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Players have chosen: 05 with 20 difficulty
Current players: @nadam18 @valeriele3
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When he look back he felt he gaze upon his own reflection yet unlike him who's wearing a mask the other is wearing none and giving him a evil look.
Before he can run away he found himself frozen in place, inside a crystalize ice and he panic as the other created a mask similar to his and wearing it over his face.
Yet he watch one of those fiend take his place and the light inside of him slowly burn down from the cold of the ice, slowly his unconsciouse fade away yet worry in his eyes when that person wave at him and follows where you and his friends went yet each footsteps cause the beautiful field to turn into frozen land.
The moment guide saw the new fellow and in worry he tried to ask what's up with him but he too was frozen in place.
In your current location, your friend have made a flower crown to put on top of your head while the other plays a piano. Enjoying such sereny atmosphere. Yet ...
The second friend of yours stood up in alarm as he look at what's behind you before he takes out the long staff he have behind him, pointing at the direction of... Your savior(???)
His hair seems to turn all purple from edge to the root of his hair, nor there's a mask that is covering his face. His smile seems odd as he look at everyone and then to you. He seems to offer his hand toward you, beckoning you to come to him.
'he seems different...'
As you thought of that, you felt soft breeze of cold winter wind. That left frost bite with each breeze.
you heard your friend keep beeping and making noises as they felt the Shire cold that's weakening their lights. Yet the one in front of you stood firmly, wanting to protect you from this danger.
And then you notice how the green grass field of flowers and grass turn into snow white frost of winter. One step onto it, it can shutter into fine Ice dust. The danger now have Red eyes staring at you all from where he stood. Watching your move, what type of play you'll set for him.
You heard a giggle from the danger, seeing how the sight before him is quite amusing to watch. Snapping his hand many ice spear appear and with a wave he flow it down towards you all. Raining shards of sharp ice that could lead you to your end.
You felt weak, cold and hopeless. Unable to think of what to do in that fast moment but you heard a sound of night bird before a tall spirit have run to grab you three and run away as the butterflies around you create divergent and the brive friend of yours even through his in the shoulder blade of the tall spirit.
he bravely pointed his firework staff at the enemy and colorful lights balls appear beneath the enemy and it exploded into a beautiful fireworks.
Yet as you three and the tall spirit friend of the moment guide runned to the safety of the caves of the birds. You saw that person stood there, unharmed. With a sinister smile that left you shivering in fear, he disappear in the distance.
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The enemy
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Welcome to the estate of purple creatures!!
003: Valentine
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Seeing the darkness and chaos reach out to him, he already felt hopeless a he fall down to his knees. No longer trying to escape what's have been done for hundred of turns.
'why do I even remember...
This pain....' tearfully he felt sick wanting to change his destiny. He always found himself in the same loop of fate where his controlled by someone who look like him, killing his friends and destroying his own world. It's either this or be killed what become of his one of his dear friend..
< So you want asylum from all of the chaos?>
He heard a voice spoke to him, his eyes widen in shock before fear creeps into his heart, he saw the core fae who's one of the reason those event happened to him—appeare before him.
< I'll help you >
Before he can say anything. He heard a snap and he found himself in another place. a beautiful garden. The fae turn to a smoll pixie and look at him while floating around.
< Purples like you shelter in this place. You should able to stay here everytime chaos takes over your body. >
"H-huh... Why are you helping me..... What do you want from me!?" He felt panic, he can't trust this person. There's no good reason someone would help him. His not even close to them!
< Because your Ai close friend. And it's a canon event for you to stay here. > They shrugged their shoulder before they give a candy to him.
< From today on, you'll be called Valentine or val. In this minor where theres lot of you who have the same Original name, you need identity to be called your own.> They added.
They seems to be in a deep thought for a moment:
< that name would protect you and you can stay here because you have an "original" name >
"What .... Please! Pls explain more!" He really don't understand what's going on.
< Take care of yourself val~ till next time. Btw you need to pay rent in this place. This is not free~ byeeeeeeee>
Before he can ask more the core fae disappear leaving him even more confuse.
"Oh my, what's this? A new < friend > that I don't know would arrive~ tell me, ghost am I seeing things?" He heard someone spoke behind him, he turn around quickly In defense mechanism and was about to throw what's his holding in his hand but he saw someone who look like him but have a short hair..
"A-are you that chaos...?! N-no you don't have long hair or butterfly feature like him... You look more " sane" that he was...." He was nervous but break down his own assumption.
"Me "sane"? Oh?? How rare." The other him in a lab coat seems to find his description quite interesting.
"Quite interesting in fact, I'll let you stay instead of feeding you to My dogs." He smile innocently at valentine. Who's eyes widen in shock, the person turn around and start to walk away.
"Ghost can bring you to a room. Your rent, would be pay by a task or orders. Through you don't need to pay anything yet. I find no use of your help for a moment.... Till then, < Valentine of Core world > " the doctor disappear into a door, and the door disappear with him.
"What's going on...." Val cannot help but question many things yet he felt someone tap him the shoulder and he back away and look defensive as he stared yet to another look alive but this time he seems to be wearing a butler like outfit. Holding a notebook and saying.
[ I'm Ghost clown #01 of all purples. Please to meet you. Please come with me. I'll take you to your room ]
This person reminds him of a dark fae energy but he seems tame... He nodded his head and can't do anything and went to follow along.
It was the day where he come to the estate, a place full of alters of his that's here for a reason. But it's different reason than he have.
Two Days before the Dinner:
03:00 AM
Estate- Kitchen
- Valentine -
Val doesn't understand why he was force to stay up late to make chocolate with this crazy lunatic ( doctor ) when he could be enjoying sleep. But like anyone else can deny the orders of this bastard. So he is force to mix the big pot of chocolate as the doctor put lots of Crystal hearts that He ( Val) was force to farm from back in his world.
"I don't think that's..." Should be mix with the chocolate..' he wanted to say but. Keep the rest of the words as the doctor already putting something sparkle and something that look like a black hole inside a box to the pot, causing a smoll mushroom explosion of rainbows to happen, but Val already put defense magic before hand to not be effected by it and doctor is wearing a full biohazard suit.
So there's not much of effect cause to the two but did mess in the stove, it will be clean by Ghost tomorrow.... Probably.
"There's no "I don't think" people are just dumb to not even try~" doc said as he put "fish eggs"...????? To the pot before he close the lid. "Anyway, we just have to let it cook for like... 3 days." He stared at his watch before he look at the mess in the kitchen.
"Tell ghost to use the second kitchen and not this one. I don't want anyone entering this place when I'm out... Also go get clean up, you smell like unicorn waste mix with rotten golden duck eggs." He cover his nose through the mask as he step away from Val who felt very offended by what doc said cause clear this is the fault of his!!
"I--" he can't even say anything to complain when the others open a door that appear beside him and then walk through it, the door disappear as it closes. Val sighs as he look at the pot, he rub his fingers together out of nervousness and trying to stay warm. As he did that he suddenly realize what Doc mean that he stink.
"Ack... Aghn... SO STINKY!" His eyes water before he suddenly felt his skin is nothing but full of dirt and disgusting. He quickly went out of the kitchen and went to take a bath in his room, through he did passes by Niki who's chatting with Xeoren in the aquarium.
"That smell...." The undead monarch stared at the direction where val went in hurry before he stared at the sea folk in the aquarium who tapped a Morse code to him.
"So that [ doc ] is working on your wish?" Question Niki, the other nodded before yawning. "... I don't really understand how contract works, through I'm just a space renter in this place, a living in cook that help with that Ghost fellow.
"Oh well... Those sort of things will only cause me to be hungry." He mumble before he wave his hand farewell to his fish friend, going back to his "room" but went pass one of the doors that his well familiar with, but the owner of the room isn't in the estate anymore.
he notice the door is slightly open. Peaking inside, he saw his friend Solitaire with Kiseki sleeping peacefully, soli seems to be telling stories to Kiseki as there's a book in bed but the young child hugs hugs his blue dragon and pink swan stuff toy tightly in the sleep while in the arms of his father.
"Niki...?" He heard his friend called for him as he is a light sleeper. "Did something happen?" Soli ask in a low tone not wanting to wake up his child. "Nope. I was just roaming around. It's devils hours anyway. I'll go sleep later." The undead commented not wanting to disturb the two and quickly leaving the room.
He went to his room that was shared with the other undead in the estate, that person is rather... Tame at the moment staring at the window. Reflecting the moon.
"What's wrong Z...?" He appraoch the fellow undead who just stared silently in the moon. The other ignores him, and just stared at the moon.
"Well good night then." Niki sigh as he went to his side of the room and slept for the night. He still need to cook for breakfast with ghost in the morning after all.
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Character Profile #5
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Purple creature #17: Valentine
A fae from the core world / Crystal hearts. A victim of Chaos Butterfly ( in which golden rings in eyes is one of the sign ) is in the estate cause of core, lives there to take asylum from constantly being game over and possession.
He rarely interact with everyone in the estate because he doesn't trust other alter of his especially after Chaos era. But he can be social if wanted to.
Abilities: his a bat fae. He have a bat form but his not a vampire. He can do expertise in magic as well but he rarely the type that would attack anyone. He flee than fight.
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Welcome to the estate of purple creatures!
002: The Dinner
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"listen you ignorant lifeform of this vain you called a world. You have no say to this anymore. All you can do is give and do what I want-- in return I'll grant your wish."
A mad man laughs as he look down at him, he wasn't able to do anything as the big figure of the mad man grab hold of him like a doll and thrown him into the pit of hell.
"No... no....LET ME BE PLEASE?!" Anxi wake up with a startle, sweating and with a fast heartbeat. He try to calm his nervous heart as he felt the felt fabric of the cover that's put over him. He look around nervously and realize his sleeping in the so called "room' of his but it's just a sofa and two doors, one connected to his world and the other is connected to the estate.
"It's just... A memory...." He shiver when he remembers that memory is nothing but nightmare everytime it come around every night before the day of the dinner.
"I don't want to go to the dinner...." Even how much experience he have with danger, war and many events back in his world. But it's a useless comparison compare to when he have to deal with that person, or the others that's did nothing but try to steal his things or simple scare him just being in the same room.
Besides... Those fellows who's connected to that previous guest... They will not like if they know he can read that person mind when they where here...' fear start to take over his mind, he unconscious start to bite his hand, trying to calm his self down from the pain he felt from the wounds he tend to make from under emotional break down.
"Master #18 Anxi. I have come to deliver your medicine." The door from the estate turn open and the android mecha peaks from the door, looking at him in the dark room.
[ #10 Stellar: ( creation) Mecha/Android]
"Greetings, good morning, good afternoon and good evening, master #18 Anxi..." Seeing that anxi nodded his head in his request of entrance. He come in with a slight bow and approach him with the medicine on his hand with water. "Your up quite early today." stellar added as he try to start a normal conversation between them.
".... Normally I would rather not." Anxi hugged his knees feeling weak and drain in the moment. He don't want to talk to anyone at the moment. Even it's a robot.
"Well, shall I leave you to take more needed sleep till the dinner?" The android notice the behavior of the other. Anxi nodded his head as he lay down back to his sofa, stellar bows one more time before he takes his leave.
When left in the dark room again, anxi stared at the ceiling door, many thoughts comes in his mind yet those thoughts are just thought. He doesn't notice he have fallen back to sleep to another memories.
"Your dreams is quite big. No god or demon will ever grant it. Such an absurd thing to even dare to wish for! Such a foolish dream!" Says a mad man smiling at him as his cover from head to foot with red, blue and green blood and many meaty thing beside the ground he stood.
Smiling so widely, how sinister is it. It being nothing but chill in his heart.
"Fufu... Well, That's good that I'm no god or demon, that's quite understatement to the genius as I am!" Giggling innocently as he take a step closer to him.
"Oh pitiful soul, oh foolish counterfeit of who I am. Shall I grant your foolish dream? Through... You have to prove usefulness and loyalty to me...." Even through staring at the mad man is like seeing the devil version of him staring back at him, yet he is no devil as he is worse than those.
"... Will... You really grant it...?" He heard his own voice, full of despair and sadness.
"Of course! I will always keep my promise." The mad man smiles at him and offer him a hand. "Shake my hand and we shall have our deal be made in this wonderful day~" he added.
"... As long you'll grant my wish..." He can't do anything, his wish might be the only way. He can't bare to witness the fate of his friends, the people of his world. Reaching out he accepted the hands of the mad man. And no longer he can turn back.
Will he change anything?
He wonders as he open his eyes again, staring at the clock in the wall, he realize it's just been two hours since he last waken up. There's a knock in the door that's waken him from his sleep.
Seating up, he once again felt the coldness of the empty room. Unlike earlier where he felt he wake up in such nightmare. He don't feel that memory is a nightmare.... It's.... Terrible to be put in a way, a hope for him.
'i probably won't change anything...' not when there's many lives and things in line, he can't bare to lose and bare to lose them again. Standing up he went to open the door, the fluffy rug against his bare feet reminds him of home...
"What can I help you with.... " He open the door and saw no one, at least in the eye level.
"Huh.... " He look from side to side before he look down and saw the stuff toy of one of the tenant of the estate looking up to him, while holding a card board with the word [ can you help CC?] It look a him with unchanging face.
Anxi look around again and saw in the corner of the hallway, #20 Cherish Cutie is staring at him, peaking from the edge of the wall, before hiding again.
"On what?" He look down at the toy again, who flip the page the card board, to show another message. [ Find Big brother to help X. X is ill :((]
"Oh...I don't know where that person is. I doubt if you don't know where he is either, then if his not here. His probably out somewhere. Who knows till when." He spoken in a volume that cc would hear.
Anxi though about #16 X who's an alter of his with a terrible fate. It's something cruel to be even experience, yet he does know one thing... everyone here, suffer some level of hardship to be even in this place. to even try to make a deal with a devil like creature. Just like him. They want something that gods or demons can't grant.
Honestly... There's a god in this place. Even a god can reach such point where they ask favor from the likes of that [ person ]
"... Do you know who can help me then? Please... I don't know what to do, X have been sleeping for a long time... " He felt someone pulled his hand, he looks down to the other creation of that [ person ] begging him for help. How odd. How can he be of a help?
"I'm sorry... I don't know what to do in X situation at all.." all he knows is fight the war, yet even that time. He blacked out as he don't want to remember or count how many lives he ended, just to attain momentarily victory.
"I... Is that so.... *Sniff..." The homunculus starts to cry as he realize it's a hopeless case, he can't do anything. It always felt he can't do anything. His just a child. How can he be a use to his dear friend??? Can he be useless? Why can't days just be happy times where he plays everyday... ' CC thought hugging nui tightly, tears felt familiar as it always fall from his eyes when he felt hopeless, and useless.
"Ah... Please don't cry... Please don't cry...." Anxi felt bad as he went down to his knee to the eye level of CC, whipping the tears of the young Homunculus. he thought of the people and things in this estate.
"There's... Still somethings that can help you... And someone ..." He really can't handle seeing a child cry, even how the said child look like him. "R-really...?" CC look at him in surprise, with hope in his eyes.
"Hm.... " He wonders if he even should be telling this to this child. "One of them is Thief... His a genie. He can grant wishes. Through... I don't know the scoop of his possible things he can grant."
"Are you sure... His a genie...? All he did is steal stuff from everyone here." CC mumbles. He doesn't know about that troublesome purple that much to be even close to him to do that.
"Well, you still have that thing...."
"Huh..." CC is confuse what thing he talks about. He wonder if it's a stuff big brother made. '
"The thing that made from the void and anti matter."
"What... What is that???"
"... Ahmm... It's thing who want to kill the others being too close to the guest from last time."
".... Do you mean Yuro-nii... Why did you call Yuro-nii a thing..." Even through he refuse to acknowledge that inkling as a big brother since he is a creation of big brother as well and older than him and Stellar-chi... He is still a brother >.> ' CC thought as he look at Anxi who sudden realize something terrible.
"Ah... Oh no. Please don't call it--him that when your around it--him and Caps.... And don't tell it was me who said that...." He suddenly in a terrible panic attack as he realize he said a taboo that captain forbid others to know, especially those who don't know about the accident before.
CC: "What." (⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠;⁠)
Anxi: " [ Yuro ] have an ability that can rewrite someone Destiny... I don't know how it can rewrite it, but it's the most likely to help X... " (⁠>⁠0⁠<⁠;⁠)
CC: " ... Is that even possible. Yuro-nii is not THAT cool to do that."
The little kid who seen yuro did nothing worth to be called that amazing, based on what Anxi spokes about him. Through he does remember yuro changing the whole dinning hall into a beautiful place before when the guest arrive in the estate but that's not that EXTRA. And if he was, why doesn't others use him to grant their [ wish ] then?
Anxi:"... A long time ago, there was some others who was here for the usual reasons, you weren't made yet that time... Asking a favor from your [big brother] ... At that time [ it ] was created. Those unfortunate [ purple ] creatures that's stumble upon this place with desire to do something unthinkable. Could be said... [ Lucky ] that [ it ] granted their wish. " Remember that event where that mad man introduce his new creation to everyone, everyone cannot trust him or it.
But one eventually did volunteer to be the [ test subject ] because he doesn't have anything to lost than he already have anyway. And to everyone disbelief his [ wish. ] Was granted. Yet before everyone can go to it, to do the same....
"What is this ..... audacity... " Captain arrived at the sign where it's being pulled apart by the desperate unfortunate souls. It can't even mainten it's humanoid form. Yet it's face is blank not until captain picks it up to his arm, removing the hopeless plea from others.
He remembers how captain is mad, no... he was 'furious' about the scene, it become even more livid when the words from one of the tenants is spoken out.
"Don't be selfish and give it to us to! It's our turn for it's magic!" An existence that no longer exist. That what become to the very person who spoke that the next moment as captain stared down at them.
The image of that person in Anxi memories is not even that vivid, that unfortunate soul is faceless when remembers.
"... Hmm. What's wrong, all your mouth seems to find it's mute button finally~" the mad man chuckle in the sideline, it seems that he plan to see such scene to begin with. Captain gaze at him. "Don't give me that look, I never told any of them to be crude while handling it."
"Shut your bloody mouth, don't call him an it. He have a name that's Yuro." Even through he don't speak that out loud to not scare [ it ] the Venum of his voice that's lace with loath at the idea of this mad man just did for his entertainment. To see him anger as entertainment. Just when he said: he don't want Anything to happen to [ Yuro ] as he call it.
Glasses breaks, metal binds, woods turn into two. Anxi felt the same feeling of a black hole forming yet it was just Captain. It's scary when he remembers IT WAS BECAUSE OF CAPTAIN.
he remembers the nerve-racking fear from the unknown when captain glare at others, who was forcefully put to kneel before him.
"The one you made deals with is not this child but this bas—" he pause when he remembers his holding a [ child ] " insolent swine...!" pointing at the mad man who only chuckle at the new nickname. "Only contemptible people will use a child for heartless gain..." He added.
" Don't touch and even dare say anything about this event to anyone, or else your existence is gone from everyone mind and memories... " He threaten the others before he kicks docs chair in the side to throw him off but the mad man just laugh as he land on the floor. He was greatly entertain.
"It seems that you guys wasted your time thinking of what if. Now my perfect creation can't help you. Oh well. This is greatly entertaining, I'll let you all have a slice of extra cakes this dinner night~" standing up like nothing happen through still giggling a big when he remembers how livid captain was, doc look at everyone and then to anxi wasn't included to the punishment.
"It's not fair others gets bad things happen to them, in this wonderful night. Shall I make it fair ? [ You will use it/it's when thinking and speaking about "Yuro" from now on]... And maybe gossip about em when someone ask ahaha~" It was a death sentence but anxi can't do anything when it's a demand from that person. "It's be a good sight if this happens again~ and it's all be your fault this time~ fufu." He smiles so wickedly.
"Don't worry you'll get [ hyperlink blocked] in return... Isn't it a fair deal?" Doc don't accept rejection. No one can deny him anyway. Anxi can only sigh and nodded.
"Are you that old? You been out dozing off..." CC who notice that Anxi froze out and zone out like an old man. "Anxi stared at CC.
"I felt sick. I don't want to attend the meeting. " Anxi could already see the anger from Captain if he hears about him gossiping about Yuro. He quickly went onto his room and close it at CC face. Not wanting to deal with everyone again. He needs to write his last well, again.
The young Homunculus hugs his creation in wonder if what he hear is really the truth or not, before he decided to go look for Yuro.
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Character profile #4
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Purple creature: #18 Anxi
He is a galactic soldier of one of the leading country/galaxy in the war in the vast space. He acted quite different when his around other purple creature especially the likes of Doc, Yuro and Captain. He is full of anxiety and nervousness around those three, through mostly Doc and Captain.
He is an alien. His tears is golden and his blood is purple.
He is the owner of the whole planet where the estate stood. It's an award given to him by the higher commander as a [ hero ] of war who brought victory.
Abilities: his very good in driving mecha.
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Welcome to the Estate! Where purple creatures lives.
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"alas, I have finally made my masterpiece! My triumph against the heaven!" A mad man laughs as he look at the ink puddle in the metal table.
The omnipotent ink that can create anything and change many things just like an ink that's made to write everyone fate and worlds...
yet as the mad man stares at his creation he got no responses at all. His sure that he made it perfect this time around...
He would love to poke it but he rather not do anything that would imperfect it.
Might as well leave it to ferment and something. ' The mad doctor said as he shrug his shoulder, thinking what to make next since he already done with this one.
As he prepare to slept finally after months or years, he doesn't have a concept of time after all.
.The door is rudely open with a bang, a figure in green stood in the doorway, zooming in the dark room that the mad man called a 'lab' and saw the dimwit sleeping in the sofa with piles of junk and trash everywhere.
"You... How long do you plan to root in this disgusting place?" The intruder said as he went to open the curtains letting in light that burns the eyes of the eyes of someone who been in the dark almost months! Burning his eyes yet he can't complain as his 'friend' being a nagging mother again.
"It's not disgusting, captain. You should understand this my domain, my heaven, my castle!" the doctor giggle as he open his arms widely showing off the place he called a room.
[ #03 Captain: (?? Alter?) (??Pirate??)]
"Have you no manners? This is a vile place to slept." The one who's called Captain only walk pass Doctor holding the papers that's littering in the ground and hitting the face of the doctor in the face.
"Crude as always." The doctor laughs as he rub his cheeks, he watch his friend cleaning his room and soon approaching his perfect creation, which he probably think a mess he (the doctor) have made.
He really should stop the other from touching it but he only smile ( creepily at that) while he gaze unblinking at the other who rolled his (captain) eyes thinking he(the doctor ) is being such a crazy nutcase again. (Something that's quite normal)
Touch it touch it touch it...go on captain touch it and let's see~ what wonders such happen~ .' the more he waited for the moment Captian hands touch his creation, the smile in his face widen and his gaz become even more sinister.
"You." Captian was about to clean the ink in the table when he gaze at the mad man giving him such weird gaze. "What are you on now?" He cross his arms not touching the ink in the table.
"Nothing worth mentioning ~" the mad man smiles showing his shark like teeth, still smiling such sinister as ever. "Aren't you cleaning the junk like OCD person you are~?" He sigh as he felt slightly disappointed Captian might not do what he wanted if HE know.
"... Your up to no good again, I see." Clearly this doctor made something those months he locks himself in his room and the only thing that's new in this junk room is this ink...' he thought as he give side gaze at ink in the table.
The mad man who find captain who probably won't do anything interesting worth watching would now sleep. Turning his back away from captain and sleeping in his cozy sofa.
Captian give a look before he sigh and went to clean other things first. When his done cleaning the room except the goo of ink in the table, he have annoyed feeling as it's quite out of place in this clean room. The doctor have long sleep in the sofa to give him a weird look it he did touch the goo.
He sigh and give in. He went to take the goo but the moment his gloved hand touch it.
It suddenly reanimated and become alive, and trying to in gulp captain hands then almost haft of his body of how fast the ink acted, captain who was taken quite surprised by what's happening suddenly disappear as the ink have taken him in and disappear into a puddle.
The ink jiggle and jiggle after the moment
Doctor slight been disturb by the sounds but return to sleep again after moving around for a moment.
Captian stared at the inked void, the pure nothing of darkness, such sight can make someone go in sane as the unknown of the dark could cause fear and see things of terror that's made by their own minds and fears. He continues to step into the floor that puddle, as it's an ink in a bottomless inked sea.
"Yuro it's time for dinner..." He called out as he look around the empty void in wonders, it reminded him of the first time he been in this kind of place. But the first time was so long ago.
× I'm not hungry ×
He could hear yuro voice spoke somewhere and everywhere in the same time in the inked void. "Is that so?" Captain raise his brow thinking this child is still down from an event that occurs months ago.
Instead of leaving, captain takes out a book from his inner pockets of his green jacket and start to flip some page to read something with the help of little magic.
The ink beneath him ripples for a moment. Yuro is confuse why is Captian isn't leaving yet. He watch him read another old man books instead of going out of his room.
"Oh. What's wrong yuro?" Captain notice the change in the ink, looking up a bit from the book his reading. Pretending to be confuse what might be the cause of the sudden distress of the inkling.
Why won't he, the dinner is the month dinner that everyone most attent, especially captain... Yuro is fine not attending it. No one would care but captain anyway.
"Why are you not leaving yet..." The inkling can't bare to force captain to leave. He can't do that, that's too rude to someone important as captain to him. Even through captain is a traitor and rival before....
"There's nothing worth going to the dinner if your not going to join it."
×I'm not important...×
"Don't belittle yourself. What thoughts of others that's less than you truly are. Is just bunch of unethical words spoken to make you feel emotionally ill." Captain flip the page in his book, the inked water beneath ripples again.
×I'm not somebody that shouldn't been invited in it...×
"Huh.....?" Captain ears perks up and close his book. "Who was it?" He narrowed his eyes as he realize that yuro sudden mood swing might be triggers by one of those Tennants speaking something yuro can't bare to hear.
× I'm not a child. You don't need to protect me. To tell others cause of me...×
The ceiling slowly start to drips with ink and the inked water ripple even more. The voice of inkling seems trying to act tough at the moment.
"It's obvious you aren't a child as you're quite older than a normal child aren't you not? but it doesn't cut why I would let others treat you less respect as a living being and not dwell in the misunderstanding of treating you of a 'something' instead of important someone..." As the older one said so, ink drips on him ignoring what's done to his book. He open his arms as a big blob of ink fall to his open arms.
"I'm sorry I was busy to give you comfort Yuro..." He felt bad as he thought yuro is old enough to understand that no one would always stay, there's always passing moment where we meet wonderful people yet they would either stay or leave.
We can't force them to stay. We can only enjoy the moments and the memories we could make, and smile as they leave us with good times.' he thought as the blob turn into a smoll Yuro hugging and crying captain silently.
This remind him how Yuro who was newly been 'born'. With the mindset that he is but an object to create something amazing, something that a person would want, either be it a world or not. Change one fate or create a world just based on the ideals a person who touch 'its body'
That's what happened before. The same reason why captain is now included in a make shift world of fantasy and adventure based on the outfit Captain is often likes to wear from the canon event, phantom airship of hope ( believe for leaves ) linking captain to world and au that's made for him by Yuro.
but Yuro doesn't remember doing that nor will captain wants him to be use to do something omnipotent to someone gain (like the likes of that annoying mad doctor) that's why... Captain takes Yuro, under his wing and care since then, even so his already old enough to not be treated like a kid. His still his little yuro who he cares for many years and thought many things to know about the world.
Maybe it's been all his fault for telling him about what humans and other creature in the vast universe tend to see as a sign as happiness, that thing called 'love' even so he too doesn't understand it.
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Character profile #3:
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( humanoid ) ( Blob ink form)
Purple creature: Yuro #19
FIRST AND THE MOST PERFECT CREATION of DR. An inkling made from void of creation and end. His suppose to be non sentient and just a thing but because of interference of Captain, who raise him to be like a normal child-- at least what normal captain thinks.
Abilities: he can create anything to something real, from fates to worlds.
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Welcome to the Estate! Where purple creatures lives.
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"YURO YOU BASTARD HOW DARE YOU DESTROY NUI'S NEW BODY!?" a loud voice of a Child could be heard In the estate, almost all the present residents could hear the voice of CC
[ number #20 of the Purple creatures:(creation) Homunculus. ]
while he run; stamping like a child in the hallways and some items could be heard being thrown to the direction of the inkling Yuro [ number #19 of the purple creature; ( Creation) Inkling]
The inkling dodge the incoming objects as he turn into ink puddle and then disappear into one of the rooms that's locked from inside.
"YOU COWARD! COME OUT AND FACE ME!" Ignoring the fuming and angry CC who want to knock some sense to that annoying creature!
Yet there's no reply from the room or from yuro. The fellow is not going to respond to any of the complains. Nor does he care.
"JUST YOU WAIT! JUST YOU WAIT! ILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR REAL!" the child can only turn around and leave to fix his creation body, he walk pass the aquarium and felt gaze on him. He quickly runaway before the scary fish from the fishtank gets him and eat him.
"geez... Why is that fish so scary...." He mumble as he rub his two hands feeling it sweating from being gaze by that fish/siren
[ Xeuren: #22 (alter) abyss Mermaid/siren]
"ah why would little cc be so scared of a water creature. There's more dangerous creature than him after all..." CC jumps back and away from the sudden appearance of Phantom.
[ phantom: #2 (alter) The demon king ]
Who smile at him while he float in midair looking in wonder at little CC who narrowed his eyes at the new presence. He refuse to admit he was surprised and wanted to scream out just now cause it's embarrassing!
"huh?! Well... W-well it's none of your business!" he pouts not able to say anything to phantom since he can't do anything rude to this guy cause it's only going to reflect and get him back double the karma for even trying to harm his feelings.
"hmm... Is that so~ fufu... Then I most tell you, Kiseki would want to play with you when your free~" the demon king chuckle as he remembers why he wanted to talk to the homunculus. It's for his child.
"fine..." It's not like he have other playmate that will play with him those days...' CC thought as he watch phantom disappear with purple sparkles.
He look at the window and saw beautiful sky yet some of the purple creature in the estate all depress since the disappearance of that person.
Well...it's not his business! Time to fix nui!
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Character profile #01 and #02
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Purple Creature #20: Cherish Cutie "CC"
Third Creation of DR, based on the existing AU of MDD. his made to look like a cute harmless child who enjoy cute things and dolls. He acted like one too. ( Looks like his a 8-7 years old) 2.5 feet child
Powers: he can make living dolls
- Nui
Purple creatures #08: Nui
A DD/ living doll creation of CC. He loves his creator and wish the best for him. He doesn't speak and just chat using emoji. Often gets his body destroyed cause of "accident ' of not being seen from how smoll he is.
Powers: change his body to a new one. "Nothing worth mentioning"
The number of the purple creature is connected to the HoneyTrap simulator.
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* continuing Journey in world 24
Current players: @nadam18 @valeriele3
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You don't know much what's happening at the moment but the red fluffy one have held your hand and with another one in his hold which is your savior with the mint green one, holding your free hand. He have pulled you to the cliff side.
Hey !? his not planning to jump right?????
You want to complain but still unable to speak to anyone or let out a sound. But as you feared, he did jumps!
You brace yourself for your death but found yourself travelling across the clouds, up in the air as the friends of yours starts to glide and fly with capes like free birds.
Holding your hand tightly as the fluff one beep before he spins around and you almost squeak cause it have taken you out of surprised but chuckle as the fluff clouds bounce you all up and wind blows you all to the green field beyond the clouds. Landing on the soft grass.
the fluff one beep again looking at everyone and then pointed at the other side of the field. Before he point to three more location. As if asking you all where do you wanna go.
You don't know what type of place this is anyway. So you stared at the three who seems to think about it.
Before the mint green one point at the nearest path toward the mountains side. The other two nodded and stared at you and you awkwardly nodded since you don't know much what's going on.
They all beam. Before they went for the hand holding formation and then slide down to the field and then fly to the mountain side. You who's been dragged in such adventure can only chuckle softly.
Through you wonder who are those friendly(?) Folks but you can't really ask it as you went to the caves and into a boat. You all went to a boat journey and they all silent in the ride but the ride was quick..
While In the boat ride, you felt gaze on you. It gives you a weird sense of uneasy like how it felt like multiple eyes staring at your direction but when you look around you there's no one there that could be giving you such gaze as the three seems solemn in the moment of boat travel.
The second stranger tilt his head in wonder at you when he notice you gazing at them but you just shake your head. As it most be nothing.
But somehow it's stayed in the back of your mind as the three have pulled you to a beautiful place behind the mountains.
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Gazing in such sense where the wet grass smell hits your nostril and the warmth of your new companions hand as they pulled you toward a glowing white taller old man who have camera and a cool hat.
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Looking at you little ones as you walk barefoot (you did not notice such details before as you where not stepping on wet grass, through your companion don't have foot wears either )
they all beep to the old man who chuckle as he look at each one of them who receive a camera and then to you as well who seems to be a new one in the batch. Seeing you don't have a camera, he offer you one as well, to take photos and Momentos in this wonderful peak.
There's no words exchange but he seems nice like the three (?) friends you made. Who is excited to make memories with you.
Running in the beautiful flower field you don't notice one of your companion have stayed behind gazing at your direction, behind the mask he wears. His light turquoise gaze at your direction in worry and uneasy feeling of what to come.
'a player...' he thought before he felt someone taps on his shoulder. Making him jumps and beep out a noise. He look back alarm to the newcomer.
[ dear players pls Select a number from 1 to 25.
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EXCLUDING: 17, 15, 3, 2, 24 ]
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|| HONEYTRAP002 || >
Your currently in your first route. What type of stories in this world unfold? ✨
Current players: @nadam18 @valeriele3
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???: 🐟🐟🐟!! (*^ー^)
You stared at the now conscious chibi who's holding a candle very close to your face. Beeping while the mask over his face is giving you a close eyes as if his smiling to you.
You wonder what's his saying as you try to not get burned by his candle. Even through it's seems like it's not one that burn people. You stood up and look around again
???: o(^o^)o 🐟!
The chibi circle around you and keep buzzing like a bee with the sound his making still holding that white candle. You wonder what's up with this chibi. You look around and saw a grave... And more graves. In a beautiful island or something.
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You saw some grey colored people walking and doing lots of things before approaching you, holding a candle too. You wonder what's up with that but don't wish to deal with another arsonist but the person just bloop (shove) candle at your face.
Yet you don't feel burning sensation but you did felt weird sense of warmth. When you open your eyes as you don't realize your where bracing yourself to being burn in the cheeks and probably should been yelling if you did feel pain but found none.
Now that's just embarrassing if you did. When you look at the grey avatar. Its no longer grey as someone with a fluffy white hair with red edge beam at you beeping and beeping.
???#2: ヽ(^◇^*)/ 🎶
Before a gigantic candle appear in his hand and him going down to one of his knee. Offering you a candle.
...What? You look around and notice the first one earlier is looking surprised at the other one before giggling as if it's something normal he forgotten.
You wonder what's you should do but you accepted the candle he gives you. As you held the candle it disappears into light particles and surrounded you, giving a comforting warmth feeling.
Before you can say more the same fluffy haired creature went to offer you more candles making you taken back but he seems to not accept refusal at the moment. Then he pose a high-five, waiting for your response.
???#2: t(*゚▽゚)ノ 🎶*high-five. *High-five?
You: ........(。>ㅅ<)/
you awkwardly high-five the fellow who beep happily and bows at you for greetings and such. He then stared at the chibi from earlier and beep as if they are communicating but you don't understand what they are talking about.
As you look at the two who seems to be in a long topic someone went beside you, another grey avatar. And holding a candle to you. You then reach to held the candle before this creature would bloop it to your face like the second one did.
Soon the grey light up and someone with faded mint green hair looks at you. Giving you a slight bow as a form of greetings
???#3: 🕯️ ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)
He too offer you a big white candle which cause the first one-- your savior to beep in a panic. As if he realize something. The third one stared at him in wonder before he chuckle.
As you accepted the white candle with light that gives you feeling of welcoming. How odd. You wonder what those candle means.
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Giving big white candles is asking to be friends in the terms of Sky the children of the light.
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You have meet Hiiro and Tatsumi of this world!
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honeybeewhereartthee · 2 months
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PT01: 01 02 03 04 05 06
PT02: 07 08 09 10 11 12
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PT: 01 02 03 04 05
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honeybeewhereartthee · 2 months
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{ answer of: @nadam18 }
Among the doors, you wonder deeper in search for more doors. Soon you found one of the doors that have stolen your attention. With a number 24 in the handle, you reach out to open it.
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You found yourself falling down from the sky, you look around trying to ask for help but found yourself muted. From shock of where you are in the moment.
🎶🎶 (1)
You heard something making a noise, you felt someone holding your hand, before they carried you in their arms yet from the strong wind your unable to see your savior until you guys landed in the soft grass.
The stranger carefully put you down to you feet, yet it's like jelly without support and was about to fall to your booties when you pull the nearest thing and it's someone hair earning a loud sounds again.
You still did landed in your booties but the savior of yours is knocked out and lying on stomach before you heard a 'ping' and the weight seems to lighten up.
You look up and saw blue sky. Seating up you look at the savior of yours and saw a white haired with purple edge tied in a loose braid hair. ...a chibi(?) Probably. Whos currently pass out.
When you wonder where you are and you look around and saw floating island and vast blue sky...
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Welcome to Honey trap! In which you shall decide which 'route' you'll wish to see next. You can make a harem or go for a neutral root too. Be the devil or be the angel. It's all up to you~.
This a story about different alternative version of mayoi Ayase in the 'estate' where the people who's stuck in that place are bound by a contract and in search of [ the end ] of their [ stories ]
Number #24 from the Sky: the children of lights AU. Code/nickname: Moth
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(chibi) - (adult) size.
Note: they can only communicate in different sounds but very expressive.
Sounds : 🎶 ( night bird ) 🐟 (fish/whale)
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Do you wish to continue in this route?
Yes or No
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honeybeewhereartthee · 2 months
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You found yourself in the void. There's many doors in front of you. Which shall you choice? Pick from 1 to 20.
Close off doors: 17, 15, 3, 2
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honeybeewhereartthee · 2 months
He wonder if it's him being turn into a 'harmless' doll. That made him think in such strange way.
He have heard some tales of dolls and toys 'caring' too much about their owner and 'adoring' them very much. Its quite new thing and a bit questionable.
But he think it's more of his great fullness for your aid and he would access you willingly since your helping his friends and fluffy creatures become humans.
It's makes him happy he can do something similar job he have before. Through his is more complicated and troublesome. Since it Evolve more souls than the selected sampling his fluffy friends as well other fluff is.
"hey you...! What are you to darling?" Little himawari, the lady of the house intriguing him once again when your not around. He tilt his head in confusion.
"Kanata 'doesnt' understand what you mean." Playing dumb with this person is sometimes the only way to stop what she's on about.
She's persistent.He look at her for a moment, her souls is similar to someone from a canon world. He wonders if his suppose to interfer with how it should been. As he think too deeply about such matter he doesn't realize his next actions.
He reach out his hand to take a peak of her soul till she slap his hand away as his eyes that seems to be looking through her kinda scared her for a moment. And she's swear she saw his hand went through her chest, reaching for something.
"what is wrong with you?!"she back away from him but he stared at her unblinking for a moment before he tilt his head slowly, it was weird. Really weird...
"[ do you wanna make a deal with 'me']?" He have a gentle eerie smile on his face, the shadows of the surrounding seems to cover haft of his face in that moment and the haft of his face in the shadow, his left eye that supposed to be green seems to glow golden for a moment.
"huh...." She doesn't like this but if she found a proof this person is dangerous and a plain out weirdo, he can't approach you anymore!he is would be burn to strikes and be gone for good! "Hmmp what kinda of deal is this?" She cross her arms.
"[ hmm.... ]" He hummed for a moment, staring at her, making her stay in edge for a moment. "[ I'll grant your 'wish'.]" He began, rasing the sleeve of his cloths to cover a bit of his face. His smile "[ you just have to agree and you'll have it ]" his words seems quite suspicious.
"and what's my wish? That's pretty dumb move if anyone agree with you without knowing the other stuff!" She clearly isn't going to be scam by someone. But it's only meet with a giggle from the weirdo.
"[ well... You won't agree now... I already know you will, one day....]" He pointed out as if the talk is quite useless since he knows the future, he seen it after all. "[ Hey you should careful after all ....]" He approaches her and whisper something that only she knows, at least that's what she thought. She froze as he lean away haft of his right eyes is almost golden and some marking seems to appear on haft of his face. "[ Now then... We can chat again in the future....]" He turn around with a soft wave leaving her staring in fear at him.
she felt her feet give in and fall down on her knees, quite shaken up. It was only been fix when her dad saw her in the hallway and ask her what's wrong but she doesn't reply. But it's one of the reason she dislike that doll called Kanata even more.
He sigh when his from far from her and rolled his eyes, he blink for a few times as the color of his eyes return to normal and rub his face to remove the spell he put for a scare purpose.
Honestly it's the only way to have her leave him be. He want his alone times sometimes to be honest and her bugging him when your not with him doesn't help either.
Scaring a human child is something that seems quite easy for him since some folklore have scary description about 'him' in some region. He can't help but giggle how he think that silly child was so hilarious being scared like that. Just in time he saw you passing by
"my dollmaker~! " He called out to you and walks toward you in hurry but careful steps. "Yo." You nodded at him as he approaches you with a soft smile on his face. "Did something interesting happen?" You jokingly ask him.
"Hmm." He nodded his head. "I scared the little human here. It was needed. She was bothering me." He explain and tell you in honesty.
"ehh... That's quite something... I hope you don't over did it."
He remembers something he knows that he seen in her soul timelines; future, present and past memories. "Oh don't worry. It's just a 'little ' scare." At least that's what he think it was.
You give him a look and let him be. Your not the type to question many things, it's quite troublesome personality of yours because you seen red flags yet did not care to run away. How troublesome. He thought.
He wonders how he can stop you from putting yourself in bad situation with that personality. But since time is something he doesn't lack it's fine for him to solve for later but his going to stay beside you till you don't need his help.
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honeybeewhereartthee · 2 months
He can hear someone voice singing in a distance when he have a moment of silence. It almost felt his imagining it as it fade away when his attention is stolen by the voices of the people in the house.
He saw the stranger, a spirit of winter--Aice or Alice. An odd ball that visited since a while back when he was saved by you and Ao ( the owner of the place) another existence that don't appear back in his own world.
By this time, your memories have faded away. It's his fault because In order to help you heal. He needs to erase all your bounds and memories you have of the life you have before. Cause you did something very dumb. He have to fix it or else it won't just do...
He knows he should have ask you permission to do something cruel and evil. No one wants to be stripped off their memories or identity. But your kinda not breathing in that moment. He'll apologize one day...
You manage to make a doll body just like how it supposed to happen in the history of this world, except he don't think it was you who's supposed to be the first dollmaker. Maybe his existence cause something to change. And just like history have written he taken the first chance to test out the doll you made.
< thank you for helping and becoming a wonderful knight for that person as reward I'll give you gift.>
[... What happened to them then?]
< who knows... For now go to the place you should be headed in the beginning... Or else things won't go well for you own world.>
[... Can I see them one day?]
<... Ohhh I see where this going. Sure. Sure. But it will cost you a little bit....hehe.....>
[ what the fuck is wrong with you now?]
< how rude. Anyway sure you can meet them one day but there's consequences for that.>
[ you don't seems the type who can grant a wish with a consequence...]
< I just feel like it.>
[ .... There's no way you aren't that stupid dollmaker alternative with that personality of yours]
< thankkksssss.. Byeeeeeeee btw the consequences is doll being dollssssss >
When he open his eyes he found himself in a humanoid form with you who's seems to sparkle in his eyes. Who's covering your eyes from what light that seems to blinded you for a moment.
He felt strange, at some point before he felt burden by everything but it seems to disappear when he enter the doll body and gain humanoid form.
'i wonder it's because it mean I no longer a god in this form... I'm just a doll.' A smile slowly appear in his face, things like regret in such state he thought before most be from over thinking, overthinking that he could do the same mistake he did in his previous world ( even so he cannot do anything against fate decision) 'and your his dollmaker....'
"... My beloved dollmaker... I'll accompany and assist you till the end..." His a soft voice says in an almost whisper tone, to not surprised you and speaking once again is quite a new feeling for him as it been so long
. . opening your eyes, a beautiful blue haired stranger with jellyfish like hairstyle. His emerald eyes that's stares at you with admiration and happiness.
He thought how silly you look being bamboozle in the moment, you look adorable but as a someone who knows his manners and it seems you forgotten 'his' name. He doesn't mind introducing himself again.
"Kanata Shinkai... You can "call" me Kanata." He introduced himself as he found himself use to be able to speak finally.
He who can only be a watcher from before can finally speak to you, oh he have many questions he want to ask you and says to you ( like get away from that purple bastard ) and probably fix your personality so you won't get in trouble ( cause your where in a bad state when he meet you before, it's clearly an effect of your way of life ) he found himself worrying and caring for you, maybe because his a doll, not a god. A doll would want your attention and care for your well being.
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'fufu. Your just jealous you can't gain control over my body' instead of being annoyed as usual to the annoying thing in the back of his head, he felt pity for it but decide to ignore it as it's something as unimportant and just a bother at this point.
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'lalalaalaaa I cannot hear you. I cannot hear you anymore... ' he blocked the stupid voice as he focus on the present. 'my dollmaker is getting sleepy. So shut up.'
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Sadly Kanata how to play dumb now and would not listen to other haft of his. His not a god or a dragon kin. His just Kanata from this world and just a doll. There's no Yin and yang for Kanata. >:3
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honeybeewhereartthee · 2 months
Humans are made based on the image of god. Humans are once close to gods. But because of knowing what's good and what's evil the connection between them a become two cliff. Close yet far.
Well. That being said he wonder if he did gain humanity he will revert back to his original self. What will come after that? There's many thoughts in his mind, clearly that's something that his 'usual' self won't even dare to do.
He watch you live in the current era, he wonder when you'll able to be healed enough to go home. He takes note of some stuff too. He felt it's kinda unfair to his friends you only focus to one of them. Which is the hateful one. But other than that you did give them the warmest hugs. It's nice.
How long does waiting last? He forgotten how much time have passes by, but then the passage of time never been something that matter to him even in the time when his still in his old life. Yet. He realize it's not the case for those around him. Indeed those souls can be akin to a immortal but one day they'll get their chance to mortality and humanity. They too will be gone in a blink an eye.
It's such sad thing. But that's just how... Life works..
"what's wrong Kanata?" He looks at your smile as you notice how down he is even in his smoll fluffy form. You smile so brightly at him. How could you smile at him? Don't you know he disliked your existence?
How could you act like you two are close friends....ah... That's right. The one your supposed to be close to is the one who's no longer exist in this world. The Kanata of this world. Your not smiling at "him" but the Kanata of this world. You never know him as him.
He felt even more sad to think all his friends and future friends are just close to him because they think his the Kanata of this world. But his nothing but a imposter.
"ah it's raining again..." You mumble as you look outside. He felt tears falling as the sky is tearing with him. You look at the blue-green fluffy ball and reach out to held him with your two hands.
"Don't cry.... Do you wanna go for a swim? Even through it's raining outside. We can have a dip in the tub so you can puka puka..." You gentle wipe his tears away.
His fluffy friends all circle around hand trying to comfort him. Even that hateful friend tried to comfort him. Even so his scared that the blue-green fluff would glare at him again.
You chuckle softly as you carried them all and went to the bathroom. Putting them in a wooden bucket and make them float in the water like a ship and splash some water to one of them. One is distasteful at your act (shu) but they all enjoy it as you humm a tone you often hear from en square. 'brand new star'
There's a thing called [ yin and yang phenomenon] in his old world. In such state, even if your a god or a demon. High or low status. You shall fall in such state unless you erase the cause of it or end yourself before it happens. Everyone who enter such state will become the polar opposite of who they are, the holy beings can crumble and fall into the demonic side. A demonic being can be redeem and gain godhood. When you enter such phrase, when your polar opposite taken over your body, soul and mind. You will forget most of it and enter a rebirth state (?).
Once you gain 'sanity' back you either make a deal or have to deal with the polar opposite of yours that stuck with you for life. In the case of this world it's like another personality that can be your worse enemy or a your downfall....
Clearly no one from deity side of the system dislike such occurrence, they would rather die or have a real rebirth than face such thing. Or better yet kill and erase the source why it's began it's growth.
'oh. I guess your my demise.' he thought as he realize his own Yin and yang phenomenon seems to began with your existence. What a troublesome existence.
Since his in such fluffy curse fluff state. The phenomenon won't grow further since it's a neutral and won't grow unless some things change in later.... His later self have to fix it. His just a fluff for now.
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honeybeewhereartthee · 2 months
He was excited for the day that the so called blue star will come. So the story of this world will began. But somehow time to flow fast yet nothing can be seen as a sign of the blue star.
He wonders if he change the fate in a very horrible way. He don't want that. He don't want that to befall his friends.
Yet he doesn't know what to do. Beside that. His still stuck in his new form. He can something but he doesn't know if it works. He just want his friends to get their chance soon.
He was practicing going back to his humanoid self at least. But somehow his fellow fluff can't handle it nor a human can. It was odd thing, he wonders if his real form will cause some issues.
But with that problem aside things seems to be fine. He use some clues from his friends future at least possible future. To locate the possible Blue star. Sending dreams to that person.
He did wonder that the classification of the blue star is having a blue hair. Which he have but he never sewn anything and probably suck at it. So him being it, is cross out in the list.
He did look around for other blue haired people. He come across the nice guy but hopeless Ao. Someone who don't exist in his world.
Created only in this world. But is related to someone of the canon world. He and his friends where taken in by Ao cause he can see them (now) . He think those fluffy thing are pitiful and cute.
Luckily that ao know how to sew but he doesn't understand him or any fluff. It's sad. Is he supposed to look for a new one? As he think that he give a heated gaze to the purple-blue fluff that happened to pass by him.
He really doesn't like that guy. How could someone act carefree with the fact he will be a dangerous being in the future.
But he can't take away the chance of this fellow of his own humanity. Because things could have different outcome. If not... It's up to his future self.
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He was free flying by the wind when he sense something. Something odd. He went off his group to look for what it was. He was followed by few of his friends.
When he arrive there. He saw corpse..... Oh wait it's still warm. He hops toward the body and realize how its life is fading but the moment he saw that person face he froze.
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It's the same person. Ah.....
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Should he help you?
He was debating about it but he saw his friends all gather around your form. He realize something. The person he cannot saw was you. Your the important person.
Without you. His friends won't gain humanity. He thought about the outcome, he remembers such act of taking judgement of based on the sins of of the past, shouldn't be apply to you. Because your different...
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•" it's for my 'friends'...."• he thought before the sky clouded and darken. He felt disappointed on himself as he have fallen in such state. He felt bad. He shouldn't act that way. He doesn't realize he transform back to him humanoid self holding a pearl in one hand and the other is reaching out for you.
•" I'll save your life.... But I have to erase the links you have with that hateful fiend.... By river of Lethe may you enjoy this second chance and prove me right for my judgement and wrong to my doubts..." •
With you in his arms, he put the pearl above your heart to pose as your soul. One day when your healed enough, you can go back where your soul is.
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honeybeewhereartthee · 2 months
When he think about what happened to him, it makes him wonder if he should just go to the flow. Through as he think of that, he look at something taste in front of him, something blue and glowy.
• "ahm.nom.nom." •
he don't even realize he already nom the blue thing like an instinct taking over and he realize he might nom something... Or someone. As memories flash to his mind. Ah it seems he eaten his alternative self in this world. Oopsie.
Because of a quirk or at least he think a duty he once have in the past, he can view the future, present and past of the soul. With that knowledge he discovered what type of world he is in, what supposed to be the fate of the Kanata Shinkai of this world.
• " darling dolls.... "•
He was confuse at the concept of dolls but he does know some clans back in his world does work with puppeteer and dolls. But the one in this world is different. Far different.
And the job of his alternative self in this world is to help the dollmaker to make perfect doll body for poor unfortunate souls. He thought about such job as he bounce around in his fluffy form.
• " ah..... What if I... "•
With such important jobs that's related to his previous job back in his world. It is possible for him to bring forth some souls from his world to be born in this world too.
• " then... I can meet with everyone again."•
He can't help but jump up and down. It's such a wonderful plan. But then he look at the world around him.
•" if I do that... I will taking the chance of others.... It's not godlike to do so. " •
Feeling dejected he could even think of such evil, he was blown by the wind and he did nothing about it. Before long as he landed in one of the wisteria field he saw more fluffy souls that look like him, hanging around the place.
•" ahhhhh! It's... It's... My friends..... Alter self .."•
He realize who those fluffy fluff are and was sudden so excited but stop when he realize it's not really his friends. He limp again in the grass feeling more dejected and sad.
The fluff of his life eccentric friend rub against him. Trying to comfort him. He fuzz up but did not run away. He felt comfort by the hugs of those alter friends. But he felt sad when he think about his own world friends. People that will now be all but a memory of who remembers and cares.
He felt himself crying and the rain began to pour, he look up with tears falling. His new friends was worried and all carried one another to a warm area for shelter even so it's not needed. All the fluffy gather around to have a cozy sleep.
The dragon kin find peaceful sleep with his new friends embrace. He finally stop crying and the clouds all clear up outside yet those fluffy souls all sleep peacefully.
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Many time have passes by. The little dragon kin find himself interested in the story of this world. By just tickling the fluffy souls he can take a glance in the future of the world, he learn the story of how almost all of them encounter someone important in the future.
But he can't see that person face. That person who made a home for those fluffy unfortunate soul and give them chance to be human. To live a mortal life and enjoy what life can give them.
He wonders why such person exist in this world. Theres bound to be a catch to such personality. There's no pure good or pure evil in this world or his past world. Life is not black and white after all.
Even so he says that's his quite interested in meeting such person to see what kind important Character that person is to this world. Those people seems to spawn close to such eventful world after all.
One of the things he learn in those years in isolation in the void. It's a hateful flow a god shouldn't have. Is to hate and loath someone or something, so deeply.
For him, he hated the so called idea of his world ending is long before it's time have been known, yet nothing can be done, no one believes there's something they could do against such awful fate.
The jade emperor, heavens own ruler, tries to calm the three worlds but leads nothing but false hope. The leader of mortal raise tried to look for different ways to be saved but all comes useless and and hopeless. And.... He of the third realm.
—Can only mourn at the idea some people have long wish to not see such end and ask for their souls to be saved by the god of non living. That maybe their souls could pass on something anew but save from catastrophe. Or their souls could be a help. Some illusion a person can say, as a way of comfort but in the end....
There's nothing left....
....There's nothing left....
But a failure of a person that's shouldn't even given grace to be saved.
Nor should it given chance to that hateful fiend who destroy it all.
That's why he disliked the outcome he have become to the point he disliked that alter of that person.
No. His hate. It could be justified as there's a branches of possible future of this world where that alter will take away the important person to his friends alter in this world....
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That's right. That person never change even in this world. Beside as a god. He needs to help his friends...
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He can change things and help them.
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-. ---
Stop it. Stop it.
Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.
S̸t̶o̶p̴ ̸i̴t̴ ̴s̶t̸o̴p̵ ̷i̴t̵.̵ ̵S̴H̵U̸T̸ ̸U̵P̸ ̸S̶H̴U̷T̶ ̷U̶P̷.̴
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- .... . -. / .. ..-. / .. / . ...- . .-. / -.. .. -.. .-.-.- / -.-- --- ..- / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / - .... . / ..-. .. .-. ... - / --- -. . / - --- / --. --- .-.-.-
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honeybeewhereartthee · 2 months
- ??? : dream ?? -
".... Hey... [ ***Jima] can you tell more of the 'outside' is like?" A voice echoes in the dark realm where water of the river of afterlife flow and glows. A Young child with shoulder length brown hair and green eyes seats in front of a smoll pool of water while he pick up some scrolls and paper that's either wet or full of doodles.
"well.... For one." The young child went close to the pool and stared at the eyes in the water that blinks at him. Before he reach out to pull out the creature that turn out to be a dragon kin cub.
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"they don't stay in their prime form." He put the dragon kin cub in the soft pillows and start to dry him up and he turn into a cute child with blue water like hair and green eyes sparkling with innocent and Glee.
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"but it's not 'god' like to be in human 'shell'" the dragon kin said while he play with his dragon pearl. Looking at his guardian and companion-- his dear friend, who sigh looking at him.
"[****Jima] I'm not 'dumb'... Why are you looking at me like that." He wonder if he said something bad but his friend smile at him as he pat his head.
"because without such shell... Who would look at you without fear in their eyes?" His friend boop his nose and he chuckle at the words of his friend. It's not uncommon for dragon kin to not be kin on their human shell. It's too restricting and much work to do so.
"buts it's ok. If they fear me. I still have you and [***ma] with me..." As long he have them, everything would be ok.
The image change, the young dragon kin eyes widen as he stared at the friend of his as the scene-- the memories change.
There's cries around them, the world in flame, the chaos and distortion is all mix up to catastrophe of end. His friend is bleeding while he was guided to a safe route. To escape the cruel fate of the world.
"[****jima]...! Come with me...." He plead his friend to come to safety with him but his dear friend can only smile and apologize.
"I can't... I have to make sure you'll be safe till you reach the other side.... " With a sad smile, he was push inside the portal as he fall into the glowing swirling light he watch his friend leave to go the same direction of chaos with fear and determine in his eyes.
When he arrive to the other side he tried to find a way back but the portal have close up and he can't do anything.
The plane where he was stuck in is like a limbo. There's nothing but dark sky and white floors. But he can see himself pretty clearly. There's nothing much in that place. It made him even sad how lonely it is. He miss his friends. He miss his world.
He cried most of the times, sometimes he practice his magic but he felt sad when he remembers that what's the point of doing so? There's no friends that going to be proud of him. There's no one.
Till one day there where someone in the empty plain.
"yoru stop missing around." He heard familiar voice. His eyes widen at that hateful voice he heard. Its the same voice of that person who destroy his world. He look around where it comes from. Not far in a distance he saw someone in green suit holding something black in his arms. But that face.
"it's you... The one who destroy our world." He mumble. His mind is full of thoughts how he can get vengeance to this hateful person who realize he was there.
"huh... You most have mistaken me for another--" the hateful person was confuse but he already transform back to his dragon form and want to gobble em up when the nonchalant purple haired stranger just raise his free hand.
" [ all is fiction, tis is a lie and not reality] " the purple creature cast a spell and before the young dragon kin can think, he found himself turn into a fluff ball and the hateful fiend is loaming over him.
"Well then, since your not in such dangerous form. You and I can have a formal and fair conversation." He was pick up by the purple creature. The young dragon kin turn fluff tried to bite the hateful fiend but realize he don't have a mouth either!
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"dummy. Dummy." The black goo mumble "captain is hateful but your dummy asking for trouble!" The goo says before he chipped.
"You should attack him when he don't drink his coffee In the morning better yet poison his coffee-- waaaaaaaa!" The inked goo was shaken by the purple creature called Captain.
"yoru your still under punishment for missing around the current mission." Captain stopped shaking the dizzy inkling.
"Go be gay to that hateful fiend! Self love at its finestÓ⁠╭⁠╮⁠Ò!" Yoru spit out and he once again shaken by captain for his foul words. "Waaaaawaaaaa! You bully(⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)!" -Yoru.
"anyway what's wrong, little Kanata Shinkai..." Captain stared at the smoll fluff in his other hand. The fluffy Kanata look at him as he realize it's impossible for this be the one who destroy his world.
So he realize he was wrong and felt bad.
"dummy! You made em cry!" Yoru pointed out as captain sigh and look around the place.
"It's probably one of the dead worlds... Which an alternative destroyed..." He mumbles. He wanted to stay longer to explain to the little fluff but he realize the time and apologize as he need to go back to the estate quickly. He doesn't want to clean more miss of those alter of his.
"sorry little one. I'll help you if I can one day. But I gotta go... I hope those entertain you before I come back..." Putting the fluff to a field of flowers of wisteria and little pond, he summon in the void with his magic he quickly run to leave to another place. Leaving the little fluff in the field.
The now fluff creature dragon kin likes the flower field and pond more than the empty space but as he enjoy the water, he once again saw another stranger come to the void. It was someone who remind him of a brother of a close friend too.
"hello!" The curious cat smiles as he hold Kanata up and look around in wonder. "Oh! Are you lost ? You look similar to a friend world, souls!" Hiiwo pointed out and before the fluffy fluff can say more. He was taken to a place he never been, a place full of many gems and he swear he saw someone familiar In the corner talking to a blue haired butterfly and a pink Rapunzel.
He can't even deny the claim of hiiwo because hiiwo already drop him in another au, an au called MDD.
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honeybeewhereartthee · 2 months
You look around you before you saw how the sky turn dark and rains. The sky seems to cry again. You stood up and was scared for a moment as you felt your not in usual ground level.
"oh crap. Kuma going to nag me and shuu is going to krill and nag me." You realize that the people you left behind would be worried sick about you.
You look around to find a way back as you held the chunky now cat fluff and saw the heaven seems to be flowing in one direction. It was odd. But there something dangerous or foreboding in that direction.
Your body wish to run the opposite but as the fluff rob against you and gesture to the danger zone. You stared at the direction and wonder about something.
You look around you once again and even with the complain of the pink cat you start to go to that direction.
Each steps seems to take troll on you but somehow the fluffy bunny cat glow a bit and the heavy footsteps you take slowly lifted but as you walk further into that path.
You heard wailing and crying.
"I'msorrymydollmakerimsorry I'm selfish... I'm greedy. I shouldn't be greedy... . "
Your eyes widen before you know it you started to run. As you run faster toward that direction you felt the wind tries to blows you away before the surrounding is filled with water yet you continue on.
you already know that the one crying is someone you know. Before don't care what tries to stop you, or your feet is tired as you run.
Before long you see a figure that reminds you of that companion of yours yet he seems to be surrounded by three colored dragons comforting him, the three dragon is first to notice you and was on guard at your presence but the fluffy creature in your arms hiss at them with all his fluffy fluff standing up.
You called out to him, yet he don't seems to hear you. You tried to run faster. Faster even it hurt your legs. But as you take a moment to take a break, a strong gast of wind and suddenly the surrounding felt like it's in the presence of divinity.
You open your eyes to look at Kanata to only find a gigantic mythical beast with only partial of his head shown above the water, his size is towering over the three dragons to the point they are little critters beside him.
The creature green eyes stared at you with tears falling from his eyes. Before he fallen unconscious creating a strong vibration and wind blow.
"Kanata!!" You worriedly run faster until you run across the water surface toward his fallen form. The bun bun in your arms hiss at the dragons that thought your an enemy, threatening to attack if they come closer toward you. As you arrive beside the mystical beast you realize how smoll you are to him.
"Kanata, please don't cry..." You dont know much how to comfort someone nor a huge creature but you hug him, or his snourt. His so warm yet big ball of tears fall over your head drenching you but you still hug him. He seems to have a bad dream but maybe you can sing him songs like he would to you.
The pink cat stared at you, your being really reckless again but it's ok, he would be there even so his kinda not arm but his smoll claws. He will try to protect his precious hooman.
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