honor-of-apostates · 11 months
More Canon Family Updates!
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The Aldrichs
Once having a longstanding presence on The Isle, standing by the King throughout generations and wars. However, Lord Everald Drummond brought about a significant change, resulting in the demotion of Lord Zenobius Aldrich after the “true King's” demise. Despite maintaining his position on the King's council, Lord Zenobius struggled to conceal his bitterness, often wearing a pained smile in the King's presence. Despite maintaining his role on the council, his resentment remained evident. Lady Hadda, known for her gossip and friendship with Lady Louisa, fearlessly expressed her opinions about the King, while her cautious husband warned of the risks involved. Lady Hadda's boldness served as a reminder of the need for discretion in discussing matters concerning the King.
The Wittas
Known for being a humble family of modest farmers, relied on the unpredictable forces of nature for their livelihood. Known for their large brood of children who both contributed to the family's work and struggled to be fed, they persevered as hardworking individuals, making the best of their challenging circumstances. In a particularly harsh winter, Quintana Witta tragically lost two of her sons, further adding to their long-standing history of misfortune. However, perhaps it was the accumulation of generations of grief that eventually brought forth an unexpected twist of fate for the family. Nivard Witta received news that a distant relative had passed away, bequeathing him the remainder of their fortune. Despite the passing years, the circle of lords and ladies still regard the Wittas with condescension, treating them as inferior, even those whose wealth pales in comparison to their newfound riches.
The Nicanders
are a distinguished magical family, tracing their lineage back to the earliest practitioners of nature magic. Legend has it that farmers once worshipped them as divine figures, recognizing their innate connection to the natural world. The Keepers, the custodians of magical lore, eventually transformed the stories of the Nicanders' ancestors into a revered religious tradition. Within the community of magic users, particularly within the esteemed School of Nature, no family is held in higher regard than the Nicanders. Their legacy as masters of nature magic garners them unparalleled reverence and respect.
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honor-of-apostates · 11 months
Canon Preview!
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Our canon list will be broken down by family, and for our first official preview of our canon list we're going to show off two canon family descriptions!
The Drummonds
Having earned a reputation as a prominent family, slightly below the King and Queen in terms of fame and impact. Lord Everald Drummond holds a significant position as the commander of the King's Army, making him the King's closest and most reliable confidant. In recognition of his loyalty, he entered into marriage with Odine, the younger sister of the Queen. They are blessed with four daughters, who are not only well-raised but also well-educated. Lady Odine skillfully employs her social standing and the potential marriage prospects of her daughters as strategic tools in her political machinations, using them both as bargaining chips and as means of exerting influence.
The Maxims
Originating from Vertifine, with Lord Dorcas and Lady Paloma venturing to The Isle nearly thirty years ago as newlyweds, fulfilling their roles as ambassadors on behalf of the King. With their amiable nature, warm hospitality, and legendary parties, the Maxims quickly won the hearts of the island's inhabitants. Lord Dorcas earned a reputation as a just and impartial man, impervious to bribes or empty promises, which only enhanced his popularity. Meanwhile, Lady Paloma spearheaded an initiative that encouraged the ladies of The Isle to donate their surplus goods, which she would then distribute to those less fortunate. It begs the question: Who would harbor such ill intentions toward such benevolent and gracious individuals? This is a query that perplexes their sons as well, as they seek answers in the face of such a tragic loss.
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honor-of-apostates · 1 year
Magic Schools
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Below the break you will find the various different magical schools you will find on Honor of Apostates! Unlike the other glimpses into the lore that we've provided, we've included the entire guidebook page for the different schools and levels within that school.
Interested in playing a legendary magic user? Keep following us for a glimpse into the canon list, where the legendary magicians of the site will be found!
School of Nature
Rooted within the faith of The Keepers and in turn the natural world, this school of magic is heavily focused on elemental magic. There are some that have found ways to bend this magic into the realm of conjuration and alchemy but as a whole these branches are looked down upon. It is possible to learn these magics without having to be a member of The Keepers, although due to the secretive and protective nature that The Keepers have regarding their knowledge, this is also extremely rare.
Nature Novice:
A novice magic user within this school would be able to harness basic elemental spells, like controlling a babbling brook or being able to conjure small licks of fire at their will. Novice magic users would also be able to conjure small animal spirits for a brief amount of time. They would also know basic alchemical spells as well as basic poultices and potions.
Nature Intermediate: 
An intermediate magic user within this school would be able to harness a deeper understanding of the elements of the world at large. They would be able to manifest groundwater from the earth, and be able to control a bonfire. Intermediate magic users would also be able to conjure animal spirits for a longer amount of time, these would appear to be more corporeal than those of novice users and may even be able to be controlled. They would also know more intricate alchemical spells and more stable poultices and potions.
Nature Expert: 
An expert magic user within this school would be able to harness elements nearly at will. They would be able to control and disrupt the flow of rivers, manifest fire, and even make the earth shift. Expert magic users would have the ability to conjure animal spirits that would last until their concentration was broken or the animal was 'slain'. These animals would appear real, and could even go and do their own bidding for a time. They would also have an expert understanding of alchemical spells as well as craft nearly peerless poultices and potions.
School of Darkness
Rooted within the beliefs of The Children of Aogusm, this school of magic is heavily focused on control and dominance of both fellow humans and the world as a whole. There are few aspects of this school of magic that benefit beyond the use of the individual. A selfish practice, the users of this school are always seeking to prove themselves as better than the next.
Darkness Novice:
A novice magic user within this school would be able to conjure simple illusions to either obscure their presence or help to persuade someone to side with their cause. Because of their basic grasp of this skill, most would be able to see through this attempt, and for that reason most magic users only focus on using illusions to disguise their paths or themselves for brief periods of time. Novice magic users would also be able to manipulate freshly dead bodies for a brief period of time, often used as a distraction or a chance to gather information. They would also know basic divination spells, and have a slight ability to enchant items with short lived buffs.
Darkness Intermediate:
An intermediate magic user within this school would be able to conjure more complex illusions. They are able to be more convincing in their manipulations of a person's thoughts but when the effect wears off the person affected would know a spell was the cause of their thoughts. The quality of their illusions is much greater than a novice, and often lasts longer. Intermediate magic users would also be able to manipulate corpses of the dead both recent and a few years dead. Because the control is more lasting, intermediate users often use the dead as servants or lookouts. They would also know more complex divination spells and be able to create enchantments that last longer.
Darkness Expert: 
An expert magic user within this school would be able to conjure illusions that seem effortless and almost at the will of the gods themselves. It is said that they can make their suggestions into the minds of their targets appear like ideas formed naturally not by force. Expert magic users would be able to manipulate both corpses and skeletons of the long dead to do their bidding with long lasting spells. This makes it so the expert magic user could send undead servants off to either fight or fetch what they require. The further away they get from the magic user, the easier it is to sever the connection and in turn terminate the spell. Even as an expert, great concentration is required for necromancy of that potency. They would have an expert understanding of divination spells and be able to create enchantments that would be both long lasting and extremely potent.
School of Light
Rooted within the beliefs of The Archon, this school of magic is heavily focused on order and the protection of those the user deems worthy. With abilities rooted in such selfless magic, there is a subset of magic users within this school that have learned to wield light itself as well as conjuring aspects of holy warriors that fight alongside them. Most magic users within this school look upon spells as prayers to the Archon and only use the power if it could be of benefit to another.
Light Novice: 
A novice magic user within this school would be able to create a shield of light for a brief period of time. At this level the shield would be able to protect from some projectiles as well as hand to hand combat but would not be able to stop arrows or swords. Novice magic users would also be able to summon a brief flash of white light that would be more of use in a distracting capacity. Their conjuring ability would be slight, able to manifest a quick shaft of light that might resemble a figure. They would also have a basic knowledge of healing magic, being able to mend small cuts and aid in fighting infections.
Light Intermediate:
An intermediate magic user within this school would be able to create a shield of light that would last for a longer duration and be able to repel slow moving attacks with weapons. The shield and it's duration would be based upon the amount of attacks sustained, and would be bright enough to bring attention to its existence. Intermediate magic users would also be able to summon a bright column of light that will not only serve as a distraction but can also knock unprepared combatants down. Their conjuring ability would be greater and grant them the ability to summon a slight warrior or the vestige of a weapon of light for a brief period of time. They would also have a greater understanding of healing magic, being able to mend larger wounds as well as mending broken bones.
Light Expert:
An expert magic user within this school would be able to create a shield of light that would last for as long as they can focus on its existence, with the shield being able to repel most attacks and projectiles. The duration of this shield is reliant heavily on the concentration of the user, and if it is broken the shield as well will fall. Expert magic users would also be able to summon a knight made of light to either fight alongside them or for them in battle. This figure would be able to stand and fight against the finest knights of the realm, although strong it is fragile, shattering like glass with the right attack. They would also have an expert understanding of healing magic, being able to heal grave wounds to the point of bringing a person back from the brink of death seemingly effortlessly on the magic user's part.
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honor-of-apostates · 1 year
Site Lore: Religions
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A little note! As with the setting, these religions are based in medieval Europe and take inspiration from various religions and iconography. To maintain the original world we've created these religions to tie in directly with our magic system.
Another little note! As a sandbox site, it's completely up to your character how they worship within these religions. It's also entirely possible that your character may worship a different religion that's not depicted within, however with that considered your character would have a difficult time learning any of the three schools of magic.
One last note! As with our Setting post, below the break we have included the beliefs of the three religions of our site!
The Keepers
The Keepers believe that to maintain the Mother and avoid the ire of her and the Father that a strict base of rules and rituals must be followed and observed. It is told that the Mother and the Father worked to create humanity and animals by weaving them into the very fibers of the universe. In this The Keepers see even the lowest life form as being one and the same, and worthy of preservation or use.
They believe in the sanctity of life, and hold true to the feeling that there would be no life if not for the Earth and Sky. They have four major holy events that are timed with the height of each season. Sacrifices are made in honor of life preserved and in holes of a good season and year to follow. Taking the central place of honor for each of the rituals, these sacrifices vary from clan to clan. Some have been known to sacrifice willing human participants to the Mother and Father, others sacrifice prized livestock or household pets.
Their afterlife is one of reincarnation and continual existence through the fabric of life.
The Keepers practice magic based in nature. Using their knowledge of the Earth and Sky to weave their own spells through a process of give and take. They give offerings and take the power that is given. Known mostly to be great healers and potion crafters there have been Keepers known to wield elemental powers.
Children of Aogusm
The Children of Aogusm believe that human life was born from a field planted by Brul and harvested by Lidarus. Thus why they refer to themselves as the 'Children'. Believing to be descendants of the gods themselves, they carry on their way with the world seeing it not only as their birthright as humans, but their own paradise to mold into the image of their choice.
The Children believe that to honor their gods they must continue to multiply and further their own gain. There is no god or goddess of justice because that is where the Children see themselves as fitting into. Thus, every man is responsible for his actions, but can bend the mercy and grace of more vile actions by making offerings to either Brul herself or other lesser gods and goddesses.
As a whole, there are no major holidays that the whole of the Aogustic religion worships. There are certain cults centered around specific gods or goddesses that hold festivals throughout the year, but this varies.
For the Children, the afterlife is one of acceptance into the pantheon of Aogusm not as children, but as gods. Many famous figures have been canonized into the pantheon and are often worshiped alongside Brul and Lidarus. King Lom is already being worshiped by some cults as a living god.
The Children practice magic based in desire and death. Using magic to further their own gains often at the expense of other life. They see magic as evidence of their divine nature, and for this those that are more adept at magic are considered closer to the Aogusm than someone who is not. The pursuit of magic is highly encouraged by the Children. They are known to wield powers of persuasion, blood and even necromancy.
Above all things, the Archon teaches peace and harmony. To achieve this, it must be done by belief and worship of The Archon. Worshipers believe that the world was once a place of immeasurable darkness, until the Archon stepped in and molded the world into a place fit for life. When the first humans flourished, the Archon went to them and gave them his word that they would be protected. But darkness stole their attention and turned them to false gods and false prophets.
The Archon had begun to lose the battle against darkness until The Emissary came and began to spread the word of hope to a world ravaged by the greedy hand of a fallen Empire. The worshipers of the Archon see this time as holy, and every word that falls from the Emissary's mouth is written as the holy word of the Archon. The Knight's Creed which is so widely popular across the known world is developed from the Emissary's teaching, in turn making any Knight that follows the Archon's Creed a prophet of the Archon.
The afterlife the worshippers of the Archon expect is one of eternal light and peace. To guarantee access into the light of the Archon one must be pure of heart, and must have shared their love of the Archon with the known world.
Priests and worshippers of the Archon practice a magic steeped in light. Magic is something that is used only in dire purposes, although certain priests will openly display magic to heal the gravely ill, there are those that work in courts of the known world as justiciars and magical advisors. They are known to wield powers of light, reason and healing.
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honor-of-apostates · 1 year
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A little taste of some of our new graphics.
Stay tuned for more information regarding some site lore, like religion and magic!
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honor-of-apostates · 1 year
Would you rather...
Be a member of the nobility and reap the benefits of a king known for his cruelty and dark magic?
A commoner working alongside the rebel knights fighting for equality and the rightful king?
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honor-of-apostates · 1 year
The Setting
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A quick note: Our world is based on medieval Euron, and the countries and nations within the site are our fictional versions of those countries. Some have been combined together, others have been left as they are. When thinking of 'The Isle' in greater detail such as climate and geographical lay out, imagine the United Kingdom. When thinking of 'The Continent' in greater detail such as climate and geographical lay out, imagine mainland Europe. For history and religion, we ask that players please refer to this guide as we have changed things to fit in with our world.
Another quick note! This is just a teaser of our guidebook page for Setting so what you will find in this post is a brief description of the two main settings of Honor of Apostates. Our Guidebook will have a look in on some history as well as a note on religions.
The Isle • 'Ograin'
Although referred to as 'The Isle' by both nationals and foreigners, the country is composed of several islands all united under the banner of one King. To differentiate the various islands that make up The Isle, they are often referred to by the cardinal direction they lie within. The central and largest island is often called the Royal Land and contains the bulk of the nobles, and the general population of The Isle.
The King and his family rule from the Capitol, a city set on the top of a plateau and surrounded by lush farmland and prosperous rivers. The nobles beneath the King rule over their own parcels of land, and meet yearly at the behest of the King.
The people of The Isle speak a variety of languages but are united under one common tongue called the King's Word.
The Continent • 'Padun'
Across a gentle sea, lies The Continent. Separated into 4 primary nations ruled by their own Kings and Queens. The largest of these nations is a direct ally of The Isle due to the efforts of King Lom. Soldiers and Knights are often brought over as emissaries and live in the courts of nobles as protection. There's no clear idea of what this nation is getting in return, but it is said to be for magical purposes.
These Kingdoms are:
Alhstan: Ruled by a King simply called 'The Barbarian' this kingdom leans on the merits of one's own hand. A place where The Archon has not truly taken hold, they worship their own gods in the forms of great warriors that have risen from mortal status to that of gods.
Creatus: Ruled by a Queen and hailed as the embracers of exploration, this kingdom is deeply reverent of The Archon and it's teachings.
Vertifine: Ruled by a King, this kingdom is vastly rich. They are upheld as the shining examples of the Archon's Creed at work, with gallant knights from this kingdom often hailed as the best warriors in the World.
Otia: Ruled by a Queen, but only allowed to speak through her male advisors, this kingdom is what is left of The Empire that once spanned the entire Continent. They are the home of Archonism, and because of that still are central to the known world.
Each kingdom has their own unique language, but they do know the same common tongue that is spoken in The Isle. On the continent the spread of this language was done thanks to the missionaries of The Archon and for this reason across the Continent this common language is known as 'The Blessed Tongue'.
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honor-of-apostates · 1 year
Site Preview!
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We march ever closer to when we will be ready to open up our discord and allow registration on site!
To satisfy any curiosity, we wanted to provide a quick look preview of our site!
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honor-of-apostates · 1 year
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What can one do, as an exiled King?
Strive for Honor among Apostates.
Long has a tale been told of a King in exile, living in the great central forests of The Isle. Ask any of the noblemen, or the priests of the Children of Aogusm and they will tell you that no legend exists.
Under the prosperous reign of King Lom the rich have gotten richer, the tournaments and castles becoming lavish centers of art and magic. For the people that live in the shadows of these castles, life has been hard and unjust. For them, the legend of the exiled King meant to return when his people need him most is more than myth, it's fact. They see his presence in the rebellious band of knights trying to right the wrongs being committed daily.
For the members within that rebel band, they are doing what is right by combatting the evils of a man that is more magic than man. For their leader, Balthasar, the rumor and legend are daunting weights he must bear on his shoulders. He does so for his faith in the Archon, for his desire for peace, equality, and chivalry to reign supreme over selfish desire.
Can he conquer his villainous uncle and claim his birthright?
Can he do it while still keeping the common people of The Isle safe?
Honor of Apostates is an 18+ original fantasy RP set in a world inspired by medieval Europe and the folktales of that time. With no word count and an emphasis on creativity over forced events, the plot will evolve with our member's characters.
Currently in our Site Buzz period, follow our tumblr for updates and to learn more about the world, the canons and the magic system that will be in place on site!
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honor-of-apostates · 1 year
Taking Inspiration from the Arthurian Legend as well as later tales such as Robin Hood, how will this site be original?
There are so many things that have taken inspiration from the Arthurian Legend as well as later folk heroes like Robin Hood and the Merry Men. Even in more recent history we've seen King Arthur and Robin Hood both get grimy steam-punky upgrades in modern movies with titles like 2017's King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (I would also throw in 2021's The Green Knight) and 2018's Robin Hood.
Adaptations and reimagining's aren't going away anytime soon, I'm afraid.
Honor of Apostates will be creating a world that takes inspiration from both and bringing them into a medieval landscape that is based off a version of our world. Names have changed, magic runs rampant, and religion and its influence will play into some world dynamics. What we are doing is coming up with original religions, magic systems and canons to adapt into this world.
And we can't wait for everyone to see it!
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honor-of-apostates · 1 year
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Coming soon...
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