honorbladed-blog · 5 years
alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed where possible !
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair .  ❤ = kissing them .  ₪ =  asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them .   ✿ = buying them flowers . ☾ = being found shirtless . ♢ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . ☹ = insulting a loved one . ஐ = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . ▤ = falling asleep on them . ☮ = waking them up after a nightmare .  ♣ = discovering them crying .  回 = patching a wound .  ✮ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☽ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight . ☢ = falling over . ✦ = being well-dressed . ❂ = wiping dust off their face . ◎ = taking care of them while ill . ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . ⇕ = holding their hand . ↱ = being lost with them . ☠ = pushing them against a wall .
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
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honorbladed-blog · 5 years
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    “ someone just came up to me and asked if i heard of holma ... holma what? “
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honorbladed-blog · 5 years
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honorbladed-blog · 5 years
       she wasn’t some frightened and defenseless little kid, everyone knew that now, and she’d seen to it that no-one ever forgets— but without the horde at her disposal or the adequate forces to back her up, she wasn’t about to go toe to toe with she-ra without some kind of plan. she wasn’t an idiot, but it seemed like her only option right now was playing it safe.
                                                                              —and she hated playing it safe.
       narrowing her eyes, catra coldly regarded the hand offered to her. in the past, she might’ve taken it without hesitation, maybe even been happy about it. amid that silence, she considered her options carefully— she could accept they were both stuck here without a means of escaping, string her along until the situation was in her favour…
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       no— why should she? adora doesn’t get to be right, she didn’t get to just run in here and act like everything was okay. because it wasn’t, it was never going to be, ever again, so why couldn’t she see that? taking that hand felt like a betrayal, to herself and every sacrifice she’d made to get here. after everything, she was finally at the top of the food chain.
                                                  … right?
       she met adora’s gaze, ears lowering slightly, “ … haven’t we done this already? ” so why did she think it was okay to try again? the question was nagging her for some reason.
catra ...
looks tired.
   it’s the first thing adora noted when given the chance to get a closer look without the risk of her face being clawed off. blue eyes narrow and scan over the other, looking slightly hurt at the cold dismissal - actions always spoke louder than words, she and catra both knew this.
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    “ you’re right. we have. “ a deep breath escapes her, gaze always remaining on catra like it always has. “ but i don’t want to fight you here, catra. and i don’t want to play any games. “ her hand keeps itself out, adora is stubborn like that - stubborn in the belief of her friends; new and old. “ we’re not in etheria any more ... we’re so far from it. so far from everything. “
there’s no food chain to be on top of, no rebellion to fight in - no horde to fight against. it made the blonde feel aimless, only her sense of justice was keeping her tied to the ground.  “ i don’t think it’s a coincidence we’re both here - i want to make the most of it. “
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honorbladed-blog · 5 years
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sorry for the drop in activity everyone! you know how capitalism can be -
  i’d like to get adora up & out there again so here’s an uncapped starter call + any replies i owe i’ll be getting to over the next couple of days 💖
   * with she-ra s4 finished and me crying in a ball on the floor, i’ll be keeping adora’s canon point to s3 november 19th ( so 2 weeks after s4 dropped! ) any spoilers well be tagged #spop4 if they are addressed though!
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honorbladed-blog · 5 years
adora has appeared! what do you do?
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▷ kiss cheek ...
▷ scare ...
▷ act cool ...
▷ flirt ...
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honorbladed-blog · 5 years
❝ i don’t understand, but i want to try. ❞
things you want to hear /// accepting!
   “ that’s the spirit! “
she let’s out a spout of laughter and offers bakugou a thumbs up, handing her plastic sword over to him.
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   “ remember, you control the sword! your swishes are nice but i really think you’d suit something bigger and blunter, like a mace or something?! i can see you dealing some real heavy damage against some bad people with that. “
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honorbladed-blog · 5 years
❝ everything’s gonna be okay. ❞
things that you want to hear /// accepting!
“ … you think so? “
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   “ i know you might just be saying that to make me feel better but - - “ a sigh escapes and adora hugs her knees in further into her chest, looking straight ahead. “ i appreciate it! if we don’t keep up the positive mindset who is going to, right? “
and she’s up again, patting the taller girl’s shoulder and smiling “ i owe you one! “
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honorbladed-blog · 5 years
‘ it’s not the face that makes someone a monster, it’s the choices they make with their lives.’
* naruto prompts /// accepting!
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   “ you’re right and you know it! “ adora sends a thumbs up to the very bold, but true, statement - it resonates with her deeply “ i wish more people had your mindset … maybe we’d all get along a little easier huh? “
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honorbladed-blog · 5 years
things that you want to hear.
change pronouns as needed for things you DON’T WANT to hear, click here!!
❝ you’re good enough. ❞
❝ you’re important. ❞
❝ everything’s gonna be okay. ❞
❝ she pulled through. ❞
❝ i forgive you. ❞
❝ i love you. ❞
❝ you’re not alone. ❞
❝ you’re my favorite person in the world. ❞
❝ i’m so glad you’re doing better. ❞
❝ it’s so nice to hear you laugh again. ❞ 
❝ your laugh is contagious! ❞
❝ you can do this on your own. i believe in you. ❞
❝ you know what i love about you? ❞
❝ i love spending time with you. ❞
❝ i’m here for you. ❞
❝ you’re right. ❞ 
❝ i can’t stop thinking about you. ❞
❝ you look amazing. ❞
❝ we’re in this together. ❞
❝ you’ve got this! ❞
❝ i missed you. ❞
❝ i did the dishes! ❞
❝ last night was incredible. ❞
❝ if you wanna talk, i’m here. ❞
❝ i don’t understand, but i want to try. ❞
❝ how can i help? ❞
❝ breakfast in bed? ❞
❝ dinner was great. ❞
❝ let me make dinner tonight? ❞
❝ lets go to the park. ❞
❝ thank you. really. ❞
❝ you’re wanted. ❞
❝ i got you a coffee. ❞
❝ can i ask your opinion on something? ❞
❝ there’s my beautiful bride! ❞
❝ i’m the luckiest man alive. ❞
❝ so, i made plans for us. ❞
❝ don’t worry, i’ll take care of it! ❞
❝ go do something for yourself. ❞
❝ i took a day off work tomorrow. ❞
❝ go hang out with the girls tonight. ❞
❝ what do you need from me? ❞
❝ tell me about your day. ❞
❝ i trust you. ❞
❝ i feel like i can tell you anything. ❞
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honorbladed-blog · 5 years
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honorbladed-blog · 5 years
                                               … adora?
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     all this time and she hadn’t yet killed the part of her that wanted to call out her name, the part of her that felt relief knowing she was still alive after everything, the part that still cared somehow. it was… complicated— and she hated it with every fiber of her being. she thought she was rid of those monsters inside her head, those voices replaying old memories over and over, broken—
                                                          why couldn’t she just disappear—?
     something rooted her to the pavement, something she couldn’t name. she bristled, and her eyes screamed bloody resentment with every nearing footfall, ears folded back like an unspoken warning.
                                      don’t come any closer.
     … but she did, and catra clenched her fists, steeling her expression as she was forced to confront her past once again, claws worrying her palms. what could she say? what was there left to say? they’d done this dance a million times, and to the same song. so why…?
           stop it— don’t look at me like you care.                                                don’t talk to me like you care…!
          “ … it’s not like i had a choice. ” she managed to seethe between embittered thoughts, folding her arms.
   catra stayed rooted and it shocked adora, but it shouldn’t, because catra was always the type to stay - unmoving. they’re both mere inches apart and the blonde can’t help but let a sigh of relief escape her, even after posing such a ridiculous question that she already knew the answer to.
   “ right, right ... yeah. me too. “
she’s unsure.
unsure whether to act on the offensive, there was no danger here but the girl standing in front of her posed a bigger threat than most could imagine. this city was neutral ground for the both of them - and adora always hated the part of herself that had the will to fight someone so close to her.
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    “ as much as i hate to admit it - it’s nice to see a familiar face. even if it’s you. “ and the smallest of smirks follows, settling back into their old patterns of friendship - but it’s quick to turn into a genuine smile. “ we’re stuck here, together. truce? just until we get out and then you can go back to hating me again. “
adora extends her hand out for a shake, the plastic replica of her sword resting on her hip and serving as a reminder to herself that, well, there’s no she-ra or rebellion here.
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honorbladed-blog · 5 years
��� your words cut deep. deeper than any blade.’
‘ we were alone and starved for love. kids that lived in a world full of hate.’
‘ the pain of being alone is completely out of this world, isn’t it? i don’t know why, but i understand your feelings so much, it actually hurts.’
‘ a place where someone still thinks about you is a place you can call home.’
‘ we share a home, we share a life, and though we may not share ties of blood, you are precious to me. you are my family.’
‘ there’s only one thing that can heal the heart. only one. it’s love.’
‘ a smile is the best way to get away with trouble, even if it’s a fake one.’
‘ i’m telling you this because you don’t get it, and you think you get it, which isn’t the same as actually getting it. get it? ’
‘ for awhile, i thought that was love.’
‘ however, no matter what road you end up taking, remember to protect the people that are precious to you.’
‘ they say that the nail that sticks up is the one that gets hammered down.’
‘ nothing wrong with crying when you’re happy.’
‘ i’ve been around longer than you have kid, and i’ve had my share of troubles.’
‘ i’ve been ignored, pushed away and treated like i had the plague or something.’
‘ legends from the distant past are always exaggerated. but eventually, someone outdoes them. that’s when new legends are born.’
‘ just because you face adversity and hardships is no reason to give up in this world.’
‘ the moment people come to know love, they run the risk of carrying hate.’
‘ when the people reject someone’s every existence and then look at that person, their eyes become cold, cold as an ice storm in the deepest winter.’
‘ and things won’t go as planned. look at us. it’s especially true when it comes to bigger things. i think it’s the same as praying. and until i can do it, i’ll stay strong.’
‘ that was the most painful thing. accepting that i was alone in the world.’
‘ i’ll protect you with my life. trust me.’
‘ people cannot win against their loneliness because loneliness is this world’s worst kind of pain.’
‘ it’s not the face that makes someone a monster, it’s the choices they make with their lives.’
‘ is there somebody precious to you? ’
‘ there’s no meaning to a flower unless it blooms. ’
‘ no one should have to suffer like that. no one should be alone.’
‘ when you protect the ones important to you, your true strength will show.’
‘ in life, nothing good comes out of hurrying.’
‘ pain allows people to grow, and how you grow is up to you.’
‘ while you’re alive, you need a reason for your existence. being unable to find one is the same as being dead.’
‘ sometimes i wish i was a cloud, just floating along, going wherever the breeze takes me.’
* naruto prompts
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honorbladed-blog · 5 years
@feralwhip​ !!
 the look on adora’s face says it all when spotting an old friend, she’s shocked and ready to jump into action - but part of her has a wave of relief wash over her. at least she knows the other is safe here, because after everything she wouldn’t stop caring. 
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   “ catra ... “
and then the frown comes into place.
   “ catra! “
she’s on the other side of the road at the moment and the blonde finds herself bumping into quite a few unfriendly faces who would definitely not be forgetting her anytime soon - a few rushed apologies escape adora and she can only hope the other stays put.
   “ ... what’re you - - “ never quite being the best with words, adora had always considered herself more of an action girl - but what do you do with something this complicated? you just let your gut speak for you.
  “ what’re you doing here? “ are you okay?
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honorbladed-blog · 5 years
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         ❛ the weens are fine – they’re just preparing for the wurst on the thirty-first. i guess we should be saying bye instead. ❜ 
    “ what’s happening on the thirty-first?! “
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   “ shouldn’t we be helping them??? are they alright??? do they want to say goodbye??? oh my gosh ... what’re we going to do?! “
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honorbladed-blog · 5 years
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“I think it’s ‘hollow ween’? Like there’s nothing inside of the ween.”
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“ ... the ween is empty? do we have to fill it up? are you a talking pumpkin? are you ween?! “
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honorbladed-blog · 5 years
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   “ hello ween? hello? where is this ween? are they alright? “
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