need to have a vision of how they would like their money to be used to support their lives. The vision must be clear and their financial plan should reflect this vision. Then they should set a plan for how to attain the goals.<br/><br/>Millionaires today are famous for their early mornings. In order to maximize their mental strength the majority of them rise at 5:30 am. Because they believe that early mornings have a primordial energy, early mornings are their most productive time of the day. This allows them more time to work and think in peace, setting themselves for the day ahead.<br/><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVZWjynAjn8">Click for the video</a><br/><br/>
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