peacheyanne · 4 months
By the end of 2024 I will be so skinny I can delete this app 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🧘🧘🧘
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peacheyanne · 4 months
cw - 140lbs
Ugw - 110lbs
total - lose 30lbs
time frame - i want to be 120lbs by March 15th and 110lbs by the end of march im going to be skinny for the summer
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peacheyanne · 4 months
Im trying
Hey so a little while ago I started posting but I lost my account and haven't posted anything since I thought this would help keep myself accountable. I'm trying to lose weight but here is my story first... growing up I was always skinny and before grade 7 I was always under 100lbs normally staying at around 60-80lbs I'm 5'1 and I haven't grown since grade 7 and during covid I started to gain weight and by the summer I was 150lbs and there was a lot going on in my life my dad had moved across the country and my mom is an addict so i turned to food that summer my mental health went to shit and i thought the only way to lose weight was to not eat but it turned into a consint battle of not eating then binging. that went on for about a year until the following summer my mom had moved us to my nanas house and she had a pool so i was always going swimming and my diet consisted of a single and a piece of toast. i hadnt paid much attenten to the scale because i was planing on running away and i did then after a week of living with my aunt i went to check my weight and i was 128lbs and i was so happy i stayed at that weight until i finally move in with my dad and this was the summer of 2021 i was going into grade 9. once i got to my dads house i went away to summer camp and i was determind to get skinny so i barly ate and i was purding because i would ask to take a shower after meal time when everyone had free time so no one would be in the cabin after the week was over i went home and i was 120lbs and i was so happy but i fell back into old habits of bindging and i stayed at 125lbs for a couple of months until winter break i reached 117lbs and i was so happy i thought i would give myself a break and before i knew it i was back at 125lbs its febuary 2024 and im 140lbs i have let myself go and im sick of it a week ago i was 150lbs and by next week i plan on being 130lbs i know it sounds quick but i can do it i know i can. im going back to the egg and toast diet and working out because im a cheerleader and i dont want to be fat im going to post about my everyday experiences lmk if you want anything else :)
You arent alone in feeling like you failed or are faking your ed
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