hooprompts · 5 years
Missed you (Carter and Zia)
Carter rubbed his eyes and tried to focus through his bleary vision. He was attempting to make some last minute adjustments to the training schedule for that day but it was hard to think straight considering he hadn't slept at all.
Zia was returning to Brooklyn House in 10 short hours, and despite Carter's desire to be well-rested when she arrived, he couldn't manage to even doze off. Contrary to what he would tell Sadie later, it wasn't an upset stomach that kept him up all night but the thought of Zia returning.
She had been gone for an entire month on a secret assignment in San Francisco. Apparently there had been some concerning disturbances occuring a little too frequently in that region and Zia being Zia, was best equipped for the job. She seemed excited about the opportunity after being cooped up in Brooklyn House for months. So of course, Carter supported her decision to go wholeheartedly, even if it stung just a little to know how restless she had been. But gods, he missed her so much. He had spent the last month worrying about her and constantly checking his scrying bowl to see if she was trying to contact him. Everytime he did so Sadie would complain about how Zia wasn't even allowed to scry him on this mission but Carter wouldn't listen. Needless to say, Sadie was almost more excited about Zia returning than Zia's own boyfriend. There's nearly nothing Sadie hated more than being ignored and Carter was exceptionally good at it when he was rambling about all the things that could go wrong on Zia's assignment.
At that moment, Sadie popped her head into Carter's room and her smile turned into a grimace. "Gods Carter it smells awful in here, please tell me you're going to clean up a bit before Zia gets back," Sadie closed the door hesitantly behind her and plopped down next to Carter on the floor, ruining a pile of previously crisp papers.
Carter grunted in annoyance and continued to stare purposefully at the half-finished schedule in his lap.
"Hm, good talk. You need a shower," Sadie said matter-of-factly, pulling out a folded up paper from underneath her and examining it curiously.
"As much as I love having my personal hygiene questioned, the training schedule for today isn't finished and Felix will probably be up in less than-"
A crash resonated from below, followed by someone yelling "nothing happened!"
"Ok so he's up now."
Sadie snorted and re-crumpled up the paper in her hand before turning her attention back to her brother.
"What's wrong with what we did yesterday? Everyone did great," Sadie pointed out.
"Exactly, no one was challenged, there was no improvement," Carter said, grabbing a loose paper from the ground and writing clean up whatever Felix broke, in dark lettering.
Sadie rolled her eyes, "now you need two lists? Loosen up dude we don't need to be pushing everyone everyday. Anyway you need to spend today focusing on what to wear for Zia, not getting all sweaty in the training room, do you want her to break up with you?"
"Mmkay Sadie, well unlike you it won't take me 10 hours to take a shower and get ready," Carter retorted, returning to the training schedule and writing something about channeling the eye of Horus.
Sadie raised her eyebrows playfully, "so you're counting down the hours now?"
At that, Carter finally unglued his eyes from the schedule and blushed crimson.
"No I-" Sadie cut him off with her laugh.
"Kidding! Of course you are. But actually though, you need to get changed. Chill on the professor-vibes please? I mean I get that Zia is like, mature, but she doesn't deserve to date someone who dresses like a 50-year-old," Sadie giggled and got to her feet.
"I do not-" Carter began, only to be interrupted again by Sadie.
"We've been over this Carter, stop trying to deny it, just fix it."
"You're the worst," Carter said, standing up beside his sister with papers in hand.
"Aw but you love me," Sadie said playfully, snatching the training schedule out of his hands.
"We'll save this for later," She grinned and left the room before Carter could reply.
Sighing in exasperation, he sat down on his bed and eyed the rumpled covers enviously.
"I'm not that gross," he murmured quietly, tentatively raising his shirt collar to his nose.
"Oof ok, I do need a shower."
Hey, it wasn't his fault he spent sleepless nights pacing.
The day went by rather fast, but it was a lot to handle.
Sadie, of course, had to break her ankle by tripping over one of Felix's penguins the one week Jaz decided to visit some relatives. So of course, Sadie had to let her ankle mend the old-fashioned way. Walt/Anubis (Carter was still confused about that one) took over all of the training assigned to Sadie and, no offense Walt, it was hard to teach channeling your inner Isis when you were actually Anubis. Not to mention the out of control shabti one of the trainees made that destroyed half the library before it was...um...incapacitated. Godlings in this house are very confusing.
Anyway, Carter had managed to eat, shower, and even spend some extra time picking out an outfit that wasnt so..."middle-aged professor", as Sadie termed it.
A good 10 minutes before Zia was supposed to arrive, Carter was feeling clean, fresh, incredibly excited, and gods, so, so exhausted.
Sadie considered him a huge loser for it, but Carter could barely function on 5 hours of sleep let alone 0.
Despite wanting to pass out, Carter sat up on the roof in anticipation of Zia, who was supposed to be arriving on Freak the griffin.
Carter rubbed the palms of his hands off on his jeans, his nervousness probably the main reason he was still awake.
He scanned the skies expectantly, his heart racing at every airplane, helicopter, or bird he saw in the corner of his eye.
Finally, he caught sight of a large, winged figure flying towards him across the Brooklyn skyline.
Jumping to his feet Carter smiled widely and took his anxiety out on wringing his hands.
After what felt like ages, Freak landed on the Brookyln House roof, Zia jumping off his back and landing light on her feet.
For a moment, Carter's world stopped. He breathed in the sight of Zia's caramel skin, her hair pulled back into a loose ponytail, her dark eyes and the wide smile that graced her pale pink lips.
Carter rushed to meet her and Zia practically tackled him in a hug, her laughter like music to his ears.
Her clothes smelled faintly of cinnamon and her hair of coconut. The feeling of her in his arms made Carter never want to let go. He had missed this so much. Her soft skin on his, the light shine in her hair, the smooth golden hue of her eyes and the tangible passion in her voice. Everything about her was so perfect, Carter couldn't believe he was lucky enough to know her, let alone be her boyfriend.
"Oh gods how I missed your hugs," She giggled into his shoulder. Zia never giggled. Carter had that effect on her. With just a look he made her feel safe and, gods-forbid, giddy. Rarely did she show it, but Carter was the one person who could make her feel this way. Could make her giggle like she was some ditzy preteen. She was still the same independant, confident Zia, Carter just had the ability to make her show all her colors without even trying.
"I'm so happy you're home," Carter said through a smile, squeezing her briefly before finally releasing from the hug. He held her out at barely arms-length and looked at her. He couldn't even begin to describe how overrwhelmingly beautiful she looked it nearly hurt his eyes to stare. Sadie made fun of him for being a hopeless romantic when it came to Zia but there was no denying how true that was when you saw the way he looked at her.
Zia's heart fluttered and she cupped his face in her hands.
"Me too," she said with a smile before finally, finally, kissing him.
When they pulled away, Carter slipped his hand into Zia's. His face was crimson and a goofy smile graced his lips. Zia loved that about him, how he treated every kiss like their first. He was always nervous at first, but he quickly eased into it and made her feel so damn special.
"You wanna say hi to everyone?" Carter asked.
Zia bit her lip and shook her head with a smile. "I just wanna talk to you, I don't think I'm ready for all of them yet."
"Got it," he replied. Honestly he was so happy she had said that because all he wanted to do was talk to and be with just her for as long as he could.
He led her back into Brooklyn House and they stealthily made their way to his room.
Carter closed the door quietly behind them and they sat on the floor with their backs to his bed.
"So, how was was San Fransico?" Carter asked, pulling a blanket off the foot of his bed and draping it across their legs.
"It was..." Zia took a deep breath, "a lot."
"Yeah?" Carter frowned concernedly.
"But let's not talk about that right now, I mean, I'm gonna have to say everything again to Amos when he comes and-"
"No worries, I understand," Carter grinned.
Carter laced his fingers through Zia's and pulled her hand up to his lips.
The two spent the next hour talking about anything and everything, laughing together until their stomachs hurt and somehow always landing back on how much they had missed each other in the excruciating month they'd been apart.
Carter's eyelids gradually became heavier and heavier until each second he was fighting his hardest to keep thm open.
"Zia..." Carter began, "you know I love you super much...and you're so perfect, like, you dont even know." He mumbled, his words almost incoherent.
Zia resisted the urge to laugh at her half-asleep and practically delirious boyfriend. "Ok Carter."
"You're my favorite girlfriend," he said sleepily, his eyes were now closed and his head was drooping dangerously to one side.
"Ok Carter."
"You're so cute."
"Ok Carter."
Carter's breathing deepened and he slumped against the bed, practically passed out in exhaustion.
Zia chuckled and pulled the blanket across his shoulders before getting to her feet.
"You're adorable when you're half-asleep," She murmured, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
Hey so this took me way too long but yeah anyway here’s my first prompt sent in by @val160 hope u like it and I’m sry for the wait!
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hooprompts · 5 years
Hey so I'm obsessed with Uncle Rick's books and I have been for so long i decided to start writing a bit. If you have any requests or AU's you just can't put into words, that's what I'm here for :).
 Depending on the length of the prompt I should be able to finish it in a couple days so hopefully no long waits!
 I won't write smut or political views. Also this is mainly a Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, and Kane Chronicles Prompt page, but if you would like something written about TOA or MCGA I'm open to those series as well 😊
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